#but now that they are committed to getting rich rathen than providing a quality service and an objective good to the world?
plumadesatada · 7 months
Bwhahaha my Duolingo plus family subscription expired (don't judge me I got it before they decided human translators and the actual entire community could be replaced with badly-trained predictive-text-on-steroids) and I chose not to renew it (for aforementioned issues, which i wrote about in my 1 star playstore review)
mom, an avid Duolingo user, was like "the super is gone 😭 the ads are back 🤮"
I explained about the mass firing and she immediately said "well we're definitely not renewing the subscription then. I shall ignore the ads with relish"
and I was like "I'll do you one better" and through the power of piracy got us both a cracked version of the app with full super duolinguo unlocked, because I don't want those pieces of shit getting even $0.000001 ad revenue and also i dont wanna watch ads
viva la piratería!
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