#but obviously any variations are completely and wholey welcome
subject-044 · 6 months
Hi hello I absolutely adore your band AU!! I was wondering if you have any thoughts on the band's appearances, like clothes/hair dye/etc.? Especially given you've mentioned things past highschool
I rlly rlly want to draw these dorks practising together and want to stay true to your ideas :3
Hello I saw this just before I was going to go to sleep and then laid awake Thinking About It for the next 30 minutes so here I am!
Under the cut because there's a LOT!!
He layers just as badly as in canon
So in my head it goes:
Long sleeved stripey T-shirt
then a graphic short tee on top (which eventually becomes a band T-shirt nearer then end of senior year when Steph joins the band! (And when I design the logo lmao))
THEN a zip up hoode
I'm not done
Then a leather jacket he found at a garage sale (it's slightly too big for him normally so it fits over everything else.)
Ripped jeans + belt chains
He has one of those goth belts with all the metal eyelets in it
Boots!! He has loads of different coloured laces he wears each day!!
And ofc he has his blue hair
He has his ears pierced too- he has these skeleton studs and they're all he wears.
Oh and the green and black bracelet Max eventually makes when he becomes the band's friend. It's tied onto his belt loops every morning.
Pretty similar to canon in my head
He takes off his suspenders and bowtie when they practice though (he feels safe then)
His hair is longer! He wears it in a man bun because it made him feel more masc before he came out to everyone (in middle school)
When he felt more comfortable (and after he came out) he decided to keep his hair long and the man bun just kind of stuck
He gets an undercut maybe? I can't decide in whether that's good or not.
He had LOADS of ear piercings (industrial, tragus, three on each lobe, conch, helix) but he's too scared to get facial ones somehow
He wears dangly earrings in his main lobe piercing
After he makes friends with Steph and stops wearing his suspenders+bowtie altogether he unbuttons and untucks his shirt during practice.
(Steph almost passes out the first time he does this. She can see his collar bones. Victorian woman seeing ankle for the first time core)
Richie clips a short chain onto his belt loops "So we match!"
His yellow and orange bracelet becomes his hairband- you can't usually see it unless you're looking for it/it's in a ponytail
Ruth was actually so so difficult for me to decide
Her normal style just goes so hard yknow?
I think she starts wearing Docs like Richie
But she just has rainbow laces and that's it she doesn't change them
She gets a leather jacket too and paints the band logo on (badly)
The band tee she'll wear but it'll be over-sized and half tucked in
Logo front and back babey!!
I don't know what else for Ruth so if you have any ideas please feel free to use them
Her blue and white bracelet is just on her wrist like a normal person lmao
Nose piercing Nose piercing!! She has a little ring
Her style is already SO SO good for the band AU!!!
She has fingerless leather gloves
She also has tattoos methinks
The beginnings of a rose + thorns sleeve on her left arm
And a shitty stick and poke star on her right wrist (over her veins) she got when she was 16- it's started to fade so she gets other stars tattooed on her wrist around it (one for each band member?)
She's the one who commissions an artist to design the logo, and gets t-shirts made for each of them!!
She, and Ruth both get the logo put on leather jackets. Steph's is proper vintage and is more of a biker jacket though.
She tries to convince Richie and Peter to get ones too, but Richie doesn't want to damage his jacket and Peter refuses to wear one at all (he won't wear the shirt either)
(She catches him using it as a sleep shirt. She teases him about it for weeks)
She cuts her band top into a crop top but she doesn't always wear it.
She dyes the tips of her hair red for while
But it fades into pink weirdly quick
So she dyes it back to her normal ombre
Steph's pink bracelet hangs from a hole made in one of her drumsticks. Her bracelet was made first (Max cried when he saw it)
Max isn't technically part of the band
But he is their #1 fan forever and ever
So he has a shirt too that he wears to all of their (eventual) gigs!! The logo is a bit faded/damaged and washed out because he keeps washing it the wrong way
He has a scar in his eyebrow from when Steph punched him after she first joins the band (this kickstarts his redemption.) (Punchstarts?)
And he has his purple and yellow bracelet around his wrist!
I still haven't figured out how to fit Grace into this AU at all. I do HC that she thinks all music other than Christian Music is Of The Devil™ and she plays the flute but that's about it honestly... One of these days I'll figure something out
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