#but not this time. this is a mature banquet hall full very wealthy and successful people
yesyourstalker · 6 months
Part 1 ( I'm too sleepy to finish it also it's kind of long)
Neta: ok so You're planning on performing at the party. That's great! Yes, so it's going to be tomorrow night around . I can help you set up everything you also got aquasonic performing and chirpy chips are going to perform as well..... Yes, no problem Yoko see yah
Warabi: so the party plans are going good.
Neta: yep and I want you guys to be on your best behavior. Okay, this is not some sort of rager or house party. This is a dinner party it's my first time hosting that's actually really nice.
Mahi: this is like business casual right? Like we don't have to dress up or anything
Neta: It is all business, no casual and there's going to be a lot of managers, producers and artists. A lot of very wealthy people who are going to be here....*sigh* I can't fuck this up. The theme is gingerbread so you have to wear some browns, whites and cream colors, a little bit of green and red but only a little. And they have to be dark like maroon or four green!
Mahi: hmmm so specific
Neta: we're literally in a mall, find something! Also If you can, it's okay if you can't. Can you bring something like a tray of appetizers or hors d'oeuvres doesn't matter.
Warabi: I can make salmon bites with cheese in it and jalapeno
Neta: That sounds great!........ Baja can come too. I'm pretty sure he would love to meet up with these artists he can tell them obscure facts about their music careers... And scare them a little bit. How the fuck did he know about me and Big EZY??
Mahi: is mizole allowed to come
Neta: he already got an invitation in the mail along with his other bandmates. I've been playing this before you guys are even dating.
Warabi: fancy invites. How come we didn't get any fancy invitations??!?
Neta: check your mailbox. Should arrive today
Candi: Netaaaa look at you these fancy little invites. It's so cute! I have one question. Am I able to bring my son?
Neta: yay! You can bring Bowie That's fine but the party is going to last until 1 If you could sleepy you have a small place for kids just in case...... What time is it? 3 All right we got to close early. I'll see you guys around 6 at the arowana Mall and...... this is going to be the first look of my second rock shock store. I can't believe it. It's actually happening.
Candi: awww we're so happy for you boss. You worked so hard for this
Neta: yeah...*sniff* everything's falling into place ikkan graduates next year, married in 2 years, moving out of the city... buying my first house.....*sigh* surprised I got this far.
Mahi: what about this?
Warabi: hmmm try a darker brown and a burgundy tie.
Mahi: ok .
Warabi: sooo babe what are you wearing??
Baja: I have a maroon suit at home I just need to get a brown vest and cream dress shirt.
Warabi: mmm bet you look good in that?
Baja: I hope so. What about you? What are you wearing?
Warabi: I got a nice brown and beige outfit planned out with a green tie.
Baja: that sounds nice........ Hey Warabi have you talked to Mahi yet? You know about maybe moving in or-
Mahi: how about this? I feel like this is nice, just pants and a shirt It's formal right? This is formal?
Baja: maybe try a turtle neck with the blazer....... I can just get my own apartment if it's too much I don't want to intrude on
Warabi: nonsense you're not. I was thinking of moving to a big apartment maybe a two bedroom. I can talk to my parents about-
Mahi: I think this works. It works right. It doesn't look stupid. I don't look stupid do I?
Warabi: looks good! Here.. a little green pocket square aaaannndd perfect! You're ready for the party! I need to go to the grocery store. I need to get some salmon, cheese, jalapeno..... Toothpicks.... Puff pastry and ......
Baja: cream cheese
Warabi: and cream cheese. Thanks [kiss] You two get go home get ready I'm heading over to ikkan's after.
Mahi: so. You and Warabi huh?
Baja: he took me out for dinner and I didn't realize it was a date until we kissed. I just kinda went with it..... I still am......It's nice
Mahi: seems like something he would do. So you're planning on living here where you staying right now
Baja: military base let me stay there until I can find a place to settle.
Mahi: hm...................
Mahi:...... Well we should start getting ready! You want to use the shower first or?
Baja: yeah sure it'll.... Get to that.....
Neta: ok I have the wines and spritzers. I just called the caterer you're going to be on their way... Mom's fruit punch bowl got it. I need to meet up with the band members and help their setup....uhhh I need to call the bouncer to make sure he has all the invites, names and faces.....ok Everything is going great. It's perfect......
Ikkan: Babe I'll head over to the mall and help with the equipment and talk to the cater. Okay just get dressed [kiss] and take a breather. Come here......everything's going to be fine you're doing a good job. [Peck]
Neta: *sigh*.... Okay I'll get ready........ Cirrina! You want to go with ikkan to the mall to help him set up?
Cirrina: yeah! What do you think? Do you like the dress? I went shopping yesterday.
Neta: it's beautiful honey!!! How much was that?
Ikkan: 200 Gs
Neta: ikkan I told don't spoil her
Ikkan: what? she looks nice... [Kiss] get dressed and help Warabi with his food tray or whatever don't have him burn down my kitchen.. bye!
Neta: bye.............*sigh* Warabi! What takes you so long to get ready!? I need to use the-
Warabi: all your. That shower...*sigh* .. I miss proper water pressure and hot water. I have to wait 10 minutes for my shower to run hot in that crappy apartment.
Neta: have you decided what you guys are doing? I have an empty place in my apartment building.
Warabi: *sigh* I'm just worried that mahi won't take the news very well. They're so used to it just being used two I don't know how they'll react.
Neta: It should be fine Mahi's an adult I think it'd be good to have another roommate.
Warabi: but it's more than a roommate. He's my boyfriend. I'm going to have to be....... A boyfriend. I don't want it to feel like I'm replacing them with Baja
Neta: well that just seems like something you two need to talk about and figure out for yourselves.... Don't you think Baja moving in seems a little too fast? I mean you still don't really seem..... Close
Warabi: Oh we are. He's my boyfriend. I told him that we were dating and he agreed to it.
Neta: so you just told him that He's your boyfriend and he didn't argue with it
Warabi: yep hehehe such a cutie
Neta: ok ...
Mahi invited @fish-at-fish-fish-resort to the holiday party as well
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