#but otherwise avoid Eleare
soulsxng ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ Eleare!
@feraecor | Small headcanons | No longer accepting!
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- Very authoritative, and yet has always been good at making people think that they're the ones making the choices when it comes to things that Eleare asks them, or interactions they have with the Inari. In reality, they know how to word things just so, to compel others to do what they're asking said person for a favor or something.
- Really random one, but I was thinking about what sin(s) each muse has the most affinity with yesterday, or the day before. Eleare's would be Pride, and Wrath...with Greed coming in close third.
- The tips of their tails are typically alight with fox fire, (though it's typically hard to see unless it's night time, or they're actively using their fox fire for something) and if someone's hand gets too close, they'll feel an odd freezing/burning sensation. The severity of which depends on whether Eleare wants it to hurt, or just startle someone. Why do they do this? Because they've had way too many people try to touch their tails without permission.
- I want to write something about their "children", but every time I try to think of something, I get a resounding "They are my offspring, not my children. We are not family, thank you very much." Which, I suppose, says a lot in and of itself. Really though, they're not entirely wrong. When Eleare created the 7 of them, each one was created away from Eleare's own body, fully matured, and with whatever knowledge the deity saw fit to bestow upon them before they first woke up. So while they're all on amicable enough terms, Eleare isn't particularly close with them.
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soulsxng ยท 7 months
A random headcanon for y'all on this chilly morning, about how the muses walk with their s/o!
Jaspern is the type of person to, while walking with his s/o, keep a hand in their back pocket, to keep them close to him. Very effortless and smooth, but also affectionate. Same with Io, I feel. Also JJ, because he grew up seeing Jas do that, tbh.
Pythius is similar, but he's more likely to hook his fingers in his s/o's belt loops to tug them over, before putting an arm around their waist or something. If he's walking behind them, he'll do it if he needs to "steer" them a little, or wants them to slow down. ("I want attention", essentially) Aro, Zikiriel, and Sarakael also do this one, on occasion.
Aro and Eleare will curl their tail (or a few of them) around their s/o, or drape one over their shoulders. Or will alternatively stand/lay on their s/o's shoulders in their little fox forms.
Cilatyve actually doesn't care too much for flat out holding hands-- he uses his to navigate too much to feel super comfortable with that, especially if he trips or something. Instead, he likes to coil his tail around their thigh, wrist, or arm. Arin and Jaey, if their tails are out, will also curl the end around their s/o's wrist or thigh when walking. Otherwise, it's more common for them to just coil around their s/o entirely once they've settled from going somewhere together.
Zikiriel will, instead of wrapping an arm around his s/o, keep a wing curled around them sometimes. Keeps them close, and gives them a bit of privacy on top of that (he's not a fan of people staring at his s/o, sue him)
Nirbhi, Ezra, and Sarakael like to keep their hand their s/o's back while they're walking, or occasionally rested on their shoulder. That way, they and their partner can walk at whatever pace they want! But if something happens, it's easy enough to tug their shirt or give them a little nudge or something to avoid or draw attention to whatever it is.
Enoch, Pereux, Bleddyn, and Shilo tend to shift positions when they're walking with their s/o a lot. Eno and Jinnie tend to walk slightly behind, Bleddyn slightly in front, and Shilo not really having a preference...but if someone unknown approaches their s/o, or they go to pass someone, etc, they'll automatically move to position themselves between the other person and their s/o. Actually, Kade also fits here. Huh. That's a lot more muses than I'd thought would be put here.
Baphomet...man, I don't know. He's clingy. As always. Please be careful not to trip. Niesal can surprisingly also get like this, when they actually fall for someone, so I guess it's hereditary.
Sivel and Alsina, when walking around with (or especially traveling with) their s/o, their wings will almost always be buzzing in a very specific pattern. It's sort of announcing that they're with their person. And that they're excited, because they're going somewhere. With their person! They don't even realize they're doing it, honestly.
Fele and Laisren tend to do the more refined offering an arm to their s/o. Keeping them at a slight distance, and separating to take their hand instead to help them down stairs, or over a curb or puddle, or whatever else.
Zahine (and Kade and JJ, during the times that they're not in their other categories) likes to do the closer linked arms thing. Where he has one arm linked with his s/o's, and he's leaned on them or encouraging them to lean on him a little while they walk. Makes it easy to sneak a cheek kiss or something in, if he wants to!
Ber, Eluvias, Ezzion, and Vanyllo tend not to touch their s/o much while they're walking. Luvi, because he's used to not being able to touch people much without them being hurt by his poison. The other three...mostly just because they don't want to, for one reason or another. All four of them do constant check-ins, though-- looking back at their partner frequently, or engaging in really brief touches, to make sure they're doing alright. Another thing they tend to do is that little "curls their just the tips of their fingers with their s/o's" thing whenever they stop or slow down. As a sort of "I'm still with you" thing.
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