#duolinguo super
plumadesatada · 7 months
Bwhahaha my Duolingo plus family subscription expired (don't judge me I got it before they decided human translators and the actual entire community could be replaced with badly-trained predictive-text-on-steroids) and I chose not to renew it (for aforementioned issues, which i wrote about in my 1 star playstore review)
mom, an avid Duolingo user, was like "the super is gone 😭 the ads are back 🤮"
I explained about the mass firing and she immediately said "well we're definitely not renewing the subscription then. I shall ignore the ads with relish"
and I was like "I'll do you one better" and through the power of piracy got us both a cracked version of the app with full super duolinguo unlocked, because I don't want those pieces of shit getting even $0.000001 ad revenue and also i dont wanna watch ads
viva la piratería!
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cherryblogss · 18 days
qual vc acha q seria a reação dos meninos reagindo a funk
eu não escuto funk mas tentarei hablar☝🏻
acho que o pipe ia ficar todo vermelhinho e curioso quando vc explicasse o significado das palavras ou oq significa a música, aí ia repetir varias vezes a msm musica só pra te perguntar cada partezinha e ficaria meio👁👄👁
off: eu tenho um hc mt pessoal😭 que ate a diva lunitt fala aqui como é bom fazer pegadinha com ele, então☝🏻 pensem comigo: imagina ficar falando um monte de putaria ou cantando(tipo msc da ebony pqp) e o pipe tipo ???? que isso mulher, esse português eu não aprendi no duolinguo e vc tipo nada amor só catando fofurices pra vc😁💕💅🏻⚘️🧚‍♀️ e ele: ai como vc é meiga mana🤗🤭 mas aí no dia que ele descobre oq é... nao ta escrito o tanto que ele vai ficar vermelho igual um pimentão, além disso vejo mt ele escolhendo o momento pra se vingar sendo na cama😈😈😈😈
o matias old que sabe mais funk que vc, canta todas as palavras sujas altao e faz questão de apontar pra ti quando ta cantando sobre foder😁
particularmente, acho que simon ia adorar e curtiria mt escutar enquanto faz alguma tarefa em casa. passa vibes que tbm adora rap e trap
o enzo nao sei como ele reagiria, mas acho que ele ia ficar super 🤨 isso não é machismo? mas no fundo gosta
off': eu sou do norte né, então imagino muito o pardella e o matias adorando calypso😭 serio o pardella ia muito dançar um cavalo manco ou até aprender a dançar brega/tecno melody (pra quem nao sabe oq é, tem várias no batidão tropical da pablo vittar que são do ritmo predominante daqui)
also☝🏻 acho que o della corte e o kuku iam adorar sertanejo, ainda mais aqueles bem início de 2010
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burninface · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y !
name: face
age: 23
time zone: GMT+8
what do you do for work? OT (occupational therapist)
do you have any pets? no:(
what first drew you into the fandom? well I actually watched this show when I was in middle school (I think it only had 2~3 seasons at that time), but I didn't have much impressions on it. and last year when I didn't know what to watch, I just rewatched all the shows I hadn't caught up on back then, and I suddenly realized: how didn't I notice that the two of them had such an attractive relationship?! how?! and I just want to see more and create more!
are you a morning person or night owl? I stay up till the day light A LOT, so night owl lol
what are your hobbies? writing, drawing, cooking, playing video games, reading, watching documentaries, and playing volleyball.
how tall are you? 172 cm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? probably one of the scandinavian countries or even in the arctic circle since I don't like interact with people in person, but emm I'm not sure...
favorite color? I can't choose only one so black, it contains all the colors
favorite book? I had different favorite books at different stages, but lately I think it would be How to Invent Everything by Ryan North
favorite movie? A Fistful of Dollars
favorite fic? erm it's hard to just pick one but if I have to choose... The Halfway House by Mintsauce I guess, I read it from the very beginning and it definitely affected my understanding of gallavich relationship. also I once dreamed the scene written in Feeling Sun(I'm no longer one) by merle_p and Love Will Guide Us Home by dancermk.
favorite musical artist? Adam Lambert
what is your average screen time so far this week? a lot lol
what’s the first app you open in the morning? it's duolinguo
how long have you been on tumblr? about 5 years in total I think, I used to use it for about 4 years when I was in middle school and high school, and last year I started using it again
finally (and i know this is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I'm super good at memorizing routes (I memorize them by observing surroundings, if an area hasn't changed much, I can recognize places I've only seen once or twice, even years later), but suck at memorizing roads' names, so basically every time I give directions to others I only describe the objects around.
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0mega-x · 1 year
Duolinguo gave me that Duolinguo Super thing for 3 days yesterday and I went a little bit crazy on it...
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But hey now I know when I'm single Ich bin ledig and when I'm married Ich bin verheiratet
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extremelynormalblog · 4 years
TOG’s slang/familect
Obviously there’s no comparison here but as someone who grew up in a dialect-speaking family and is currently a foreign language teacher in a multilingual relationship, i’d LOVE to read more fic that touches on how incredibly unique and amazing (and confusing) the linguistic situation must be within the team.
Like, obviously we see them speak a bunch of languages, and some of the fic so far is really making the most of their multilinguism and it’s AWESOME. And we know that for example Joe uses an old-fashioned Italian word to wake Nicky up, but does it go further? Like, what other antiquated idioms did they retain? Do they occasionally use like, medieval swearwords, just directly translated?
Does Nile ever have to go, “English please, sorry,” and then “No, I mean, MODERN English, come on guys we’ve been over this, I understood the individual words you said but I still don’t know what you said?” and she has to try and track down antique dictionaries because it’s not like the others even speak the standard versions of languages and Duolinguo is not helping as much as she would like? (Sure, she’s confident she’ll pick it all up in time, now that she has it, but she wants to know NOW!)
Do they sometimes translate from other languages word-for-word even when they’re being super careful not to slip out of English for her sake, and fully muddle their meaning? Do they stop mid-sentence and wonder, “Wait, was that even English?” and they all look at Nile because she’s the one who’s the best barometer of this, since she hasn’t been corrupted by their mish-mash of languages yet.
Which member of the team is the one that’ll elbow the others and be like “Stick to English, for the kid!” when they slip up and start arguing in Ligurian or French, and Nile is doing her best to follow along?
Are they eager to sit Nile down and get an update from her on what stuff they’ve been hearing means, or does she have to drag them to a family meeting on the topic?
What particular linguistic habits and tics did the team develop and give each other over their centuries together, speaking their own unique “familect” - the dialect that’s unique within a family circle, where baby expressions enter the common vocabulary for exemple - where they use Joe’s word for “cat” but Nicky’s word for “frying pan” and still bring up the time Booker mispronounced “nauseous.”
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Living my best quarantine life.
I decided to detox my armpits because it's an okay time to be smelly! Everybody should be six feet away anyway and I'm working from home half the time! Once the detox is done, I'm making some homemade, oil-free deoderant si I'm super excited about that.
I've been doing really great with keeping up a skincare routine which I think my face appreciates.
I've replaced time on Facebook with time on Duolinguo this week and have been kicking some french lesson ass. While I doubt you can become fluent in a language you've never studied through Duolinguo, I do think it's a great tool for supplementing studies or to review after time away from a language and if you have a linguistic background, you may be able to learn a new language as well!
I've been trying to make new dishes for dinner and had great success!
I've been reading!
I'm on top of my budget and my debt!
I just realized my first therapy appointment aligns perfectly with when I'm on a school break. So here's hoping they don't cancel for quarantine.
Also, my school project is coming together phenomenally despite being tedious. Literally spent three hours on one page last night just getting the design of it right.
I'm so glad I started zoloft a few months ago. I feel like this quarantine would have been much worse for me if I hadn't.
The only wish I currently have is for more sleep. Only 4 to 5 hours a night all week so far.
I'm also very excited to organize the house some more once school break starts!
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billspudding · 6 years
Ayy I got tagged by @unromanticpoetess! 
Rules: answer these questions and tag any 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Nickname: EH, I have several? I go by Son V on DB youtube tho I guess
Zodiac: cancer
Height: 5’2’’ I’m a small
Time: whoops I just typed my age like a dumbass, I think it was 7PM  
Favorite band/artist: Kind of hard to say considering I go through phases and I never really learn or listen to more than half the songs? And I’m not in any particular phase right now, last one was probably my Daughter phase from months ago  
Song stuck in my head: Everlong by Foo Fighters. Oof, my teen years are coming back
Last movie I saw: Citizen Kane (1941)
Last thing I googled: how concerning is it if my health insurance card has been expired for 5 years, asking for a friend
Other blogs: who told you I have other blogs you son of a bi
Do I get asks: not really no
Why did I choose this username: i wanted a DB themed blog and i chose something that could have been distinctly associated with super
Following: a whopping 258
Average amount of sleep: god i don’t know anymore, i don’t sleep sometimes
Lucky number: idk honestly!
What I am wearing: my dirty grey hoodie and some black crocs. that’s right
Dream job: just make me draw!!!! i’m desperate!!!
Dream trip: there is so much I want to see, but I’d lose my mind visiting Egypt in particular I think
Fave food: there is no such thing as best food, all food is best food. throw any cheese at me and I’ll be a happy lass though
Play any instruments: my voice?? I like to sing (horribly) but I don’t play any instruments sadly  
Eye color: dark brown
Hair color: dark brown
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: cotton candy. that’s it. I’M SOFT AND I LIKE COLORS
Languages you speak: speaking italian all day, faking an english native all day but on the internet, sucking at french 20 minutes every day with duolinguo
Most Iconic song: subjectively speaking, Running up the Hills by Kate Bush
Random facts: about me? uuh, I’m like almost a year late on some commissions? I’m a professional. A better fact is that I love ducks. A generic fact to close this all off, DB themed because of this blog, is that Akira Toriyama invented the design of the super saiyan, the most iconic transformation in anime, only with the purpose of saving time in mind. I love this fact.
Listen I’m tagging @fluffybunnybadass @fullmetalthwip @bulma-briefly and stopping there because I don’t really have the balls to tag people that I’ve interacted with any less, but any of you who follows me and likes to do these is also welcome to tag me and if I tagged you and you don’t do it it’s obviously fine, -sends hearts
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wondershawns · 4 years
How do do you learn another language? I did French for 7 years at school and was pretty good, but since going to uni( a year) I feel like I’ve forgotten all of it 🥺. I love French and want to learn it again. My mum is a French teacher so she can help me but she’s not that outgoing at speaking it if that makes sense
I forgot to reply to this last night, but I think the best way to learn a language is to be around people that speak it. You need to hear it to pick it up, and you need to interact. Obviously that’s not always possible, so I guess it might be good to watch movies and stuff in the language you’re trying to learn, reading is always a lot of effort when you’re not fluent yet but it’s super efficient.
Maybe try duolinguo and try to use it a little bit every day? It’ll keep you engaged so that you don’t forget what you’ve already learned
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katherine-rambles · 7 years
jasker replied to your photo: “this is that image i talked about working on at work. hey fuck...”:
oh hey ive been planning on doing a motorcycle art for like a million years but was also avoiding it because detail :'''') this looks fuckin awesome so far tho
Ty!!! Yeah i’ve just been looking at this one pic of a bueii.... 540, I think? There’s sooooo many fiddly bits, and because the chassis is smaller, it’s more out in the open than like. cars, who have a giant shell of “Look at how pretty I am, I will keep u safe or die trying”. 
In related news I think I actually have two main hyperfixations right now, one being Splatoon and the other being learning Japanese through the Duolinguo app. I’m excited! I’ve learned most of the hiragana and a few katakana and even fewer kanji. And the bbbbbasssssics of introduction. 
はじめまして、キャサリン です。
wow typing in japanese is really easy on a mac. thank u smart computer scientists for making my life super easy,,,, 
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comradeprozac · 6 years
So I decided to start learning Esperanto using Duolinguo.
The only problem I have had is when typing the ŭ character on my keyboard.
I have a keyboard with the latam layout and I can write all other characters just fine, because the great majority use the ^ symbol, but the ŭ is the only one that I can access easyly.
To solve this I decided to map the compose key to right super (right windows) and it has worked just fine.
What I hadn’t considered is that it can actually make typing other symbols easier.
To type ŭ all I have to do is tap or hold the compose key and then press u twice
And if I want to write something like not equal (≠) I just have to tap the compose key and slash + equal or equal + slash.
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