#but like for my toleration they wouldn't need to do AWAY with it just like...reduce it...*somewhat*
fideidefenswhore · 6 months
the audiobook of tobg is literally 22 hours long which has me thinking...kind of surprised it was never adapted into either a miniseries (i know the 2003, but idt that counts, lowest budget imaginable, and i think it technically might have been shorter than the actual film?) or even full series.
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tumorhead · 3 months
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RIP Piper the Cat, 2006-2024
Life details below
This is the first cat that I've been the one to care for that has died, and the first cat in general I'd been around for the death of. She died simply from old age, so she wasn't in distress at the end, just getting sleepy and slow. She had been quickly deteriorating for several days and had stopped eating (I have been crying SOOO much) and we finally called the mobile vet so she could be put to sleep, and she went peacefully at home in my arms. These last few days she got to enjoy lots of outside time in the summer sun lying in the cool grass- all off her leash too since her mobility was so reduced. She got to be around a bunch of our friends all weekend too- she loved to be near everyone.
We got her 10 years ago when we had a "friend" move in - he had been neglecting her badly (I was SO PISSED at him!!) so when he left we kept her. She was underweight and had permanent nerve damage in her ears from untreated ear mites, as well as kidney issues. I was able to fatten her up and get her into good health. But in the last few years she's been properly elderly (she got thin, started losing her ability to jump) and we knew her time would be soon.
She had the smarts and the stealth of a high level rogue. Her black color made her impossible to see in the dark, and she knew when to wait patiently for an opportunity (to escape or steal food). Often though this just meant she got stepped on (dammit Piper!!). She escaped 2 times right when her previous owner left, a few days each time. She found her way back 🙌 Recently she got out for a few hours and I only found out when I heard her meowing from OUTSIDE. babygirl you coulda gotten hurt 😭
She loved boxes and would get into empty ones immediately. When she was younger she was a renowned shoulder cat. She used to be able to jump from the floor to my husband's shoulders (a good 6 feet). She'd try to get on your shoulders any chance she got, like if you bent over. As she aged she slowly lost her jumping ability which was so sad to see, we got her some step stools and were helping her up a lot.
Our other cats, half her age, had differing opinions- Mo the boy would be sweet on her and play with her very gently (he's huge and muscular and she was always small and frail but he knew to not wrestle her). Piper would chase him around in return. (in March we were building Ikea furniture and Piper got so hyped at the fun boxes that she BODYSLAMMED Mo it was so funny). Mo is gonna be sad about Piper being gone.
Sweatpants, Mo's sister, HATED Piper. She took 5 years to tolerate being anywhere close to her, lots of hissing and smacking. Rude at the old lady!! At the end though she left Piper alone at least.
Piper was the only cat I've ever had that LOVED being held especially in the winter. One time I strained my shoulders because I held her for 2 hours. She would beg to be picked up. She would get in your lap and would even lay on my husband's arms while he was actively using his computer. She didn't care that you needed your arms to do stuff.
She liked to sleep in a box on my desk while I worked. I crocheted her a little wool blanket for her box with my scrap blanket yarn (pictured above). She is now buried in it 💔. She liked to look at art (????).
She was very social and loved to hang out with everyone. She would yowl and bring toys trying to get us to come out of hiding if she thought people were gone. Usually we were just SLEEPING though, lol she was soooo loud.
She was almost entirely fearless. Barring street traffic and going to weird places she gave 0 fucks. She used to be an indoor/outdoor cat so she got bored stuck inside our house. In her search for new stimuli she would get into the middle of EVERYTHING you were doing. Doesn't matter if you were actively using power tools or moving heavy furniture - she would get in the way. She didn't even mind the vacuum! When my other cats ran away in fear of sounds or whatever she wouldn't budge. Couldn't be bothered.
A few years ago I got her trained on a harness and leash to let her get outside again. She begrudged the harness but took to it immediately anyway and loved it. She would CONSTANTLY beg to go outside. She begrudged the boundaries (no you can't go in the woodchuck hole, no you can't stick your nose in the cactus, no its below freezing outside today) but she loved chasing chipmunks and eating grass (was very fond of the prairie dropseed in particular). I am so happy that she departed during warm weather- I was worried she'd go in winter and not get to enjoy one last springtime.
She would only eat ONE kind of dry cat food even though wet food was always also available. We eventually found out she loves milkfat and grease so she got lots of treats of butter & cheese & hamburger & bacon. Because she was so thin these the last few years it helped keep weight on her. she CAN haz cheezburger! This made her even more annoying about getting into people food lol.
In November our friend moved in with us because she was dealing with a nasty divorce and got kicked out of her condo. She moved into our spare room, which was Piper's little exclusive territory. Luckily my friend likes cats and accepted her "roommate". She immediately doated on her soooo much. She got Piper special healthy treats and they became best friends- Piper even put on some weight from the treats! (We found the "too many treats" limit at one point lol). I'm so glad Piper got even more attention in her last few months. (When my friend paid attention to the other cats she felt like she was "cheating on Piper"). My friend saw a lot of herself in the cat. She has helped me a ton in dealing with Piper's last days and I appreciate it so much. My friend even said she wished she'd moved in sooner to have gotten more time with the cat.
Piper was disgusting, she puked up grass often, she was LOUD (she'd meow for things and if she didn't think you heard her she'd look you in the eye and yell louder), she'd find things to rattle (food dish, door) to demand food. She would escape into the basement (not allowed!) and get into the crawlspace and come back covered in spiderwebs. She'd yowl sooooo much at night, the most annoying. She'd get into food left out. She was an obnoxious little gremlin !!! and we loved her anyway.
I knew when we took her in that she'd be the one to teach me about death, as I am an unexperienced idiot when it comes to that. Putting her in the ground felt so weird and hurt so much, but now I know about that sort of thing. I am thankful for that, and that I got to take care of her and give her a spoiled, pampered, comfortable life. I am thankful that I was able to see her go peacefully, and that she trusted us with her final days.
I have buried her in our yard in one of my perennial flower beds, under the big beech tree. She will live on with us through the garden, becoming flowers and trees, which I think is the best kind of afterlife. That way it feels like she's still with us. I am glad she has impacted several other people and we are all crying about her. Thank you Piper for coming into my life. Everyone loved you so much. Rest in peace old lady. I love you.
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habbohoteldotdk · 1 year
my screen time dropped to 4 hours today and I didn't go on twitter again because the urge subsided. I spent tons of time drawing and I discovered new artists
maybe it was necessary for me to fail yesterday so I could finally realize I want to quit for good and not force myself into doing something harmful to my mental health in moderation. that fugue state I enter unconsciously while browing social media is horrible and it's worsened by the content I see even when I browse for just a little. This mostly happens to me on both Instagram (which I don't use anymore) and Twitter.
I would've deleted my Twitter account a while back if there weren't interesting people I enjoyed talking to. deleting my Instagram was a no-brainer because none of these people actually mattered in my life, they were acquaintances from school I wouldn't see ever again but this is different.
every so often I think of the post I saw on r/nosurf talking about how, if I reduced my phone usage by 2 hours a day, I would get 730 hours back and do so much more (read more books, study more, go to the gym 3 times a week) and still have time left to do other things. it puts my situation into perspective and helps me stay back on track
In about a week (hopefully) something will change in my life. I've taken steps for something to happen and I'd be ecstatic if I'm granted what I want. Right now I need to bide my time until it happens and tolerate my current circumstances for a little more...
I'm 18 so I no longer have the excuse to blame the way my life is going on my parents. They don't owe me anything. They've decided to live in a way that didn't exactly favor their child's wellbeing and so be it. I have more agency than a few years back even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes, and battling my internet addiction is the first step towards building a life that I don't want to run away from...
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
A Twisted Tale
Chapter 4
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Word count: 2422
Characters: Liam, Drake, Riley, Olivia.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: None
A/N: We are participating in @wackydrabbles prompt 86: “Have you lost your mind” that appears in bold.
Catch up here
An AU of The Royal Romance paving it's way through mixed emotions of wants, needs and desires, of revenge and regrets, of trust, faith and hope.
A joint venture brought to you with love by @twinkleallnight and @annekebbphotography
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Olivia's PoV
Aunt Lucretia stands beside me, looking up at me proudly. She has helped me in preparing for my dinner date with Liam.
"You sure don't want to stay back until I return? You may be interested in all the things that happened around?"
She gives me a loving smile, "You have a nice time, my dear. I somehow can't tolerate the Rhys blood in my vicinity."
"Now you are overreacting aunty."
"I am not." She snarled. "The Rhys dynasty has always been unfair to the Nevrakis clan. From times unknown, they have exploited the strength and valour of our people to rule their land."
"Do you think Liam is any different? They say he is compassionate to his people unlike his father."
"Have you lost your mind? They are all the same. Try taking away the throne from him and he will show his true colours." She fumes in anger but the next moment she speaks to me in a composed tone. "Remember Olivia, what they did to my sister and your mother. They reduced our family line to the extent that we are the only two left to bear the name. Don't let your aim be deterred by this boy's few sugar coated words."
"I will not forget what you have taught me aunt." I reassure her.
"Now I need to leave before your party comes."
It is late in the evening as I stand on the terrace of my Chateau looking at the golden Sun hanging on the horizons. The sequins on my dress shimmer delicately in its fading light. I am ready, waiting for Liam when unknowingly, I leave a cold sigh. The loneliness creeps over at such times and nibbles over my train of thoughts. It brings back the painful memories of the time when I was left alone after my parents assassination.
Aunt Lucretia has already left. I ponder the way she behaved today. It's difficult to understand her sometimes. She visits me often, she is there for me, she tells me stories about my parents. But she never stays around.
The sound of footsteps behind me bring me back to the present. Fiona, my chambermaid comes to inform me of the arrival of the king. I pat my hand on the parapet, as if telling the bricked wall to keep my secrets safe until I return. A quick check in the mirror and then I sway down to the great hall to meet Liam.
I see him staring at the portrait of my forefather, Diavolos Nevrakis in the hall.
"Are you asking some dating tips from Diavolos?"
He turns and smirks at me. "Nope... I don't need it. I have Leo remember."
"They are poles apart. Just to brush up your memory, Diavolos' extraordinary courage swept away your great grandma Kenna's heart. He was loyal, Leo cannot stay with one woman for more than a week. I really doubt what you are going to be if you consider Leo as your teacher.
He chuckles as he turns to look at me completely. "If I remember correctly, Kenna ended up with my great grandpa Dom. But anyway, Leo is not that bad. He has a way with ladies. He might surprise you."
"That's the point. Nevrakis never got a chance to be with Rhys even after all the love, care and loyalty they showed."
I waddle my finger between both of us. "What chances do we have Liam?"
He walks closer to me. "Right now? None!" He looks at me with a stern look on his face. Was he hurt or angry? I have never seen Liam like this. "You have to let me in... Stop pushing me away and I will give you all of me. Only then do we have a chance."
"And it starts with dinner today?"
"Olivia, this is your only chance. I am serious. I care about you, but I need to move on if this isn't what you want." His voice is laced with hurt. "And don't lie to me....." He pauses as if he is trying to find a way to say 'I will always find out the truth.'
I smile and advance to him, holding his arm into my hands. " What has gotten into you Liam. You never were so harsh."
I need to keep this under control. I cannot let him go astray with the new blue eyed beauty he has found.
Liam pours out his feelings. "I just feel like my heart is out there and you don't feel the same. I have to protect myself."
"From me? I say wide eyed.
"From heartbreak. I will be honest. I feel attracted to Riley. I want to see where things can go. I will not lead either of you on, but you need to know that I won't take your hot and cold anymore."
My blood boils at the name of the American brunette but I keep my emotions under control.
Instead I show him that I am hurt, I know the way to soften his heart. I look at him with sad, glossy eyes. "Liam, so much for our years of bonding? You know her since what? Five days? And we have known each other since I was five years old."
I know he will take a U- turn with this
He cannot see me hurt like that.
He reaches out and strokes my cheek with his thumb. "Liv, we have been friends for years and never did you show me any sign that you wanted more than friends. Not until I showed up with Riley....." He moves his hand away and I somehow already miss his touch. "There is something about her that has me captivated and I want to get to know her. Maybe just as friends."
"I understand Li." I use his short name for the first time in years. Now I need to have some excuse. My mind is running out of ideas fast. I just blurt out. "I had my reasons to keep you away Li." I try to develop some intimacy by placing my palm softly over his broad chest. "Let's give this a chance. Seriously this time."
"We can see how it goes." Something in his eyes tells me he is hesitant. What has happened since we got here? I keep my fears aside and curl my hand around his elbow and bean at him. "Take me for our date."
"It would be my pleasure." He gives a meek smile and I feel my heart sinking. Have I already lost this battle? I respond with a brighter smile and we walk out into the cold evening.
He helps me into one of the SUVs, and then instructs the driver. "Let's go have dinner." He is not the same Liam as he always is. I feel like he is distant. I have to fix this or my plan won't work.
At the restaurant, getting out, he walks over to help me out of the car.
I look at the signboard of the restaurant and then I smile at him. "You remembered?"
I feel a knot inside. He remembers my favourite eating place.
"I did." He shrugs. "I remember everything about you." He takes my hand and leads me into the restaurant.
I feel the knot tighten with those words. 'Focus Olivia. Don't fall for the sugar coated words' aunt Lucretia's warning resonates in my mind.
We sit at the table and Liam gives me a sweet smile, but there is something on his mind.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
"Just admiring the beautiful view."
I turn around to check the view behind me. There is just a wall.. I look back at him puzzled.
He chuckles and raises his brow at me. "What are you looking at? You are my beautiful view..."
I feel the heat rising up my cheeks.
'This is not how it was supposed to be'. "How many times have you used those lines?"
"Wouldn't you like to know. Just take the compliment."
"I am not used to such compliments Liam. Unlike you I have not had a chance to date. My life is like an open book in front of you." I laugh inside at the contrast in the last comment I made. Still to keep up the game I nod politely. "Thank you anyways."
He stares at me silently and I have no idea what to think. It's as if he is looking right through me. "Liv, you need to accept and love yourself then you will see that other people care and love you." He reaches his hand out and cups my cheek. "You don't even realize how beautiful you are." He runs his thumb along my cheek.
I shiver at his touch. I curl my fingers around his hand and gently pull it away from my cheek. I need to breathe. I need to remember why I am here. I cover his hand with both my hands, I cannot let him go. The way he is treating me is cluttering my mind with so many questions. Oh Lord! Help me! I clear my throat and try to stay in the moment. " I will try. From now. " I barely complete a sentence.
This is not going to be easy I realise. I need to speak to keep up the conversation.
"Why me?" I blurt out.
"Why not...." He pulls his hand back and takes a sip of his drink. "I.... I Can't....." the waiter shows up and Liam stops talking giving him his order.
I keep staring at him. Is he really the son of Constantine? How can he be so loving when his father was so cruel? It's like a tug of war playing between my heart and my mind.
'The Rhys blood is all the same' aunt Lucretia's voice echoes again in my mind. I straighten up to be in my character.
He says something and I realise I have been staring at him all this time and missed out on his talk.
"What would you like to eat." He raises his brow.
"Why? You don't remember what I like to eat?" I tease him and that brings in a sense of satisfaction.
'Okay Olivia try to keep it platonic and you may be able to sail through this successfully.' I make a fresh resolution.
"I was just checking. You seem too far away for a moment." He gives my order to the waiter.
We keep having small casual talk as the food is served. I keep picking myself from falling for his charm all the time.
As we finish our desserts I try to continue normal chit chat. "How are things at work? Now that you have a new…'assistant'." I air quote.
"We haven't started yet. She will only start on Monday. But from what I have heard and seen, she will make my life a lot easier." He smiles as he looks out the window.
I feel a sting of jealousy even if I brought her up in our talks. "Easier? You mean we will be able to spend more time together?"
"I will have a lot of free time on my hand." He doesn't give me a direct answer.
"Hmm. I would like to see what you plan to do with that time."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "You will see soon enough."
"Liam, you do understand that if we are trying to be together, there should not be any hidden plans in between."
I am hiding my true motives and asking him to have a transparent relation. How ironic!
"I am not hiding anything. You will see what I spend my time on. That is me being honest."
"I like where this is going." I give him a sly smile and he grins back at me.
"I knew you would." He gets up holding his hand out to me.
I slip my hand into his as he clasps his other hand over it and pulls me into him. "Care to go on a long drive?"
His calm ocean blue eyes boring into me, I manage to give a slight nod.
He tucks my hand into the crook of his elbow and we walk out to his SUV.
The driver stands there but Liam signals him aside and himself opens the door for me. He then instructs the driver and rounds up to settle down beside me. The SUV wheels through the dark roads of Lythikos.
I feel the touch of Liam's fingers on my hand. I look down at my hand that is now covered with his and then I look up at him. He smiles at me and I reciprocate. As he feels encouraged with my welcoming smile, he entwined his fingers in mine. He makes small circles moving up my arm, causing the tingling on my skin.
"Where are we headed to?" I ask to distract him.
"The palace? I thought we could spend some more time together." I know he is still not convinced and I have to make him believe.
"Sure, why not."
We spend the next hour in each other's company, Liam murmuring sweet nothings and I, accepting his advances.
Liam's POV
We are finally back at the palace. The time I spent with Olivia was very eye opening, she’s still guarded, but for right now I need to figure out what it is I am actually feeling. It has always just been Olivia and then this blue eyed brunette came crashing into my life and now my feelings are all over the place.
I left Olivia at her room even though she wanted me to stay. I just couldn’t. What the hell is wrong with me? I have always wanted Olivia and now I have my chance, but something is just telling me that why did it take me to bring another girl around for Olivia to finally open up to me. Why didn’t she open up to me all those times that I have made my intentions pretty clear.
I fall down on my bed as I stare at the ceiling, every time I close my eyes I see Olivia’s green eyes staring back at me and as I move closer the most dazzling blue eyes replace Olivia's and I can’t help being pulled into her even more.
I shoot up from the bed grabbing a shirt. “I need to talk to Riley. I need to know if it’s just me feeling this way.”
Tags: @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @queenrileyrose @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88
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sagebodisattva · 6 years
The Suffering of the Sacred Cow
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So I was asked by a commenter if I ever really truly had deep pain and suffering in my life. I told him that we have all experienced these things to one degree or another. Then I told him that Cash Snowden recently told me something about suffering that I thought he might appreciate., which was:
“Suffering requires a narrative. Pain can be embraced, enjoyed. Suffering and pain are not the same thing. Suffering requires a story in the mind told and believed. Without that story being told and believed, there is just phenomena. The presence of phenomena doesn't have the power to make us suffer. Only our reaction to objects and circumstances can make us suffer."
And to this, the commenter replied:
“Meta Sage. I fully understand that. But it doesn't negate it all. We simply cannot suppress the mind day to day. It's just more insensitive stoicism rhetoric. It's like Rorschach who thinks he has Dr. Manhattan's perspective, haha. You told a commenter that he doesn't have empirical experience under your rock ? video. Okay, fair enough. How can you understand someone else's experience with pain and suffering? It's not all the "same same" visages that dance along. Consciousness is the same, but points of perception have no right to point to stoicism on a soap box as a remedy. Your perspective seems to blame everything on points of perception forgetting that we are a part of the whole. There's no way of wading through this contextualization's "temporary aspects of functionality" and still remain in it.”
So, what exactly is up for this proposed negation that cannot be negated? Does it have anything to do with the actual pain and suffering, or is this just referring to a victimology?
If we can fully understand that suffering is caused by a reaction to circumstances and a narrative told to oneself, then the remedy is clear, isn't it? How isn't it not the same same visages that dance along? Because the specifics of my melodrama are different then the specifics of his melodrama? I mean,... isn't it all melodrama? How is it not all the same same? To think that one's own suffering is somehow more valuable than someone else's, is opinionated and biased.
No one is saying to repress the mind. It wouldn't really be accurate to say that anyway. The mind cannot be repressed; only emotions, feelings, impulses and reactions can be either expressed or repressed. And that isn't what's being advocated around here. I say, don't express or repress. Let it flow through you; witness it, be present, be fully aware of it, but don't feel the need to interfere, with attempts at trying to block it or boost it. Our assistance isn't required. Really.
Much of life is about pain and pleasure management. These stimuli will occur again and again, but it need not cause us to suffer or to have an orgasam... Or, to be put another way: to indulge in attachments, that is, seeking to sustain certain circumstances or seeking to avoid certain circumstances. Depression or euphoria are the psychological result of the indulgence into the narratives associated with the stimuli, it's not a state of being victimizing us. It's a self imposed state, so to speak. To say that these things are insensitive stoicism really makes me wonder about the motive of those who like to wear their suffering like some kind of red badge of courage. Like assuming a victim status affords one of some special standing. It's a little bit annoying.
I find it very unbecoming for people to revel in victimhood. They think no wisdom or activism should apply to them, feel they are above any effort to overcome obstacles, and feel they have some sort of higher ground from which they can wag their fingers at everyone, this alone being the extent of their efforts, and of which they think is duefully theirs by rights, and of which is an exercise of ample action. And if you happen to disagree with them, then all you need is a hammer to the eye, or a family member to be wracked by disease, in order for you to understand their perspective, and hence agree with their narrative.
No, that's all wrong, and it's none of that which is imagined. That is playing the victim, plain and simple. It doesn't give one any special understanding, nor does it elect one to some automatic podium of spirituality.
And besides, isn't that forgetting the relativity of our pain and suffering? Just as we try and minimize others because we feel we have endured so much more suffering then them, realize that there have been, and still are, many others who have experienced pain and suffering the likes of which makes our own pain and suffering seem like tea time at the cat pajama show. So, maybe our idea of loftiness from suffering really isn't that warranted, when there have been others who really have had it much much worse then us. Is that fair? Does it make sense? Or isn't it more realistic to understand that we all know what suffering is, but some experience it more often and to a higher degree then others. But does that fact discount anyone's suffering? Or anyone's right to speak on suffering? Or their suggestions as to the remedies for suffering?
Granted, we don't know the exact configurations of each other's experience with suffering, but that isn't saying very much. Understand, no one is trying to dismiss your suffering as invalid. No one is trying to take a shit on your suffering. No one is saying you don't have a right to feel the way you do about it. In fact, I am very compassionate and empathetic towards your suffering. I wish I could take it all away and send soothing relief over you, to wash away all your pain. But just because our experiences with suffering are not identical doesn't mean we can't speak on the issue together, and explore remedies.
It's not the same as what I told the commenter in my rock video. When referring to the illusion and nature of reality, we can't just say "I understand", because we have gathered some intellectual information on the subject. When it comes to understanding the nature of reality: study, research, gathering knowledge, and building an intellect of details, emphasizes the WRONG approach. It's not a matter of learning. It's not a matter of adding. Empirical understanding is what is required, and this entails a slow gradual deconstruction process of emptying, uncovering and the removal of mental blockades. You unlearn it and realize it. It's clear seeing. If someone doesn't realize it, it's quite clear because, despite saying they understand it with words spoken, it's apparent to anyone who has already realized it, if they really do or not. Someone who understands and realizes the nature of reality doesn't point to perceivables as having responsibility for their inner condition. Someone who is constantly externalizing and referencing the outside world as the source of their problems clearly hasn't made the hurdle. There's no faking it, or any way to grasp it through knowledge. So this is why this example is not on par with the experience of suffering. We all understand pain and suffering to different degrees, so this unites us, and we can all identify with it and share different methods of managing it.
Physical pain comes and goes. If it remains constant, soon tolerance is developed. But generally, pain is not something that sustains as such. But even if such a situation cropped up, wherein non-stop constant pain continued and no tolerance was acquired, there are still different ways to quell it, even if it means taking morphine for relief. Any pain can he healed, it's just a matter of finding the right method.
As for suffering, this is within our ability to control. And I'm not sure why anyone who is suffering would resent possible ways offered to overcome it. People that enable your suffering are not really your friends. Is that what we want? Do we want to be babied? Will it make us feel better if someone diapers and burps our suffering? Ok, maybe a moment of that is nice, but after that, it's time to lift our head up high and take a walk in the sun.
Because if not, then why are you here? If you say you have chronic pain and that there is no way to reduce it, I could either just dismiss you, and say yeah your right. Nothing I am trying to show you can help you, so just ignore my videos, OR, I am gonna keep on encouraging you with my methods.
So then, who says I have no right to point to stoicism as a remedy? It's a good remedy. It's a solid remedy. I want to offer positivity and strength to people who suffer. It's not always insensitive to slap someone out of a torpor stupor. It's actually a disservice and injurious to enable someone to maintain a victim mentality. I would argue that any true stoic is only a stoic because they have had to grapple with extraordinary suffering, and have been able to transact the maneuver I am referring to. Stoics that can laugh, joke and smile, as they are being bull whipped. You know. The ones that don't bat and eye, and wink at you, as they are being crucified. If I were someone who experienced a lot of pain and suffering, I would seek to learn from the stoic, not dismiss them out of hand as insensitive.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say that I seem to want to blame everything on individuals forgetting that they are part of the whole and that there's no way of wading through this context's temporary aspects of functionality and still remain in it. So, I'll just say that nobody is a “PART” of any whole. There is only whole. Parts are apart of the delusion. You are the clear seeing, and not the seen. And what is the seen? Anything beyond the seeing, which includes, your physical body, your psychology, your ego, your environment, other people, the world, the universe and the context of all of these things. So you see, even by me pointing that out just now is insensitive to the standard world view of what a self is.
But that's one thing you should understand about the Meta Sage. I'm a Nihilist. I commit menticide on a regular basis. I am here to undermines your values, reasons, purposes and narratives. But if you watch my videos with any regularity, you should know this already. I go after everything, not just religion and dogma. I am a reality deconstructionist, and everything is on the table. Even suffering.
Yeah, maybe I'm a little insensitive, but it comes with the territory. Spirituality is not really about happy songs and gay dances. Spirituality is about going to war. It's about destroying untruths, and tearing down false foundations. So if that's the charge, then I guess I'm insensitive. But remember, I don't twist anyone's arm and force them to my channel. If you want to be jerked around, there's plenty of fluff to be found out there. There's plenty of fare that appeals to the lowest common denominator. But if you know who I am, and keep returning here, don't bring along any sacred cows.
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