#but like did none of you ever go to kindergarten or smth
navree · 8 months
i hate being the driver who complains about pedestrians and bikers so i try very hard not to be but some of the pedestrians and bikers i’ve been dealing with recently…….they’re testing me
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malmiele · 4 years
oversharing ft. whale emoji
tagged by @4mulaone, thank youuu
🐳 name: real name is [redacted] on the internet for reasons. i’ve just been going by my online handle for so long it’s weird to use my real name now. so just call me miels lol
🐳 nickname: ok here’s a story. when i was a kid my kindergarten teacher (who was convinced i was british and nothing i did would make her believe otherwise but that’s another story) called me “xingxing” which is chinese for star. i genuinely thought that was my actual name until i was like 5 i think. then i had a childhood identity crisis. looking back it’s a cute nickname tho.
🐳 zodiac sign: rabbit 🐇 and virgo if you want the horoscope
🐳 height: like 164/165 cm idk
🐳 nationality: 🇸🇬
🐳 languages spoken: english, chinese and rabid bullshit
🐳 what time is it: 5.43pm
🐳 celebrity crush: could throw a dart at a pretty face and call it a day but the complicated answer would be i haven’t fully understood what crushes are and i’ve never felt attraction to any celeb...am i just picky or on the aroace spectrum i’m still trying to figure it out ✌🏻
🐳 favourite fictional character: hhhhh this is a hard one. right now it’s probably all the juniors in the untamed because i’m fond of children and have huge mothering tendencies
🐳 favourite musician: lana del rey probably, but coldplay and keane are close seconds
🐳 favourite sports team: the only sport i bother about is motorsport. not really a teams person but...envision i guess. bc behind the visor. and sam + robin.
🐳 favourite season: there’s only one season in singapore and it’s called hot as f-
🐳 favourite flower: hydrangeas probably?
🐳 favourite scent: when i was a wee child my mum bought me this snow white kids' perfume (this was during a time before "body mist" was a commonly used term, but it was essentially body mist.) either way that shit hit different.
🐳 favourite animal: how am i supposed to choose i love them ALL (except mosquitoes or smth. dengue fever bad)
🐳 favourite food: normally hard to answer. but in the spirit of lockdown i will tell you. hokkaido milk toast + horlicks is the bomb
🐳 dream car: bmw isetta 300. no i'm kidding lmao probably the jaguar f-type 400 sport (2017) bc that's my e-racing car 🙈 and i like it very much.
🐳 dream trip: half my friends have been to europe and here i am patiently waiting for my turn but life keeps getting shittier and i never get to go!!!
🐳 instruments: piano and cello but i suck at both
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea hands down. i tried starbucks once and it straight up gave me palpitations so never again!
🐳 dog or cat person: tbh this is a tie. i’m notoriously known for being unable to keep anything alive so i’ve sworn off pets. i tried to grow clovers recently but instead the soil grew mould. amazingly i work in the botanical industry. miracles happen.
🐳 following: 131
🐳 followers: 42 and i love you all 💋
🐳 other blogs: ok full disclosure i actually have a blog where i publish chapters of my original fiction. but it’s a private blog and on hiatus but maybe i’ll revive it who knows
🐳 blog established: 15 oct 2016 according to this site
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: i have blogs which i visit daily like they’re the newspaper, if that’s what you mean
🐳 do you get asks: i got 1 anon telling me about how they and all their cousins would tune into a diff driver's twitch when the races came on. shoutout to that anon i love you
🐳 what is your lucky number: i had to google this. google says 2 and 3. thanks google.
🐳 what are you wearing right now: a tshirt i have had since i was 11 and shorts. (to put things into perspective i am 21 and apparently have not grown out of it yet!)
🐳 drink of choice: green tea with soy milk and pudding in it. the best shit ever
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: one or none depending on whether it's hot or really fkin hot (singaporean problems!)
🐳 average sleep hours: 5-6h when i'm working. now like 9h bc lockdown babey
🐳 random fact: thinking of the funniest one. i’ve only been to a haunted house once. me and my friends entered just singing in the hall of the mountain king increasingly loudly and increasingly out of tune and it was chaos. i can’t even remember what was in the haunted house
ok gonna tag: @ricciardosea @cool-elli @morgensteorras @ricciardo-and-gang anyone else who wants to do it, just tag me :)
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You should also do all the weird asks that you want to. :p love you 💕
thank you!!! 1. have you ever been camping?a couple of times in my friend’s backyard with her! her horse came to visit us one time and it was rly fun
2. what’s your favorite game to play at sleepovers?idk i haven’t been to many maybe only two??? but we played truth or dare which was fun
3. do you prefer truth or dare or would you rather?truth or dare bc the ppl i’ve played it with haven’t been super mean except one time my friend’s little brother dared me to eat dogfood and then she dared me to do the cinnamon challenge and i almost passed out bc it was so dry i inhaled it it was awful lmao still had fun
4. have you ever been scuba diving?nope what kinda bougie question lmao like who just g e t s to go scuba diving hgdklsaf;
5. what’s the last text you sent?uh to my friend about how to songs sound very similar
6. who’s the last person you called on the phone?the dhs and it was awful
7. what weird, irrational fears did you have as a kid?my sister instilled the fear in me that if i didn’t flush immediately a ghost would come out of the toilet and haunt me and that terrified me and to this day i still don’t like bathrooms esp at night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (although not bc i’m afraid the toilet ghost is gonna get me anymore ghlkadsf they’re still creepy)
8. do you have any tattoos or piercings?my ears WERE pierced when i was little BUT i’m allergic to metal so!! can’t wear earrings or jewelry that’s not plastic 8)))) and i don’t want tattoos bc i’m afraid of commitment so nope (i can’t even decide where to put a sticker how do you expect me to choose a design that will be on my body forever)
9. do you sleep with your doors open or closed? what about your windows?closed bc i’m not allowed to keep my door open even a crack 8))))))))and also closed windows bc i’m afraid archie will tear up the screen and escape
10. what are you most afraid of?not to steal your response but,,,,, same rat: the fear that death is empty/that i will just be gone
11. what posters, pictures, etc do you have hanging on your wall?none bc im not allowed to hang pictures either hhhaaaahahah
12. post the 35th picture in your camera roll.i’m on my laptop bc i’ve never had mobile and i’m not about to hook up my phone just for this so it is one of my (many) favorite progeny predictions from flight rising
Tumblr media
13. do you have any phobias?probably but i can’t remember
14. what’s the first movie you remember seeing in theaters?uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don’t remember lmao i know i went to the theaters a lot as a kid with my daycare class but i don’t remember any of them. the first one i can recall is robots but it wasn’t like a real theater it was the theater of a small resort that i had gone to with my dad and his family and the whole trip sucked
15. what time of day were you born?don’t remember the hour but i’m p sure it was night time (i wanna say eight smth)
16. if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose and why?jason momoa or rami malek bc have you seen them they’re wonderful ppl with beautiful faces
17. what’s your favorite vegetable?hhhh uhhhh probably corn or green beans
18. could you go a year without talking?physically yes i barely talk anyways but if that includes texting friends then no because i get lonely if i can’t talk to at least one of my friends for more than an hour lmao
19. what’s your least favorite month?used to be april because we always seemed to have to move in april but now its july bc thats when mom died
20. what’s your favorite day of the week?friday not bc i have a job or anything bc i never had fridays off when i had a job but just bc??? idk it seems standard
21. who was the first friend you remember making as a kid?an empty one of those big heart shaped chocolate boxes. kept it for years. oh real friends you mean? this girl named alleah in my kindergarten class
22. what’s your favorite youtube video?????????? idk lmao is that a thing ppl have?
23. how many pets do you have?four but i’m trying to get rid of two of them because they were a gift but i can’t take care of them so they deserve better
24. what’s the weirdest injury you’ve ever gotten?i have a scar on my thumb from washing dishes and a cup broke while i was washing the inside. uhhhhh i have a very faint scar on my forehead that happened when i was a baby and my sister accidentally dumped me into a blackberry patch idk i don’t get injured a lot bc i don’t do things
25. what’s your favorite story to tell people?i don’t have any
26. what’s a common theme in your nightmares?fresh water turtles as pets also trying to protect people (my friends) and failing over and over
27. what item of clothing could you not live without????? i have a pair of the most awful shorts that are probably from a halloween costume that i got at a thrift store and also a cape (also from halloween) so i would be sad to miss those
28. what’s your morning routine?being woken up to take care of my nephew until my sister takes him to work with her
29. do you smile at strangers?i try.
30. what’s the worst restaurant you’ve ever been to?do fast food places count bc the night mom died we had dairy queen and spent a ridiculous amount of money for really gross food and like the smallest burgers and also like i only got five fries so dairy queen is on my shit list. i don’t get to go to actual restaurants often though but the ones i have have all been good imo.this was very fun thank you !! love you too hope your day has been good !
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jayonthestreet · 7 years
92 truths tag meme
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people 
Thanks @literally-just-yoongi-trash​ for tagging me!
[1] drink: vanilla coke
[2] phone call: a client
[3] text message: same client
[4] song you listened to: Change - RM + Wale
[5] time you cried: yesterday over a story
[6] dated someone twice: no
[7] been cheated on: no
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: no
[9] lost someone special: yeah but let’s not go there
[10] been depressed: yes
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
[12] purple
[13] burgundy
[14] teal
[15] made new friends: yep, particularly on here :)
[16] fallen out of love: hard to say
[17] laughed until you cried: YES, ALL THE TIME
[18] found out someone was talking about you: my parents...smh xDD
[19] met someone who changed you: yes
[20] found out who your true friends are: hell yes, tons of revelations there welcome to adulthood
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooo
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most tbh
[23] do you have any pets: nope. couldn’t do it for many reasons
[24] do you want to change your name: Yes! I just don’t say that out loud wow is it honesty hour here
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: for my 19th birthday last month I went to a new restaurant with my family and went to the movies with friends on the weekend (lego batman duh)
[26] what time did you wake up: 8:30. and then 9:00. and then 9:30. i was paranoid about smth and kept waking up naturally at half hr. intervals........yeah
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: does this suffice
[28] name something you cannot wait for: 4:30 PM EST FUCK YEAH (BTS will be on FB Live with Billboard, presumably from NY)
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: This morning before she left for work
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: skip
[31] what are you listening to right now: er my blog music. it’s just playing faintly in the background
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: in my dreams 
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: antis
[34] most visited website: tossup between this one or Google Drive
[35] elementary: yes I went to elementary school
[36] high school: yep, iM OUT
[37] college: second semester of freshman year
[38] hair color: *sobbing* black, it’s black (I plan to get it dyed in the next few months)
[39] long or short hair: medium
[40] do you have a crush on someone: yes...........................wait like in real life
[41] what do you like about yourself: well, funny story hahaha i actuall--
[42] piercings: earlobes (though I’ve always secretly wanted a cartilage one, but damn does that hurt)
[43]blood type: uhhhhhhhhhh ask my mom 
[44] nickname: none
[45] relationship status: single but i’m too young imo to really care. let me take care of myself and graduate first man. baby steps
[46] zodiac sign: Pisces
[47] pronouns: She/her
[48] fav tv show: Merlin?? Peaky Blinders??? Yeah I’ll just go with that.
[49] tattoos: Hmmmm.....most likely not. But I do love them
[50] right or left hand: Right
[51] surgery: none
[52] piercing: only earlobes
[53] best friend: Ivy Price from kindergarten
[54] sport: lol
[55] vacation: New York during Christmas time  (omg something rotten was so fucking gooood)
[56] pair of trainers: how would I--???
[57] eating: nothing
[58] drinking: water
[59] i’m about to: answer more of these hellish tag games
[60] listening to: still blog music
[61] waiting for: 4:30 pm
[62] want: wow what a question
[63] get married: jury’s still out, but for the most part, yea. I enjoy that AU
[64] career: hahahahAHAHAHA 
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs, always! cheek or forehead kisses are fine too
[66] lips or eyes: eyes
[67] shorter or taller: hmmm taller I think
[68] older or younger: older and younger
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: neither tbh
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive and loud....can someone be both
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship all the way
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant but I still get in trouble even without taking risks....wtf
[74] kissed a stranger? no
[75] drank hard liquor? no
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date? no
[79] broken someone’s heart? possibly, yes..
[80] had your own heart broken? yes
[81] been arrested? no
[82] cried when someone died? yes
[83] fallen for a friend? yep
[84] yourself? lolz
[85] miracles? no
[86] love at first sight? No, because you don’t really know them do you?
[87] Santa Claus? what q is this
[88] kiss on the first date? sure, why not
[89] angels? no
[90] current best friend’s name: Ola, though college makes it difficult for us to spend time together
[91] eye color: brown
[92] favorite movie: im exhausted from this. can i just say HP and call it a day
Tagging the following 25 ppl: @cuddlyjisung, @curlypcy, @cocoratscha, @sugamel, @butterscotchhoseok, @dimplehobi, @dazzlingkai, @unabashedlyjoyfulcollective, @cypherslut, @idkbangtanman, @lgbtkpopmoodboards, @mlmtaekwoon (idc if sideblogs are cheating lol), @allthingsnamjin, @klausyklausy, @pinktoki, @mlkseok, @cynical-and-gay, @pinkjiminn, @kihyuns-secret-lover, @yoonseok, @mythicalmarauder, @thewutangflan, @yourhopeyourangeeel, @a-flamethatneverdies, @mari5701
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multapohja966 · 7 years
tagged by: @mara-kki
i almost forgot to do this, i love these.  thanks for taggin me <3
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
LAST… Drink: lame juice Last phone call: apparently my friend’s sister? still don’t know what she wanted.. Last text message: my grandma. we’re going to see a ballet and were planning the time. Last song I listened to:  Drake - 0 to 100/the catch up (szunaka remix) Last time I cried: actual tears? yesterday. but the mood was present today too.
HAVE YOU EVER… Been cheated on: nah Kissed someone and regretted it: i regretted it after it happened, but now I think it’s good that that mistake happened. Been depressed: yesh Been drunk and thrown up: naa Kissed a stranger: nope Drank hard liquor: vodka probably doesn’t count if it’s been mixed with tons of juice or smth. Lost glasses/contacts: yup. glasses. a dog also once almost ate them.  Been arrested: no.
Turned someone down: yeap. i regret some of them.  Cried when someone died: i cried when my mom cried at my grandma’s funeral but i don’t think it was because of the death, i still can’t guite comprehend death. Fallen for a friend: yesssss
IN THE PAST YEAR, HAVE YOU… Made a new friend: yes!! many and I’m really thankful for them. Laughed until you cried: yes! it was prolly a bad joke too. Met someone who changed you: hmm…. got retouched with my childhood friend in a way that we didn’t have before. it didn’t change me much, but it did a lil. Found out who your true friends were: not really? Found out someone was talking about you: yeah, my bro said that a lot more people know me than i thought? fucking small towns..
GENERAL: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: i dunno. quite a bunch tbh Do you have any pets: two chinese crested dogs and 1 saint bernard and one landseer Do you want to change your name: i wish my name was more gender-neutral. but at the same time my name has a lot of meaning to me. so it’s a dilemma. What time did you wake up this morning: umhh.. first time at 7:40 and actually up at 8:10. What were you doing last night: being fucking pissed over shameless and went on a jog at 10pm to 11pm. Name something you cannot wait for: I get to live with my friend for a week when her parents go on a vacation! Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i don’t think so… maybe without knowing. What’s getting on your nerves rn: how I watched more than 5 seasons of shameless only to find out they fucked up mickey’s character and wrote him out of the show. Blood type: i dunno :/ Nicknames: darude, tarzan, ruu, hammastahna, tarutin, taruzuki. (this is a mess) Relationship status: single, afraid of commitment but desperate.  Zodiac sign: scorpio Pronouns: he/they/she are all cool  Favourite tv show: SKAM, shameless(during it’s good moments) mp100 Hair colour: blond, but hopefully soft pink soon. Long or short: i’m tall? Oh. It means hair.. short. Definitely. Crushes: my childhood friend (if anyone i know irl knows what i’m talking about, yeah, it’s who you think it is and also: stfu.) Tattoos: none, but i wished i had. i want text and this geometric 2D picture of optimus prime’s face.or tbh anything made by nathalie hall. Righty or lefty: righthanded?
FIRSTS… First surgery: my appendix at the age of 11. i thought it was fun lol First piercing: one in both ears. i want more to my ears and a septum. First best friend: probably this girl named jenni from kindergarten. we haven’t talked for 10 years. i saw her in a shopping center 2 years ago. I’m pretty sure she realized it was me when our eyes met, but I was too chocked to go to her. First sport you joined: figure skating. but football was my longest hobby. First vacation: when i was a baby my mom and her sister and my cousin went to some warm tourist resort.
RIGHT NOW… Eating: nothing Drinking: water I’m about to: look for a summer job Listening: redbone - childish gambino 
WHICH IS BETTER? Lips or eyes: uuhmmm… eyes artistically, lips sexually? Hugs or kisses: hugs? they held so much power in them. but wuldn’t mid kissing people atm. Shorter or taller: hmm.. doesn’t really matter…k if a dude is shorter than me it’s attractive. very. Older or younger: older i guess.  Sensitive or loud: loud. I’m loud too and i don’t want to bother anyone who isn’t used to it. Hook up or relationship:  Troublemaker or hesitant: both? i give no shits but i always think like four times before i act
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Miracles: not really..  Love at first sight: not deep love, but crushes ye. Heaven: No Santa Claus: No (fun fact, when i went on second grade my grandma gave me a talk where she said that i was so old i had to know the truth about santa claus because all the other kids would know too. turns out everyone else’s parents were still rolling with the illusion and i got into fights about lmao. i love my grandma tho.)
tagging: @somebody-you-should-be-afraid-of @v-aippa @kirerin
no need to do this if you don’t want to. 
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