#but just.... all the times a scientists has fucked up or gone after ash-IM LOOKING AT YOU COLRESS-it ends so badly
alolanrain · 1 year
After the SM series, imagine Kukui and Burnet's colleagues decided to visit them.
One of them asked "Hey, Kukui. Where's that Rockruff that you've been taking care of?"
Imagine everyone's surprise when they found out that the Rockruff not only finally evolved, but also in a new (and unexpected) evolutionary form.
i have like one or two posts talking about this subject, made like month's ago or of either more or less time, but I've never really fully describe why these scientists should go buck shit feral over Ash's lycanroc.
it's a whole new form and that's not on top of the fact that 1) tapu Lele was there along with Kahuna Olivia 2) it happened during/after a green flash 3) the other two original forms of lycanroc were there and they tried to save Rockruff from Tapu Lele from beating its ass 4) KUKUI WAS FUCKING THERE
they are salivating and growling asking why the hell he didn't bring the Lycanroc to the shared lab space near hau'oli City. only for Kukui to confess that he'd rather have all his body parts in tact, thank you very much. their all confused on why Kukui would think such a thing before the Professor points to where Ash had been sitting. in clear view and who has seen everything.
he's reclined back in the chair/sofa (depending on where you want to imagine him placed around the shack) with said mention Lycanroc sitting between his legs, tail slightly hitting the ground because Ash is carding his hand through the Pokémon's fur. Litten halfway chilling on the chair with his upper half loafed on Ash's leg, eyes calculating and cold despite being a fire type as it traced each humans face over and over again. Pikachu-ever the right hand 'mon-was balanced perfectly on Ash's shoulder that was opposite of Litten, his own eyes pinned to Kukui and nothing but Kukui like he was waiting for the man to make a move. Rowlets just fucking knocked out on top of Ash's head like normal.
though none of this takes away the absolute rage in Ash's eyes. head gently tilting back as a controlled nod of hello without dislodging the Pokémon on top of him. face screaming Find Out and daring the scientist to Fuck Around.
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alolanrain · 5 years
If you still want prompts, how about Mewtwo discovers the kind of shit Ash keeps getting himself into and has Opinions™ about it. Namely Opinions™ that result in Ash being followed by an overprotective Legendary who is very worried over their first friend and gives exactly Zero Fucks about what anyone else thinks. Bonus: Lugia and Pikachu are all for having Ash with a power psychic shadow. Bonus x2: Its all Arceus' fault.
Lmao, nah your fine! I literally posted this at 11:45 P.M. on December 11. So your the actual first prompt I got!
“Wait.” Mewtwo paused. Looking up to Arceus with a frantic look. “This isn’t his first time dying?” The question had a simple answer, and it was ‘no’. It just had to be! Arceus just can’t let this-
“Yes it is.” The God of Gods spoke evenly, Mewtwo would even go so far as to say with a bit of fondness and amusement. “Don’t you remember? His first death was when you fought Mew all those years ago.”
Mewtwo grimaced, they would... rather forget that event happened. Along with the Genosect event as well... and the other few times some crazed scientists or billionaire got their hands on him. But that’s besides the point their trying to make!
Arceus sat there in the clouds. Watching bemusedly as the human made God wracked their brains to fight back the creators point. “Why do you care so much?” They asked, shifting their head down more since mewtwo had drifted down more while Thinking.
It took a minute for the other to answer, and Arceus let Mewtwo have its time. One does not simply question why their friends with Ash, one simply just is.
“He’s...” Mewtwo’s mouth jerked up into a half smile before smoothing out. “He is a... friend.” The words felt heavy on the smaller Gods tongue, even though they never moved their mouth to begin with. “Yes. Ash is a friend, my first.” Yet somehow this confession sparked a flame of fury deep down in the Pokémon’s gut.
“And I won’t let my friend die once more.” Mewtwo snarled. Darting down from the clouds and ignoring the smug aura from Arceus. The God of Gods watching the human creation fly down to a familiar little house im the country side of Kanto.
“And Arceus just let them!?” Articuno cried from its perch. Watching as Lugia’s giant head rolled as the beast sighed in exasperation.
“Yes ‘Uno,” Lugia answered with a heavy sigh following, “For the fifth time, Arceus let Mewtwo go after Ash.”
Zapdos ruffled their feathers with dignity. “I for one, agree with Mewtwo and their decision.” Their long beak poking at their meal. It used to be a seel, but Moltres burnt it to a charred crisp.
Articuno swirled their head to look at their sibling. Has Zapdos gone absolutely mad!? “Mewtwo is a human made God.” ‘Uno hissed venomously, eyeing the chard meal and shoving their own half eaten Cloyster over. Articuno wasn’t hungry since the news churned his gut to much and Zapdos had a better beak for shell fish anyways.
“What was Meltan then?” Zapdos asked, happily pulling the meal closer. “And those ‘Ultra Beasts’?”
“None are Gods.” Lugia confirmed as they tore another strip of Wailmer flesh. “And Mewtwo is adamant about sticking to Ash in his next coming adventure.”
Moltres loft their head from the floor with a slight angry aura. “Don’t you mean his next fight for his life?”
Lugia grimaced, almost choking on their prey. “Please,” the better God begged, “can we please just enjoy our meal time before one of us has to call Ash to come deal with our angry bullshit?”
Lugias plea was met with resigned grumbling.
Ash gave a tired look at Mewtwo. “I’m not using one of my Master Balls on you.” He was firm in his answer, clutching said ball to his chest. “Do you not know how much you would stand out? Especially in Galar when there’s only two Legendaries!”
Mewtwo slumped forward, using a technique Mew called the ‘puppy eyes’. “Please?” The God begged lightly. Eyeing the ball they once loathed a few years ago. “It’s the only one that can contain me and my power.”
Ash snorted as he carefully placed the Master Ball back in the safe under his bed. Eyeing the human made God while doing so. “A Poké Ball caught Victini-“
Mewtwo cut the young man off, “Victini is a mythical Pokémon. I’m a God, Ashton!”
“-and Mew.” Aah finishes without a care in the world that Mewtwo spoke over him.
The giant God deflated, “I... forgot about Mew.” It was hard to admit their wrong decisions, but being around Ash makes a lot of things easier on the God for some reason. “But anyways-“
“It’s either the Poké Ball, or your not coming to Galar with me.” Ash stated, planting himself in front of Mewtwo with a firm look in his eyes. “Your going to stand out from any other Pokémon ‘Two. Hell! Pikachu is going to stand out against the crowds!” The Trainer cried out while pointing to said Pokémon on the bed.
Pikachu was lazily watching the fight between Pokémon and human. Taking up at least half of the bed from how big the mouse Pokémon had grown and slowly evolved over time. Now the hight and length of a Houndoom with a mouthful of teeth that rivals the Dragon type Gods. War does things to people and Pokémon, and both Ash and Pikachu chose to adapt to their predicament instead of pushing it to the side.
Mewtwo frowned. Eyeing the standard Poké Balk Ash had grabbed, making sure to sulk extra long as they made their decision.
“Fine!” Mewtwo grumbled before pressing one of their paw pads against the button in the middle of the device. The God was soon sucked into the Ball, Ash’s hand uncurled so the device can shake in his palm.
The mini holographic stars and the binging sound greeted Ash’s eyes and ears. Sighing he clutched the Ball close to his chest, glancing at Pikachu who looked back with a bland stare.
“Yeah, yeah.” Aha grumbled. “I know your happy there’s another babysitter.” He hissed at the electric Pokémon.
Pikachu smiled cheekily back before curling up to continue his nap as Ash called Mewtwo out with a resigned acceptance for near future questions.
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