#but like. why. there's no reason to stick around either im just tired and jaded and awful as usual.
miamicommune · 1 year
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kenphobia · 3 years
a date 4 bug.
thanks 4 requesting, lovely <33 @starbursts-hyperfixiation
mylo speaks. i tried to make this as long as possible because this ask was sent before i added the interests part in the matchup page •́ ‿ ,•̀
anyways!!! i hope you enjoy this !! and sorry if it seems like it got cut off at the end, im rushing sjsjsjab
lowercase intended. yandere themes / toxic behaviour.
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azul is a wonderful gentleman as we all know of him. although, he does have a slightly checkered background in his work, he makes up for it by changing up the rules and making it more manageable for the customer and him. as well as making it less.. cruel, for the lack of better words.
at first, he was curious about you, especially with the aloof aura surrounding you. being the businessman he is, he came and meddled with your work. wanting to know more about who or just what you are.
he didn't even realise that he slowly but surely falling for you. he'd managed to recongise the warm, fluttering feeling in his stomach when the leech twins pointed out his flustered behavior (and also had to sit through floyd's teasing).
azul is a smart guy, and yet whenever he's around you, he feel so starstrucked; his rational self fighting and biting off his affection starved self.
at the start of your relationship, azul keeps himself at a certain distance; not too far but not too close either. this was his first relationship so it's expected for him to feel this way.
this doesn't mean he isn't affectionate! he tries to show his love towards you in a more subtle tone, with bits of hesitance in his movements— rigged and stiff, yet he completely melts right away in your touch. (you can't tell me that this man isn't touch-starved, or i'm just self-projecting ... who care anyways?)
as you and him get further and further in your relationship, he begins to crack and becomes more comfortable around you. in public, he'll ruffle your head and kiss your forehead. sometimes i'll hold your hand as you two walk to your shared destination.
only behind closed doors is when azul fully lets himself hug you— cuddle you close to his chest whether you two do sleepovers, when one of you is tired or just when he feels like it.
he'll sometimes surprise you by hugging you from behind, tucking his chin in the softness of your hair.
azul tries his best to help you with anything; from schoolwork to whatever crowley has assigned to do, he is your lover, after all. and not only he doesn't mind, he loves assisting you with tasks because to him, you and him are getting closer each time you guys spend hours together whether that be cuddling or working.
and oh, do talk about your ambitions to him. he loves hearing your thoughts as it's the reason why he came to you in the first place (other than trying to make you run for your money); to hear you voice your opinions on things.
!! yandere stuff below; read with caution. !!
having azul as a yandere basically means your privacy is non existent. unlike regular azul who may be a little bit nosy but still respects your privacy, yandere azul throws the whole deal out of the window.
extremely delusional and possessive as well. you can never find peace without him sticking to you like glue or one of the octavinelle students— it's either one of the twins or some student he blackmailed and ordered to watch over you— following you closely.
he believes you love him the same way he loves you. well, at least he pretends you do. pampers you with lots and lots of affection, it would've been nice if it wasn't suffocating and too sugar-coated. as much as this octopus displays himself as a mentally stable and sweet gentleman, there's no denying he has obsessive tendencies.
he doesn't even try to hide said tendencies and gaslights everyone, especially you, he let you know what he's been up to.
what he's been up to will remain a secret; for the sake your sanity and i.
⌗ ៹ jade leech. | a classy man with classy mushrooms. he takes pride in being the most helpful and bestest boyfriend to you, and takes his time to immerse in spending his moments with you. he just hopes you will as well when he has you in his basement.
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psi-psina · 7 years
series 2 was BY FAR the best. it was soooOOOooOOo good and the following seasons just couldn’t quite...get there. it’s a real shame that all the following series revolve almost entirely around morgana trying to take camelot from arthur. it just can’t compare to the gorgeous pathos that series 2 has being centred around merlin’s struggle to deny his true self to everyone around him and live what feels like a lie for the sake of some destiny he doesn’t understand :( 
merlin’s whole character being built around this theme of having to hide your true nature from everyone around you and basically being forced to live a double-life, and they work this into series 1 & 2 in a way that is TOTALLY analogous to the gay experience while ALSO leaving merlin of HIGHLY ambiguous sexuality was causing me EXQUISITE PAIN. (btw im not saying this was an intentional analogy on the writers part, just that it’s analogous lmao). i wonder if it would be SO HARD for writers to THINK for 5 seconds how this shit can affect the lonely LGB’s in their audience!! that ep where they go back to merlin’s village and he reunites with his childhood friend? who dies for him??? DEATH. the freya episode??? DEATH. 
honestly it would have been so much better if they’d had the nerve to either kill arthur off earlier (like at the end of s3 or something) or to allow merlin to reveal himself to arthur MUCH earlier to refresh the dynamic/take things in a new direction bc as it is the formula they stick to gets stale in s4 and s5 and those are a lot weaker than the first few series. :(
i totally get all the fuss about merlin/arthur but i don’t ship it. the dynamic is basically “hey arthur just wanted to let you know i’m worried this person is trying to kill you and everyone you love and i think we should do something about this oh and btw i would do literally anything for you and i’ve saved your life about 1000 times” “oh fuck off merlin you piece of shit when have you ever been right about anything? you are the most fucking useless person i know and a coward to boot, god why the fuck do i even put up with you? shut up and wash my boots and bedsheets” like? and it never changes? and yeah sometimes it’s played for laughs but most of the time it genuinely...isn’t funny. like merlin will be plainly upset or on the verge of TEARS about something and arthur will still be just taunting him. it’s so...sad. it’s also frustrating bc aside from merlin and gaius (I LOVE YOU GAIUS), merlin and arthur are the only really meaningful relationship on the show lol. and it’s sad, but i can’t believe anyone thought there’d be any romantic revelation between them in the finale. :( they brozone merlin and arthur SO HARD in the latter series lmao. i understand WANTING it to be there, but looking at it objectively they were clearly never even unwittingly encouraging a gay reading between them past season 1, which imho has some light-hearted subtext. in the latter seasons (especially s4 and s5) they were actively discouraging it tbh.
but due to merlin’s ambiguity and his sole attachment being to arthur you can still read merlin as being completely in love with arthur the whole freaking time if you want to which is just the absolute worst because it is so painfully unrequited lmao. it’s so alarmingly easy to read merlin as having a huge crush on him in s1 i sort of can’t stop it so that doesn’t HELP MATTERS.
arthur is literally too stupid for life and even though i detest uther i liked his presence in the show and it was weird after he died. also his death was extremely anticlimactic and contained no catharsis for his character. :/ why would u waste all that.
i could not BELIEVE the way lancelot just up and fucking DIED the way he did, but then he got necromanced back for that contrived nonsense with gwen (not one of their better plots tbh) and i was like “oh so i guess that’s why that had to happen” lame. that brings me to...gwen. 😩 ugh god, i mean she’s lovely and i don’t dislike her or anything they just do a crap job with her. she’s just very limited in this role as a peripheral love interest who is just so...bland. :/ like...she’s kind and sweet and caring and good and beyond that she basically has no personality or memorable traits and no role outside of helper or damsel in distress. at first i wondered if she was gonna be a love interest with merlin, then she’s a love interest with lancelot and then she’s the love interest for arthur and it’s just like...whatevs. i’m guessing another reason merlin/arthur was such a big deal is because arthur and gwen are so boring and in such a limited role gwen really can’t compete with merlin, who gets to be riddled with pathos and a deeply affecting internal struggle lmao. also doesn’t help that gwen and arthur have no chemistry and their romance comes out of nowhere and is basically irrelevant to the story. they literally don’t even have any kind of farewell or meaningful final scene together lmao. but y’know...arthur is basically just a ken doll most of the time soooo :/ which is ALSO annoying because when they actually get bradley james to EMOTE instead of being a macho dickhead he is fuckin’ AMAZING
one of the worst things about s4, apart from the dumbass evil uncle, was the knights of the round table suddenly turning into the douchetool bro club 😩 gwaine especially. i really liked him in s3, y’know, he was a charming rogue, but then he get’s fuckin flanderised in s4 and just turns into a total fucking moron. and i can’t believe perceval survived everything. why the hell did gwaine die instead of perceval. UNbelievable. (they literally killed off every actor that had ANY chemistry with merlin lmao...i’m just sayin)
i loved morgana as a character, and liked morgause. morgana is deeply tragic and i really felt for her tbh. she had a great deal of potential and it’s such a shame that a connection/relationship between her and merlin was never explored or developed in any way. they are the two most compelling characters and imo the ‘two sides of the same coin’ analogy fits them far better than than it does merlin and arthur lmao. exploring them would have been a way better direction for the show to go in than just setting them at odds the way it did. she got shafted for arthur tbh. (no one is surprised lol)
the final season was a bit...too serious for me. it made everything feel quite nihilistic in a weird and unpleasant way. the tone is darker but it lacks any poignancy because the storytelling is so rote at that point. it didn’t work with the show’s formula and seeing merlin kind of jaded and so utterly Done and Tired of all the shit he has to put up with and being taken for granted by everyone endlessly was...sad and made it all feel pretty empty at times. i missed the trolls and goblins and fairies :( the finale legit got the emotions going again though ;_;
anyway i fucking LOVED this terrible fantasy sitcom-y drama i LOVED it i GOBBLED it up 9/10
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