#but mayhaps i think i should rephrase: japan can be both the victim (bombs!) and oppressor
katierosefun · 2 years
I agree, thinking about the potential fallout for Korea and Koreans from Abe's death, it's saddening and concerning. Here's hoping things won't come to the worst. (I have to admit though, I can't help feeling a bit of schadenfreude at Abe getting bumped off. Like, good riddance. Also, thinking about japan more generally, it's a bit of a shame the US had only two a-bombs in '45)
mm yeah, i’m definitely here for “let’s get rid of every single nationalist/imperialist/colonist scum of the earth”, so i do feel that. however, i personally would refrain from wanting japan to get bombed, and i actually lean on the side of thinking it’s a shame that the US bombed japan with atomic bombs to begin with.
is it absolutely disgusting that japan colonized korea (and, i believe, other asian lands), stripped away korean culture, forced korean men into japanese military, and created the system of comfort women and then proceeded to refuse to acknowledge its wrongs even after years of protest? absolutely. absolutely, 100%. as someone whose family is quite literally torn up because of the impact of japanese control + as someone who has had the same anti-korean sentiment tossed at them by japanese folks as a kid, i would like nothing better than to make those responsible beg for mercy that, honestly, i’m not sure they deserve.
however! however, i draw the line at the murder of god knows how many innocent civilians. japan committed horrific crimes against korea—but completely obliterating the japanese is certainly not what i want, and to commend those kinds of actions just feeds into the same kind of “must destroy as many as possible” rhetoric that any oppressor uses in order to feel justified in gutting a group of people.
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