#but like. i would have been so fucking pissed i would literally never forgive bj for that
muirneach · 2 years
the joker is wild mash, perhaps the first recorded instance of toxic “pranks” in popular media
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julietsdarkmind · 6 years
everything reminds me of you. i miss you so fucking much reese. come back, i miss my friend. i’ve been trying to distract myself and every time i laugh or feel happy for just a second, i feel guilty. why should i be laughing? how fucking dare i. i couldn’t just not doing anything with him though, right? i’d feel guilty for that too. but he didn’t have to finger me (i think i bled from him doing it not going to lie). why should he? i shouldn’t be enjoying myself. its selfish juliet. kaitlyn didn’t do anything like that, so why did you? you fucking slut. really? you had to juliet, right? i hate myself so fucking much. i’m literally the worst friend on this planet. i barely answered kaitlyn tonight, i have the audacity to give a bj and get fingered, and hangout with emmett. who the fuck do you think you are? reese would be pissed if she knew. she already hates you. why would she want to see you? all you have done is treat her like shit. you got mad over petty fucking bullshit and basically cut her off. you didn’t check in on her, you didn’t text or call, or ask to hangout, or tell her what was going on in your life or has her what was going on in hers, you fucking cunt. i hate you juliet. look at what happened. you made her feel alone and worthless. you were supposed to be her friend you prick. and you know this, and you still did what you did. how could you? you’re a pathetic horny slut, i hope you realize that by now. you crushed her. i can never forgive you. if she gets discharged tomorrow, i doubt you will be allowed to see her, since she hates your guts.
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