#but its friday and i can nap when i get home..... and hopefully write tonight?? maybe??
rjhpandapaws · 4 years
A Cup of Something Better
Ch 10: Down to the Wire
This was it, the week that had been two years in the making, his last finals week as a gen ed student. Assuming he passed all his tests, he would be able to take the nurses exam the following Friday. If he passed that he be enrolled into the nursing program for the fall semester. Five tests over three days, not the worst test load that he'd dealt with. The fact that they were between five and eleven at night was a pain in the ass.
He'd asked for the week off from the cafe so he could have more time to study. Some of the time he spent studying was also spent at the cafe, he preferred the idle chatter over the silence of his apartment.
Connor was spending the morning at the cafe again, going over calculus today. He had an Iced Americano that was helping to keep him concentrated. He'd had a few late nights that he was beginning to feel the effects of. His first set of tests was tonight, calculus and art history. Tomorrow was biology and mythology. The day after being his sociology final. Hank thankfully didn't have a final for his class so Connor had a chance to recuperate before his nurses exam.
He finished the problem he was working on and sat back rubbing at his face to try and wake up more. He needed to focus. He took another drink of his coffee and looked around the cafe, it was almost empty. As one would expect at ten in the morning on a Monday. He finished his coffee and figured he could use the break to order another drink. Hopefully he'd be more awake afterward.
He headed for the counter and ordered his usual before heading back to the table. Refueled and somewhat ready to go again, he sat back down and got back to work.
Connor woke up sometime later to North knocking on the table. He looked up to find that it wasn’t North, but Hank, though the red haired she-devil was behind the counter laughing.
“So, uh, North asked me to bring you this.” Hank said after a moment, setting the bigger of the two cups on the table, “she also said that knocking on the table would wake you up.”
“Thanks.” Connor took the cup and yawned, “you can sit down if you want. I’m just studying.”
Hank chuckled as he took a seat, “planning on learning through osmosis? I was lead to believe you had to be awake in order to study properly.”
Connor rolled his eyes as he took a drink from what turned out to be a large cup filled with just espresso shots, “I’ll do whatever works at this point.” He covered a yawn and leaned forward, “how do you like having the week off? Getting any writing done?”
Hank laughed as Connor got back to work on his calculus, “I’ve gotten a couple of chapters into my manuscript and started a couple of short stories.”
Connor took another drink from his cup, “you’re planning to release another collection then?” He yawned, “how is Sumo doing?”
When Connor looked up Hank was looking at him with a concerned expression. HIs brow was furrowed and his sky blue eyes were clouded over with worry. Connor knew that he looked rough but he was pretty sure he wasn’t bad enough to warrant that level of concern.
“Sumo is doing fine.” Hank leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table, “can you answer something for me Connor?”
“Hmm?” Connor sat up from where he had been slouching into his textbook again, “what’s up?”
“How many days has it been since you’ve gotten a full night’s rest?” Hank watched as he took another drink of his ‘coffee’.
“Today is Monday so...” He counted back on his fingers, muttering the days of the week under his breath, “Saturday, I think. Why?”
Hank sighed, and the sound was pure disappointment, something that if it hadn’t been directed at Connor would have impressed him, “Since you’re the one of us going into nursing, I feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you what’s wrong with that Connor. Do me a favor and get some rest. You can’t keep going like this.”
“I sleep two hours before classes. I’ve increased my calorie intake and added more caffeine into the mix as well.” He stumbled over his words as he yawned again, “five hour energy and espresso have been life savers for me.”
“Connor.” Hank groaned, “I was in college too, so I can’t argue with you, but try and get at least get four hours today alright?” He put a hand up when Connor opened his mouth to argue, “I know your nurses exam is important to you Con, but what happens if you burn out before then? You’ll have to wait a whole semester to take it again.”
In theory Connor knew him to be correct, but he had so many tests and he wanted to make sure that he was ready, “I just don’t want to fail Hank, if I can’t pass these then I won’t even be taking the nurses exam.”
Connor could feel tears pooling behind his eyes from the lack of sleep as well as the stress. The nickname made Connor give a watery smile as he rubbed at his face trying to collect himself.
“Hey now, don’t cry.” Hank reached out and squeezed his wrist reassuringly, “I’ve gotten to see you at work Con, you’ve got these tests in the bag. Go home, get some rest.”
Connor let out a wet laugh and wiped his eyes with his free hand. After another reassuring squeeze Hank let go of his wrist and Connor began packing up his things and putting them back in his bag not quite managing to bite back another yawn. He was starting to think no amount of coffee was gonna help this. With everything packed he sat back and rubbed at his face again hoping to wake up a little more.
“Alright.” Connor said before he drank more of his coffee, “time to go home and nap I guess. Sorry you had to wake me.”
Hank chuckled, “Its no problem. Do you need a ride? The weather looks like its going to take a turn for the worse.”
Connor looked out the windows and despite it being early afternoon apparently, the sky was almost black and the wind was howling through the streets, “thanks, but I’ll just get a cab.”
Hank nodded and stood. They walked out together and parted ways at the parking lot with a wave. Connor hailed a cab and checked his phone which had been vibrating consistently since Hank had stood up. There were several new messages in the coffee shop group chat, probably because he had been crying.
The Coffee Crew:
Northern_Lights: Aww, you two are so cute together
Northern_Lights: Why are you crying?
Northern_Lights: Is it his fault? I’ll kick his ass if I have to
Northern_Lights: Holding hands?
Northern_Lights: You’re good then?
Northern_Lights: Connor?
RunawayArkait: North, everything is fine.
SimonSays: Are you sure? We saw you cry
RunawayArkait: I haven’t been sleeping and the stress from finals got to me
RunawayArkait: Hank kind of gave me a pep talk is all
SimonSays: Aww his name is Hank, that’s fitting
Northern_Lights: That had better been all. Or I will fight him.
RunawayArkait: It’s fine North. I’m gonna get some sleep then get to class
Northern_Lights: Sleep well
SimonSays: You got this!
Connor smiled at his phone as he paid and got out of the cab. He walked up to his apartment and set an alarm for a half hour before he needed to leave. He set his backpack by the door and went to change into pyjamas. Connor was still fighting off the embarrassment from having cried in front of Hank, if he needed to sleep anything off it was that. Hank probably found him to be weak and pathetic for having cried ever a few tests. Whatever chance, if he’d even had one, was gone.
He sighed and rubbed at his face again and climbed into bed, double checking that his alarm was on and also at full volume. He plugged his phone in and rolled over falling asleep almost instantly. When his alarm went off he hadn’t moved. The song blared to life yanking Connor violently back into consciousness. He groaned, sat up, and rubbed the sleep from his eyes He turned off the alarm and checked his phone. He had quite a few messages.
The Family Feud:
Sixty-Second-Set: You’ve got this Connor!
UnluckyNine: You’ll be a nurse in no time
RunawayArkait: Thank you
The Coffee Crew:
Northern_Lights: Good luck college boy!
SimonSays: Don’t worry alright? You’re a genius
What.Josh.Does: See you in calculus. Who ever scores the lowest buys drinks on Friday
RunawayArkait: Thanks guys. You’re on Josh.
Made-By_Markus messaged you!
Made-By_Markus: Good luck Connor!
RunawayArkait: Thank you Markus.
Connor dressed in his day clothes again and made a pot of coffee. Travel mug filled, he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. He pulled up his hood as he got to the parking lot since the storm picked up since his nap. He walked toward the road and caught a cab to head to the university. On the ride over he pulled out the notes he had taken for his calculus class and got in some last minute studying.
He arrived early and made his way to the Math and Science building. Josh was waiting at one of the hallway tables and waved Connor over. There were two paper Hand Brewed Hope cups on the table, when Connor took his seat Josh slid one over to him.
“Figured you could use the pick me up.” Connor took a drink of what turned out to be Chai Tea with cinnamon and nutmeg as Josh spoke, “I know finals week is rough on you.”
Connor gave a dry chuckle, “It’s just stressful, and even more than usual this time because of the nurses exam.” He sighed softly, “You had tow tests earlier today. How do you think you did?”
He was distracting himself, but thankfully Josh let him, “Good. I was more confident for my philosophy exam than I was for chemistry, but it is what it is. Once I finish this up I’ll get to move on to student teaching. Which I’m looking forward to.”
Connor smiled, Josh was excited to becoming a teacher. He was going to be missed at the cafe but he would have more fun as a teacher, “You’ll be great at it. Those kids are going to adore you.”
Josh beamed at him and Connor took another drink from his tea, “I’m gonna miss the cafe though.”
“We’re gonna miss you too.” Connor said kindly, “I’m sorry that I can’t join you guys this weekend but I’m going to be getting ready for my nurses exam.”
“It’s alright Connor. We know how much this means to you, so no one is holding it against you.” Josh responded with a gentle smile.
When it came time to, they grabbed their things and headed for class. Josh gave Connor’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze before he headed for his seat at the back of the class.  Connor headed for his as well, letting out a shaky sigh. He had an ‘A’ in this class, he could handle one last test. Probably.
The two hour test block seemed to crawl by. He fell into routine, solving the problems as he went and then checking them over when he had finished. Then, just to be sure, he checked them again. With a half hour left in the test block he grabbed his things, turned in his completed exam, and made his way to building one to study for his art history final. Having found a bench to sit at and go over his notes, he sent a few messages.
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: Calculus is done, just Art History left
RunawayArkait: Just finished calculus
UnluckyNine: Good job! You’ve got this one in the bag too
Sixty-Second-Set: Look at you go!
SimonSays: Bet you nailed it
Northern_Lights: Nicely done, you beat Josh
RunawayArkait: Calculus is done
Made-By_Markus: Congratulations Connor!
Connor was smiling as he put his phone away as he put his phone away and began to study, wanting to be as prepared as possible for the final. He packed up when the door to the lecture hall opened. When the class had emptied he took his seat and got ready for his exam.
This two hour block went by a little. Though that was probably because he had the confidence of having finished one already. When he finished this one he could go home and sleep for a couple hours before he got back to studying. This final took him a little longer but he finished it with ten minutes to spare. If he napped in the cab he could spend even more time studying. He probably wouldn’t though, he hated sleeping in cars. He sent messages as he headed out.
The Family Feud: 
RunawayArkait: Done for the night
UnluckyNine: Nice. Now you can get some rest
The Coffee Crew:
Sixty-Second-Set: You’ll be a nurse in no time
RunawayArkait: First day of finals is over
What.Josh.Does: Congrats! Meet me at building 27 and I’ll give you a ride home
SimonSays: Three more to go, you’ve got this
Northern_Lights: You’re doing great
RunawayArkait: Thanks. I’ll be there soon Josh
RunawayArkait: One night down, two to go
Made-By_Markus: Don’t forget to get some rest.
Tuesday morning found him back at the cafe, is biology textbook as well as the semester’s notes spread over the table. He’d been at this since about midnight; rotating between biology, mythology, sociology, and subjects that would be covered on the nurses exam. His travel mug still had some coffee in it so he hadn’t bought a drink yet and he also had a couple of five hour energy shots in his bag if needed them. He figured he would, because despite the extra sleep he had gotten yesterday, Connor could still feel exhaustion hanging off of him.
After a couple hours he switched from biology to mythology when his concentration started to wane. When that didn’t work he grabbed a five hour energy bottle and got in line to order. He tossed the bottle between his hands without looking at it, occasionally tossing it straight up only to catch it and start the cycle over again. He had put it back in his university sweatshirt pocket by the time it was his turn to order. He was ordering a drink that North had made up that wasn’t on the menu, so he said it out loud.
“I’ll take a large Due North, Simon.” Connor said around a yawn and Simon looked at him with concern.
“You do know that drink is basically just straight espresso with a couple pumps of chocolate syrup right?” Simon was typing the drink in anyway, “with how much coffee you drink in a day, I’m worried you might vibrate out of existence.” 
“I’ll be fine Simon,” Connor said as he paid for his drink, “I just need a little extra help staying awake today is all.”
“If you’re sure Connor,” Simon said as he handed the cup off to Josh who looked at it with worry.
While he stood in the crowd to wait out his drink he got out his lucky quarter and began to toss it between his hands. He would stop and roll it over is knuckles, toss it straight up, catch it and then start over. On the third pass his drink was called, he pocketed the coin as he walked up to the counter. He thanked Josh and took his drink. When he got back to the table he took the lid off of the cup and added the energy shot, stirring it with the straw so it would mix in. He put the lid on and took a drink when he finished. If the sheer amount of caffeine didn’t keep him awake, the taste probably would.
Connor was surprised that he actually finished the monstrosity that North had created. He’d moved on from mythology to sociology, and despite all of the caffeine pumping through his body, he could still feel himself fading. He knew he couldn’t go up for another coffee so soon after pumping so much espresso into himself, Simon wouldn’t let him. So he would just have to tough it out. He leaned more into his notes, resting his arms on the table.
He woke up to talking, “North, why are you drawing on him?”
“Because, he fell asleep and he knows the rules.” Came North’s reply, and now that Connor was slightly more coherent, he could feel something moving against his face. He opened his eyes with a tired groan and whatever had been on his face was yanked away. North laughed, “Shit.”
“Morning Sunshine.” Hank said with an amused smile as Connor sat up, “how is your studying going? I can see you’re trying that learning by osmosis thing again.”
He gave Hank a tired smile as North laughed, “it seemed to work well enough yesterday.”
“Alright Point Dexter, go wash the dicks off your face. I’ll have another Due North for you when you get back out.” North said as she pulled Connor to his feet.
As Connor made his way to the bathroom to clean his face North retreated back behind the counter. He checked the mirror to find that, yes, North had actually drawn cartoon dicks of various sizes along the left side of his face and a detailed shooting star down the side of his neck, He wet a paper towel and started rubbing at his face, glad that they didn’t use permanent marker to write on the cups.
With all the marker washed off his face and neck Connor went back to the table to find Hank had settled in and gotten to work on his laptop. As promised there was another large Due North beside his sociology notes. He sat down and gave Hank a tired half smile.
“So why was North drawing on your face?” Hank asked as he looked up from his typing, “she said something about rules.”
“Yeah.” Connor laughed rubbing at the back of his neck, “the first time you fall asleep in public is a freebie, after that whoever catches you gets to draw on your face. Either she caught me, or Simon chickened out again.”
“So you fall asleep while out and about pretty often then?” Was Hank’s follow up as he watched Connor get out his biology textbook.
“Sometimes,” he said with a casual shrug, “usually during midterms or finals week when I spend most of my time studying.”
“Your nap yesterday was your freebie then?” Hank’s attention was returning to his work, as was Connor’s.
“Probably, or your timing saved me.” With that the conversation fell away to be replaced with the clicking of a keyboard and the occasional turning pf a page.
It was a few hours later when Hank stood, “I’m gonna go get another drink. Do you want anything?”
Connor looked up from his notes, “A Chai Tea please. Thank you Hank.”
“No problem kid.” He said as he headed for the counter.
Connor put his biology book away and got out what he needed for mythology. He had about two hours until he needed to leave for the university. Time to concentrate on his test subjects. He sat back and stretched, his back popped like a line of fire crackers since this was the first time he had moved in a few hours.
By the time Hank got back with the drinks, Connor was once again absorbed in his work and jumped when a paper cup came into his line of sight. Hank laughed as he sat down.
“Anyone ever tell you that you’ve got tunnel vision Con?” He remarked with a laugh, “I called your name three times before I gave up.”
There was that nickname again and the bubbling warmth that came with it. Connor was fighting not to grin like an idiot when he spoke, “A few times. Sorry though, I wasn’t trying to ignore you.”
Hank chuckled as he got back to work, “I get the same way when I work sometimes too. Don’t worry.”
“After tonight I’ll at least be getting my sleep schedule back,” Connor said as a way of making conversation, “I just have sociology tomorrow and then I can pace myself for the nurses exam.”
“North won’t be able to draw on your face anymore,” Hank laughed, “but honestly, I’m glad you’ll be catching up on your rest.”
“I’m honestly just looking forward to getting back to my normal work schedule.” Hank gaped at him.
“Connor, do you ever take time off?” He asked, worry lining his voice.
“Yeah. When I’m sick, for finals week, and whenever Silas has a performance that’s within travelling distance. Why?” Connor asked with a tilt of his head.
Hank shook his head, “Let me rephrase that. Do you ever take time off for yourself Connor?”
“Well no. But I don’t need to, I’m happy.”
Hank sighed and leaned forward resting his forearms on the table on either side of his laptop, “Connor are you working this weekend?”
“No. I have-”
“Great. You’re gonna meet me here at noon on Saturday. I’m going to bring you to my place and you’re gonna meet Sumo. One day, that’s all I’m asking.” Hank’s tone made it clear that he wasn’t going to be taking no as an answer.
“Alright.” Connor wouldn’t have turned down the offer anyway, not when it came to spending time to Hank.
With that taken care of, they both got back to work. Connor nearly jumped out of his skin when the alarm on his phone went off. From the looks of it, the sound had startled Hank  as well. Connor turned it off quickly and began packing his things.
“Well, that’s my cue,” he said with an awkward laugh, “I’m gonna grab a drink for the road, Want me to get you anything?”
When he looked up, Hank was also getting his things together, “how about you get the drinks Saturday. I’ll join you in line though.”
Connor waited for Hank to finish getting his things together and then they joined the line. Now that he was standing, Connor stretched slightly to alleviate some of the stiffness in his back and let out a satisfied sigh when he finished.
“Do you have plans for the night Hank?” He asked, looking over his shoulder.
“Go home, order take out and pend time with my dog.” He replied, “What about you?”
“Take my finals. Then when I get home check to see if I passed the ones I took yesterday and either order victory or pity pizza.” He responded which got a laugh out of Hank.
“How about this. Since I’m so certain it will be victory pizza, I’ll pay for it.”
“But you don’t have my number,” Connor said turning to face Hank.
“You’ll have to give it to me then, won’t you.” He said with a wink and Connor died. Or maybe he was already dead. Adding that energy shot to the Due North probably killed him and this was just a hallucination.
Hank tapped Connor’s shoulder to get his attention and he took the offered phone. He put his number in and set his contact as Connor :). He handed the phone back and by the time he got to the counter he felt his phone vibrate with a message, he could guess who it was from. Josh gave him a suspicious smile.
“Don’t even start.” Connor muttered, cutting him off, “a medium black coffee please.”
Josh put one hand up in mock surrender and used the other to put in the drink order. Connor paid and headed for the end counter, fighting a smile the whole way.
He checked his phone for new messages, and sure enough there were two from a new number.
3132480705: Hello
3132480705: This is Hank :)
Connor: Hello Hank :)
He added the other to his contact list under Hank <3, because he had a crush and couldn’t help himself. He put his phone back in his sweatshirt pocket as Hank joined the group at the end counter.
“So what tests are you taking tonight,” Hank asked, crossing his arms over his chest in a relaxed manner.
“Biology and then mythology. Tomorrow is sociology.” Connor pulled his phone out to double check his calendar, then put it away again, “then assuming I’ve passed those I’m scheduled to take my nurses exam next Friday.”
“It’s good that you gave yourself a week to study,” he said as Connor went up for his drink, when he came back Connor was wearing a sheepish smile.
“I, uh, didn’t plan it like this. The first testing block was full when I applied.” He waved at Hank as he stepped away, “anyway I’ve got to go. I can, um, text you updates if you want.”
“Sure. Good luck Con.” Hank said as Connor left the cafe.
As soon as he got a cab he texted the group chat which had been suspiciously quiet the whole time he had been with Hank.
The Coffee Crew: 
RunawayArkait: Hank gave me his number!
RunawayArkait: Also! I am meeting Sumo this weekend.
RunawayArkait: So, progress. I think?
What.Josh.Does: You have his number and you’re meeting his dog. Yet you’re still questioning if you made progress
Northern_Lights: Go get your man!
SimonSays: Be safe please
RunawayArkait: I mean, Saturday is more of a hostage situation
RunawayArkait: I don’t take enough time for myself apparently
Northern_Lights: Oh. So you’ll listen to him on that!
Northern_Lights: What does that make us?
RunawayArkait: Friends who I love dearly
What.Josh.Does: Well either way, congrats
SimonSays: Don’t forget to tell your brothers
RunawayArkait: Thanks
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: Guess what?
Sixty-Second-Set: Your finals were cancelled!
UnluckyNine: You passed your exams?
RunawayArkait: Close, but no
RunawayArkait: Hank gave me his number
UnluckyNine: Nice
Sixty-Second-Set: It’s about fucking time
Sixty-Second-Set: If I had to hear you shine about him one more time I was going to pose as you and get it myself
RunawayArkait: Silas!
UnluckyNine: Just be glad it didn’t come to that
Connor rolled his eyes as the cab pulled up to the university. It shouldn’t surprise him that Silas would threaten him with something that extreme, in Silas’s opinion the more dramatic the even the better. Connor was glad it hadn’t needed to come to that, he knew Silas had meant it. He paid for the cab and made his way to building 27 for the last time this week.
He made his way to the second floor and took a seat at one of the hall tables. He took out his biology notes to go over them again before it was time for the test. He had half an hour, he wouldn’t get through everything but it was better than nothing. Science was a bit like math in that following a predetermined procedure would lead to one of a few results.
The half hour passed quickly since he was preoccupied, when students began leaving the lecture hall he began packing up his things. Just like his two previous finals, he didn’t feel like he was ready. He knew his grades by themselves were good enough to get him into the program, but the tests also came with a passing margin and he didn’t want to rely on his grades alone.
HIs  father had raised him and his brothers under the belief that it wouldn’t matter how hard they worked toward their goals since there would always be someone out there that could do it better. He had meant for it to encourage them to go to school and help with the business, but Connor had taken it to mean that he needed to be the one working the hardest to get where he wanted in life. Silas had done similarly albeit in a very different way, and Richard had worked to make himself as close to invisible as possible.
He was waiting outside the classroom for the last of the students to leave when his phone vibrated and pulled him from his thoughts. He pulled it out of his hoodie to put it on silent and saw a message from Hank. He had time, so he opened it.
Hank <3: You’ve got this kid
Connor: Thanks :)
Connor smiled and put his phone away. The room was finally empty and the professor allowed them to come in. He took his usual seat and took a moment to mentally prepare. He got drawn into the test into the test and what he needed of the two hour block flew by. He finished with fifteen minutes left after having gone over his answer just to be sure. He texted Hank first as he left the classroom.
Connor: One more then I’m done for the night
Hank <3: You’ll do great, don’t worry
Connor: :)
He waited until he was in building 1 to message everyone else. He sat in the second floor study area and took a break from his notes.
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: Just mythology left
UnluckyNine: That should be easy
Sixty-Second-Set: Hopefully there aren’t any essay questions.
The Coffee Crew:
RunawayArkait: Last test for the night is mythology
SimonSays: You’ll be able to get some decent sleep tonight
What.Josh.Does: Good Luck
Northern_Lights: God I hated that class
He spent the hour before his mythology final studying for it. Working his way through all of the lecture and reading notes he had taken during the semester. This particular professor didn’t believe in midterms so the final covered everything they had gone over during the semester. It annoyed Connor slightly, he would rather take two smaller tests than one massive one. They had been told that there would be at least ten questions from each era of mythology they had covered. it was a daunting undertaking and Connor didn’t think he was ready for it. Not that it mattered much, considering as he didn’t have a choice, but the sheer size of the test made his looming anxiety seem heavier. If he didn’t finish in time he would fail automatically and could kiss his shot at the nurses exam goodbye.
Connor did his best to shake those thoughts from his head as he go this things together. Maybe if he got there as the first exam was finishing he could get an early start. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the classroom waiting across the hall for the other exam to let out. He got his quarter out again to calm his nerves. He went through the same motions as the cafe. Rolling the coin over his knuckles before tossing it in the air and catching it. He did all of this without looking. On the fifth toss the door opened and Connor caught his coin putting it away. He waited for a gap in the students so he could enter the classroom. The professor wouldn’t let him start early, but he did gain extra time to study as he waited on his classmates. He hoped it would help him get through the test faster to have some of the information fresh in his mind.
When the exam was handed out Connor silently cursed Silas and came to understand why North had hated the class so much. More than half of the test was made up of short answer or essay questions. This was going to take forever. With a sigh that was just as much annoyed as it was anxious Connor started on the exam. He finished with a little over five minutes left in the test period. He was one of the last students in the room. He turned in the exam and left quickly, letting out a relieved sigh once he was back in the hall.
Connor: Done for the night and about to head home
Hank <3: How are you feeling?
Connor: Stressed and relieved
Connor: Happy that this is almost over
Hank <3: Take a break tonight. Alright?
Hank <3: Try and unwind
Connor: That sounds like a good plan
Connor: When I get home I’ll let you know if you owe me a pizza :p
Hank <3: Cheeky bastard
Connor: That shouldn’t be news to you
Hank <3: Its not ;)
Connor smiled at the conversation and opened discord as he got in the cab. He tapped his apartment address into the terminal before he messaged his brothers.
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: Silas you jinxed me
RunawayArkait: More than half the test was short answer or essay questions
Sixty-Second-Set: Oops. But you finished didn’t you?
UnluckyNine: Obviously. Congrats by the way
Sixty-Second-Set: Then everything is fine
RunawayArkait: Anyway, I’m gonna be offline for the night
Sixty-Second-Set: Enjoy talking with Hank
UnluckyNine: Don’t do anything Silas wouldn’t do
RunawayArkait: That leaves me a lot of options
RunawayArkait: Also I hate you both
The Coffee Crew:
RunawayArkait: Done for the night
RunawayArkait: We can compare test scores tomorrow Josh. I’m going to be offline tonight
SimonSays: Tell Hank hello
RunawayArkait: Why is everyone assuming that!
Northern_Lights: Are we wrong
RunawayArkait: Well no
What.Josh.Does: Alright. Tomorrow then. Have a good night Connor
RunawayArkait: Thanks
He opened Canvas in his phone’s web browser to check if the exams from yesterday had been graded. They had been and he had passed them both. He had gotten 100% on his calculus exam and a 95% on his art history exam. Both above the cut off. It was definitely going to be victory pizza. Then he was going to unwind with a glass of wine and a bubble bath. He’d use what was left of his night to catch up on his sleep.
The cab pulled up to his apartment complex, he paid and got out to head up to his unit. Once he was inside and had put his backpack away and sent Hank a screen shot of his test results.
Connor: So, victory pizza?
Hank <3: Victory pizza. You got any place you usually order from
Connor: Nope. You can pick
Connor: Medium with cheese and mushrooms please
Hank <3: I really should have known that your pizza order was going to be fucking weird
Hank <3: I need your complex name and your apartment number
Connor: Ridgewood Apartments building B5 apartment 205-B
Hank <3: Alright. It’ll be there in an hour
Connor: You’re the best
Hank <3: You only say that because I bought you pizza
Connor: And coffee ;)
Hank <3: You’re the worst
Connor: I try my best
He put his phone on full volume and walked into the kitchen and got out a stemless wine glass as well as the bottle of white wine Silas had bough him the last time he came over. He poured himself half a glass and put the bottle away. With the glass in hand he made his way back to the living room sat back on the couch and kicked his socked feet up onto the coffee table. He turned on the tv and turned it to the true crime channel, quickly getting absorbed in what was on. An hour or so later when there was a knock at his door Connor just about jumped out of his skin. He collected himself and answered the door. He took the pizza and tanked the delivery person before heading back to the living room. He opened the box and set it on the coffee table beside his wine glass. He took a picture and sent it to Hank.
Connor: The right way to celebrate finals (almost) being over
He received a picture in return. It was of Hank’s coffee table, there was a half full whiskey glass and Chinese take out. Sumo was sprawled out in the background.
Hank <3: You’ve got the right idea Con
Connor: Glad we can agree
He moved to the floor in the space between the couch and the coffee table so he could use it as a dining table. He had a couple slices of pizza and finished his first glass of wine before he put the left overs away. He poured another glass of wine and made his way to the bathroom. He started the bath added bubbles and let the water run as he went to his room to get pyjamas. He texted Hank again before he got into the bath.
Connor: Now for the best part of the night. Relaxing with a glass of wine.
Hank <3: I’m more of a whiskey guy myself, but that sounds like a good plan.
Connor let out a content sigh as he sank into the water and relaxed into the warmth. He played music from his phone and stayed in the water until it went cold. He rinsed off and got ready for bed and texted Hank as he plugged his phone in for the night.
Connor: Good night Hank
Hank <3: Sleep well Connor
Hank <3: We wouldn’t want North drawing on you again :)
Connor: No we would not
The next day he didn’t wake up until around noon, his body deciding to try and make up for all of his lost sleep in one go. He got up and got ready, taking what he would no longer need out of his backpack and heading for the cafe. Deciding to walk since it was nice out. While he was waiting to cross at a crosswalk he sent the screenshot of his test results to Josh.
What.Josh.Does: Nice! I got a 97%
What.Josh.Does: I’ll cover your first drink as promised
RunawayArkait: You’re the best
What.Josh.Does: You’re only saying that because I’m buying you a coffee
RunawayArkait: See you soon
He tucked his phone away and crossed the street and continued on his way to the cafe, He put his bag at his usual table and went to stand in line. Connor hadn’t been in line long when Hank’s voice sounded from behind him.
“Late start today Con?” Hank asked, the nickname he had given Connor rolled off his tongue like they had known each other for years. The dopey grin it caused to curl over Connor’s lips made him glad that Hank was behind him, “you’re usually passed out at your table by now.”
“That’s only happened like twice this week,” Connor argued, it was weak but it was all he had.
“Connor, its Wednesday,” Hank continued, “two out of three days this week you’ve been asleep at the table. A two-thirds average isn’t that great when you’re on the third day.”
“I don’t think I’ll be doing that today considering as I didn’t wake up until like noon.”
“So you finally made up for your lost sleep.”
“Apparently.” Connor said as he stepped up to the counter, “a large Iced Americano please.”
Josh put the order in and Connor walked to the end counter to wait. He was tempted to pull out his coin but the cafe was pretty busy today and the sound tended to annoy people. So he settled for signing the alphabet in reverse. This would be his last test for the semester, he’d had plenty of time to prepare and yet his anxiety was still eating at him. He finished one cycle of the alphabet and started over.
“So what are you doing with your hand?” Hank asked, scaring the life out of Connor who had retreated into his own thoughts.
“Signing the alphabet backwards.” Connor replied once he had collected himself.
“I need something to keep my hands busy when I’m anxious and I don’t want to annoy anyone with my quarter.”
“Test anxiety? Is that why you’ve been studying so hard?’
“Yeah. I want to do everything in my power to make sure I pass my exams.” His drink was called and he went up to the counter to grab it. He pointed to the table where his bag was and when Hank nodded Connor made his way over.
Connor took his seat and got out his sociology textbook and notes. By the time he had gotten his stuff out Hank was taking his usual seat across the table. He got out his laptop and they both got to work. They passed the time in busy pleasant silence until Hank asked him a question.
“So what do you do with your quarter that annoys people?” Hank asked as he looked up from his work.
“This.” He said as he pulled out the coin rolling it over his knuckles then flicking it up in the air, catching it in his other hand and then showed it off with a ‘tada’ motion.
“That’s a pretty neat trick.” Hank said with a half smile, “but i can see why you wouldn’t want to d it in a crowded place.”
“It annoys some people so I try to avoid doing it if I can.” He said, returning his attention to his notes.
The conversation fell away after that. Hank was the first to leave today, Sumo had a doctors appointment. They said their goodbyes and Connor got back to work. A few hours later when he was on his way to the university he sent Hank a text.
Connor: Last one. Wish me luck
Hank <3: You’ve got this Con, luck or no luck
Hank <3: But good luck
Connor: Thanks Hank. You’re the best
Hank <3: I try to be
Connor was smiling at his phone like a love struck idiot and it took all of his strength not to send a heart back. He didn’t want to make Hank uncomfortable. They were only friends and most friends didn’t do that. He set his phone in his lap and used his hands to cover his blush and matching dopey grin. He knew he had it bad. Going back over the texts, some of them sounded like flirting. Connor took a deep breath trying to collect himself, he needed to focus on his final for the time being.
He was somewhat back to himself when he got to the university. Once this test was done he had four days of what amounted to free time. Thursday, Friday, and Sunday were days he was going to use to study for his nurses exam and Saturday he was going to meet Sumo. Monday it was back to work as usual and then that Friday he was taking his nurses exam. Then it was back to business as usual until the fall semester started, He got out and made his way to building 1 for the last time this semester.
He made his way to the classroom as the previous class left. There wouldn’t be any last minute studying this time. He took his phone out of his pocket to double check that it was on silent then put it away. When the last of the students filed out Connor entered the class and took his usual seat.
Once it started, the testing block seemed to fly by. He finished with half an hour left. Surprisingly this test was the one he felt the most confidence for. When he got in a cab, he messaged Hank first.
Connor: I’m done!
Connor: My finals are finished!
Hank <3: Congratulations! For the next two weeks you’re free
Connor: I’m going home and taking a fucking nap
Hank <3: It’s well earned
Hank <3: Sleep well Con
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: I’m done
UnluckyNine: Congratulations
Sixty-Second-Set: Time to celebrate
RunawayArkait: Time to take a nap
UnluckyNine: That works too
Sixty-Second-Set: Boring
The Coffee Crew:
RunawayArkait: I’m free
SimonSays: Nice
What.Josh.Does: Good for you
Northern_Lights: Party time!
RunawayArkait: Sorry to disappoint, but I’ll be taking a nap
Northern_Lights: That’s boring
Connor rolled his eyes as he closed discord going back to his conversation with Hank.
Connor: Apparently I’m boring for wanting to sleep off my finals
Hank <3: They’re your tests. You get to pick how you celebrate
Connor: Exactly. So I’m going to make up for lost sleep
Hank <3: Sounds like a good plan to me
Connor: Thanks
The cab arrived at his apartment and he paid and got out. Exhaustion weighed down on him as he made his way up to his unit. He’d reheat a couple slices of pizza for dinner and then head to bed. He fumbled with his keys for a moment before getting his door unlocked
Once he was inside he dropped his bag by the door and kicked his shoes off. In the morning the mess would probably bother him, but he was tired now so that was future Connor’s problem. He opened the fridge and grabbed two slices of pizza and put them on a paper towel then in the microwave. Tonight was a lazy night. He changed into pyjamas and came back into the kitchen when the microwave went off. For the sake of convenience he ate over the kitchen sink. He rushed through his nightly routine, Before he climbed into bed he pugged in his phone and messaged Hank one last time.
Connor: Good night Hank
Hank <3: Sleep well Connor
Thursday found him awake around eleven. Unlike yesterday there was no sleep hangover, for the first time in a long time he felt well rested. He spent the first part of the day cleaning his apartment and doing laundry. Giving his brain a break from the bookwork, which felt pretty nice.
Around three o’clock he made his way to the cafe. He stood in line and looked around. He found Hank at their usual table, he was absorbed in his work and had earbuds in. Since he had the time, he messaged him to see if he wanted anything.
Connor: I’m in line. Would you like anything
He scanned the menu deciding on a chai tea rather than coffee since he felt well rested for once. He looked down when his phone vibrated.
Hank <3: Fist of all, you scared the ever loving fuck outta 
Hank <3: My usual with two shots please
Connor: Got it :)
Connor: And sorry. I just thought I’d ask since I was up here
When it was his turn he noticed one of the new trainees, Echo, he believed, working the register while North worked the bar. He smiled at the blue haired woman, “Could I get a medium Chai Tea with cinnamon and nutmeg as well as a Vanilla Latte with two shots of espresso.”
She seemed to struggle with the first drink and North came to her aid, staying to help with the second and writing on the cups to make things easier. Connor always spoke his orders to the new hires since knowing how to sign wasn’t a requirement and he didn’t want to assume they knew it.  Shifts were designed so that at least one person who knew Sign Language was there. Once the drinks were up, he headed for the table.
He sat across from Hank in his usual seat and slid the cup across the table while Hank took out his earbuds, “so manuscript today or short stories?”
“Manuscript surprisingly enough.” Hank said before drinking from his latte and letting out a content hum, “what about you? What book are you rubbing your nose against today?”
“Today I’m going over the notes and study guide Markus gave me to make flashcards to go over on my breaks since I go back to work on Monday,” Connor said as he got out what he would need. Typed out notes, a hand written study guide, a stack of one thousand notecards, and a pencil pouch with that said ‘always look on the bright side’ on the front.
Hank gave an amused chuckle and shook his head, “I still think you should go over the definition of the word break Con.”
Connor drank from his chai tea to cover the involuntary grin that the nickname caused, “I’m taking an ‘actual’ day off on Saturday. Remember?”
Hank rolled his eyes but seemed to accept Connor’s flimsy argument. They lapsed into a companionable silence. Connor was working on his flashcards and Hank was working on his manuscript. Occasionally Connor would catch himself staring at Hank, but would look away before he got caught and forced himself get back to work. Until his luck ran out and Hank met his eyes cracking a smile that lead Connor to believe he hadn’t been nearly as stealthy as he had thought.
“See something you like Connor?” Hank joked, and it had to be a joke. Despite the way some of their messages read there was no way Hank would ever flirt with him. Connor turned into a tomato anyway.
“I was, um, I was just staring off into space...” he trailed off never having been all that great of a liar. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow them whole.
Hank didn’t look like he believed Connor but he didn’t comment on it. They went back to their easy silence until Hank had to leave.
“Sumo is getting groomed tomorrow, so I’m not gonna make it to the cafe,” Hank sounded almost upset that he was going to miss a day. Like he looked forward to these days too.
“That’s alright,” Connor said with a slight shrug, “we’ll see each other on Saturday.”
“See you Saturday then,” Hank responded with a half smile as he turned to leave.
Connor watched him go before getting back to his notecards. It took him a few hours and a couple cups of coffee to get them finished, and once he was done he headed home. He would probably stay home tomorrow too. Take a day to himself and mentally prepare for meeting Sumo and what that would bring.
He finished off the pizza and did the rest of his laundry. With his apartment mostly clean and his laundry done, Connor decided to call it a night. Once again messaging Hank before falling asleep.
Connor: Good night Hank
Hank <3: Night Connor
Hank <3: Don’t work too hard tomorrow
Connor: No promises, but I’ll try my best
He spent most of Friday morning fretting over what to wear. Eventually deciding on a black short sleeve button down that was patterned with gradient grey roses, black jeans and grey converse. It wasn’t a date, but looking nice couldn’t hurt anything. He hung the outfit on his closet door and paced into his living room debating on if it would be better to message his brothers or his friends. Richard hadn’t dated anyone before so seeking him out for romantic advise probably wouldn’t be the wisest. Silas preferred a friends with benefits arrangement over dating so he wouldn’t be any help. North would just make fun of him. That left Josh, Simon, and Markus. Simon and Markus were dating so that would probably be the best bet.
RunawayArkait has started a group chat with Made-By_Markus and SimonSays!
RunawayArkait: I need help
RunawayArkait: What does one do on a not-date visit to their crush’s house to meet their dog
SimonSays: Send their kind and supportive friends pictures of said dog. Obviously
SimonSays: Keep a level head, but pay enough attention to see if he is flirting back
RunawayArkait: Flirting back? That implies that I flirt with him. Which I don’t!
Made-By_Markus: But you do. I’ve heard all about it from Simon
RunawayArkait: Rude!
Made-By_Markus: As cliche as it sounds, just be yourself
SimonSays: Relax. Like you said, it’s not a date
RunawayArkait: Thanks I guess
Made-By_Markus: Anytime. Also Simon, I’m in the lobby
SimonSays: Alright. I’ll be down soon
RunawayArkait: And that’s my cue to leave. Enjoy your date!
Made-By_Markus: Thanks
Connor groaned at the lack of help. Figuring he was stressing too much over something that was decidedly not a date, he decided to spend the rest of his Friday curled up on the couch catching up on all of the true crime shows he had missed on his study binge.
He woke up at eight in the morning on Saturday. He took his time getting ready and once he was satisfied with his appearance he left for the cafe at around eleven-thirty. He decided to walk so he could work off some of the anxiety that was thrumming beneath his skin. He debated cancelling several times, but eventually decided that he deserved to meet a new dog after having worked so hard to pass all of his finals. If it so happened that he was reading too far into this, which was incredibly likely, he would have at least gotten to see a new dog. He would be able to add a Saint Bernard to his mug which he would have to edit and then reorder. He won either way.
Connor arrived to find Hank waiting outside the cafe with one of the biggest and most fluffy dogs he had ever seen. Sumo sat neatly beside Hank looking to be very well trained, which was probably pretty helpful considering the dog’s size. He took a picture of Sumo with is phone before greeting Hank.
“You’re here early.” Connor said in way of a greeting and Hank turned to him with a smile.
“So are you Con,” he said, lifting his free hand in a lazy wave, “but that’s more expected of you than me.”
Connor laughed, “Yeah.”
Hank changed the subject, “So I didn’t find a no pets sign but I just wanted to check if Sumo would be allowed inside.”
“Unfortunately no. We do have a service animal policy tough.” Connor kept himself from gesturing at the door with his free hand by reaching it out toward Sumo so the large dog could sniff at it, “I can go inside and get the drinks then meet you back out here, since I’m covering drinks today anyway. Your usual?”
“Sounds good to me,” Hank said with a thankful smile. “I’ll let you know if we head back to the car.”
“Thanks/” Connor said as he headed inside.
The line was thankfully short and it didn’t take long to place their order. An iced Americano for Connor and a Vanilla Latte with two shots of espresso for Hank. When he exited the cafe, both Hank and Sumo were at the bench.
“Ready?” Hank asked as he got up, Sumo obediently following suit.
“Yup.” He handed the latte off as they walked to the car and Sumo happily snuffled at his free hand as they went.
When they got to the car Connor opened the back door on the passenger side so Hank could get Sumo in. With that taken care of, Connor got in on the passenger side, only to have Sumo lean forward and lick a stripe up his face when he turned to look in the back seat. Hank laughed at the sight.
“Hello to you too Sumo.” Connor said, using his jacket sleeve to wipe the drool off of his face then reaching back to pet him, “its nice to meet you.”
“What kind of dog do you think you’re gonna get once you graduate?” Hank asked as he pulled out of the parking lot and began the drive to his house.
“Either an Australian Shepherd or a Golden Retriever,” Connor replied, “small enough to keep in an apartment but big enough to socially be considered a dog. I hope to be able to put them through search and rescue as well as service training.”
“Why am I not surprised you have all of this planned out.” Hank shook his head with a fond smile.
“I like being organized.”
“I can tell.”
Connor rolled his eyes, “What made you decide on a Saint Bernard?”
“I picked him up from a shelter a few years back.” He paused for a moment, seeming to consider his words, “my fiance and I had split and I didn’t want to be alone in the house. Took about a month to realize i was going to need a bigger yard and then we moved. Whoever had him first had already trained him which has made things a lot easier.” He looked in the rearview mirror at Sumo for a moment, “the big lug even knows a couple of hand signs.”
Hank had a fiance at one point, a few years back apparently. Connor wanted to ask about it, but the rapid change in topic made it clear that Hank didn’t want to, “Really? What commands does he know the signs for?”
“I’ll show you when we get to the house, how about that?” Hank suggested.
“I’m looking forward to it.”
As it turned out, Sumo knew the signs for sit, stay, laydown, and roll over. Connor spent the next few hours teaching him the sign commands for speak, play dead, shake hands, and high five. It didn’t go well, which was fine because hank seemed to get a kick out of it. Once he gave up and settled beside Hank on the couch they ordered take out and talked enjoying each other’s company. It was a few hours later, when they were getting ready to leave that Hank asked him a favor.
“So I kind of had an ulterior motive for asking you over today,” Hank started with a tentative smile. “There’s a writers’ conference next weekend, I was wondering if you would mind stopping by to check on Sumo while I’m away since he seems to like you.”
“Of course I wouldn’t mind,” Connor said as he headed for the door. “He’s well behaved and a sweetheart.”
“Thank you so much.” Hank sounded genuinely relieved. He opened the front door and called over his shoulder to Sumo, “I’ll be back soon. Be good while I take Connor home.”
“I’ll see you next weekend,” Connor called to the dog as he left.
The ride to Connor’s apartment was filled with idle chatter, broken up occasionally by Connor giving Hank directions. It was nice, and his anxiety over today seemed distant and unnecessary. Today had been easy and comfortable. They arrived at his complex about twenty minutes later and Connor wasn’t ready to be done yet.
“Uh, today was nice,” Connor said eloquently. He was pretty sure he couldn’t have been more awkward if he tried.
“Yeah, it was,” Hank said seeming just as nervous, “um, if you want to come by again just let me know I guess.”
“Yeah. Uh, thanks then.” Hank unlocked the door as Connor reached for the handle, “I’ll um, I’ll watch Sumo whenever you need me to.”
“Thanks Con,” he said as Connor opened the door and got out, “have a good night.”
“You too Hank.” Connor gave him a slight wave before he shut the car door and went inside the complex. He had been so awkward. Hank definitely know now and he was probably uncomfortable.
Connor let out a frustrated groan once he was in his apartment. He made himself a cup of tea to help wind down before bed. The best thing he could do would be to act like nothing had changed and maybe they could still be friends. He sighed and finished his tea and got ready for bed. He texted Hank as usual before calling it a night.
Connor: Thanks for today Hank. It was a lot of fun
Connor: Good night
Hank <3: I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Sleep well Con
Connor smiled at his phone before setting it aside and falling asleep. As long as he could keep his feeling tucked away, things would be fine. 
Sunday went by in a blur of studying and self pity. He answered messages as they came, trying to make it seem like things were normal. Like he hadn’t potentially fucked everything up. He was thankful he had today to wallow because come tomorrow he had to be a functioning human being. When he was getting ready for bed, he checked the messages from Hank like he hadn’t been avoiding him all day.
Hank <3: Are you coming to the cafe today?
Hank <3: Is everything alright?
Hank <3: Connor?
Connor: Sorry
Connor: My exhaustion from the week came back with a vengeance
Connor: I didn’t mean to worry you
Hank <3: It’s alright
Hank <3: I’m just glad to see that you’re okay
Connor: I’m going to call it a night
Hank <3: Sleep well
Connor: Thank you
Guilt clung to Connor as he drifted off making his sleep uneasy and restless. He didn’t mean to make Hank worry he just hadn’t known how to face him. When morning rolled around he was exhausted. He went through his morning routine on autopilot. He made coffee and poured it into his travel mug before walking to work. He was almost late, but made up for it by working part of the lunch rush. He didn’t see Hank before he clocked out for the day. He walked back home and took some time to himself before studying. 
The rest of the week went similarly. His texts to Hank throughout the day and before bed became the parts of his routine he looked forward to the most. he had Friday off so he could take his nurses exam. Connor didn’t feel like he would be ready, but this was all the time he was going to get. He would deal with it come Friday.
He woke up early on Friday and spent his morning studying. He left for the university around two and messaged Hank first when he got in the cab.
Connor: On my way to the exam
Hank <3: Good luck
Hank <3: Let me know how it goes
Connor: Will do :)
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: Time for the exam
Sixty-Second-Set: You’ve got this
UnluckyNine; You’re more than ready
The Coffee Crew
RunawayArkait: Exam day
Northern_Lights: Bet you’ll be in the top half of the class
Echo-Over-The-Water: Good luck Connor!
SimonSays: You’ll do great
What.Josh.Does: Here comes the cafe’s second nursing student
Connor put his [hone on silent and spent the rest of the cab ride going over his notecards. Markus had given him a general idea of what the test would cover, though the specific questions were changed every testing period. The test was a mix of essay, short answer, and multiple choice questions. They would have three hours to finish. Connor wasn’t exactly confident that he would pass, but he was fairly certain he would finish before the testing period ended. The results would be posted on Monday and he would have time to register for the recommended classes and buy books after that. Not to mention a whole weekend with Sumo to help with his worry.
He took his time on the exam, and then more time to go back over and correct some of his answers. He turned in the exam with fifteen minutes left in the period. He ordered a cab and messaged Hank, knowing that the other was on a flight and he wouldn’t get a reply.
Connor: Finished my exam and I’m feeling pretty good about it
Connor: I’ll swing by in a couple hours to check on Sumo and send pictures
The Family Feud:
RunawayArkait: It’s done
UnluckyNine: Congrats
Sixty-Second-Set: Look at you go Mr. Nurse
The Coffee Crew:
RunawayArkait: Finished!
RunawayArkait: I’m gonna be gone for the weekend
SimonSays: Give Sumo lots of love for us!
Echo-Over-The-Water: Congratulations!
Northern_Lights: You did it
What.Josh.Does: Enjoy your weekend
When he got to his apartment he set his bag on the couch and set an alarm on his phone for three hours from now and laid down for a nap. When he woke up he would pack for his weekend with Sumo.
22 notes · View notes
cherrybloomn · 4 years
Delicate - Chapter 2
Note: ok Chapter2 is here. Your opinion is always welcomed (criticism included!).
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9th of Feb 2020
The week has gone by so fast. Naomi had a lot of work in the studio and in her charity. She also participated in three court hearings. As an owner of the charity helping victims of domestic violence, she was usually called by the court to testify. The last trial was scheduled on Friday morning. It was nasty. Naomi was attacked in the court by one of the witnesses, who was to testify in favor of the accused. Thankfully nothing has happened as the policemen reacted immediately. Once Naomi left the court, she was exhausted. Both physically and emotionally. She couldn’t wait to attend the party held by BBN, which was to take place in the evening. It was her favourite way of dealing with reality. Parties, good alcohol and sex, of course. She had a shag buddy - James, who actually believed to be her boyfriend. They were dating once or twice a week. Naomi has been honest with him about her intentions, still he had hopes that maybe one day the thing between them would become something more.
Once she got into a taxi, she heard her phone buzz.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hello Naomi, It’s Henry. I have just passed the BBN studio and I thought maybe you’d like to have a lunch with me in an hour or so? I have finally watched The Parasite! It would be wonderful to get the opportunity to talk with you about that. H”
It took Naomi a couple of seconds to realize who the person writing to her was. She looked at the clock, it was noon. On one hand she didn’t really feel like meeting anyone, she was just tired, and all she dreamt of was getting a nap before the evening. On the other hand though, she was hungry. Plus, she thought that maybe Henry could take part in the event she was organizing for children from her charity. There’s no better occasion to ask about that, than at a nice lunch.
N: Hey handsome. Lunch sounds perfect! Could you please pick a place to meet? I’m heading from the Central Criminal Court to my place to change, and then I’ll join you.
H: Lovely. Do you have any specific wishes about the cuisine?
N: Not really. But my top three are steaks, sushi and thai cuisine. I rely on you on that one. Just let me know where and I’ll do my best to get there as fast as possible.
H: Steak house that is! See you soon. Henry attached the address of the restaurant to his message.
Once Naomi got home, she quickly changed her elegant black Dior dress and high heel shoes to floral maxi dress, which she matched with black ankle boots and leather jacket. Isabel Marant vibe. She was a fashion addict. Naomi untied her hair, put up in an elegant bun before. She fixed her makeup, used her favourite perfume and hurried to the restaurant.
It took her fifteen minutes to get to the place. The hostess, led her to the table and took her coat. Henry was already waiting for her.
“Hello!” Naomi smiled and sat down in front him on the other side of the table. She noticed two bottles of water, one of which was empty. “I’m sorry, I hope you didn’t wait too long. It was really hard to get through the centre, though my Uber driver did what he could.”
“No, don’t worry about that! I took my time to make some calls. Today it’s my uncle’s birthday and my mother organizes a surprise party. Everything would be great if, as it turned out, uncle didn’t decide to make a trip today. So once my mother found out, she got very upset as she’s been organizing the party since last Tuesday. Now we’re trying to fix it and make uncle stay and visit us.” He chuckled and rose his eyebrow. “What about your day? Central Criminal Court in London. Sounds serious. You certainly don’t look like a criminal.”
Naomi looked him in the eyes and smirked “Well, don’t judge a book by its cover. Ted Bandy was very handsome and extremally charming, yet he was one of the scariest serial killers in the USA. So was Jeffery Dahmer.”
Henry propped himself up on his elbows, leant towards Naomi and said with a smile “If I weren’t that hungry I’d run away now. It’s hard to keep my wits about me being around such an attractive woman, who has just admitted, that she may secretly be a serial killer.”
Naomi leant towards him too and was to reply, but the waitress approached to take their orders. After the girl went away, Naomi remained silent for a few seconds, just looking at him with a sly smile. “You know what they say. No risk no fun.” She bit her lower lip and laughed softly, turning her gaze away from him. “No, but jokes aside. I run a charity. We help people suffering from domestic violence – mostly women and children, sometimes men. This is why my court visits are rather regular.”
Henry nodded. “That’s a very brave thing to do. It must be hard, isn’t it? I mean, to deal with all the suffering and cruelty. Doesn’t it affect your life?”
“Not as much as it has at the beginning. The world can be cruel, one just has to accept the fact and do whatever they can to make it a little bit better.”
They couldn’t stop chatting. They talked about her charity, about his preparation for a policeman role in a movie, of which Naomi has never heard before. He told her how hard it was for him to get through all the documentation about child abuse. “Nomis. I will certainly watch tomorrow.” She wrote the title in her phone. They talked about their favourite actors, movies, her silliest memories from drama school.
“Actually, I’ve always had huge imagination! And I’ve always loved Leonardo DiCaprio. I saw the Titanic when I was a kid. I had a friend – Caroline, she was under my spell. No doubt about that. I used to order her to play Leonardo. She was him and I was Kate. We played scenes from the movie. ALL of them. Yes, we did kiss each other. Tongues were involved! Of course, I did believe I kissed Leonardo. I remember my mum caught us kissing, and she was very worried what’s going on. After I told her that we’re just in our roles, she banned me from all the VHS other than Disney. Insane. Oh, but I’ve got even better story!”
Both of them shared lots of ridiculous stories from their childhood and teenage years. Naomi literally cried with laughter. When she excused herself for a moment to use the restroom, she realized it was 6 p.m. They spent there three hours. She couldn’t believe, it felt like half an hour.
“Henry, I’m so sorry. It’s very impolite, I know, but I have only realized it’s so late! I have to go. I need to prepare myself for the party. I have ten missed calls from my hairdresser.” She laughed and put her wallet out of her purse. “But I must tell you I had so much fun. I feel so much better now. Let me pay for the lunch, as a thank you.”
“Oh, no. No way! I invited you and there’s no way you pay for that. Plus, I had a wonderful time too. I hope you’ll have fun at the party. It’s a shame I can’t make it. Hopefully next time.”
“Well. Ok. Thank you!” Naomi put her wallet inside her bag, stood up, approached Henry and gave him a kiss on a cheek. “Hope you have a great fun too tonight! Bye!” Afterwards she hurried to get her coat, put it on. She realized she forgot to ask him about his contribution to her project. She quickly came back and waited until Henry paid for the meals. “Good timing, to arrive again after payment” she joked. “Henry, I forgot to ask you one thing! I’m going to organize the event for the kids from charity. Probably in March. We’re inviting different professionals to talk about their jobs – like a physician, a lawyer, a pianist, a journalist. Having an actor would be wonderful. Just to talk about your job. I’m sure kids will be excited. You don’t have to answer now of course. Think about it. Ok, now I’m really going. I wanted to make sure you pay, so that I won’t be called to the criminal court again! Bye!”
On her way home she realized, she had five unread messages from James, her (boy)friend, who apparently has been waiting for her in the café next to her apartment.
Once she opened her messenger to reply to James, she got a new text message.
H: That was quick I had no time to reply. Of course, I’d love to take part in this project. Just let me know when. Once again, thank you for the lunch!
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Sexiled (Part 2/23) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N: Hi my lovelies! Happy weekend! I finally got back to this story and I’m so flippin excited. i really hope you like it! Also I k now that I said I was going to update this and a New mission next but I’m struggling a little bit with a new mission because I can’t decide how I want to structure it. I think you might be getting a very slowburn Peter Parker x reader, but to compensate for that you get all of the Dad!Bucky. But I haven’t quite decided yet so that one is actively being worked on but not quite cooperating. Hopefully I’ll get to share more soon! As always thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!  Also I didn’t really edit this so apologies if it’s crap. 
Summary: You left something in steve’s room and have to go get it.... (My summaries are shit. I know.) 
Characters/Pairings: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers x Reader 
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language, ogling of hot boys, Shirtless!Bucky, awkward!Steve
Word Count: 1240 
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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 When you woke from your post-exam nap it was three in the afternoon. After a long stretch, you started rooting around your room for your ID.  You had realized that it was missing when you went to swipe back into the building and it wasn’t in its normal pocket in your bag. You inadvertently reorganized your entire room while you looked for it, but still no luck.
You knew you had it when you came back from the library last night, so you carefully checked the common room.
“The last time I used it was…” you tapped your finger on the table. “At the vending machine.”
You had bought candy as a mini-reward around five in the morning and then you had shoved the card into your back pocket. You rushed back to your room to check the jeans you had changed out of it that morning, but no luck. You groaned when you realized that the ID was probably somewhere in Steve’s bed. Since you didn’t have his phone number you only had once choice.
You felt a bit like you were doing a walk of shame as you took the elevator two floors down and walked towards his room. Hoping he was back from his classes, you bit your lip as you knocked on his door.
“One second.”
The door opened, revealing Steve’s very attractive and very shirtless roommate.
“Hi,” you squeaked out.
“Hi,” he smirked. “Can I help you, doll?”
“Uh, I hope so. I think I might have left my ID in here this morning.”
The brunette looked confused and you realized that he had no idea who you were or why you had been in his room.
“I… uh.. Steve and I have chem together. And we were studying and he made me coffee this morning after an all-nighter. I would have texted Steve but I didn’t have his number and I really need my ID,” you babbled. “I’m y/n.”  
A small smile crossed his face as he put two and two together. Steve had texted him about a cute girl saving his ass in chemistry.
“Bucky,” he informed you as he pulled the door open wider. “I was wondering why my mug was used. Come on in, I’ll take a look.”
You let him look around the floor and desk unsuccessfully before mumbling that it was probably in the bed.
“What was that?” he asked as he finally put on a shirt.  
“I said it might be inhisbed.”
You rushed through the final bit hoping he wouldn’t make you repeat it.
“Steve is holding out on me,” he muttered under his breath.
Bucky lithely hopped onto the desk and started searching through the bed and you found yourself admiring his ass.
“Got it!” He hopped down and handed it to you. “Here you go.”
You slid it into your wallet.
“Thanks. Sorry for bothering you.”
“Didn’t bother me at all, doll. You know, I was just about to go down to the dining hall for a snack. You hungry?”
“I could eat,” you agreed.
“Let me just go use the bathroom. Make yourself comfortable.”
He left the door open a crack as he walked out. You couldn’t help but look at the sketches that were posted around the room. You were admiring one of the New York skyline when the door swung open; you jumped back, feeling like a snoop.  
“Buck, I’m glad you’re home, I gotta tell you about the girl I met last night.”
Steve flushed bright red when he saw you sitting there.
“Y/n, h-h-hey, what are you doing here?”
“I umm kinda lost my ID in your bed. I didn’t have any way to contact you so I figured I’d try my luck and Bucky was here so he found it for me.”
“Where is Bucky now?”
“Bathroom. We were just about to go down to the dining hall. Hungry?”
“Starving. I had back to back labs after the exam.”
“Eww why would you sign up for back to back Friday labs?”
“A friend of mind said labs are easier on Fridays because the TA’s are as over the week as you are.”
It was somewhat sound logic you supposed.
“Were they right?’
“Not really. Although, when I pull all-nighters to finish my labs I have the entire weekend to recover.”
“That is a considerable upside. I put both of mine on Mondays so I would work on my labs over the weekend,” you admitted.
“How’s that working out for you?” You could hear the sarcasm in his tone and your answer was written all over your face.
“Well I dropped my Tuesday 8 AM dance class.”
You were both laughing when Bucky walked back in.
“You got out of lab early.”
“It was an easy one this week,” Steve explained as he tucked his backpack under his desk.  
“That’s good. You going to come with us to the dining hall then?”
He glanced at you before grinning.
 Bucky barely ate anything as the three of you sat in the dining hall chatting.
“Are you sick? Normally you’re inhaling everything in sight,” Steve asked, brow furrowed.  
“I’m saving my appetite.”
“For what?”
“I’ve got a date tonight,” Bucky grinned.
“Where you taking her?”
“This little hole in the wall in Little Italy. Tony suggested it to me.”  
“Girl must be something special,” Steve hedged and you felt a bit like an intruder.
Bucky’s answering smile was serene and full of hope.
“I think she is. Speaking of which… I should probably go get ready.”
“Have fun.”
“I will. It was nice meeting you, y/n. I hope I see you around.”
“Same here, Bucky.”
“See ya!”
He waved and rushed out of the dining hall, leaving you and Steve alone, awkwardly sitting on the same side of a booth.
“Thanks for saving my butt on the exam today,” he grinned leaning his head in his hand as he turned to look at you.
“Umm, Steve,” you couldn’t help but giggle as he put his elbow directly in a glob of ketchup.
“Wow that was super smooth,” he mentally kicked himself as you handed him some napkins.
Once he had only managed to make the stain larger, he shrugged out of his sweatshirt and tossed it to the other side of the booth. You took a moment to appreciate the way his shirt stretched across his pecs and when he leaned forward again on the newly cleared table you couldn’t help but notice his biceps.
“Like I was saying. I definitely would have left half that exam blank if it weren’t for you helping me last night. So thank you.”
“I should be thanking you. I realized so many things studying with someone else.”
“Maybe we should study together more often then.”
“That would be great,” you agreed quickly.
 “So any plans for the rest of the night?” Steve asked as you left the dining hall nearly three hours after arriving. He was so easy to talk to.
“Does ordering Insomnia Cookies and watching old cartoons count as plans?”
“I don’t know. But it sounds like heaven.”
“Do you want to join me?” you asked surprising both of you.
“I don’t want to ruin your night.”
“You wouldn’t,” you promised.
“Well if you’re sure. But cookies are on me.”
“As long as you don’t put your elbow in them,” you teased as you stepped into the elevator.
“You know what, y/n…”
A/N: as;ldkfj Okay, so I truly hope you enjoyed reading this because I loved writing it. and I can’t wait to write more for them. Thank you for reading. As always feedback is appreciated but be kind my lovelies! 
Tag Lists are Open! (Strike throughs didn’t work) 
Sexiled Tag List @yourspecialcrush @part-time-patronus @impala-with-wings @shitty-imagines-95 @zlixlle @peter-parker-steve-bucky
Steve/Chris Tag List @isaxhorror @peachykeen3502 @patzammit
Marvel Tag List @hdthdthdt​   @sophiatomlinson23 @misty-panther @supermusicallee @scarlettsoldier
Permanent Tag List @iamwarrenspeace @jayzayy @bexboo616 @neoqueen306 @santheweird @rowenaravencalw @buckitybarnes @prxttybirdz @sergeantjbuckybarnes @samwinchxtr @broitsmydick @ailynalonso15 @nyxveracity @queenoftrash97 @walkingtravesty97 @lamia-maizat @memyselfandmaddox @lowkeybuckyb @whiskey2011 @averyrogers83
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cinema212 · 7 years
A Night I Won’t Forget.
This is for #beeswritingchallenge. Let’s see how this goes!
Prompt: I may or may not have fucked up./Judging by the sheer amount of blood I am going to go with may.
A/N: This is for @denialanderror writing challenge Congrats on 2k!! this is based on an actual life event that happened to my dumbass one armed brother.
Warnings: blood, dumbassery, fluff (is that really a warning?) and swear words.
Pairing:Bucky X Reader.
Bucky’s POV
Bucky could not wait for Y/N to get home. She has been working so hard as of late, running late night missions with Nat, going over strategy for larger missions with Steve, and filling out mission reports till the wee hours of the morning. On top of everything she still made time for Bucky, soothing him from his nightmares and helping him adjust to life with only one arm. T’Challa had passed along that Shuri was working on his new arm and it should be ready in the next few days. To celebrate the wonderful news and to give Y/n a well deserved treat Bucky decided that he was going to make a home cooked meal. “How hard could it be?” Bucky said to himself.
Bucky walked into the kitchen after a workout to see what ingredients he would need for tonight’s meal. He decided on cheeseburgers, salad, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. “Friday? What time will Y/N be home this evening?” Bucky asked looking at the clock. “Miss Y/n is en route with Captain Rogers from Germany they should be returning to the tower at 7:00pm.” Replied the AI. “Perfect! Thanks Friday!” Bucky said. Seeing as it was only 2:00pm Bucky placed the order with Friday for the needed ingredients and then went upstairs to shower and change. When he was washing away the sweat of his workout Bucky’s thoughts traveled back to Y/N. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten to have someone as thoughtful, kind, and caring as you. You were constantly placing others before yourself and Bucky wanted to give you this night to show you that all of your hard work was valid and meant something to him.
Bucky turned off the water and grabbed a towel off the rack drying himself off. He caught a glimpse of himself in the fogged up mirror. He stopped for a moment and wiped the glass clear with his hand. He took stock of the man he saw. This man was so different that the one what he had been before. There was color and fullness in his cheeks again, light in his grey blue eyes, the bags were still there but not as dark or as heavy as they were in the past. His gaze traveled down to the scarring on his left shoulder. He took a deep breath and took time to take in the marred stump where his clavicle of flesh and bone met the metal ball and socket of the shoulder. Running his fingers along the lines of raised skin he sighed, guilt and sadness tugging at the back of his mind. Then he remembered how your lips traced the every same skin with such tenderness the very memory had tears springing to his eyes. Shaking the thoughts away Bucky looked back at the reflection of his face in the mirror and realizing that for the first time in a very long time he was happy and that maybe, just maybe, he deserved a little of it.
By the time he dried himself and dressed himself in a pair of dark jeans and the red Henley Y/n loved so much he saw that it was only 2:30.Bucky set his alarm for 3:00 so he could hopefully get a power nap in before setting up to cook for this evening. Turning on the Tv Bucky laid himself on the couch and closed his eyes.
Blinking awake, Bucky woke feeling surprisingly well rested “Well at least now I understand why Sam is constantly going on about the power of a good nap”
Bucky said to himself. Sitting up he stretched his arm above his head and stopped short. The clock on the wall said 5:52. “WHat the FuCK?” Bucky yelled as he dashed into the kitchen. “Friday, why didn’t you wake me up I set my alarm for three o’clock” Said Bucky shucking corn like a mad man (which with one arm is incredibly difficult to do) “Sergeant Barnes you set your alarm for Three am. I was simply following your instructions.” “Shit, Okay. Thanks Friday. What’s Y/n ETA?” Asked Bucky as he placed a large pot of water on the stove to boil “Miss Y/n and Captain Rogers should be arriving in approximately 40 minutes.” “Fucking hell!!” Now rushing to make sure that everything would be perfect Bucky finished shucking the corn and placed them in the pot of boiling water. He decided that with the time cut short baked potatoes would be a better choice. While the potatoes and corn were cooking Bucky pulled th ingredients for the salad out of the fridge and began to toss them together. When the salad was done he placed in back in the fridge and checked the time. He had about twenty minutes left to get everything together and then it hit him. “I FUCKIGNFORGOT TO THAW THE BURGER PATTIES” Heating up the grill top Bucky pulled the patties out of the freezer laying out a frustrated groan when he felt just how frozen they really were. The timer for the potatoes and the corn went off and Bucky set the patties under running water to try to get them to thaw as he tended to the other foods. “Sergeant Barnes, I wanted to inform you that Miss Y/N and Captain Rogers will be landing in 12 minutes.” Chimed Friday’s voice for over head. “Great just great” said Bucky who was frantically trying to drain the corn and pull the potatoes out of the oven at the same time.
Y/N sat in the copilot seat on the jet slowly dozing in and out of sleep. The mission in Germany was not difficult but it was a lot of sitting and scouting. Thankfully their target had decided to make a move earlier than anticipated which allowed you and Steve to get a head start headed back home. Y/n felt so relieved at the idea of getting home, taking a nice hot shower and curling up to binge watch Stranger Things with Bucky.
Steve gently shook Y/N awake when they were touching down at the compound. “Y/N? Doll? Wake up, we’re home.” “Thanks Steve” came a sleepy reply. Gathering your bag onto your shoulder you exit the off ramp into the hangar. You notice immediately the absence of a certain brunette super soldier. “Well that’s just rude’’ you huff. Steve chuckles beside you “don’t worry doll he and Sam are probably just working out all of that pent up sexual tension between them.” You gasp in mock horror “was that a sex joke from Americas Sweetheart? You should be ashamed!” You both are laughing still by the time you reach the common areas. “Well Y/N, debrief in 30? I’m going to head up and shower then meet you in the conference room.” Asked Steve before parting ways. “Sounds good Cap. I’m going to get some water then look for that man child of mine.” As you say your goodbyes and make your way to the kitchen you are stopped dead at what you see.
Bucky. Patties. Blood. Everywhere.
Bucky is in the process of tying his belt around his left leg a deep gash on his upper thigh. “What the HELL HAPPENED!” Bucky froze when he heard your voice, slowly raising his gaze “Y/N…. I was just … I made…” He took a deep sigh “I may or may not have fucked up.” You huff incredulously “Well, judging by the sheer amount of blood I’m going to go with may!!”
You rush over to Bucky helping him onto the counter and tightening the belt around his thigh as much as you can. “Shit buck, how did this happen? Don’t answer that right now. We have to stop the bleeding. Friday, call Cho and have her meet us downstairs as soon as possible and let Steve know that I cant debrief tonight.”
An hour later and the bleeding has stopped and the serum in Bucky’s body already doing its job. Dr. Cho had mentioned the fact that he had severed one of the main veins that lead to the artery. Thankfully she was able to mend the vein and stitch Bucky up quickly. Now back in your shared room he sat silent, shoulders slumped and looking absolutely defeated. You stand at the door to your bedroom looking at a very forlorn Bucky. “Buck, talk to me. What happened tonight?” Moving to sit behind him on the edge of your bed you wrap your arms around his waist, your chest to his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Taking a deep breath Bucky explained what he had planned this night to be for you. “I wanted to show you just how much I love you and how much I see that what you are doing is important.” Taking your hand in his he raises it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand your fingers twining together. Then he explained the over sleeping and how he had to rush to get things finished. “Okay” you interrupt, “but that still doesn’t explain the murder scene I walked into.” Laughing softly to himself and shaking his head “honestly it wasn’t my smartest moment, Doll.” You pull away from him and move so you can look him dead in the eye. “James Barnes, this is not funny. You were seriously hurt and is scared the shit out of me! Tell. Me. What. Happened.” Raising his hand to your cheek he took in the look of desperation and urgency in your eyes and very seriously said “I stabbed myself in the leg trying to separate hamburger patties.”
You blinked twice. “What?” “I stabbed myself in…” “nonono I heard that part” you say placing a finger over his lips to silence him. “How did you even get the knife that close to your leg?” Bucky reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well when the hamburger patties are being squeezed by the thighs of betrayal and the knife slips it can actually happen fairly easily.”
Your jaw drops. You don’t know wether to laugh or cry or be angry. Pulling yourself away from Bucky you began to pace at the end of your bed. Bucky turned to face you “Doll I …” you put a hand up to stop him “Don’t you dare say a word. That is by far the DUMBEST reason to get stabbed. And I don’t know wether to throw another knife at you, burst into tears, or laugh my ass off and that’s a very confusing place to be in.”
Bucky decides for you, he starts laughing. As much as you try to fight it you start laughing too and before you know it you both are wiping the tears from your eyes next to each other on your bed. Bucky wraps his arm around your waist pulling you into his chest “I’m sorry I ruined tonight Y/N. I really did want to make it a special occasion for you.” “Well it is definitely a night I won't forget” you say pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You gasp suddenly and giggle “wait till Sam finds out!” Bucky rolls his eyes “Ugh, don’t remind me.” He groans. “I love you Bucky Barnes. Please don’t make stabbing yourself a regular thing.” You whisper as you snuggle into his chest. The response you got was a deep echoing grumble from Bucky’s stomach and you both burst into giggles once more. “I love you too Y/N. Now I have been meaning to ask you this since we got back to the room.” You pull back with a quizzical look on your face.And with that shit eating grin you love to hate he asks
“Pizza or Chinese?”
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welcometophu · 7 years
Denouement 3
Twinned Book 1: Commit to the Kick
Denouement 3
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“There’s nothing I can do, Dax.” Alaric spreads his hands, tries to keep the gruff growl from his voice. “Pushing the shadowwalker to talk wasn’t helping us. Leaving it with Theobald will hopefully stop a war. I can’t be there until finals are over, and Theobald won’t let the Mages stay to do anything.”
“I get that.” Dax pushes fingers through hair that’s grown out, curly and scruffy. He huffs, rubs a hand across his face. He’s scruffy all over, like he just doesn’t care, although Alaric can tell that the beard has been trimmed down to the one small spot on his chin. “I get it, but it’s not enough, not yet. I can still feel—” He cuts off, motions at his temple. “Orson’s not satisfied.”
“Orson was like that.” Alaric shifts slightly, arms crossed. When Chris nudges closer, Alaric takes his weight against his shoulder, relaxes slowly at the touch.
“Is it possible that Orson doesn’t think this stopped the war?” Chris asks.
“He’s dead, Chris,” Dax snaps. He makes a face. “Fuck, sorry. I don’t think he knows any more than we do. He’s dead. This is just what’s keeping him here so yeah, he doesn’t think we stopped the war, for whatever reason. He’s not satisfied. The thing is, maybe you did. Maybe bringing the shadowwalker out to Haverhill fixed things. Or maybe it didn’t. Or maybe there’ll be a war three years down the road. We don’t know. And until there’s something that’s enough to satisfy Orson, I’m stuck with him in the back of my head. It’s making it hard to go home and not try to stick around Alaric and protect him.”
“Go home when your finals are done,” Chris says quietly.
Dax scowls, presses fingers to the bridge of his nose. “You have no idea what this feels like.”
“I don’t,” Chris admits.
“Visit me over break.” Alaric shrugs at the look they both give him. “I’m going home. It’ll make my mom happy, and my father is going to have to deal with the friends I have visit. Rory’s coming. I’m going up to Vermont at some point. Chris—” He stops abruptly.
“If you want me to visit, Theobald doesn’t scare me.”
“Lie,” Alaric says, and Chris doesn’t deny it. “But if you want to visit, I’d like it. So Dax, come out there over break. Talk to Orson again. See me and Drea and Corbin, talk to my mom, see that we’re all safe. Maybe it’ll help get him out of your head.”
“Maybe.” Dax’s expression is dubious as he rubs at his forehead. “Right now it’s distracting, and I have my first exam tomorrow morning. I’m going to Maxwell to meet up with my Orgo study group. I have a blanket in my backpack. I’m napping there if they don’t kick us out.”
“If you want to go back to the room, I’m sleeping tonight. I have a project due tomorrow by midnight,” Chris says. “And my major project isn’t due until Friday. I’m just going to work here for now.”
Alaric pulls open the door to Douglass, motions Chris inside as Dax heads for Maxwell. “I’m not going to be much company,” Alaric mutters. “Rory’s got Coven, though, so it’s quiet.”
“I have a paper due tomorrow, and so do you,” Chris says easily. “I’m not looking for conversation, just a quiet space where I can work. I find it easier to do when there’s someone else in the room.”
Alaric knocks into him on the way up the stairs. “You like being around people.”
“Don’t need a puppy pile, but yeah,” Chris admits. “It feels better. And you’re decent people to be around.”
It’s a thought that warms Alaric, like Chris is Clan. Someone inside his inner circle, someone that makes him comfortable as well. He nods once, pushes open the door.
It takes some time to find a method that works for them. They both end up on Alaric’s bed, high above the floor, leaning against the wall shoulder to shoulder. Chris’s foot hooks over Alaric’s ankle, a comfortable, hot weight. Alaric’s focus is on the laptop balanced on his knees, while Chris sifts through notes, searching for information more than he types.
Alaric manages to lose himself in the paper, working his way through the final topic for Magical Studies. When the door to the room opens, he jerks out of the fugue, elbowing Chris in the side.
Rory blinks at them. “Oh. Hey. Sorry. Am I interrupting?”
Alaric lifts the laptop. “Working on my paper for Pawel. Chris is doing some art history thing.”
“This is Psych,” Chris mumbles. “Art History isn’t due until Friday.” He reaches for a paper that’s fallen on the other side of Alaric, pulling it back and making notes in a file on his laptop. “Almost at the point where I can start writing it.” He glances up when they’re silent, blinks. “Okay, so sometimes I procrastinate.” He rolls his eyes, gets back to work.
There’s a sour scent in the air. Rory shrugs out of his jacket, tosses it over Alaric’s on the chair.  He rubs at his wrist, looks around until his gaze falls on the guitar on its stand. Rory takes the guitar and climbs onto his own bed, sitting cross-legged as he picks at chords that jangle against Alaric’s senses.
“What’s wrong?” Alaric asks quietly.
“Just the ritual tonight didn’t do what we thought it would.” Rory shrugs one shoulder. “We put a lot of energy into it. Volunteers only from Coven, and we were the only ones there. Tonight would’ve been optional, anyway. Last week was our last real meeting.” He glances up from under the long fall of hair across his face. “Nik was there. She’s looking better. Said she’s got her first Psych exam at noon tomorrow.”
The idea of a ritual gone wrong makes Alaric’s skin itch, but the stink of Rory’s skin makes it worse. “What went wrong?”
“Don’t know.” Rory strums a minor chord. “It was this ritual that Pawel worked out with Ángel and Hayley, and it seemed like it was going to be really simple. The hardest part was the energy needed, and that I had to give energy instead of nullifying it. But when we were done, it didn’t work.”
Alaric has no idea who Ángel and Hayley are, but he figures that’s not important to the story. “It bothers you,” he says, and the next chord twangs painfully.
“Yeah,” Rory says quietly. “It bothers me. They were really disappointed. This was the kind of thing they were looking forward to. Kind of like… imagine being engaged for two years and then the wedding just doesn’t happen.”
Alaric shakes his head. “Not a great analogy.”
Chris snorts.
“The point is, it was something they’d been looking forward to for a long time, that was incredibly important, and it didn’t work.” The sounds from the guitar remain discordant, pinging against Alaric’s eardrums. Rory’s fingers slow, stop. He inhales slowly, closes his eyes. “If I play something that doesn’t sound like shit, will it bother you?”
Chris waves a hand, and Alaric shakes his head. “’S’good,” Alaric mutters.
Alaric gets a page written and whatever Rory’s working on is starting to sound more like a song by the time Chris finally sets his laptop aside. “Did you say Nikita was there?” he asks.
Rory glances up. “Yeah. She’s doing okay now. The Dreamwalker worked with her; said she raised a daughter who showed the Talent. She doesn’t think Nik’s a Dreamwalker, but it’s close enough that whatever they did means Nik hasn’t had nightmares since.”
Alaric’s phone buzzes. He lifts it, expecting it to be Drea, but his mother’s message pops up instead: The shadow is gone.
Rory laughs a little, strums. “I think Nik’s more excited that Jennifer moved out Sunday night, before the study days really got started. As soon as she turned in her last paper, she was gone. Nik’s done by Friday, Pels still has another final next week.”
Alaric’s still staring at the phone, fingers hovering over the screen. His mother’s message feels like an accusation, and his stomach clenches. He types back slowly: Dad?
“Ric?” Chris leans into him.
“Shadow’s gone.” Alaric forces himself to breathe evenly, one breath at a time, until the response comes back and he can inhale fully again. “My father’s okay.” He reads each messages as it comes in, translates for Chris and Rory. “Mom says it’s like it was never there. My father still says the Bertram place is fouled, warned everyone away from it. Mom thinks it’s been gone for a day, maybe, and he didn’t say anything until she went out there, found him sitting in the room alone.”
“At least nothing happened to your father.” Rory’s scent thickens again, sour and dark. “We knew this could happen. Pawel left a lot of residual energy there, but it couldn’t hold the shadow forever.”
“I honestly thought he’d kill it,” Alaric mutters. Chris rests a hand across the nape of his neck, and Alaric leans into the pressure. “I thought he’d kill it instead of keeping it and trying to talk to it. Or it’d try to kill him. Or he’d let the community tear it apart. Didn’t figure it’d last long enough to escape.”
“I’ll let Pawel know.” Rory slides off the bed, puts the guitar back on its stand. He pulls open the door, stops when he sees Nikita standing on the other side, her hand raised to knock.
“You could text him,” Chris says, and Rory ducks his head, pulling back into the room and giving Nikita room to come in.
“Alaric,” Nikita calls out, pausing when she sees Chris. She cocks her head. “Perfect. Can I ask you a personal question?”
“You’re going to ask anyway.” Alaric knows this by now, even after only one semester living on the same floor with her.
“You don’t have to answer, even if I ask,” Nikita points out. “I was just wondering—how did you come out to your families? I’m thinking of coming out to mine and I’m not sure how they’ll take it. So advice might be nice.”
“Haven’t.” Alaric isn’t even sure what he needs to tell them more—that he’s gay, or that he can become a dragon. “Don’t think I’m going to bother. They’ll figure it out or they won’t, and I don’t really give a fuck what my father thinks.”
Nikita edges closer. “He won’t cut you off, will he?”
“Do you think your parents will cut you off?” Chris sets his laptop aside, slides to the edge of the bed so his legs hang over and he can look down. “You don’t have to come out to anyone, Nik, not even your parents.”
“They won’t cut me off.” Nikita shrugs. “It’s just that since Tammy had the baby, Mom’s all about asking me when I’m going to meet a nice guy so I can get married, have babies after college, settle down like Tammy did. And I keep getting the urge to tell her that it’s not guys I go for.”
“They aren’t very open-minded?” Rory asks, his thumbs moving across the keyboard of his phone. “Mine never really assumed anything, but then, I have one mom and two dads, so our house was pretty much ready for anything. Which is good, considering they ended up with me and Thorne.”
“I told mine when I was a senior in high school,” Chris says. “I was scared to tell my dad before that. I knew he loved me—I knew that wouldn’t change—but there’s this whole image in football, and well, I’m black. There are a lot of stereotypical expectations and even though I trusted my parents not to push me out for not fitting that, it was still terrifying.”
“What made you decide to come out?” Nikita asks.
Chris laughs dryly. “Locker room talk. This guy joined the team and he was out and everyone knew it. And there were a few guys giving him shit, and I wasn’t going to let that happen. They tried saying some bullshit about how being gay makes a guy weak. Pete wasn’t weak; he was a damned good kicker, and he could outsprint most of the guys on the team. They were just looking for some reason to put him down.
“I didn’t want to start a fight, so I got together with my co-captain and we came up with a plan. Then I had to present it to my coach, and before that, I wanted to tell my parents. Because if the team was going to know, I wanted them to know first.”
“How’d it go?”
“Fine,” Chris admits. “Maybe I’m lucky, but my family was fine with it. One of my brothers just said that he figured one of us had to be—and the youngest one talked to me privately about a week later because he thinks maybe he’s bi. He’s still figuring it out. But I just did it over dinner one night—please pass the potatoes, oh by the way, I’m gay and I’m coming out to the team tomorrow so we can stop the bullying.”
“Seriously?” Nikita laughs, the sound louder when Chris nods.
“Hey.” The door nudges open, TJ poking his head in. “Quiet time in ten minutes, right after primal scream. Time for guests to get out.”
“You could come study at OPT if you want?” Chris offers as he pulls his stuff together.
Alaric glances at Rory, not sure he wants to leave his roommate on his own. Rory’s still distracted by his phone, tapping away at his messages, and while his scent has eased, it’s not quite right. “I think I’m staying here tonight,” Alaric says. “Rory?”
Rory blinks at him. “I’d appreciate that,” he says quietly. “If you don’t mind.”
“Don’t mind,” Alaric tells him. “‘M’just gonna walk Chris out and go scream, okay?”
Rory winces. “Yeah, don’t do that in here. You were leaning out the window last night and it was still loud enough to hurt my ears.”
“Not a fan of primal scream,” Alaric murmurs as he follows Chris out. Nikita’s slipping into her own room, and Alaric can hear TJ in the distance talking to Pat and Jackson over the sound of their music. “I like it. Get to lose control.”
Chris smirks. “Yeah. You like that.”
There’s heat under his skin, warm and rosy. Alaric ducks his head, glances back to see Chris at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him. “Yeah,” Alaric says softly.
Chris crowds him as soon as he gets to the bottom, pushes him back against the wall before he kisses him. Alaric groans softly, opens his mouth under Chris’s. When he gets a hand on Chris’s shoulder, fingers wrap around his wrist, holding tightly as Chris grips the nape of Alaric’s neck.
It’s better than the primal scream.
Chris pulls back, rotates them so someone can pass by them and head upstairs. Alaric licks his lips, stares at Chris with his body aching.
“Take care of Rory,” Chris says quietly. He leans into him again, heavy and warm against Alaric’s body. A slow kiss this time, lingering before Chris speaks again. “Dax is going home Friday,” he says quietly. “He’s coming back Saturday for the concert, but he’s not in the room Friday.”
“I’m done Friday. Not going home until Monday, when Drea’s done.” Alaric licks his lips, thinks about what Chris has said. What he’s offering.
“Finish your finals,” Chris tells him. “Focus on that. Get through the paper, the exams, and on Friday, we’ll get Chinese food and watch movies. Okay?”
It sounds like a date.
It also sounds like what they’ve been doing all fucking semester.
“Minissales,” Alaric counters. “‘M’paying.”
“Fine, you pay. I pick the movies.” Chris kisses him again, hard and fast and brutal enough to leave Alaric breathless and hungry. “Come on. Let’s go scream and I’m going to get out of here.”
As Alaric steps out of the building, he can hear windows being thrown open, doors being pushed wide. It’s as if the campus collectively draws a breath, and lets it out at once, in a blood-curdling shriek. Alaric joins in, howling while Chris screams, and it feels good to stand side-by-side and just let go.
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Right now its 11:06 pm. I just woke up from a 3 hours nap and just did all the notes for tomorrow...well majority of them bc my coresident added another patient today..uggh! But happy i got all the notes done because tomorrow I have clinic in the morning and then I am oncall and I wanna round on all these patients before I go to clinic so when I come back I just have to worry about consults.  I am so excited I only have remaining of this week and up until next Friday of Floors and I am officially done with my first years of floors!!! I AM SO HAPPY! First one to finish 3 months of brutal floor and taking care of patient. I think I did a decent job handling and I think my census was a kick ass compare to everyone...at least thats what so call co residents have told me. Anyways march has been going well for most part, things have been good and I always have been having good luck on my side. Been slightly improving managing patient and handling stressful situation. I just want this month to end and next month to begin because guess what??!!! Hummus gets 2 weeks vacation finally after her last vacation being in September/October! I’m so excited...this would be a legit 2 weeks vacation. First week will be to DISNEY WORLD!!!! I AM SO EXCITED bc I am going all OUT! LIKE ALL OUT! LITERALLY! Spend 2 Grand on this vacation and I am gonna enjoy it because not sure when can I will enjoy it later. I feel like my life would be changing soon so might as well live the moment. So far everything is booked for this vacation including resort, tickets, tours, flight..etc you name it it is done!!! And today I also think I got my magic band in the mail...I am waiting to open it with Jaan when he gets home. The only thing I gotta do is start packing but I am holding off bc it’s a bit early...I still have 2 weeks.  My second week will be spend at Houston, Texas with family..which I am having second thoughts bc parents are just being annoying. I am praying things will blow over regarding marriage stuff they are worried about.  They don’t know when I am coming in april and part of me wants to back out LOL, but I know I need to go home and visit them bc they aren’t gonna come see me.  So I Will have to be a tough cookie and make the visit and hope things are okay. But yes very looking forward to my vacation, bc it is much needed. I just know it will suck coming back to NYC and getting back to work. I mean after 2 weeks of staying away from work drama and stress it’s tough. Not looking forward to it, but I am excited to be so close in finishing first year. I think it went fast so far and I heard these 3 years fly by quickly maybe because I am constantly running around like crazy headless chicken at times. Anyways just want it to move faster so I can live my life. Only thing that bugging me right now with work is getting all my numbers so I can be worried free...just don't wanna be struggling with numbers until the end like few of the second years right now. I know it’s not a competition but you know what I mean. I know I will graduate and get my number but I do want to be the very few ones to be finished ASAP.  I just want to have my life with flexibility as I go on next few years. 
Work has overall been okay...just been moving along each day and taking one day at time. April will be my month in OR which I will miss 2 weeks of OR cases which hummus is a bit sad about bc there goes my number which will be stolen. And following month will be spend driving to NUMC and Southside which hummus not looking forward to at all bc those assholes will start just giving me the responsibility to handle bc I will slowly transition to that hospital for second year...so I guess hummus should just learn everything and get use to it. Plus hopefully will get numbers there too. And then June will be back at Forest Hills where I will be off service doing ID which basically is an easy month as of right now and I am looking forward to ending my first year. I would’t mind taking few days off in June. Also have 3 more days to use from my personal day which I will use in May.  So yeah the first year is ending and I am excited and nervous at same time because I just hope it gets easier, but I have a feeling second year maybe little tough on me since its gonna be lot driving, but hopefully Allah will help me get through and by third year calls will be less too so life will be easy.  I just wanna be done!!! Anyways work drama is same old, drama here and there and you know stupid comments made all around.  Just can’t spend time writing that here bc it will go on and on. I just take things from one ear and let it go from the other ear. My goal each day to make it alive by 5 pm and leave. As long as I do my responsibility noone can be upset with me.  
I am waiting for Jaan to respond to me. I know Jaan is upset with me and things are little bit off since Monday. It is hummus fault bc she can’t handle her drinks. I am sorry Jaan I have no self aware and I have decided I will no longer drink. This made it official that my disney trip will be completely innocent too cause I be all alone and I don't want to do something stupid I regret when I have noone watching me. I think I just don't realize when drink hit me hard...I have very low tolerance and I think I have no self control. I know you are upset with me and I have disappointed you and I will handle myself better from now on. Please have fate in me and Ill be more responsible. I don't want this to ruin our relationship. And I know things have been up and down with my parents slowly getting involved in my marriage issues, but plz ignore them. They are just paranoid and worried which I understand but they can’t do much except pester me. I will do what hummus do best is run away if they don't listen to me. I will be honest been avoiding my mom and just text her. Just don't want to talk to her bc now days she doesn’t let go for some reason. I am so shock that we are coming towards completing our first year together...it so crazy how its gonna be a year. I think it went by so quick Jaan! I hope we have many more years to together and hopefully still be part of you life. I know our future is still up in the air and things may not be as what we want but I want you to know I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BE PART OF YOU LIFE THUS this far and want to be part of it for next 70 years or more =P!  I LOVE YOU A LOT!! Yay you finally called and I was so happy listening to your voice and you make me smile and laugh and yes I know you are still upset with me but it still make me giggly inside when I talk to you! Sorry Jaan I haven't been around as usual. I know your tired of my schedule and my habits...but I am doing my best to nap and be rested so we can spend time together.  And I want to stay up tonight and help you study if you would let me and give you company. I LOVE YOU A LOT!! And I wish I was there monday night to help you but I am very sorry I was out of it. Please forgive me jaan! 
You are right...writing helps me feel better. I think I just haven’t written on tumblr bc I have this overwhelming feeling inside me bc I have no idea where to start. I feel so much happens in my life at times, I just don't wanna talk about it or deal with it or there so much I wanna say but I just can't write it out and I wanna write out all my thoughts. Like my mind is running crazy. Even right now I feel like there so much I wanna talk about but I can't fully bc my mind is crazy. I wanna go into details about things that have happen, but I feel like thoughts are just jumbled or my memory sucks and I don't remember things unless someone brings up. 
Anyways I do feel a lots better!!! Thank You Jaan!!! FOR EVERY THING YOU DO FOR ME! I LOVE YOU A LOT!!! MUAAAH!!!! Now gonna talk to you on the phone!
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