#but ive seen this going around since i joined the fandom and as a poc it makes me extremely uncomfomrtable!
floralbuckleys · 3 years
I just want to mention before you slate anyone for hating on Gabriella Walsh; she's been called out a multitude of times for taking advantage of pretending to be Latinx and for profiteering off Latinx people and culture when she had no Latinx heritage or blood.
She's been asked repeatedly to stop appropriating Latinx culture, roles and appearances and she refuses to acknowledge it or understand that what she is doing is harmful.
It has absolutely nothing to do with misogyny or any ships and everything to do with racial/cultural appropriation.
Just in case you weren't aware or were confused!
Hello anon! I hope you're prepared for a read, because I have quite a few things to say in response to this. I am neither unaware nor confused, and nor by the way are other POC friends I ranted about your ask with.
So let’s get into it.
1) It's interesting this is literally the only thing you choose to address. Not the misogyny or malicious hatred Gabrielle and the other female actresses' on the show get, but simply this. Interesting.
Now, you should ask yourself, why when someone makes a post against malicious hatred and misogyny it is not your FIRST response to agree, but rather try to change the conversation against them.
2) Secondly, please understand that everything I am saying comes from my own experience and point of view as an afro mexican myself and honestly if you are white, I could care less what you think on the issue.
I find it interesting you're so comfortable attacking Gabrielle Walsh for these claims of "taking advantage", "pretending to be latinx", and "profiteering off latinx people."
Such big broad powerful statements to say, when in reality you should NOT be so comfortable attacking a mixed African American woman, or any person of color for Fox's CHOICE to cast Gabrielle Walsh in this ambiguous latinx role.
Why aren't you attacking FOX about their casting choices? Why aren’t you going against networks for choosing to do this, but POC?
Let’s not forget that we all know there are a few other actors you could bring this debate up against, but that doesn't really happen now does it? I wonder why.
3) Tell me, what do you know of the struggles of being a black woman in America or a black woman trying to pursue a career as an actress in America? Any race of color and so on? 
What do you know of what it's like to be a person of color going through a rigorous casting process, and potentially constantly only get casted as latinx because you are mixed and do not have the stereotypically features/attitude the casting wants?
You don't know.
Hell, I don't know either because I've never had to be in Gabrielle Walsh's shoes or any black women trying to get an acting job in America or anywhere in the world.
But, I do know that growing up as an Afro mexican myself in school with a Spanish name, but "ambiguous" features, people have literally sat around me and debated my race before I could speak up or clarify.
"You look black."
"No, you look mexican."
That is such an uncomfortable position to be, and I would imagine Gabrielle. Walsh has felt the same, because it's a feeling a lot of mixed POC can most likely relate to, constantly getting placed in a box by what race they are and what race they're perceived as. POC actors are constantly forced to deal with these issues, while it’s easy for people to attack us for them online.
I can only imagine how many times a white casting director has looked at her and thought, “Well, I know that you’re not latinx, but you certainly look at it, and that’s all we care about.”
Because at the end of the day what does white Hollywood really care about? Trying to get that diversity win.
4) In my opinion, a lot of the hate Gabrielle is even getting is because she's getting in the way of the fandom's favorite ship. Any female who gets in the way of the ship gets hate.
So, is it really your niche to constantly pinpoint POC actors or any actor really who gets cast to play a character of a race they are not? Ambiguous or otherwise. Is it your passion to speak on this issue?
What about sexuality? Straight actors who play LGBTQ+ roles and vice versa? What about religion as well? There are so many angles to look at this from.
Ask yourself seriously, if you are attacking Gabrielle. Walsh because you're genuinely THAT concerned that a mixed black woman is getting cast to play this ambiguous latinx role.. OR if you're just concerned for your ship.
5) Not to mention the amount of issues black and latina women themselves face in the industry and their experiences. Honestly POC actresses and actors are the most hated on in fandoms. People love coming for their necks over nothing and anything, and that’s how it’s been for a long ass time.
6) Now to speak on it from another point of view, I wish Casting Directors did not do this. I wish that people were cast to play the race they are, and that people of color didn’t have to deal with these types of issues.
I wish people of color weren’t placed into boxes by how they appear, and not what they are.
But no, I myself as a afro mexican am NOT offended that Gabrielle. Walsh is being cast to play these roles. Nor would I be offended if the roles were reversed, because you know what? There are so many more important things to be upset about when it comes to the injustice of POC.
People of color have had to fight so hard to even have their place in the entertainment industry and we constantly have to see famous white actors portrayed us our races.
Now, I’d be very interested to know what Gabrielle Walsh herself actually thinks about the issue and her experiences, and what she thinks about all the hate she has received from it.
It’s actually a very deep conversation to have that should be had, and probably because of fear of backlash, we will never see her speak on it.
And genuinely, if other latinx people have an issue with Gabrielle’s role, or any other similar issues to this, I respect their voices and I respect that conversation because we are valid. 
But I do not accept vilifying her for this, especially if it’s coming from a misguided place.
So nah, you ain't about to come into my inbox and try to make her seem like some money hungry culture stealing witch to me. Nah.
Honestly, there's a lot more I could say on this topic, but to summarize, I do not agree with your blind views, and I will not tolerate any hate against this actress on my blog.
Think whatever the heck you want about the character, I am indifferent, but this ain’t it for me.
So if any other Gabrielle haters want to try it, you're simply going to be blocked because I am not dealing with your bullshit.
EDIT: Someone asked my opinion on the interview Gabrielle did and I’ll be frank. I did not like her wording on it, but it is not an odd thing to hear a person of color say in my experience. I’ve heard POC people around me say similar things. Is it a problematic statement? Yes. Should she be informed of that? Yes. Do I think it came from a malicious place? No.
However, I don’t think she took that question very seriously, nor do I think the interviewer was really trying to get to the BOTTOM of her serious thoughts on it.
When I say I would be interested to hear her thoughts on the matter, I’m talking about a deep dive, another POC asking her the serious questions and getting to the root of her thoughts and others on the matter, there and now.
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