#but like i've already READ it and i also am facing an international move early next year
skittidyne · 2 years
Hey Skitty! I'm sorry if you already addressed this somewhere, but I was taking a look at bookdepository to see if they had updated their listing to show your book (so excited to read it!!), and I noticed that it's already there, but it's also offering the paperback preorder option! Not that it would make much of a difference now that it's one more day until release, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. I thought physical preorders could only be accessed through your shop? (I'm not based in the US or Canada btw, that's why I planned on ordering it through a middle man.) So I was wondering if you managed to tweak the preorder option to include physical copies or if I should play it safe and wait those 24 more hrs :')
Either way here's a token of my love and support 💕 I can't believe I'll finally be able to hold this book in my hands omg
i haven't addressed this! but WOW GO LOOK AT MY BOOK AT THIS SITE. (it's also technically on sale there - i have no control over it since that's the seller's ballgame but have at it, people!)
sites like barnes & noble and bookdepository CAN offer preorders because they also have access to the same printer i do! it's their prerogative to offer preorders or not. (i also had not heard of this site before, which is why i never mentioned it.) so go ahead and order from there or anywhere you can! it's legit, i promise.
but no, physical preorders were not JUST through my shop - it's just the way i get the most money per copy, haha. and i could technically ship it prior to release date myself because as the author i have a handy dandy button that says "override release date" on my order page. :> moot point one day before release, but that's how i was doing it! (bookstores probably could preorder it to get the shipping time trimmed, but they could not ship it prior to release date. whereas i could!)
thank you for your love & support! <3 it means a lot, and i'm also excited for people to hold this brick!!
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