#but ofc I don't just miss school thats like. not even top 5 on things I miss
crabussy · 2 years
homesick!!!! yeowch!
#I miss singing as a whole school every morning in assembly#we'd do the new zealand national anthem (which fucks its a fantastic song) and then classics like Tōia mai te waka nei and others#and the entire school (in all 3 schools I went to. its a kiwi thing not just a 1 school thing) would fucking belt the words with joy#and if you felt too awkward to sing?? youd just mouth the words that day and no one would care or notice!!!#it was wonderful the schools there had such a strong sense of community#but ofc I don't just miss school thats like. not even top 5 on things I miss#the main ones being the PLACES#camping in napier and taupo and whananaki....#weekends at the beach house in whangamata#those road trips where we'd pass field after field after field of sheep and cows (belted galloways beloved)#and drive through crazy little towns like TIRAU.... search up tirau please oh my god that entire town was made of corrugated iron#I remember skiing trips in ohakune on mt ruapehu..#god I fucking miss skiing the highest mountain here is 164 fucking metres. mt ruapehu is quite literally 20 times that#and its not even in the tallest 10#this entire fucking country is flat and sweaty and homophobic and government restricted and full of shit that can kill you#protests are illegal here. pride parades? nah. you step outside and insantly you're drenched in sweat and your hair sticks to your face#maybe im being too harsh there are some good things ofc like the public transport and cost of eating out but.#I never liked the city#I need to go home#6 months of waiting for a small holiday is too long and not enough#vent#robin shut up challenge#if you read this far thank you#this fucking sucks. I love new zealand I need to be home I need to#its a part of me its like I'm walking around without blood in my veins it feels Wrong
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