#but my life actually revolves around Sonya now sorry
iliyanaofcasimir · 2 years
hewwo besties The Ranger of Marzanna, The Queen of Izmoroz, and The Wizard of Eventide made up the very swag Goddess War trilogy which I am now recommending 👉👈
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notasapleasure · 1 year
EastEnders run (2000-2001), Part 2/4
26 September 2000
Welp, Dot's not in jail! But she's trying to get herself arrested...
Jack - still standing right outside Sandra’s home omfg it's a bloody wonder Beppe hasn't spotted you there...
Especially when you're being so discreet!
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Sandra tells him to wait there....👀
We're much more amicable now, seemingly... He's been busy going up and down to Bristol and wants to know her thoughts on his transfer. "It's a nice place to live!" *charm offensive* Country, seaside and his family nearby!
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We have to explain it all again, but yes, he still wants her and Joe to come with him.
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She apologises for having to take a call from Ian, but he's a nob and just issues his ultimatum - he wants to know by tonight if it's him or Beppe...
Sandra actually goes running after him to say she can't decide that quickly. They agree to meet in the pub at lunchtime - standard!
Frank! I thought it was illegal to cheat on Barbara Windsor, that's not allowed! My god the men of EastEnders are all so needy and pathetic. And Kat Slater? Much more of a badass than my 'not like other girls' teenage self realised. But also still a bitch.
I'd been wondering from what the solicitor said that Sandra would be made to choose between staying put with her career and Joe and going with Jack to be a stay-at-home mother...but given how Ian's finances are going I think she'd do well to get out of there.
What was that.
Hang on.
I'm including the awful quality screencaps so you all know I'm not making this up.
Sandra, normal voice, sigh: "You want me to rip up my life again? And I'm sorry, the answer's gotta be no!"
Jack: *presses the table like a game show buzzer* *makes angry buzzer noise*
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Jack, with an American accent, aggressive: "I'm sorry baby, that's the wrong answer, you don't win tonight's star prize..."
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Sandra, normal voice, unfazed by this unhinged display: "What would I tell Beppe?"
Jack, continuing: "And the prize was a glorious lifetime for three in the West Country with your son and the man that you love."
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Jack, normal voice: "What a terrible shame."
That was. Inexplicable???
I genuinely can't believe how Sandra handled that. I guess he must do it all the time?
Oh no, he's insulted the East End as not a good place to raise a child, so does that mean he's on the wrong side of the narrative?
Also EW, when her phone keeps ringing for work and his response is "Switch it off!" I'm chucking out the spray bottle and grabbing the super-soaker. Bad man. Stop speaking.
She has to go, and he just says menacingly: "Change your mind." Fucking charmer.
23 October 2000 (the video for 3 October was mislabelled 2 October smh)
Sandra watching Beppe goofing about playing football in the market fondly. To be fair, he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong for a while, and Jack's been a dick. I suspect that at the time I watched this before I was grudgingly on Beppe's side.
Pat: "I wouldn't want you if you came gift-wrapped in your birthday suit in a revolving bow-tie!"
Me, who had spent years hoping I'd actually imagined that scene: 😫🙈😫
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Also, I blame the priest for setting off Dot's guilt complex 🙄
Oooh Sandra's talking about 'just leaving' before Ian's affairs go tits-up...
Jack wasn't even IN that one AAAAA
Urgh it was mislabelled and was the 3 October one so that's another missing episode I guess. How bloody typical for it to be that one???
5 September 2000
There he is, phew! Still hanging around outside her house. Still making demands and ultimatums.
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But Sandra says she might call him later...
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Ian's really being a dick and his business is tanking, go onnnn Sandra go to Bristol and we'll forget all about the random American accents, overbearing aggression and uhh yeah no, maybe she just needs better taste in men. Head for the hills, babe!
Guess she phoned him up to arrange a date at the allotments :')
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He's putting the charm on again, talking about big gardens and getting away from work stress. I know I'm sold all over again...
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But Sandra feels sorry for Beppe
Jack is surprised she *also* checked about custody with a solicitor...yep, she does seem pretty capable Jack! He's pleasantly surprised, certainly.
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Heart eyes motherfucker
Back at home, accompanied by an unsubtle comment about gardens, Sandra feels Beppe isn't behaving like Joe's dad but his best mate, and then Beppe accepts her criticism and is very sweet about it. Awkward!
End of Part 2! Wow, Jack has a wildly unstable personality, and Sandra, despite having said no a million times, is being presented as undecided so we can string this out a bit longer. I wonder if we’ve missed any conversations between her and Beppe about that second child she supposedly promised to try for, because otherwise it’s just looking from these scenes like Jack’s being a pushy dick and Beppe’s a reformed man with only sunshine and puppy dogs in his heart...
Guess we’ll see...
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