#but maybe chrissy is one of jane's first friends in nevermore??
a-shadowedvales · 27 days
@havvkinsqueen : is it everything you hoped for?
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the weeping creatures that had long reigned in janessa's young body were finally beginning to dissolve. the blood on her hands, the thrumming ache in her heart mattered not— not when she was integrated into an environment like this. where individuality was celebrated and respected, where loneliness felt far less burdensome. apart from a few connections created in archery club, ( a sport jane had become incredibly fond of, as it was a way to develop her concentration and attention skills, ) there had been one student amongst the herd she'd already developed a nice connection with. she felt very lucky to know the ghostly girl, in fact. while she hadn't yet sought friends out, too occupied in finding herself opposed to forming true bonds, it didn't mean she wouldn't welcome them when or if they came along. ❝ it is... strange. but good. ❞ hesitation threatened her expression of glee, worried if she proclaimed just the extent of her happiness, it may be stripped from her in a moment's breath.
hope was certainly an interesting choice of words, given she'd known nothing of aspirations nor possibilities outside bleak walls and unbearable tests for eight straight years. nevermore academy was a masterful change: the child would never take it for granted. she cleared her throat, daring to elaborate. ❝ there is a lot to learn. i think i can do it. ❞ confidence slowly began brewing in the crux of her core as each new day approached, understanding the array of subjects, requesting assistance when she needed a guiding hand, raising her own when believing she had a correct response in class. although, chrissy was a different case completely, and one which jane didn't understand in the slightest, no matter how she tried. how could you be alive and dead at the same time? one of the many complexities still nagging for an answer! ❝ is it normal that it is… hard? ❞ she scarcely thought she’d breeze through the workload or social norms, but there was part of her feeling somewhat behind. chrissy had been here far longer, which is why these concealed questions were directed to her, someone with more experience. ❝ do you find it hard? ❞
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