#but mobius saying “let time pass” and then it echoes around before leading to loki smiling and crying at the end of time???
limit-list · 11 months
loki season two finale spoilers
me when i cry. me when. me when i sob my eyes out. marvel really had him finally get to his character motivation, he doesn’t wanna be alone, he wants to have his friends, and then????
they say “hey bestie, relive all of these awful things for hundreds if not thousands of years trying to get to a point where you can make things work, come to the slow realization that you can do nothing to get your happy ending, have your last meetings with mobius and sylvie, then sacrifice yourself so that your friends can be happy. and then sit alone at the end of time! :)”
the absolute MAGNITUDE of power that loki wields?? he literally had the multiverse take the form of yggdrasil and he plopped himself in the bottom of it??? he who remains built himself a massive fuck off house and loki is just sittin in the middle of a time-tree watching. WHAT.
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hinatastinygiant · 7 months
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9 | 𝓘 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓨𝓸𝓾
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
The Author
Y/N'S P.O.V.
You've been working at the TVA for about two years now. You've gained full trust of your coworkers and even have your own cubicle where you spend most of your time doing work like any other agent.
"Hey, Y/N," Mobius smiles at you as he passes by. "Geez, you look like you need some rest."
"Can't," you hum without looking up at him. "I've got to pass this month's quota to finally become agent of the month. You know I've been working towards that title for the longest time."
"Well, how about a break?" he suggests, standing beside you.
"I don't have the time," you shake your head. "But thanks anyway."
"Alright," he sighs, patting the half wall in front of you before walking off. "Good luck."
You smile and watch him walk away before turning your attention back to your desk. There's a small picture frame that rests just below your computer monitor, the picture of a man in a black and green suit. You pick it up and look at it carefully. Who was this man, anyway?
"Y/N, any garbage?" the janitor's voice calls, causing you to look up and grin.
"Hi, Gary," you hum. "Yes, please. Thank you," you say before tossing the picture into the utility cart he's carrying.
"Have a good day," he waves as he rolls his cart out of the cubicle.
You let out a sigh as you go back to your work. But something else distracts you this time. A small piece of paper that had been underneath the picture frame catches your attention. You decide to reach for it and gently open it. Perhaps Mobius had left it before walking off. Actually, you can't remember the last time you did a full wipe of your desk. It could have been here for a while.
You're not sure what you expected, but as you read the contents of the note, your eyebrows furrow.
"Dear Y/N," it starts.
As I pen these words, the echoes of our shared laughter and the warmth of our bond linger in my mind. Fate has led you to the Time Variance Authority, an organization that governs the very fabric of time. In this cryptic realm, you will find yourself surrounded by strangers who may know you better than you know yourself.
I'm not certain if you remember your childhood at Asgard or the promises exchanged between us, but I pledged my heart to you. In this existence or the next, I will never forget you. My brother, too, shares this unspoken commitment. Our connection defies the constraints of time.
If the memories of Asgard elude you, and confusion clouds your path, follow your heart. Let the pull of emotions guide you through the temporal haze. Yet, if you find contentment in the realm of the TVA, know that I am wholeheartedly glad. Your happiness remains of greatest importance, even if it leads you down a path where our shared past remains just that.
"How odd," you think aloud before carefully stuffing it into your jacket. You look around, making sure no one was watching. Once you feel the coast is clear, you stand up and leave your cubicle.
You're not exactly sure why, but the note has piqued your interest. If anyone knows who this mystery man is, it'll be Ravonna. But before your knuckles hit her office door, you hear something that causes you to wait and listen instead.
"I understand it's a different variant but we promised her that we'd let Loki go," Mobius's voice calls out in an almost pleading voice inside Ravonna's office.
"Then tell her our deal was only pertaining to the one... Actually, scratch that. She hasn't brought him up in some time, I'm sure she's forgotten all about Loki," Ravonna sighs.
Loki. Why was that name so familiar to you? So familiar yet so foreign.
"I really don't want to go through this again," Ravonna sighs. "She's finally gotten used to life here. Why go and change that? If we start getting her to question everything now, there's no telling what will happen."
"You're right," Mobius nods. "But do we have to prune him?"
Your heart skips a beat. Could this be what that strange letter was talking about? Have you forgotten a whole past that you had? Is that why this new name is causing you such panic? You don't want him to get pruned, whoever he is.
"I'm sorry, Mobius, but that's your job. He's on earth. Make quick work of it and bring me whatever proof you can get. We're not losing another version of him, not after the last two years of containment."
"Of course," Mobius nods. "I'll get the team and head there straight away."
"Shit," you mutter as you fumble around for the tempad in your uniform. You quickly open a timedoor and step through to earth. Looking around, you recognize the place from all of your training videos. New York. 
Suddenly, you hear a building collapse with a thunderous roar, and when you look up, you see the chaos of structures falling apart. Quickly, you weave left and right to avoid being hit by the debris. But the next time you look up, the world somehow gets worse. A man is freefalling from the sky like nothing you've ever seen. If he keeps going at this rate, he'll certainly die. You know there's nothing you can do to help, but you want to make sure someone else is around to save him.
By the time you reach the point where the man crashed to the ground, three other men are hovering above him. He's probably dead, you presume, but what makes your blood run cold isn't his death. It's the green monstrosity that's towering over him. You can't tell what it is exactly, but whatever it is, it's terrifying.
When you hear it let out a terrifying roar, you quickly hide behind a building. You have no idea if that green monster is good or bad, but you do not want to catch its attention. So you wait until all is quiet again, and once the coast is clear, you peer out to see what's happened.
To your amazement, the man on the ground isn't dead. He begins talking to the others around him.
"We're not finished yet," one of them calls out, and something about his voice sounds familiar. Though you can only see him from the back, you can't help but wonder if this is the variant- if this is the Loki- that you're looking for.
As one of the others helps the fallen man back to his feet, you carefully get a bit closer. You keep your distance, yet follow them until they make their way inside a nearby building. Though they make it through the front door, you know you cannot do the same. You quickly take out your tempad and more accurately place yourself near the variant.
Soon, you find yourself in a room where a man in a green cape stands waiting proudly as if he was ready to take on those three men and the green giant you had previously seen. You quietly maneuver yourself around the room to get a better look at him and when you do, your pulse echoes loudly in your ears.
It's him. The man from the photo you had thrown out just this morning. You can't remember him at all, yet the instant connection you feel towards him is undeniable.
"You can't be serious," the man with the red cape sighs as he and a larger group of his friends enter the room. "Do you really think this is the best thing to do right now? Do you really plan on fighting us all at once Loki?"
His name rings through your head like an echo. Loki. You feel the corners of your mouth lift ever so slightly. The sound of his name is comforting, as though a long-lost friend has returned.
"Brother," he laughs. But before any more words can get out, the TVA steps in.
"Shit," you mutter, fumbling once again with your tempad. You hardly see what you're doing as you quickly get yourself out of this predicament. And the second the timedoor opens, you step in without a further thought.
On the other side, you seem to be in some lavish apartment on earth. You walk around and admire the open space as if you're seeing it for the first time. The sun has begun to set and the lights have been dimmed, so you have no choice but to search with your eyes. As you approach the window walls, an alarm starts to blare. You spin around on your toes and see a man dressed in a red suit fly towards you. He holds out his hand and the sound of a laser charging fills the room. It's the same man you saw that fell from the sky.
"Stop!" you shout, holding out your arms in front of you. "I mean no harm."
"Then who are you and why are you in my apartment?" he asks, his mask still covering his face.
"I," you falter, trying to think of an answer. You can't really tell him the truth. "I saw you fall from the sky," you mutter.
"What?" he repeats, allowing his mask to open.
"You," you gasp. "The guy who fell from the sky. I saw you."
"You mean back when the Chitauri were attacking?" he asks, interest rising in his voice.
"Sure," you shrug, not really sure what he's talking about.
"Why are you here, then?" he asks, slowly lowering his hand. "That was years ago."
"Oh and, uh, when is now?" you ask, trying to make it sound as casual as possible.
"When is now?" he repeats. "You don't know what year it is?"
"No, of course, I do I'm just making sure we're talking about the right time you fell out of the sky," you smile sheepishly.
"More idiots," he shakes his head, backing off and typing something into the tablet he's holding. "I'll tell you all about what year it is and all the times I fell out of the sky in a few minutes. Just stay put for now, alright?"
You nod and watch him walk over to the opposite side where a long bar resides. The moment he turns his back, you reach into your pocket and take out the small note you had read earlier. Perhaps if you show this man he can help you.
"Do you know-" you begin as you take a step forward.
"Hey!" he interrupts, "I told you to stay put. Don't move, got it?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," you gulp, taking a step back to where you previously were. "I didn't think you meant right there."
"Whatever," he mutters, turning his back once more.
You decide to take another chance. You can't stay here forever. "Do you know who wrote this?"
He turns and raises an eyebrow, watching as you hold the note up to him. He then puts down the glass in his hand and approaches you cautiously.
"What is this?" he asks as he snatches the paper from your hand. He mutters to himself as he reads it before looking back at you like you'd just given him the answer to all his questions. "Where did you get this?"
"Uh, in my work," you answer honestly.
"In your work?" he scoffs. "What the hell does that mean?"
"Look, can you just tell me if you know who wrote it? I don't know if it's some kind of prank or not," you explain, hoping he won't notice the lie.
"It looks like Thor's handwriting," he answers, handing the paper back to you. "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to help."
Thor. A second name that you feel like you should know.
"Thor?" you repeat.
"Yes," he nods. "And what's your name?"
"Y/N," you answer honestly.
"Y/N?" he hums, taking a step closer to you. "You mean like the princess?"
"No," you chuckle. "I'm not a princess. I'm just... well, I don't really know what I am. I guess I'm just a regular mortal who works for the Time Variance Authority."
"Yeah, 'cause that sounds totally normal. Look, Thor hasn't been on earth in about two years so like I said, there's nothing I can do to help you look for him," he admits.
"Why?" you continue to press, even as he walks away and heads towards the bar again. This time, he allows you to follow him.
"Because Loki's turned to drink to fill the void you left, spiraling into an even darker place than he was before. And, as a result, Thor's been left to rule without his parents' counsel, Trying to hold Asgard together amidst the chaos is not an easy feat."
"You aren't serious. King Odin and Queen Frigga are..." You trail off, suddenly feeling the sting of tears in your eyes. Everything is all coming back. Your deal with the TVA, the wedding, the way Loki's fingers lingered on yours just as you were taken away. "I'm sorry, I've got to go."
Keeping the year the same, you change your location on your tempad to Asgard and step through a timedoor that places you just outside the palace grounds. The sun has completely gone down here and you hear the sound of feet approaching, so you duck and hide before getting noticed.
"That's it, Prince Loki," a woman's voice hums melodically as they approach the palace doors. "You're almost there... Just a few more steps!"
"You're doing so well, Your Highness," another woman adds.
In a slurred, heavily intoxicated voice, Loki mumbles, "Don't care if I'm 'ome, jus' wish I could be on the right timeline."
Your eyes widen. It's him. Well, the right version of him. That metal man from earth was right, he definitely has seen better days. You want to call out to him, to tell him that you're here, but all that training from the TVA has deterred every fiber in your being that makes you want to be selfish.
So, instead, you turn away from the palace and head into the town. However, before you make it too far, palace guards surround you and block your path. "Who do you think you are?" one of them asks, looking down at you.
"I, uh," you stammer. "I was just heading into town for a drink. I'm not from here and-"
"We're well aware that you're not from here," one of them scoffs as he links his arm with yours. "You'll be coming with us to answer a few questions, first."
"Let me go!" you shout as you're yanked across the courtyard and up a set of stairs you remember climbing more times than you could count. "You're making a big mistake! The TVA will have your head for this!"
Despite all your threats, the guards pay no attention to you. They keep pulling you through the halls and into a familiar room. You're dropped on the ground at the foot of the throne where Thor sits with his face buried in his hand.
"We found a woman near the palace trying to enter the city," one of the guards announces.
"Oh? I'll take care of it," Thor sighs, not bothering to lift his gaze. "Stay nearby, we'll have her removed soon. Miss, why are you here? This is a private area."
"Thor," you say, looking up at him. "It's me. It's Y/N."
At the sound of your voice, Thor lifts his eyes. Immediately, he pushes his hands off the armrests of his throne and bolts towards you.
"Y/N," he smiles widely, picking you up and hugging you tightly. "By the Gods, is it really you? You've returned to us?"
"I'm afraid so," you smile weakly, patting his back.
"How?" he asks, pulling away and setting you down on your feet.
"I had a bit of help," you admit. "It's a long story."
Thor opens his mouth to say something, but before he does, Loki stumbles through the door. The two of you turn to face him, watching as he bumps into nearly all the columns along the way like some sort of ping-pong ball.
"Sorry," he mumbles, tripping and landing right in front of your feet.
"Loki," you whisper, kneeling beside him. He looks up, his eyes glassy.
"Who's this?" he looks past you to his brother. "Is this some sort of prank?"
"Prank?" Thor scoffs. "Do you really think I'd waste my time doing that? This is Y/N."
"Y/N?" Loki repeats, a smile spreading across his lips. "Oh, this must be some kind of dream then."
Quickly, he rises to his feet and reaches for the nearest object in the room which, unfortunately for you, happens to be his scepter. He pulls it from its resting place and turns to face the two of you.
"This is an illusion," he growls. "A cruel joke. Who sent you?"
You gasp as he swings the scepter, only missing your face by an inch.
"Enough!" Thor shouts, grabbing the weapon out of Loki's hands.
"Get out," Loki slurs, glaring at the two of you. "The real Y/N would never come back here. Not after how I've treated her. You've wasted your time, whoever sent you."
"But Loki," Thor begins. "I'm telling you, it's her."
"Why would we lie?" you add, cautious to get any closer to him. "Loki, I saw your friends in New York City. The man with the red metal suit and the green goblin."
"Green goblin?" they both repeat back to you.
"What? I, uh, didn't ask his name. Looked like he was going through something," you gulp.
"Are you talking about the Hulk?" Thor asks, adjusting his stance.
"Is that really what's important right now?" you grumble. "I was there and saw your friends and-"
"That was years ago," Loki scoffs. "How could you possibly have been there."
"The TVA. There was another variant Loki. Look, it's a long story but if you would just listen, then I think-" you begin to ramble before he suddenly throws his arms around you and hugs you.
"I hope I'm not drunk enough to have hallucinated a hug like this," he mumbles.
"No," you agree, wrapping your hands around his neck and letting all the tension on your shoulders begin to relax. "No, this is very real."
"You came back," he whispers.
"I never wanted to leave," you smile. "I love you, Loki."
"As I have loved you, and always will," he whispers.
You close your eyes, letting his warmth radiate into your body. All the worries of the TVA disappear in his embrace, and a feeling of peace and safety surrounds you. But they come rushing back all too soon as you remember the one reason why you never did come back before forgetting.
"I can't stay here," you tell the pair of them. "The TVA will come looking for me. I've got to find somewhere-"
"I know where," Loki interrupts, looking between you and Thor. "If you'll let me come with you, that is."
For a moment, the world around you seems to freeze. You look down at the ring on your finger that you had never questioned in the past two years. But you know it was Thor who gave it to you. You remember as clealyr as if it was yesterday when you left. He told you he loved you, too. He meant it.
"Thor," you begin.
"Y/N, you don't have to-"
"But I do," you interrupt. "Thor, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just, well, things happened, and now that I remember everything, I feel awful."
"Don't," he replies, taking a step forward and placing a hand on your shoulder. "You don't have to explain anything."
His hand carefully drops from your shoulder and glides down your arm before landing on your left hand. Carefully, he holds it and slips the ring off your finger.
"Thor, please, don't do that," you whisper.
"It's alright," he replies. "All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy. I'm glad that the person who made you happy is my brother. Now," he says, turning to Loki, "I don't care where the two of you go, as long as you get there safely. Go before you get caught."
"Do you have the tempad?" Loki asks you.
"Yeah," you nod, reaching into your pocket for it. "It's right here."
"Great," he smiles as he accepts it from you. You and Thor both watch carefully as he sets it for an unknown destination and opens the timedoor. "Ready?" he asks, holding out his hand.
"More than ready," you nod. You slip your hand in his and squeeze it tightly.
"Brother," Thor calls out to him before he can take a step.
"Be good to her."
"Of course," Loki smiles. "Always."
With a wink, he leads the two of you through the timedoor. The bright light on the other side puts a smile on your face and, what do you know? The grass is greener on this side.
The Author
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mimisempai · 3 years
You'll always be the last thing I see before I fell asleep
-Never falling asleep on a conflict or unresolved issue between them. -Showing each other love physically, whether it's with a kiss or a touch. -Saying I love you. This was their nightly routine, and tonight, like every other night, it would be the same even though the reminiscences of a conflict haunt Loki's thoughts.
Fifth day of my 30 Days of Domestic Fluff. - 5: Nighttime routine
List here : X
756 words - Rating G
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"You know what Mobius?" asked Loki as he entered their room.
Mobius' eyes flicked to Loki and lit up with an appreciative glow. The sight of Loki, barefoot, dressed in just one of Mobius' old, faded shirts was a sight he knew he could never do without again.
He didn't know why, but despite the fact that Loki had a closet full of all kinds of clothes including a fair number of pajamas or t-shirts that could be used as pajamas, he always preferred to wear one of Mobius' old t-shirts.
But Mobius would never complain and was willing to sacrifice all his shirts to see them on Loki.
He tried to concentrate and so it was in a voice slightly veiled by desire that he answered Loki's question.
"No. What?"
In fact, of course he knew, he knew exactly what Loki was getting at, but this little game was one of the immutable things between them. And that, too, Mobius wouldn't do without.
Loki went to the bed, lay down next to Mobius who put the book he was reading on his bedside table.
Loki turned to him and whispered, "I love you," as if it were a new revelation.
Mobius took his hand, kissed his knuckles and answered, "And I love you even more."
Loki smiled and then moved his face closer to Mobius' and asked in a conspiratorial tone, as if it were a secret, "May I have a kiss?
"Take what's yours," Mobius replied, closing the remaining space between them.
Their lips brushed against each other before adjusting in a soft, tender kiss, a kiss that did not lead to desire, a simple goodnight kiss.
They moved apart, taking their position for the night.
Loki turned away from the bed and pushed his back against Mobius' chest, who wrapped both arms around him. Loki reached for the light switch to turn off the bedside lamp before putting his hand on Mobius' hand that was resting on his hip.
"Good night sweetheart." whispered Mobius against his neck before placing a light kiss on it.
"Good night, love," Loki replied.
After a few minutes, their breathing became synchronized and started to take the regular rhythm that announces sleep.
However, Loki could not let himself drift off to sleep, because a thought or rather a memory was running through his head. And now that he was in the quiet of the night, his mind at rest, the right moment for reflection, he could not get rid of it.
" Oh, here it comes. The folksy, dopey insult from the folksy dope."
"Mobius?" Loki's voice echoed in the silence of their room.
"Yes sweetheart?" replied Mobius softly as he tightened his arms around Loki.
"I don't know why, but I keep thinking about our reunion after the nexus that Sylvie and I caused. And I remember what I said to you, how I insulted you, and I realize that I never asked you to forgive me for that."
Sensing that Mobius was going to protest, he turned around in his arms and stopped him from speaking by continuing, "I know what you're going to say, that you hurt me too, but you've already apologized and now it's my turn. Even though it was in the heat of the moment, even though we were both far from objective, it doesn't stop me from regretting talking to you like that. I'm sorry, love."
Mobius kissed his forehead and said softly, "Honestly, even though it did hurt me at the time, a lot of water has passed under the bridge and I had already forgotten about it, but if you need to hear me say it, then I tell you, I forgive you sweetheart. I want you to know that I will never hold anything against you that you may say in the heat of the moment. You may have seen that I also have a tendency to lash out."
"Thank you," Loki whispered, before kissing him tenderly and holding him tightly in his arms.
Then they settled down again for the night and this time the sleep came to pick them both without neither of them resisting.
Never falling asleep on a conflict or unresolved issue between them.
Showing each other love physically, whether it's with a kiss or a touch.
Saying I love you.
This was their nightly routine, the same every night, with a few variations and not always in the same order, but always the same in its foundation.
A routine at the image of their love. Immutable
30 Days of Domestic Fluff - Lokius
Next day : 6- Shopping (For needs)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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