#but noooooooo the muse demands corruption arcs
Your (non) daily dose of serotonin, and I solved your shipping dilemma!
Superhero and Baron looked at their once friend and crush, Mirth, with tears in their eyes. "It was you? You were the mole? But- but- WHY?" 
"I'll tell you why! Day in and day out, work, work, work! Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! And what do I have to show for it? Huh? No work from home, barely any benefits, and no dental!" 
Baron turned to Superhero, "You don't even have dental?" 
Superhero looked at the ground shook their head in shame.
"So, when Supervillain offered me all of the villain agency's benefits, while I was still working for the hero agency, I knew they were the right choice. They actually care for their employees."
As if on cue, Supervillain entered, twirling their (fake) handlebar moustache. They held out their hand amd Mirth put her hand on theirs while Superhero and Baron cried from their cell behind them. "No, Mirth, nooo! Don't choose them! Don't go with them!" 
Mirth didn't remove her hand and turned around. "Sorry." And she actually looked sorry. "It's nothing personal. Just good business sense." And with that, she stuck her new agency issued - ahem - villain agency issued handlebar moustache on her face.
Superhero and Baron resumed their crying, louder this time. So heartbroken, they didn't even care that they were hugging each other of all people. They couldn't even bear to watch their ex-friend leave the prison, her once heroic hand in Supervillain's villainous one, both evilly twirling their moustaches.
Oh no! Mirth's gone rogue😱
That really would be the best plot twist I've ever written and I'm certainly considering it...especially as I'm intending on writing the next part today (whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen😂 It's been a very busy week so I might just chill today and catch up on some things I'd put on the back-burner for a while lol)
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