#but mark is good with animals with his niece and the banter is SO GOOD
kkyaka · 9 months
i’m in winter of the first year but i love coral island so much even though it’s still in beta i’m ready for it to come out for switch if they’re doing that!!! but those are solid choices cause i was sold on those same three choices except pablo he makes me roll my eyes laughing at first but then i started playing and now i want Semeru.
I'm also in winter currently and I'll be in year 2 soon! And Semeru is SO VALID 😭😭😭 literally the moment I saw him he was added to the growing list LMFAOO
But I think I'm gonna stick with Mark bc the dialogue is lowkey eating me up 😭😭😭 I hate him but I love him, he just has so many good qualities, I'm so whipped for him 😭😭😭
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dapperfvck-arc · 7 years
RULES.  repost, don’t reblog. tag ten whatever. TAGGED BY: @britishspider TAGGING.everyone
FULL NAME. John Constantine (Idek if he has a middle name tbh) NICKNAME.  Conjob, The Laughing Magician,  AGE.   usually default him to his mid to late forties BIRTHDAY. May 10 ETHNIC GROUP.  caucasian NATIONALITY.  English LANGUAGE.  English SEXUAL ORIENTATION. bisexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS. defaults as single CLASS. born working class, blue collar, but it’s much more complicated. I’d say he ranges from poverty level to well off depending on his situation HOME TOWN / AREA. Liverpool, England CURRENT HOME. continuity or verse dependent/London, England PROFESSION. con artist, exorcist 
HAIR. pale blonde EYES. electric blue NOSE. very dependent on artist. Usually drawn as rather narrow FACE. rugged, a bit sharp featured in the nose and cheekbones, strong jaw LIPS. a bit wide, full lower lip COMPLEXION. rather pale BLEMISHES. not really SCARS. One over an eye, the others (head canon) are ritualistic scarification. TATTOOS.  Referring to the scars, the scarification were once tattoos but the ink faded out, also has one one his left buttock because Swamp Thing is petty. HEIGHT. 5′11 WEIGHT.  150 lbs BUILD.  lean, not terribly muscular but fit enough FEATURES. handsome but not outrageously so. Could be easily lost in a crowd. ALLERGIES. none USUAL HAIR STYLE. bed head usually. Occasionally clean cut USUAL CLOTHING.  suit, either dark blue or black, standard tie, often a striped red and white design, trenchcoat, predominately portrayed as a tan color, but also sometimes as black or an olive green.
FEAR. Irrelevancy ASPIRATION. Survival and somehow making a mark on the world POSITIVE TRAITS. deviously intelligent, personable, determined NEGATIVE TRAITS. deeply cynical, selfish, manipulative VICE HABIT. heavy smoker FAITH. it’s complicated GHOSTS? Yep AFTERLIFE? Yep REINCARNATION? Maybe. ALIENS? Maybe. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT. Not real sure. He doesn’t seem to involve himself much in politics, though he’s very opinionated. Ideals tend to run very liberal and socialist  ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. Enough to get by. He doesn’t seem that concerned with money so long as he can furnish his vices and has a roof over his head SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. none EDUCATION LEVEL. dropped out of secondary school. No higher education.
FATHER. Thomas Constantine (murdered) MOTHER. Mary Anne (died at John’s birth) SIBLINGS. sister, Cheryl (murdered by husband) EXTENDED  FAMILY. Niece by the name of Gemma Masters (alive but somewhat estranged) NAME MEANING.  John: Jehovah has been gracious, Constantine: The Constant One HISTORICAL CONNECTION. Can trace his bloodline to Constantine the Great, as well it’s infamous for producing the Laughing Magician, a wizard/witch of great power that is largely considered an agent of balance between earthly and preternatural planes
BOOKS. Mostly non-fiction MOVIES. not much, mostly documentaries, trash movies, and pretty much anything but horror. When it comes to film he tends to lean toward lighter fare. Doesn’t care for sci-fi. MUSIC. various genres of rock music, most notably punk  DEITY. none HOLIDAY.  none MONTH.  November SEASON.  Fall PLACE. London (Alternately New York) WEATHER. Moderate SOUND. A homey local pub noise SCENT.  linen, citrus, some floral scents TASTE. first cigarette of the day, more explicit things.... FEEL. skin on skin ANIMAL. fox NUMBER. doesn’t have one COLOR. not sure he has one, though seems to be attracted to earth tones
TALENTS. trickery, magic, rolling gargantuan joints BAD AT. taking care of himself, being happy, keeping friends TURN ONS. intelligence, clever banter, butts, being wanted TURN OFFS. hmmm...good question. There aren’t a lot of deal breakers. Wanton murder? HOBBIES. reading, drinking, socializing with friends TROPES. occult detective AESTHETICS.  ancient tomes, arcane symbols, smoke, fog, sunset, dark alleys, rumpled sheets
MAIN  FC. Ewan McGregor ALT  FC. - Keanu Reeves (film verse) OLDER  FC.  none YOUNGER  FC. - Ewan McGregor VOICE  CLAIM. Jason Stathem
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3d10fire-damage · 4 years
red sun summary 4/3/2020
the party headed on down to old lady Bashaa, and offered to help her with her boar problem. she explained that a very large boar has been wrecking things up lately, destroying parts of her farm and injuring her niece. the party investigated some of the boar’s destruction, noticing that it had left some scorch marks in the dirt. phosphorra suggested the party talk to Bashaa’s niece about her encounter with the boar, to get more information. phosphorra also mentioned that badly-written smut was scary and calypso put a pin in That.
heading to the local naga neighborhood and temple, the party met up with Soliya, who said that she tried to fend off the boar with a spear (my GIRL). she saw that the boar had like a javelin stuck in it, like someone had tried to attack it previously. the boar apparently did something that created a very very loud booming sound and knocked Soliya out. calypso wondered aloud if she could ride the boar.
with new information in tow, the party located the boar over a couple of hills. zoroe stopped everyone and requested (challenged) calypso to run up and pull the javelin out of the boar, to see if that mellowed it out enough to stop it from being a problem. calypso agreed, and also declared she was going to ride the boar. phosphorra gave her Guidance and cluk inspired her. using Step of the Wind, calypso rushed up to the boar and attempted to yank the javelin from the boar, but only loosened it and the boar Freaked Out.
the other three, keeping their distance, attempted to protect calypso and readied spells. but the boar used something akin to Thunderwave and ran away from calypso, who managed to keep standing and follow the boar, removing the javelin entirely. at this point cluk had cast Silence to try and prevent more sound-based fuckery from the boar, so the boar and calypso were both screaming silently. feeling sorry for the boar, both cluk and zoroe healed the boar from a distance. calypso then jumped up and for but a glorious moment, rode the boar. the boar then threw her off. calypso, silently, compared boars to worms. currently it seems boars are a little more entertaining.
cluk approached the boar and attempted to calm it down, seeming to have some success? meanwhile calypso picked herself up and got ready to dodge another charge from the boar, who Really Didn’t Enjoy being ridden. but the boar started to run off away from everyone, disappointing calypso a bit. phosphorra was concerned the boar would just come back and keep terrorizing Bashaa and others, so she shot a Fire Bolt at the boar, drawing it back into fighting. zoroe cast Bless on 3/4s of the party and calypso drew the boar’s attention back to her.
calypso starts swinging on the boar, using her Dope Monk Shit to disengage and keep the boar away from the others (falling back on some past experience, perhaps). the boar started taking some heavy damage from the party’s tiefling members. cluk ended her Silence spell to cast Shatter on the boar, just in time for calypso’s stream of Infernal swearing from Hellish Rebuke (and getting charged into by the giant fuckin boar) to be audible. zoroe couldn’t quite reach calypso to heal her, so she threw some holy damage on the boar. finally, phosphorra finished the boar with her Spiritual Weapon.
with the dust settled, zoroe said a prayer for the boar, closing its eyes and quietly heading back toward Bashaa’s farm. calypso’s “i did it! i rode the boar! did ya see me??” seemed to be mostly ignored as the vibe turned quiet and a little sad. meanwhile calypso checked out the javelin, which cluk Identified to be a Javelin of Lightning, which calypso later took for herself. returning to Bashaa, the party explained that the boar would no longer be a problem. Bashaa rewarded the party with gold and a medal of some sort to be presented to the mayor, and then returned. with that everyone headed back to the tavern.
after cluk and calypso did a little day drinking (because neither player realized it was still like, midday), calypso sat down with zoroe. calypso asked why zoroe seemed a little down. “your corners are kinda dull right now. i rode the boar and ya didn’t even scold me. that’s half the fun of doin’ things like that!” zoroe explained she was sad that the boar died, since it seemed to be acting aggressively because of the javelin in its side, and was otherwise just an animal. it wasn’t attacking us out of malice or for any sort of goal. it had a meaning like everything else. calypso didn’t seem to entirely understand, but it was a good talk. zoroe still fussed over her a bit, mom-ing her way through a Cure Wounds, maintaining some banter. calypso tried to get her to drink (for the second time this session), still to no avail.
afterward, the party made their way into the mayoral compound, passing some dudes branded with the King’s green flag on the way. the mayor of Mahiru,  Enheduana, explained that the city was “aligned” with the King because he showed up with three thousand soldiers and demanded cooperation and half of the city’s food. many of the townspeople still think Enheduana sold them out, not understanding how powerful the King is (even without his forces). the mayor was unwilling to get into specifics of the King’s power, but said he probably could’ve taken the city without his soldiers. she also mentioned he had some sort of mage in his ranks, simply referred to as A. she declined the party’s offer to help enlist other cities in overthrowing the King’s forces, and said she was trying to sort out the warehouse problem, but it’s a slow process.
even though this news was troubling, the party had succeeded in their mission of gathering information on the King’s influence on Mahiru. next move will be either heading to Melu or the estate nearby that the party was tasked with investigating. hell yeeeeeeeah
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