#but its also clear from the writers that we're supposed to believe house and cuddy have known each other since
like-sands-of-time · 2 years
Absolute biggest frustration with House md is how clear it feels the writers just gave up/got bored with houses sobriety journey and not only pulled him back two years in terms of progress, but also twisted his personality too. Like my whole frustration with season seven is literally the fact that nobody in the show focuses on his stress to addiction pipeline anymore. Cuddy sees him slip once at the thought of his girlfriend dying and she's like I should have known he'd never be there for me bitch I love you but that is not the conversation we should be having right now. Break up with him for any of a thousand valid reasons but this human being also needs help getting back on track not being pushed away by the person who just said she wouldn't push him away.
Wilson gets frustrated on his friends behalf, knows he's back on the drugs, and encourages him to seek help, but then just stops after it doesn't fit the plot of the episode anymore. Absolutely insane oversight from his two longest and closest friends but then neither of them seemed to understand the struggle he had at coming back to the hospital after rehab either.
It's like the writers were bored of him going to therapy and trying to find healthy habits and just decided to make him a psychopathic man-child and go "see? He was like this all along it was always gonna happen"
I'm not saying the show had to have an overwhelmingly happy ending, but they could have done his character and cuddy and Wilson at times so much more justice, seriously. It would have been so much more resonant to show this brilliant tortured man's long bumpy journey to mental health when he's surrounded by the very things that both stress and excite him
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specialability · 1 year
House MD S6 Finale & S07E01
Time for me to have unpopular feelings and opinions about a decade-old show!!!
Even though House has never been a subtle show, the finale to season 6 was really just ham-fisted. I can't believe it got such high ratings. Very senior doctors are called in to help at an active emergency site - sure fine whatever suspending disbelief. The setting and makeup and practical effects and all that were great, but those are some of the most reliably good parts of the whole series.
However, the writing. Nobody seems to remember the part where House was in a major bus crash which nearly killed him and did actually kill his best friend's girlfriend and the depression spiral from that specific event was what precipitated his collapse and move into a mental hospital. Who cares about that, PTSD doesn't exist.
Then somehow as an audience we're also supposed to care about Cuddy suddenly getting married to Lucas.
And there is a patient literally trapped with her leg literally at risk of being chopped off in order to try to save her life. House wants to help her keep her leg for obvious reasons. Cuddy gets mad at him for idk its not really clear - he disagreed with her therefore he's trying to sabotage her marriage. The important thing is that House is going to handle this differently than when he was the one making the decision about amputation for himself because he has Changed.
And also House is trying to explain the crane operator falling asleep so that he stops blaming the accident on himself - he didn't hurt all those people, it was his medical condition. Once again really just drawing huge arrows in crayon at the message they're trying to send.
They couldn't just pick one of those ideas? Like yeah, we get it, House has feelings about his leg, Cuddy still has feelings about House, House feels bad about hurting people and wants to be better. None of this is revealing new information. It's all just crammed in there.
The trapped woman dies and House explodes because he keeps trying to do the right thing and it never works out for him - the only genuine feeling in the whole episode. So he's on the floor of his old bathroom with the Vicodin again. And Cuddy appears. Just like the hallucination. But oh no she has dumped Lucas for House~ how dramatic~. Then also btw Thirteen is quitting.
It's not as bad as House/Cameron was! House/Cuddy works fine on the level of flirting and maybe an old crush, but as it became escalated to "I've been in love with you for 20 years" - barf. Feels very much like they Needed to have a House romance plot twist for the finale and they can't possibly come up with a new love interest (or make Wilson canon) so Cuddy it is. The more Dramatic Events per episode the better, right?
And then watching the first episode of the new season, the writers were in a real hurry to show that this relationship can *totally* work you guys like this was always supposed to be endgame. The characters are talking to each other on such a superficial level that I would expect from like... a 15 year old's first fanfiction. I know this show is bad. I know it. Somehow this just really irritated me. Send help, I'm actually thinking about looking up fandom reactions from back then to see if I'm totally off base here.
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