#but m.d.z.s is not so im not apply morden day rules to any of the characters
thotfrnk · 1 year
jc couldve never abused jl, never. if jl showed even the littlest bit of fear towards jc, he would've lost custody a loooong time ago, jc should've never been granted custody in the first place as well. he was jl's MATERNAL uncle, he didn't have any true reason to be heavily involved w jl's life, let alone take part in raising him. plus his alleged sullied reputation that's constantly mentioned, the fact jgy called him a "mad dog" for holding onto chenqing, all the rumors of him torturing and killing etc etc. but he did, we don't really get to know how he got custody granted but he had partial, the fact jl is so much like jc also speaks to how much time they spent together, how jl says: "I'll tell my jiujiu about this!!" shows that jl trusts that jc will always protect him. so really, how could he abuse jl when jl doesn't even fear him but actively seeks out jc's protection?
do i agree with jc's way of discipline? not really lol. but this is ancient china and corporal punishment was the norm, I'm not gonna judge jc by modern-day standards on how to raise children, sorrrrrry.
there were three canonical instances of jc hitting jl, he never gave him a beatdown, but singular slaps, and for each time, jl was either putting himself in danger or did something stupid, but those instances never weighed out the many, many instances of jc coming to jl's aid, making sure jl is safe etc etc. also, jl himself said jc is all bark no bite, if jc was truly abusive towards jl, jl would never back-talk him or defy jc's words and orders, but yet we saw jl do exactly the opposite. interesting. jl doesn't run in fear away from jc, instead we saw when jl was crying on the boat and jc called out to him; jl flew to his uncle's side and jc didn't berate him for crying in such a way in public, we see him asking "who did this to you?" (mind you, that scene takes place after jc gave jl a slap for ignoring his orders).
UPDATE: needed to mention the one body slam that happened when jl was complaining to jc abt w.wx and lw.j leaving. this takes place POST ancestral hall + gc reveal, where jc was having a very public meltdown and asking ppl to unsheath suibian and was not in any sane state of mind. was he wrong to do that.... yes, he as the adult should've been able to control his emotions around a 14 year old. but I don't think this should make him abusive likeshdfehuddj
obviously you shouldnt hit children yeah yeah yeah, but like we're in a setting where corporal punishment isn't frowned upon lol like the punishments w.wx got when he was studying at cr??????? hello????? (and who gave out those lashings? l.wj but I digress). i think my only criticism is jc should've at least improved with his words, like I understand all he rly knows is the shit his mother and father told him, but ehhhhh. i like to think that he would try but jc doesn't seem like the type to heal his inner child.
maybe bc im indian and i got a good few lashes growing up, this doesn't rly phase me too much? idk, like I assume the ppl calling jc abusive are white lol. like I've heard my parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles recall worse abuse that they brush off as nothing (it rly was NOT), and it was nothing close to what jc did to jl, not in the slightest. i kinda see it more like "lemme hit u upside the head bc ur being stupid" and not "you fucking child let me show you who's boss"
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