#but lets be real i drew it cuz it was cool like 5 years ago and then realised the delicious implications
infin-8-morphosis · 1 year
Hey look its the worst character ever
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myrcury · 7 years
Lifted from @trelobita
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: Water
2. phone call: Called for movie ticket info for Isle of Dogs
3. text message: from the boyfriend: “I’m glad I managed to make you feel even a little bit happier today. :D”
4. song you listened to: Score from Passengers, specifically “Spacewalk.” It’s so beautiful. <3
5. time you cried: A few nights ago. Just feeling lonely and blah. :/
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: Not... really? Technically. I guess. We dated and then became FWB for a long time, so. :/ 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nah, not really regretted. Thought I probably shouldn’t have, but easily let it go lol.
8. been cheated on: Yup.
9. lost someone special: Yes.
10. been depressed: Yes. For a long time. Doing a lot better these days though.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Threw up the morning after, not during the actual drinking uh... event.
— fave colours
12. All shades of pink
13. Rainbow
14. Black and white together
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes
16. fallen out of love: No
17. laughed until you cried: Yesss so much XD  
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes. :P
19. met someone who changed you: I’m a bit more self-conscious and less stingy with my time because of the bf. It’s a good thing, really.
20. found out who your friends are: Sorta? 
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Nope
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: A good number of them.
23. do you have any pets: Two dogs live here but I’m not particularly fond of either of them. They’re my sister’s Shih-Tzu and my mom’s Pug. They’re okay. I miss -my- dog though. :( 
24. do you want to change your name: Not officially but I do prefer to go by my nickname. (Steph vs. Stephanie)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Had a weekend of birthday since my birthday fell on a craft show day. Had dinner at Golden Corral and spent time with the family at home.
26. what time did you wake up today: at noonish.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Drawing and listening to music in my room.
28. what is something you can’t wait for: Convention weekends with out-of-state friends that I don’t get to see very often.
30. what are you listening to right now: Closing credits for Thor: Ragnarok. What a weird movie. Hulk was adorable though. <3 
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to school with two boys named Michael and Thomas. Their dad went by Tom, as I recall. So yes.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: Blissfully not this exact moment, because they’re both asleep, but I can’t stand the sound of these two dogs licking. They do it almost constantly. .-.
33. most visited website: Facebook, Tumblr... Mostly use the apps though.
34. hair colour: Dark purple, lighter purple, blue, faded pink, and neon green. At the moment. XD
35. long or short hair: Short hair on the left side which is taking an annoying amount of time to grow out... longer on the right. Thinking about shaving it back down again.
36. do you have a crush on someone: Only on my adorable boyfriend. :)
37. what do you like about yourself: My eyes, my glasses, my creativity, and how far I’ve come in accepting myself warts and all. 
38. want any piercings: Not really anymore. Used to want an eyebrow piercing.
39. blood type: I have no idea.
40. nicknames: Steph, Rexy
41. relationship status: Dating someone. “Taken” I guess? Hate that word though. Haz a boyfriend. XD
42. sign: Virgo
43. pronouns: she/her I suppose, though I do identify as genderfluid.
44. fave tv show: I’m most recently in love with Shameless. Gallavich is going to break me, I just know it. ;_; At least it’s canon. Anyway I also love watching Jeopardy. 
45. tattoos: I have one just above my right ankle. Little winking star with devil horns and tail and angel wings and halo. Little thing I drew when I was 15, and got it inked when I turned 25. I want more though.
46. right or left handed: I’m a righty. 47. ever had surgery: Yep. Several. 
48. piercings: Are cool? Meh. I only have my ears done twice.
49. sport: Not my jam.
50. vacation: All my life is one big vacation. >_> *shrug* I’ll probably never get to travel anywhere awesome. Would love to go just about anywhere though.
51. trainers: Are we talking about shoes or people? ... Yeah leaving with Trel said cuz. Eh?
— more general
52. eating: Nothing at the moment but I broke my “no bread” rule for only like the 3rd time so far this year, earlier. *shrug* I was hungry and a PB sammich sounded good.
53. drinking: Water
54. i’m about to watch: The rest of Shameless without my family who are all also hooked on it as well but who knows when we’ll all be able to sit and watch together again GRRNNNGHineedit. >_> 
55. waiting for: This list of questions to reach it’s end so I can go to bed XD
56. want: To ... do a lot of things... To know why my brain is so foggy these days, for one. 
57. get married: I think it might be nice. I saw a thing the other day that said marriage is like a neverending sleepover party with your best friend, or something like that. I’d love to think that’s true.
58. career: Art for life.
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: Depends on the person and the situation...
60. lips or eyes: Again, depends on the person and situation.
61. shorter or taller: Taller than me, ideally. But the bf is an inch shorter and we make it work.
62. older or younger: I wish I was younger. :( 
63. nice arms or stomach: Armssss... I have such a fetish D:
64. hookup or relationships: Relationships. Hookups and me don’t mix. I’m demisexual.
65. troublemaker or hesitant: Always so hesitant. Inner Steph is an upstart though for sure. XD
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: Yep. See #7 lol
67. drank hard liquor: Yes
68. turned someone down: Yes
69. sex on first date: Newp.
70: broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so.
71. had your heart broken: Yes, and it hurts like no other pain in the world, let me tell you.
72. been arrested: Nope.
73. cried when someone died: Yes.
74. fallen for a friend: Yes
— do you believe in
75. yourself: I do, after all this time and a lot of struggle to get to a place where I do. It’s hard and it’s being tested real bad lately but... Hanging in there.
76. miracles: I do.
77. love at first sight: In terms of romantic love, I only believe in attraction and infatuation at first sight. However,  the feeling you have when you hold your baby for the first time or your new puppy gives you a kiss for the first time…. both of those qualify as very real love at first sight. <3 ... Trel. That’s such a great answer I’m just gonna leave it. XD <3 
78. Santa Claus: I do sort of still believe, in a way. I think we all become Santa Claus when we do generous or helpful things for one another at holiday time. And the rest of the year if we’re good people like that, then we’re just good people without seasonal connotation lol.
79. angels: I do believe, yes.
— misc
80. eye colour: Very dark brown
81. best friend’s name: I’ve got 3 best friends and they know who they are.
82. favourite movie: I can’t name only one. I’ll name the most recent ones. The Shape of Water, Passengers, Chappie, TMNT lol
83. favourite actor: Doug Jones. He’s amazing and such a wonderful man. :)
84. favourite cartoon: “Rick and Morty” at the moment lol
85. favourite teacher’s name: LIFE the greatest teacher of all 
if you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged <3
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twilightvolt · 7 years
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A 3 month late art summary featuring art that i haven’t uploaded here due to my absence. unless i randomly feel like it, i don’t think i’m gonna go back and upload them here. if you wanna see them, though, they’re all on my DA.
I know i've pretty much said all the important bits in A Sacrifice for the Wind, but i figure i reiterate everything said along with expanding upon everything that occurred during 2017. piece by piece. and yes, i did intend to make an art joke. So, to get it outta the way, 2017 stunk more than a dead fish on a city bus. i lost a lot during that year. i lost the will to believe in whatever the future had in store for me, i almost lost a few friends, i lost my motivation to work on my projects and above all...i lost the smile i've always kept on every year before that. never have i been so emotionally damaged in all 5 years of my artist life leading up to this point. But, i can't say it was completely terrible. as much as i bashed it, art wise, 2017 was a very progressive year. looking at every wedge on the clock, i can't stop staring at how far i've come since the end of 2016. after being stripped of my tablet at the end, i've even learned how to not be afraid of making permanent mistakes. But yeah, let's begin. by turning the clock all the way back to January. when things were much simpler.... January: Hukaro Nakawa ~Final Mix Yeah, this was done in October, but i uploaded it in January for Moon's birthday. plus, there was nothing noteworthy this month. i still remember all the nice comments i got. this was the beginning of a year that i ran right in and yelled "LET'S SHOW THIS WORLD THAT WE WON'T STAND FOR ANOTHER 2016!" Oh how naive i was... February: The Beast Inside Remember when i played a lot of League in my free time? i sure do. anyway, this was my next attempt after Hukaro to continue doing my "Squeenix Cinematic Style." this time on the, at the time, new revamp for Warwick. needless to say, i still think i did a better job on Hukaro. BUT, this was still pretty good. it was during these first few months when things were really lookin' up for me. i was continually working on things cuz i really wanted to make something and school was pretty cool too. March: Digimon ZX Cover ZX ISN'T DEAD I SWEAR! *ahem* I MEAN....hai. owo As we march on into March, i think R2 of Digimon Temporal Jump was going on at the time. we were going through our story entries and things were pretty great being with my best buds. i also began doing art streams i'm pretty sure, with this drawing in particular being done during two days of streaming. i'm being serious, by the way. ZX is not dead. i've been typing up the story on my phone, so look forward to those chapters sometime soon! April: Are You Ready? Yup. in anticipation for Digidestined.Com, i decided to start seriously developing Digimon Unchained ahead of time so people would be able to get to know Yuki beforehand. unfortunately, i didn't actually get to start the story until much later, but that was just me being a lazy bum. i was hangin' out on Discord and stuff, talking about how excited i was for what was to come. we all know what happened, but at the time, being able to go back to the world i once knew with Luneth was a big deal for me. it's like i was going back to the beginning. And fear not, peeps! i've been working on Unchained for quite awhile. you'd be surprised how much i've worked on it with Gao. ^w^ May: Bits n' Bytes Ultima Vocal Collection Oh yeah, i did a birthday gift for Fire too! just so you know, i do still wanna make OSTs for my other Digimon adventures, but without my tablet i can't really do them right now. this month was pretty alright if i remember. making new friends and strengthening bonds with old friends. things were pretty fun in the sun cuz y'know......summer was coming. June: Connection Flow in Ice and Snow AWWW YEEEAAAAH, LET'S KICK IT!!! *Another Way by Girugamesh plays at full blast* (if .Com had a vocal OST, that would be opening.....3 if i remember the list i made. would've been the final opening i think. it's been awhile since i looked at the files.) Now that .Com finally began, i was on the hype train to the sun as i feverishly worked hard on my .Com stuff. this poster was one of my proudest works this year tbh. i promised i would make something great outta this story. this would be the closure that Luneth and Vivi so desperately needed, and Yuki and Arcus would be the ones to save them and close their book for good. not only that, but i was also graduating high school. after throwing my cap in the air, i said my heartfelt goodbyes to all the friends i've known since elementary and middle school including the close friends in my AP Art Squad. Team AP Art Will Never be Apart! honestly, things couldn't be any more exciting for me. Gee, it would be a shame if something were to happen that would trigger a chain of events that would divide my friends forever and send me down a spiraling pain train to the void known as crippling depression. July: DigiJuly Day 5: V-Mon (Vivi) This drawing was done to commemorate three years of adventures with Luneth and Vivi. this was during DigiJuly, when i was doing Digimon doodles nonstop for the duration of the month. What was once a hype train became a train wreck once July came around. things were ok until DTJ burned down in a raging fire and that set the stage for the rest of the year. i literally wouldn't be able to overcome any of this until November or so. i don't wanna dwell on it anymore since i'd be sounding like a broken record at this point. August: D3P: D-Sona 3 Portable Not a lot of art this month either. can you believe that? XD Hoo boy. August. need i say anything more about this month? we thought things settled down after DTJ shut down, but something was amiss.... This was the month that it happened. the climax of the story best left untold....even though i told it a hundred times already. >_>' Outside of the incident, time was running short for our stay at our current home and we were thinking of our next move. i began to worry about college as steep student debt caused us to have a change of plans on where to go. i was beginning to doubt if i even had a future to believe in. i was running out of options, and i was running out of hope. And trust me, it only gets worse from here. September: The Next Generation After awhile, things were still going on outside my realm of knowledge. it only made me feel worse seeing everything transpire long after the initial conflict. with this stigma hanging over me, i finally decided to pack my bags and leave the Digimon group era of my artist life. it was a pretty sour note to end it on, but let's be real here, there was no way i could wait any longer for things to get better. granted, my birthday was awesome, and i couldn't thank everyone enough for coming together to try to bring my spirit back. unfortunately, my bout with depression was just beginning. it was so bad, i pretty much stopped taking care of myself, which would lead to a few days ago when i'd end up with one less tooth in my mouth. i swear i won't let it get that bad again. With everything plummeting down to the dark abyss, i said goodbye to the life i once knew. from here on, things were about to change. i wasn't gonna end here. not now. October: Howling in the Shadows From this month forth, my family had no idea where we were going. the beginning of the tale of the borderline homeless that still continues to this day. Packing away my computer and drawing tablet for what feels like an eternity, i was moving out of my current home that we rented for the duration of my senior year and into grandma's house......in a raging storm. i'm not kidding. the rain was so bad that when we got there, our clothes were completely soaked and we couldn't even see 5 feet ahead of us outside that night. i knew immediately that it was some sort of ill omen for what was to transpire in the coming months. in fact, i even had dreams of the aftermath of what might happen. Now that i was stripped of my digital art abilities, i had to think of something else to do. so, i decided to dedicate myself to going back to traditional art. Boy, did i have fun. November: Return to the Realm of Sleep Now, this was the only thing i was able to crank out in November. BUT, that doesn't mean i didn't draw. i drew stuff, but nothing noteworthy enough to upload here. i'm gonna tell it to you straight now. Arcus will return. With my mental health still kicking me in the butt (it hit me so hard i had a panic attack one day.), i wasn't really motivated to draw much. in fact, i even hid myself away from the internet for quite awhile. without my friends or my sense of purpose, i felt like i had nothing and i was pretty under the weather for a majority of this month. that being said, i snapped myself out of it by force. it was stupid that i still felt the way i did months after what happened. sure, it was horrible, and i wish i could forget everything. but i can't stay stuck in the past. And so, i picked up my colored pencils and other such tools, and began my journey to recovery. December: Lexicon (Lex) and A Sacrifice for the Wind I got the hang of drawing traditionally pretty quickly. throughout the month, i was on fire, drawing masterstroke after masterstroke. (at least, in my opinion. XD) Making my new home in the mobile communities of Amino, it was a nice change of pace from the big screen of my computer. i made a bunch of new friends (to the staff of the Aminos i'm in and the rest of the crew in our Digimon Discord server, you guys are the best and thank you for healing the pain of yesteryear!) and had a grand old time making new OCs, Lex being one of them. i honestly luv Appmon and i wish we got more, but i'm content with what we got tbh. it'll live on in Seikatsu and his friends. be ready to see them once again in the near future! And so, in the wake of destruction as the world continues to change around me, i chopped off my signature anime emo locks, revamped my wardrobe and set my sights toward the future. Nowadays, i've completely moved on from the pain, but that doesn't change the fact that it still happened. overall, 2017 was a complete pile of poopoo garbage and i'm glad the nightmare is finally over. Even if i can't completely write it off as bad, there's just way too many negatives that weigh down the rest of the year for me personally. it's March now and things are pretty hectic, but i've got newfound courage and i know this year will be better than the last. time for me to get back up and charge forth to a better tomorrow!
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I was tagged by @hotchkiss-and-tell ten years ago and I’m just doing this now ahhh (my keyboard is broken typing take years :/ )
rules: copy and paste, answer the questions, tag 10 mutuals to do the same!
1. What is your favorite Nancy Drew game and why?
As a kid I really liked DDI, SHA, and CUR but I haven’t played them in years
2. Have you played all 32 games in the series? If not, which ones haven’t you played? If yes, which one did you play first?
I’ve played all the games except WAC and TOT. I really wanna play WAC but I don’t have a PC :/ (I heard there’s a way to make the PC games work on a mac but idk I’m bad at computers) I could play TOT but it doesn’t look that exciting tbh lol I will play it someday tho
3. What is your favorite line from any character in the series?
The one that’s referenced in my url cuz it’s just like.... so true. But also the part in TMB when Nancy asks Jamila what she thinks of Dylan and Jamila says “did I have to have an opinion on him?” and Nancy says “I guess not” and Jamila says “oh good that’s a relief.” And also like anything Joe has ever said
4. If you could change the ending to any game, which one would it be (no spoilers, though)?
Mmmm... idk about a specific game but I liked how in SAW and GTH you had more than one option for what Nancy could do and I wish more games had multiple endings
5. Which game is your least favorite, and why?
tbh RAN but I feel like that’s too obvious an answer?? but it’s true??? Other than that I guess I don’t like CLK much? I just don’t like driving or mini golf
6. Which character is your favorite? Why?
Of the mains Joe cuz he’s hilarious and Bess cuz I really liked her in MED. She was just really hashtag relatable?? Of the others Zoe Wolfe (SPY) and Dagny Silva (SEA) cuz I’m bi af and my type is girls who could kick my ass apparently. I like Henry (CRY) cuz he’s super depressing and funny. Also Gray (DED) cuz his whole existential crisis thing is too real. As an adult I have a newfound appreciation for Emily (CLK) cuz I too never leave my room unless the house is currently on fire. Also Jamila (TMB), Grigor (LIE) Colton (GTH), and Alexei (ASH)
7. Which character is your least favorite? Why?
Richard Topham (CLK) is the worst. So is Red Knott (DOG). And Tino Balducci (TRN), Colin (VEN), Toni (ASH), Lisa (TRT)
8. How do you feel about the whole Nancy/Ned vs. Nancy/Frank situation? Do you ship her with someone else? Who, and why?
Unpopular opinion but I don’t actually have an opinion?? I’m not really upset either way. I’m also here for aroace Nancy who’s in a committed relationship with adventure. (I did tell Ned I loved him in SEA tho cuz I just like... can’t make characters sad??)
9. Do you have any fun headcanons about any of the games or characters?
Mmmm not really tbh I’m boring. But Nancy is aspec, George is gay, and Joe is bi. That’s all I got rn idk about the others. @harpersthornton inspired me with their sims posts so I made sim versions of some of my favs. I’m not quite as good as they are at making them look accurate but sometimes my sims will do things and I’ll be like you know what I bet Frank does that
10. If you could visit any of the locations of the games, which ones would they be and why?
I’ve been to a few but Japan has been on my bucket list forever cuz I’m half Japanese. I really wanna go to Iceland to see the northern lights. Also New Orleans cuz it looks cool and I wanna go before global warming does its thing. 
11. Did you read any of the original Nancy Drew books? If yes, do you like them? If no, would you consider reading one?
I read some of them when I was a kid but I haven’t since so I don’t really remember if they were good or not. I liked them at the time tho
12. What is one thing any good detective can’t live without?
Koko kringles? Lack of tact and boundaries? Kleptomania? A Mary Poppins bag to carry all the stuff you took cuz it’ll ‘come in handy later’?
13. Which game had the best soundtrack?
Ohhh... tbh I don’t pay as much attention to the soundtracks as I should... I thought the SAW soundtrack was really cool tho
14. What is one thing you wish HER would’ve included in any of the games (a conversation, interaction, location, feature, etc.)?
Hmm... more diversity I guess? More lgbt+ and poc characters? Also in GTH I wanted an option to not ask super invasive questions about Colton’s mental health but I guess it’s not really a Nancy Drew game if Nancy doesn’t ask tactless questions
15. Do you have any ideas for a future game? What is it?
16. How long does it take you to finish a game from start to finish?
I try to take at least a few days to finish each game. If I know I’m almost at the end I’ll try to do anything but finish the game lol
17. Did any of the games scare you? If yes, which ones? If no, why?
OMG anything with alarms gives me hella anxiety. Anything that’s timed and idk how much time I actually have. I always made my mom do those parts when I was a kid. Tbh they still make me anxious but I’m an adult so now I just suffertm
18. Why did you join the Nancy Drew fandom here on tumblr?
I got back into the games when I was in college and had no friends and hella free time. I lurked for a while before I finally pulled the trigger piglet
19. What is your favorite Nancy Drew joke (from in-game or even floating around the internet)?
How salty everyone is about her’s terrible marketing decisions
20. Who is someone in the clue crew you’ve always wanted to get to know?
Hmmmm.... everyone tbh?? but i’m gonna tag @hotchkiss-and-tell cuz they tagged me
21. What are three unpopular opinions you hold about the games?
1. I don’t like TRN as much as everyone seems to?? I haven’t played it since I was like 10 but I remember not liking it much. Idk maybe I’d like it now?
2. I thought LIE was pretty fun? Like I know the puzzles make no sense but some of them are just like kind of relaxing? Like the pomegranate puzzle and the art puzzle on Xenia’s tablet
3. I read one (1) Joe/Sonny fic and now that pairing owns my ass but I’ve never seen anyone else ship it
22. Do you have any fun theories about any of the games?
Uhhhh my un-creative ass doesn’t have anything original but this theory about GTH by @nancy-who is my fav
23. Who was your favorite animal character featured in the games?
Tumi (SEA) is the cutest
24. Do other people in your life know about your love for Nancy Drew?
A couple, not really. I did get one of my friends to play one tho! she played CRY and she thought Henry was super hot but the game glitched and didn’t let her finish it :/
25. How long have you been playing these games?
I got FIN for christmas when I was 8 so it’s been... wow 14 years
I did this like super late so idk who has/hasn’t done this... if you see this and you wanna do it consider yourself tagged and @ me in your questionnaire :)
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