#but my rationality outways that love
bbybearcubbs · 10 months
What Crime Are You?... + A Pic Of Your Bias
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It's the fact that, had I not had an early understanding of what consequences are and if I didn't care about consequences, I'd undoubtedly be a pyromaniac, is what makes this funnier than it should be😂❤️‍🔥
[ Tagging ] > @myboyfriendjake @harufluff @nwjws @rikislady @rikilove4 @afelia-123 + anyone else that wants to join!!!
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easternkingdomer · 4 years
Where you go I go
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Music if you wish!
Why was she here?
Nyura...His oldest...Friend.
“We’re so much alike...You and I.”
Her scarred purple skin, he’d put her through so much...Torture, death and mental abuse. The Kaldorei was here with purpose...
“We’re nothing alike! And you’re not Vorain anymore...You’ve taken that part and killed it.”
He felt desperation there, fear in her voice and pain. Snow crunched beneath his boots, she’d found him and Amelia had found Nyura...
Force it...
“DO YOU KNOW! I’ve had fleeting moments of control in the last decade...Ripped away by those around me dying. I wonder who could have done that?”
Tendrils suddenly launched up to restrain her, Vorain began to walk again and head towards her. She would see...What she was becoming. There she was...As he continued his heavy advance, face a mask, flicks of his wrist and burning dark shadows. The Void which normally crept erupted with force as he tore rifts open and fiends came through. Then his mind assaulted hers, a threateningly calm force.The fearful woman was showing, the one who felt powerless when the anger melted away and when he acted. She was not prepared for any of this, he’d gotten to her like many other people and she was in his field of vision now.
‘I will never get my apology...’
His shadows, his mind had sunk into all she was, the tendrils cut into and the fiends incoming. There was to much going on and she lingered to long on his horns which were new to her. Then as he closed in he touched her forehead before grasping her face firmly and she felt the sickening feeling of the Void silencing from her person. Cold claws holding her still and his gaze fixed upon her fear stricken expression. He gained full entry into her mind, having hold of her mental presence and forcing her to see the comparisons of their lives. The molding he put her through...She felt immense calm at his invasion. A seductive property of how he wielded his Void when it came to stealing into the mind.
‘I will do what I must...and you will see this.’
He showed her a figure of Light casting him aside, then to compare, him betraying and taking everything from her...
“Misery loves company...”
He showed her how he became her hated ‘Light’ as the Light was for him, the way they moved ever forward and not giving pause. He could feel her sudden need to remove him, she tried to retreat...He did not allow it and he could sense her fear of him outwayed her rational thoughts. Her physical body passed out but he was still there...Nyura was met with sudden darkness as the faint warning of Linda’s voice could be heard...
She was alone...Something stalking her in the dark and when it stepped forward...Elven ears, a insect like jaw and a hunched body on all fours. It roared out, clearing the smoke around her to reveal Morrigan injured, Videl a stalking wolf by her side and Elora stepping back...
Vorain had felt himself taken over as that vision played out...He muttered low, head nodding lightly as he became a conduit for but a few moments and then he began to retreat as another matter outside called his attention.
The encounter...It was closed now between them and perhaps an understanding reached. Howling winds began to calm and snow halted. The dark looming clouds of Northrend ever present even along the shore...
Voices echoed on the frigid winds but the words were lost...
@nyura-shadowstep and @ameliarabon mentions!
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samellelilynora · 6 years
You deserve better
If you read that title and something specific came to your mind, that's not a coincidence. A lot of time time we deserve better but we choose not too because we love that something or that someone or we have good moments so it outways the bad.
I dated a guy for 5 years and we had 1 good year. He was who I loved, my bestfriend and I couldn't imagine life without him. But every time someone said you deserve better, he was my first thought. He stopped coming home and he stopped being there for me and it wasn't until I didn't have anymore good moments to attempt to rationalize to myself that this is just how it is was when I realized I deserved better. You deserve to be happy and to be loved. Everyone does no matter how awful of a person you think you might be. You deserve love.
I have been dating someone for about a month now and the difference is impeccable. I'm a better person, a happier person. I don't constantly wonder about where he is or who he is with. I'm not paranoid he's going to leave me or that he's going to blame me for everything that's wrong in his life. He spoils the crap out of me attention and I don't have to beg to feel like I exist.
When you have the thought of you deserve better. Know you do. Know that someone out there could be your better .. it's possible. It's possible to be happy.
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