#but ive been thinnknng about this.....so much....
musubiki · 5 years
imagine leon and sonia hanging out at her camp in the wild area. they're just chilling, Leon was on his way to motostoke when he spotted her fishing by south lake miloch and decided to drop in and say hi, spend some time with his best friend. they just laugh about dumb things they see around galar and dumb people they've run into. they let yamper and charizard play around in the grass since they're also best friends and don't get to hang out too often. 
Sonia invites him to stay for dinner and mentions she wanted to try out a new curry recipe shes been working on, and HELL YEAH he's not gonna say no to that, he loves her cooking. so he helps her chop up leeks and berries and fans the campfire while she cooks the curry, chit-chatting about hop and Gloria and that white-haired, old lady looking ass kid. little glowing cutifly’s buzz around the campsite. and of course, her curry is wonderful, as always. yamper and Charizard eat a whole plateful each, and Leon pretty much gobbles down about three.
and right before they finish dinner they hear thunder. it's about the time of night the weather in the wild area changes gears. at first they both just kinda laugh it off saying “Naw we’re probably fine it sounded far off haha.” and then the familiar sound of pouring rain slowly gets louder and louder. 
and pretty soon they’re running like crazy, grabbing the curry pot, putting their pokemon back into their pokeballs and diving for cover into sonia’s tent. (luckily the curry survived). now theyre both panting and giggling, sonia laughs about how she forgot how rapid the weather changes there. 
and it pretty much dawns on them both at the same time that he might have to stay there with her until the rain stops. Leon says, “It’ll be fine, I’ll leave when the rain lets up” with a cheeky grin and a wave of his hand. the rain did not let up. at all. 
so they go over the options. flying taxis don’t operate in thunderstorms, its too dangerous. charizard can’t fly in the rain. leon mentions he could probably make a run for it, but without charizard he’d just get lost and wander around forever until he fell into a pit and died or something. sonia could go with him, but she left all her makeup and extra clothes at home that day and there was NO WAY she was gonna walk around motostoke tomorrow looking like something the purrloin dragged in. she would rather just have him stay there. 
the tent was small, but not that small. they could sleep there on opposite sides of the tent without it being TOO weird. i guess he’s staying the night then. 
leon takes off his wet cape and hat. he notices how comfortable her tent is. the bottom of it is at least 4 inches of soft plush. easy to sleep on. she has a bunch of pillows, blankets, comfort items in the corner stacked up, and a lantern on the tent wall (the curry pot is in another corner). “How come your tent is so premium??” he asks with confusion and some jealousy. he had to sleep on the most basic, hard-ass floor tent ever during their adveture. heck, he STILL DOES when he goes camping. 
sonia just huffs in pride. “Leon, I’m a camping master. Qualitity of life is a top priority of mine.” he notices a little patch of duct tape on the roof keeping the rain out, and jokingly mocks her as he points to it. “Oh yeah, quality duct tape repairs-” which earns him a playful punch on the arm from her. 
she slides him some soft pillows and blankets for his side of the tent. hes not really sure what to do with himself. i mean, hes glad shes letting him stay, but it still feels like hes intruding. they’ve had sleepovers before a lot when they were kids, but they’re not kids anymore. and they’ve never slept this close. after a few moments of silence, leon just asks “...wanna watch that new ghost-hunting show on youtube...?” sonia blinks, thinking for a moment, before saying “Okay!” 
for the next few hours they just binge watch the ghost-hunting show, wrapped in warm blankets and comfortable pillows. leons rotom phone hovering in the air above them on autoplay. sonia finds herself leaning her head against leons shoulder to watch, but neither of them are uncomfortable with it. its not that scary of a show. they just laugh at the stupid banter between the ghost hunters. 
the rain is a little lighter now, and they’ve binged quite a bit of episodes at this point. leons rotom phone pauses they auto-play to make sure theyre still watching. “Wanna watch the next season?” Leon asks her, but when he turns to her, shes asleep. on his shoulder. just snoozing away. and he freezes. 
he stays like that for a bit just hoping he didnt wake her up with his loud-ass question. after a few moments, he has the rotom turn off the latern on the tent wall, and then go back into his bag. 
he shifts his position a bit, and pulls the covers up over her shoulders. shes cute when shes asleep, he thinks. shes cuter when shes sleeping on him. actually, shes cute all the time-
he takes a deep breath and tries to think of something else. but she’s there next to him. and really its her fault for falling asleep on him, so she cant be mad at him in the morning. he leans his head on hers, and he can smell the shampoo in her hair. it smells nice. 
by the morning shes cuddled up in his arms. its not either of their fault, its just how they ended up sleeping. (maybe a little bit leons fault, but shh). when sonia wakes up, the first thing she sleepily notes is how warm and nice it feels. then she realizes whats actually happening. she jolts a little, enough to half-wake him up, and frantically apologizes (she assumed she fell asleep on him because it was the last thing she remembered). the drowsy leon just mumbles out an “It’s okay..” and pulls her back down, and close to him again. hes not ready to wake up yet. and now its her turn to freeze. 
when they both actually get up they kind of laugh nervously about it and equally apologize. he thanks her for letting her stay there and she hastily blurts out a “Y-Yeah-! Anytime you want-!!” and then stammers away trying to rephrase it. theyre both red in the face. 
yamper and charizard kind of give each other the look(tm). leon gives her a ride to motostoke, and he has to go to a meeting with the chairman that day. she waves him off. but neither of them really ever stop thinking about it. 
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