#basically good books imo
iliyanaofcasimir · 2 years
hewwo besties The Ranger of Marzanna, The Queen of Izmoroz, and The Wizard of Eventide made up the very swag Goddess War trilogy which I am now recommending 👉👈
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 10 months
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Batman Annual #25
Before Talia took him in, before he was dunked in the pit to have his memories restored, even when operating purely on survival instinct, he always split a meal with the other homeless people. It may not have been essential to his survival, but caring about and helping other people when he couldn’t even help himself was just always such an intrinsic part of Jason’s core.
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winepresswrath · 9 days
I think I would need to reread the first book to really commit to this opinion but imo some of the horror of book!claudia is that she really is a terribly inhuman monster. she was a vampire child, so she never learned to be human. she was a vampire child so she'll never grow up and fulfill that potential. companionship is a necessity for her because she can't look after herself and that makes her bitter and disdainful of people who want love for its own sake, especially in the context of Louis and Lestat, who damned her to her current state to fulfill their own emotional needs. it's a stark contrast to show Claudia, who yes, is a vicious mass murdering vampire and has fun with it, but is otherwise a lonely woman who craves companionship and understanding because she's a person. Her beef with Louis is still about his failure to prioritize her and his assorted bad idea relationship choices but the undertones are so different and I really feel like the tragedy is that he didn't put her first and not that he could never have made her happy no matter what he chose.
#tbh i think claudia in the book is perfectly capable of love she's just furious all the time#but there's definitely a particular monstrosity/eatrangement from humanity#which in terms of the other vamps. lol maybe she's just honest!#howevvver#i say again u would not catch her getting love bombed into a theatre cult#she is simply not vulnerable to that particular trap#at the same time i think it honestly was about book claudia. at least more than it's about show claudia. she engineered a situation where#louis had to choose and he did! she had the opportunity to make up with lestat basically whenever and she didn't because she was furious#and unwilling to put up with him.#valid! but imo a much less desperate situation than claudia in the show#who is also i think dealing with a much more serious betrayal#like tell me if i'm wrong but book claudia clocks that he won't give them up without a fight from the get go#in kind of a game recognizes less competent game kind of way#whereas show claudia really thought she could show up and ask louis to leave with her. and if he agreed that would be that#and i think the violence she receives and witnesses in return is what really ruptures their relationship for good. she was mad about the#diaries and the boyfriend and the general state of her existence but unlike book! claudia i genuinely don't think she'd have tried to hurt#him if he hadn't done that. whereas book claudia would gut him for funsies#maybe even a little affectionately if he didn't make her too mad first. however it's lestat he was always going to make her mad moot point#god i love show claudia but book claudia really is an absolutely singular character i should reread just for her#either way always thinking about Her#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the vampire claudia
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silvery-stars · 6 months
would it be sacrilege of me to say that i am kinda hashtag Underwhelmed by the percy jackson show
#first off. the directing is just not that good.#like you could have taken the unique story and made interesting choices that make the story feel more exciting but so far it’s just so basi#basic shot composition basic camera movement fairly basic lighting#also like i can understand changes from the book. going from a first person novel to a show is difficult and you have to make changes.#but also some of them are just like nonsensical. why would you change the claiming from a moment of victory for percy to whatever that was#<- well okay not really victory. more confusion and fear and desperation with a tad bit of victory#(also the claiming symbol looked bad and i’m salty about that)#i liked that annabeth had it figured out though that was fun. the introduction to her character kinda slayed#oh my god also the decision for that scene where luke is telling percy abt him annabeth and thalia to Not have any broll type shots overtop#-of the explaination actually Showing what luke was saying was lame#i get that they don’t have the actor for thalia chosen yet but you could have easily done it to where you only showed young luke+annabeth-#-and just thalia’s like sillohuette or hand reaching out or whatever#also again about the claiming scene they just took away all of the hints toward future twists. the hellhound summoned by someone in camp-#-and the hints toward the Big prophecy :(#anyway overall it’s awesome and it’s so fun to see pjo on screen. it’s just a bit lacking imo ☹️#oh and the reduction of gabe into an almost comedic character rather than as an absolutely foul person that percy and sally have had to-#-suffer just does not work for me. it’s such an important detail thematically and also gives so much more context and meaning to percy and-#-sally’s lives and relationship. i think it’s so important but they changed it to something more palletable :(#ash rambles#ash.txt
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lucy-ghoul · 3 months
wow, mockingjay was. much more violent and gory than i remembered
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luthwhore · 6 months
waiting for superman: lost to wrap so i can decide whether to add it to my lex reading recs list, considering it’s a standalone and out of continuity and i’ve had somewhat mixed feelings on it thus far.
ironically though aside from the one line that made me cringe, lex has been one of the parts i least take issue with. i am not sure i agree with the writer’s take on lois, and in general the way the women are written feels… slightly off? i especially hate the conversation between diana and lois bc it did not feel in character for either of them and i feel like it does a major disservice to diana’s character to use her as The Other Woman™️ in clois drama.
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vakta · 2 years
i read 80 pages today SLAYY
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cld-n · 11 months
I hope this is not weird question to ask but how were you able to take a step back from harry and not be as immersed in like in him or the fandom?
nah it's not weird but i don't know if you'll like the answer cos i just really like other artists and there are so much more cool things to be interested in that aren't tied to or revolve around harry.
i understand for a lot of people in the fandom, like with their love for music, harry + his music takes up a signifcant part of that world for them and that's cool, just his music + his artistry isn't like that for me like it's cos i love music that i like harry and not the other way around yk? (plus it got annoying to see content around him across all of my socials so i unfollowed him on ig and twt idk i have a thing against content homogeneity (?) and echo chambers)
also rhetorically, the fandom has this culty notion around how important it is as his fan to obsessively consume his content immediately and excessively and like, the dude has a million fans i don't think he'd be cut if i didn't feel as obligated to want to watch his videos, listen to his music, buy a ticket to his concert, etc.
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re prev post also rereading the hunger games made me truly wish it had gotten a tv show adaptation instead of the movie one..... i think there was a post on here that discussed how suzanne collins was involved in writing tv screenplays and she translated some of that tv storytelling into her books in terms of pacing and setting up tension as a way to also reflect the hunger games' reality tv format and i truly couldnt agree more. i do think that its not the kind of story that translates well to a big budget screen adaptation, regardless of if its for cinemas or for tv, but still a show could have done a significantly better justice to it i believe
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im-still-a-robot · 1 year
House of leaves really did alter my brain's code. I didn't really believe yall for a while.
#wacky watermelons#apologies for the bluening of house (blue)#feels fitting to do so for a post talking about house (blue) making me feel more eel than previously#genuinely i see footnotes and some part of my brain always goes 'ahh. yes. just like house (blue)' and i have to smack it#it rerouted how my brain processes and appreciates horror#...#this was saved in my drafts and im bringing it back bc i was watching myhouse.wad videos#one of the guys apparently finished house (blue) like a week before he played the map and I must say#thats gotta be a fucked up head space to play that game in.#genuinely no horror yt video has unsettled me as the labyrinth (??) part of the doom house (blue)#similarly allusions so heavy handed they're basically recreations aren't usually ny thing#but esp the doors. it fucking got me. certainly helps that that was easily the most fucked part of the book imo#still. house (blue) is one of those things that I thought was over hyped until I actually experienced it#i might buy my own copy but. ah fuck. jesus christ. dude its 55 god damn dollars on amazon. what the hell#i guess hard cover 400+ big dense pages of print fuckery and colored text but still#anyway. house (blue) will live in my head for a long while. its a good book. even if it swings wildly#from a drug trip to pure horror to confusing to just. a little silly#by the end I think I understood the truant head space just a little. just a little.#plus we can add houses (blue (I think)) to the list of inanimate things that I have weird brain things with. like with eyes. iykyk.
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gideonisms · 2 years
the first book was such a well drawn portrayal of grief & the struggle to feel like a real person & the way empires consume cultures & it avoided consequentialism while still exploring the impact of a single action and it was SO gripping & interesting and then the second book was mostly. Problems Activists Have. And that was by far the best most well-observed bit of the book bc the character development was thin on the ground for all of the new characters it introduced and with a couple of exceptions the emotional moments were kind of clunky in a way they weren't in the first book. I was still invested the whole time though, and I'm hoping the next one manages to tie the politics and the arcs of the characters together in a more satisfying way
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urlocalqueer · 11 months
okay. finished good omens season two. the plot was all over the place in my opinion, however, i still had a good time watching it, the actors in this are incredible. season one is better in my opinion but season two has it's charm.
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
sorrowland is kind of a funny book bc on one hand it’s very obviously a power fantasy about mutating into a cool monster and killing bad guys but the author is like. self aware about it just enough that we keep on hitting the pause button to be like ‘hey guys so... i know we just popped a woman’s head off like a cork and defended against a hail of bullets with cool bone wings so we can then absolutely slaughter some soldiers..... but Violence Is Bad. Addiction To Power Is Bad. I mean yes we’re still killing these people and not trying to like communicate with them at all but it’s ok we put a little sign up saying Don’t Do This Cool Thing, It’s Not That Fulfilling Actually, so it’s fine right? right. ok back to the protagonist murdering the shit out of people with magic fungi powers’
#it would be better if it was just the power fantasy imo except that#rivers solomon is soooooo bad at writing action scenes + dramatic shit happening scenes#they're great at like conversations and small scenes and time passing but shit like#full on fights w the government and mass ressurections happen in this book#and they are NOT exciting in the slightest#also it's nooot as bad as Pet (Pet my beloathed)#but despite gesturing at nuance it still comes off as pretty 'there are Good people and Bad people and#the only way to deal with Bad people is killing them' sometimes#also w/the main active villain i must admit i was side eying how it felt like the author was baaaaarely restraining themself#from outright calling her a narcissist or sociopath#'there's something WRONG with her she's super COLD and EGOTISTICAL#and a MANIPULATOR and did we mention SELF-CENTERED and EGOTISTICAL and WEIRD'#and the mc was constantly assuming that she was doing stuff for solely Evil reasons with no indication it's not the 100% truth#like! she was bad! a little nuance wouldn't have impacted that!#not to mention the 'torture/confinement makes you Evil and Crazy and Broken and the only narrative path is death'#with Queen.... ugh i had high hopes for this book but the pieces i don't like really pile up against the parts i did#OH SPEAKING OF THE AWKWARD RELATIONSHIP W VIOLENCE - the fact that Queen literally murders a bunch of soldiers (for ??? reasons)#and the mc is like 'oh my god that's horrible! i would never do that it's horrifying and disturbing there's something wrong with her!'#5 minutes later........... the protag kills a bunch of soldiers..... in basically the same way.....
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libraryleopard · 1 year
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Adult horror/science fiction/urban fantasy (?) novel about Dawit, a 500-year-old man from Ethiopia who was inducted into an all-male cult of immortality
When he marries and has a child with a human woman in 90s America, he contemplates breaking his brotherhood’s covenant of secrecy to tell his wife the truth about his unnaturally long life
Suspenseful modern-day storyline with flashbacks throughout Dawit’s life 
Nuanced characters and an interesting exploration of what it means to navigate immortality as a Black man
Ethiopian main character & African American main character
Spoiler below the cut
Didn’t love the novel’s treatment of it’s only gay character, though (he gets violently murdered early on)
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loveydive · 2 years
finished house of leaves. and girls, i wont lie. i did not understand that book at all.
#cin.txt#HDISBKSNDJSNSKSBS OKAY LIE. ABIT.#erm i still dk how i feel abt it#okay from my first impressions after finishing i will say that it kinda gave me the feeling i had after watching rgu#like you KNOW that there is smth more#like its the kind of book that i feel you would enjoy on a reread more than on a first read (tho hol is still alright first read#if a bit confusing)#it gets very VERY confusing (esp in thr labyrinth chapter) and to get thru it you just kinda need to know when to skim the text and when to#actually read READ yk?#imo its not good to actually go thru ALL the footnotes (like the ones that constantly take you to another footnote which takes you to#another one and so on and so on)#you need to know when to continue#okay now. i will say that i like the idea of it all. but i found myself wayyy invested in zampanos edit of the navidson record#and i found johnnys footnotes a bit... confhsing.#they were the most confuisng parts to me esp bc of the whiplash they would give me#like one moment im so curious abt rhe spiral staircase and then in the footnote johnny is getting fingered#like LADIES. CAN WE NOT DO THIS NOW#and iDK#i thought that there would br a reason for like all the p*rn and basically misogynistic portrayal of women#but as far as i can see. not rlly. lmao.....#i rlly jsut dont see how johnny fits into all of this and i WANT TO KNOW#but i loved reading abt the navidsons and their story#it was good#i wiuld skim over johnnys footnotes to get back to the navidsons LOL
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reanimatedgh0ul · 2 months
trying to nail down eli's character rn (aka my fanon version of danielle)
so here are some characters i can see her taking after
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#i'm considering rolling youngblood's character into hers since i'll be honest as a character he rlly isn't THAT#distinct or unique enough where i don't think much would be lost if i were just axe him and fold him into eli's character#him and dani are both child characters who show up have 2 eps where they're plot relevant#again they're not like SUPER well defined as characters#they both just kinda act like your standard child character in a cartoon would imo#so the backstory i'm currently brainstorming for her is that instead of being danny's clone she's a girl that went missing a couple yrs ago#and was never found she's basically a runaway who tragically died and likes to play pretend/read books as a form of escapism#from the crappy life she had when she was still alive and living w her parents#ig if you're wondering as to why she's not a clone here is bc imo i think valerie could've served danielle's role in the narrative just fin#had the writers actually fleshed out her mentee/mentor relationship w vlad actually#so in my eyes it's not necessarily plus why have vlad idk like try to actually emotionally manipulate danny after bitter reunions#and get him back into his good graces instead having him yk make clones or w/e#like i think it's funny how vlad's like 'man i rlly want danny to abandon his father and be my son'#(proceeds to do literally NOTHING to make that happen bc he continues to just be an asshole to his nephew once he knows the truth lol)#also for as much as i extend sympathy to maddie/jack bc to me they're brown immigrant parents who are clearly flawed but trying#i don't want eli to get adopted by them simply bc yeah no offense maddie/jack but you guys literally fucked up the 2 kids you did have#so maybe let's not add a 3rd one to the mix ok#also i should mention that eli's name is a nickname (her given name is elizabeth but doesn't rlly like going by it anymore)#robi rambles
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