#[Eleare -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 7 months
I can't remember if I've talked about this here before or not, but I can't find any post for it, so here it is! Both Aro and Eleare's fur and hair tend to change, depending on the seasons-- Aro's in both color and thickness, while Eleare's is primarily in thickness.
For Aro, his coat is only completely silver-white in the colder months-- which, I'll be honest, Ativere is on the slightly cooler end climate-wise, because their nights are longer than their days. This means that Aro rarely goes through a full "summer" coat change these days, like he would have when he was still in the Mortal Realm. His winter coat is extremely thick; if you were to pet him, you wouldn't be able to see your hand at all with how dense it is, as an example. Similarly, his hair in his god form is thicker, and the same pure silvery-white color throughout.
One it starts getting warmer, however, his coat thins out again, and starts introducing warmer greys and even a bits of reddish brown (reddish and warmer toned because of his dad being a red fox, while his mom was an arctic fox) into it. Again, because he never quite goes through a full coat change, this isn't as pronounced a change as an arctic fox's would be...but it's definitely still noticeable. In his god form, the color change is pretty similar, and his hair will seem a little bit wilder, in comparison.
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^^^ Good example of the usual change in coat density for Aro. He doesn't get quite as poofy looking as Eleare does in the winter (though I would argue that Aro's coat is more dense if you actually touch it), but he comes pretty close!
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^^^ Good indicator of color in the warmer months albeit the browns and greys have more reddish tones to them. It's more to show that the color change isn't as drastic as the top left, for example.
As for Eleare, their coat thickens and thins out in similar manner to Aro's during the change in seasons, but...
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^^^ This is a good example for how much the density of their coat changes, from the warmer months to the colder ones! Their color does change a bit-- they're a more orangey color in the warmer months, a bit duller in saturation. While in the colder months, they're more red, and the color tends to be much more saturated.
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^^^ That's a better indicator of their winter color...
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^^^ While this is a better indicator of their summer color!
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soulsxng · 1 year
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"...I need to make someone to forget something. The sooner, the better. Could I convince you to help me out, a little bit?"
Sahrin sat down beside Shemyaza on the dock bench, looking out over the water before them. Zental was always such a pretty place...there had been a time when she had thought-- hoped, even-- that this would be the place she could always proudly call her home.
But no longer. She could hardly stand to be in Gaea at all, anymore. The mortal realm held too far too many bitter memories for her.
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"I told you that I don't want to be involved in whatever it is that you're doing, Sihariel...I'm sorry, but I just can't risk it. If he finds out, he'll think I'm provoking him again."
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"But you won't be directly involved. One music box is all I need, and once I've used it, I know exactly how to go about destroying it, so that it won't leave any evidence pointing back here. If this person is able to spill their secrets, it could end up causing trouble for you anyway. Besides..."
Dark red eyes settled on her, expectant in their weight, even if Sahrin didn't keep him in suspense long.
"I'm close. Just a bit more, and I know Sivel will feel compelled to help me. Or at the very least, he'll provide protection, should I happen upon any 'unfortunate trouble'. From there, dealing with Iryin should be far easier than before. With odds like that...maybe even you would be able to step back into the fray. Iryin won't stand a chance...this time, I'll have him pleading for mercy at my feet...I just need to ensure that Eleare is dealt with, first."
There it was. In reality, Emy couldn't really say that he was entirely convinced that Sahrin could pull this off. Even if her plan to get Sivel involved in trying to take Enoch down worked, it was still risky. However...if things got too complicated, he really didn't need to worry about being connected to Sahrin's schemes.
He was far better at his job than she was, after all. Covering his tracks would be wasy. Doubly so, if Sahrin died because of this...as much as it pained him to think that way.
Shemyaza had known for a long time now, though, that she was likely already too far gone to truly save. Her ambitions had twisted from what they once were, and...even as dark as they were then, they had only grown to be even more horrific.
If it weren't for the fact that she was a former Watcher, as well...as well as the fact that he himself wasn't able to target Enoch himself, anymore, he was sure he would have killed her himself, to stop the potential for any of her sickening goals to come to fruition.
...So for now, he would simply do what he do best, and keep a close watch on the situation.
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"Ha...of course it's another god that you went and got into trouble with. Fine, though. Wait here a bit, and I'll be right back."
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soulsxng · 1 year
📁 Aro
@arcxnumvitae | Random headcanons | No longer accepting!
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📁- Though Aro isn't banished from Gaea anymore, he still tends to only go there if he needs something specific from there, or is going to visit friends, or his sister. He and the Mortal Realm's Inari, as well as the other deities that Aro wronged when he was younger have made up (or are at least amicable, in a few cases) by now, but being there still feels...odd to him. Like he constantly has to be walking on eggshells, keeping his head down, being extra careful to stay in line, so to speak.
Essentially, there's just a lot of conflicting emotions there that pop up at some of the most random times and make being there uncomfortable for him.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I got hit with the sudden urge to do Tank/DPS/Support/Healer for the muses yesterday, and so that's what we're doing now, strap in y'all. (Just 10 at a time though, because god knows I'm gonna end up rambling about some of them longer than I meant to, and if I did all of them at once it would be the length of a soccer field or something)
Jaspern - Pure DPS; phys (He does fight with a big fuck off scythe, so midrange usually) with a little magic-- usually death oriented magic that has the added benefit of a slow but constant strength sapping effect on those it hits.
JJ - DPS/slight support; phys (He fights with his dual-bladed spear, Ahzeel more often than not these days, but is a nightmare with just about any weapon in his hand), uses more magic than Jas does, though that's usually for the support side than outright attacking.
Ber - Support/Healer; doesn't really like being part of a fight, so he will bubble himself at the back of the battlefield, and just focus on buffing and healing his comrades. Side note, but just because he's not a DPS, that doesn't mean he can't DPS. Piss him off too much, and he'll be insta-casting about 50 meteors at the back of your head in 2 seconds flat.
Melchior - Tank/Healer; my dude really is like a weird sort of paladin. Technically, I feel like he doesn't have the defense stat to be a full-on tank, but he's that type that doesn't want to have anyone else on his team get hurt, and he can mitigate damage with his healing easily enough, so here he is. Making himself the tank anyway. Damage is phys/magic balanced.
Eluvias - DPS/Tank; Luvi goes absolutely berserk in a fight, which is why DPS is primary. He pretty much just leaps at whatever is attacking, and starts shredding regardless of if he's taking damage too or not. That's evidently why he could also be a tank. Even if he's hurt, it's like he doesn't notice it, he just keeps going until he legitimately can't. Technically he can use magic, but usually he gets so carried away with the physical side that he forgets to even use it unless he's really in trouble.
Zahine - Healer/DPS OR, pure DPS. Zai is pretty much the healer with a gun meme. Usually he'll stick to just healing, and will pick people off with magic-based DPS here and there...but man. MAN. If he goes pure DPS it's because he's angry, and then whoever is against him is better off just running away, because he's not above fighting dirty, and he's completely ruthless. Especially when the charming powers start coming out-- that's when even Io and Luvi (Or Pythius, in the few times that he's fought alongside Zahine) just take a big step back and let Zahine do his thing.
Orin - Pure support; they really couldn't fight well to save their life (literally, in this case), still, they actually are capable of using quite a bit of magic that can protect allies, or essentially debuff opponents. Baby doesn't wanna fight though, so please don't make them.
Vanyllo - DPS/occasional Support (surprisingly); his main focus is always going to be DPS, but if things are going south, he's trained pretty extensively to be able to use his magic for all kinds of different traps/ensnarements, so he'll dip into support sometimes, too. Can also use magic that limits opponents range of sight and that sort of thing.
Darrow - Tank/DPS; one of his domains is protection, after all! Aro knows how to take a hit just as well as he knows how to draw (and keep) an enemy's attention on him, to keep some of the heat off of his allies. On top of that though, he's very accurate with both sword, as well as fang and claw, so the amount of "critical" strikes that he tends to land on his foes means that he has a pretty high overall damage output too. Primarily phys damage, but he tends to bolster that with fox fire and divine damage, as well.
Eleare - Tank; another one that might be surprising. Most of the reasoning is just because they feel it's easiest to control the flow of battle from that position, but another reason is that Eleare has a lot of magical abilities that create barriers for themselves, can diffuse or weaken some magics, etc. So they're pretty tough to land consistent damage on. Most of their damage is more close-ranged magic, but they're not shy about getting more physical with their claws or fangs, instead. Or, what usually happens, is that they just shift into a massive fox/dragon/hawk/what-have-you, and they just go ham like that.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Archetypes quiz | Eleare edition!
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48% Royal: When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
26% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
26% Spiritual: The Spitirual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
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soulsxng · 1 year
↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
@arcxnumvitae | Sinday headcanons! | No longer accepting!
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↕️are they a sub, dom, or switch? top, bottom, or switch?
They tend to prefer bottoming, but they'll switch it up depending on their mood, and their partner. And in a similar vein, they take on the dominant role more often than a submissive one...though not by much, surprisingly. In fact, they'll switch between the two here and there in the same encounter, as opposed to just sticking with one or the other. Really, all that matters to them is that it feels good, so if their partner knows what they're doing, Eleare is more likely to give them more leeway to just do as they like.
💦what’s their immediate post-orgasm reaction?
Collapsing onto the bed, or otherwise taking a moment to just savor the feeling. Their partner should not be asking questions or trying to make conversation at this point, as the only answers Eleare is going to want to give are simple hums of agreement or disagreement. Anything that might take away from their few minutes of euphoria is going to make them grumpy, and they'll be liable to shoo their partner out much faster than otherwise. Touching them or whatever else is okay, and they don't mind being snuggled on too much, as long as it doesn't get to be suffocating.
Once they come down from the post-orgasm high though, they're ready to get up, clean themselves off, and go back to whatever it is they were doing. They don't sleep often-- don't have to-- and they tend to have trouble just laying or sitting around for very long. So, they're on the lookout for something else to do. Be it work, or fun, they don't really care, though. Their partner can come along too, if they like. Eleare doesn't really care. Otherwise, they can feel free to stay back and sleep, or go on their own merry way.
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soulsxng · 1 year
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? Eleare
@arcxnumvitae | Details about ocs | Accepting!
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They're the type of person that tends to be picky about the people they give their time and attention to. A lot of times, it's chalked up to their age, but in all honesty they've always been like this and likely always will be. They just don't like wasting their time with people they know/believe they won't get along with, or...honestly? That won't serve some sort of purpose for them, if the person isn't someone that Eleare gets along with. That's not to say that they're going to treat a stranger disrespectfully, just because they have better things to be doing than giving someone directions, but they're also not going to go out of their way to be especially nice, either.
Really, I suppose I should just say that they're a pretty particular person in general. Not to the point of compulsion, but they have specific ways they like things to be done. Certain schedules that they want to have followed. They have particular places that they like to go for shopping, for food, for socializing...as an example, if someone invites them out for Italian food, it can't just be any restaurant. It has to be one of the select few that they've decided are up to their standards. Asking them (or forcing them) to diverge from their "particularities" isn't necessarily the end of the world, but they'll be in a visibly worse mood, more often than not. And it'll also be fairly easy to tell that-- if the experience is something new-- that they're spending much of their time there trying to decide exactly where it falls in comparison to their preferred things.
They're not very straight-forward about more than surface-level feelings, for the most part. For example, there was a part in one of the drabbles I wrote with them recently, where they kind of chided Aro a bit when he freed them from where they were being held. They greeted and thanked everyone else that was there in a fairly polite manner, but sort of flippantly criticized Aro for "making them wait". Essentially, they were scared, and anxious, and even though they were actually very happy to see Aro, and thankful that he organized the rescue for them, actually saying that, and making themself seem even the tiniest bit vulnerable? To them, it would feel like swallowing glass. So instead, they'll make some indifferent comment, or somewhat dismissive remark...and then slide in some small little action afterwards that conveys how they actually feel. Again back to that same example with Aro, giving him a little nudge/rubbing against him slightly when they passed him, to let him know that they were thankful, and relieved.
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soulsxng · 1 year
📁📁📁📁 Eleare!
@feraecor | Small headcanons | No longer accepting!
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- Very authoritative, and yet has always been good at making people think that they're the ones making the choices when it comes to things that Eleare asks them, or interactions they have with the Inari. In reality, they know how to word things just so, to compel others to do what they're asking said person for a favor or something.
- Really random one, but I was thinking about what sin(s) each muse has the most affinity with yesterday, or the day before. Eleare's would be Pride, and Wrath...with Greed coming in close third.
- The tips of their tails are typically alight with fox fire, (though it's typically hard to see unless it's night time, or they're actively using their fox fire for something) and if someone's hand gets too close, they'll feel an odd freezing/burning sensation. The severity of which depends on whether Eleare wants it to hurt, or just startle someone. Why do they do this? Because they've had way too many people try to touch their tails without permission.
- I want to write something about their "children", but every time I try to think of something, I get a resounding "They are my offspring, not my children. We are not family, thank you very much." Which, I suppose, says a lot in and of itself. Really though, they're not entirely wrong. When Eleare created the 7 of them, each one was created away from Eleare's own body, fully matured, and with whatever knowledge the deity saw fit to bestow upon them before they first woke up. So while they're all on amicable enough terms, Eleare isn't particularly close with them.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I've done some loose calculations that I think people would be entertained by, and I feel like each one of Darrow and Eleare's tails probably weigh anywhere between 3 and 4lbs each.
Eleare is smaller in size than Aro is, but has all nine of their tails. Aro is bigger, but only has 8, so I feel like both of them at any given time just have about 25-35lbs just chilling around their tailbone area at any given time. And that's when they're dry!
So not only do their tails probably get in the way sometimes, but they most likely have hip/potentially low back pain because of them, too. No wonder both of them have to fight against just melting whenever someone rubs that area.
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soulsxng · 1 year
For the day of nastiness, I offer you this list of muses that go through heat, or something similar:
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Ber and Niesal - Same species, they go through the same thing. They go through heat once every year to year and a half, but it usually lands somewhere between December and March. Lasts for about a week to ten days. Lots of period-like symptoms-- moodiness, bloating, cramping, fatigue, hot flashes, etc. They actually have a lower sex drive than usual during the beginning parts of their heat. It gets higher toward the end, when the worst of the other symptoms start to subside. Niesal usually goes through theirs with Reyul, since they're more or less synced up. Ber, on the other hand, tries his best to keep to himself during it, except in the verses that he's in a relationship with someone.
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Darrow and Eleare - They...sort of have a heat that comes around during the spring time. More accurately, it's that they're only fertile during a month or two of Spring, and then just...isn't, the rest of the year. Aside from that though, they don't exhibit any symptoms, unless they're around another being that's in heat. In which case, it's mostly just horny, more dominant, more prone to fighting, preening and trying to make themselves appear more attractive/appealing to whoever is also in heat. Effects usually last for a couple hours after they're away from whoever triggered the symptoms in the first place.
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Sivel and Alsina - I wrote a thing about the Vasyrus' heats here! One thing I didn't mention on there, is that the frequency of their heats largely depends on how long they've had a cycle for, as well as whether or not they're bonded/have a partner. Those that haven't had a cycle for long go into heat more frequently, and it gets a little farther apart the longer they've had one. Those that aren't bonded/have a partner go into heat more often as well, but have few to no "spontaneous" heats that they have to deal with. For Vasyrus that are bonded/have a partner, they can go longer between heats. However, they'll experience short, "spontaneous" heats that last for a day or two after starting very suddenly here and there between.
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Tarinx - Well. Technically he doesn't actually have a heat right now, since Irekol is a very tropical clime, overall. If he were to spend a lot of time somewhere colder though, or in a place with more variable seasons and such, however, he would experience a heat cycle similar (but more mild) to Aro and Eleare's. One that would be triggered by a change from cold to warmer, more humid weather (Like 90 and up, I would say?) and would last...maybe 3-4 days at a time.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Difficult vs Likeable person tests! (Eleare edition)
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A somewhat difficult person (53.57%) | A somewhat likeable person (60%)
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soulsxng · 1 year
Another small thing about Darrow and Eleare:
I know I've mentioned once or twice that beings who ascend to godhood as opposed to being born into godhood have to go through a trial. And at the end of the trial, a part of the soon-to-be deity has to be given up to form their god seal. The strength and advantages of the powers they get from their seal depends on what they give up...so what did Darrow and Eleare give up for theirs?
For Darrow, he gave up his ability to transform into anything except his humanoid form he typically has, and the small kitsune form he was born with. This ability is something that's fairly integral to the Inari and kitsune, is the ability to essentially take the shape of who and whatever they so pleased. Considering how many other, less extensive things he could have picked instead, this is a fairly major thing to give up, in a lot of people's opinions.
He chose that ability in particular, however, because when he was still a kitsune, he was forced to use that ability to do a lot of things that he didn't like. He didn't want to be tempted to use it for purposes like that again, or lose sight of himself because of it, so that's what he gave up.
For Eleare, they gave up their "hoshi-no-tama", which is generally translated into "star ball", or referred to as a "wishing stone". These are sometimes said to be the soul of a kitsune, or the store of their powers in their entirety. If a kitsune is away from theirs for long enough, they'll quickly perish. So...you can imagine that this is about as extreme as one can go with what they can use to form their god seal.
As such, Eleare gains more power from their god seal than Aro does, but also means that they stand to lose a lot more in the event that their god seal is stolen from them. Even still, they had decided that they wanted to devote themselves to being a worthy deity to the highest extent they were able to...and now that's part of the reason they're in as much trouble as they are now, with Bardyn having their god seal.
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soulsxng · 7 months
A random headcanon for y'all on this chilly morning, about how the muses walk with their s/o!
Jaspern is the type of person to, while walking with his s/o, keep a hand in their back pocket, to keep them close to him. Very effortless and smooth, but also affectionate. Same with Io, I feel. Also JJ, because he grew up seeing Jas do that, tbh.
Pythius is similar, but he's more likely to hook his fingers in his s/o's belt loops to tug them over, before putting an arm around their waist or something. If he's walking behind them, he'll do it if he needs to "steer" them a little, or wants them to slow down. ("I want attention", essentially) Aro, Zikiriel, and Sarakael also do this one, on occasion.
Aro and Eleare will curl their tail (or a few of them) around their s/o, or drape one over their shoulders. Or will alternatively stand/lay on their s/o's shoulders in their little fox forms.
Cilatyve actually doesn't care too much for flat out holding hands-- he uses his to navigate too much to feel super comfortable with that, especially if he trips or something. Instead, he likes to coil his tail around their thigh, wrist, or arm. Arin and Jaey, if their tails are out, will also curl the end around their s/o's wrist or thigh when walking. Otherwise, it's more common for them to just coil around their s/o entirely once they've settled from going somewhere together.
Zikiriel will, instead of wrapping an arm around his s/o, keep a wing curled around them sometimes. Keeps them close, and gives them a bit of privacy on top of that (he's not a fan of people staring at his s/o, sue him)
Nirbhi, Ezra, and Sarakael like to keep their hand their s/o's back while they're walking, or occasionally rested on their shoulder. That way, they and their partner can walk at whatever pace they want! But if something happens, it's easy enough to tug their shirt or give them a little nudge or something to avoid or draw attention to whatever it is.
Enoch, Pereux, Bleddyn, and Shilo tend to shift positions when they're walking with their s/o a lot. Eno and Jinnie tend to walk slightly behind, Bleddyn slightly in front, and Shilo not really having a preference...but if someone unknown approaches their s/o, or they go to pass someone, etc, they'll automatically move to position themselves between the other person and their s/o. Actually, Kade also fits here. Huh. That's a lot more muses than I'd thought would be put here.
Baphomet...man, I don't know. He's clingy. As always. Please be careful not to trip. Niesal can surprisingly also get like this, when they actually fall for someone, so I guess it's hereditary.
Sivel and Alsina, when walking around with (or especially traveling with) their s/o, their wings will almost always be buzzing in a very specific pattern. It's sort of announcing that they're with their person. And that they're excited, because they're going somewhere. With their person! They don't even realize they're doing it, honestly.
Fele and Laisren tend to do the more refined offering an arm to their s/o. Keeping them at a slight distance, and separating to take their hand instead to help them down stairs, or over a curb or puddle, or whatever else.
Zahine (and Kade and JJ, during the times that they're not in their other categories) likes to do the closer linked arms thing. Where he has one arm linked with his s/o's, and he's leaned on them or encouraging them to lean on him a little while they walk. Makes it easy to sneak a cheek kiss or something in, if he wants to!
Ber, Eluvias, Ezzion, and Vanyllo tend not to touch their s/o much while they're walking. Luvi, because he's used to not being able to touch people much without them being hurt by his poison. The other three...mostly just because they don't want to, for one reason or another. All four of them do constant check-ins, though-- looking back at their partner frequently, or engaging in really brief touches, to make sure they're doing alright. Another thing they tend to do is that little "curls their just the tips of their fingers with their s/o's" thing whenever they stop or slow down. As a sort of "I'm still with you" thing.
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soulsxng · 1 year
List of Realms pt 7
This is the last one! 27 realms in total, and technically this is just the ones that I've built a decent amount of headcanons and stuff around, have muses in, and/or mention fairly often. Also out of the 27, 20 of them are realms that Kei and I have just pulled out of our asses at random points in time.
Class 1 - Tiny Size
Ativere: Probably the most well-known of the tiny realms. Ativere is a realm that doesn't actually have any species of beings that are native to it; instead everyone that lives there has migrated there at some point or another, and simply decided to stay. This causes a wide range of diversity in the realm, which it's actually able to support rather easily-- there are only a handful of species that wouldn't be able to survive on Ativere. It's actually a dead realm, though most people can't really tell since the deities there do everything in their power to help the little realm and the people who live there to thrive as much as possible. Not very advanced, things are purposefully kept pretty simple there. Also very peaceful, aside from the few instances in which it gets caught in the crossfire between Stromiel and Oklianim.
Metsan: This is technically considered another of the Faerie realms, though the species that live here are all pretty alike in numbers. Many of them beings heavily attuned to the elements, if not a sort of elemental, themselves. This realm actually used to be much bigger; similar in size to the mortal realm...but was one of the first to undergo an Apocalypse. (shh that's a secret, there are only like...7-10 people total that know any apocalypses have happened in the first place) What's left now is the small bit of Metsan that was able to survive when all was said and done. If it wasn't for Eleare, and the fae-- now called Metsan fae-- that almost immediately saw the situation and settled there to sustain what was left. Metsan ultimately became a dead realm, but left behind a child that has been dormant in the heart of the realm since then. Every so often, it stirs, as if it's close to waking...so it might be that one day, this child is able to take over the place of its parent.
Paleros: Kind of fitting that this one is next to Metsan, since it has everything to do with the Apocalypses. Though it's overall viewed as belonging primarily to the Horseman of Death, the victims of all Apocalypses end up here, regardless of the specific Horseman that caused it. This is to prevent a sudden massive influx of souls from flooding the Void and Lifestream at a point in time where existence will already be a bit shaky from such a large disruption to one of the realms. (that usually ends up dying too) Because of this, Paleros acts as a sort of purgatory, filled with spirits that are slowly released into either the Void or the Lifestream over time. These spirits are generally hostile to any living beings that don't have an affinity with death, and really, most living beings aren't able to even get into the realm in the first place, for the purpose of not giving the spirits any undue upset.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Continuation of Niesal headcanon stuff from here:
- After joining the assassin's group, they felt this meant they were unfit to be a part of the Primordial Summoner council any longer-- let alone the ven Prasmier, though they'd always had reservations about whether or not they deserved that bit in the first place. They tried to distance themselves from moving to the Outer Reaches, a place in Theria that holds the gateway between the realm of Alfheim, and the realm of Metsan. Hoping it would be enough for their people to kind of...leave them alone without outright abandoning the Yvlune, which would have been met with all kinds of scrutiny.
It didn't work. The other ven Prasmier came to "give Nesa their support", thinking that they were blaming themselves for their former family's deeds, or were apprehensive due to the magnitude of what being a ven Prasmier meant for them.
Niesal caved, because the others had always looked out for them, and though they stayed in the Outer Reaches, they were talked into resuming their building responsibilities as one of the ven Prasmier. On top of the work they'd promised to the assassin's group.
- There was another of the ven Prasmier that was especially good to Nesa over this time of them initially learning how to juggle all of this newfound craziness. Reyul Hallon ven Prasmier Geliris; the mark bearer closest in age to Nesa, and one of the few remaining members of the Geliris family of the Primordial Summoners.
The two grew close over time, and talk between the Carsatra and Geliris families soon began about their compatibility as a couple, and a potential arrangement for their marriage. After all, by then the two were already tentatively exploring the possibility of dating, so even if arranged marriages were more typical for the normal Primordial Summoners, not really the ven Prasmier, it was a consideration, in their case and those similar to theirs.
- Though nervous, Niesal was actually alright with the engagement, when it happened. Like I stated above, Reyul was a huge source of support and reassurance for them, and similarly, Reyul quickly became enamored with Nesa in turn. After the engagement (this was almost two full decades after they began working for the assassin's group) took place, they decided that they didn't want to be a part of it, anymore. Reyul, and the Yvlune deserved better...
So Nesa shared everything with Reyul. And Reyul told them he would whatever it took to help them gain their freedom. That he would make sure the group was dealt with properly.
A few days later, they returned home from a job, to find Reyul on the ground. His mark of the stars had been carved from his body, and though he was near dead. The only way Nesa was able to keep him from dying, was with a special concoction, made with the flowers that grow from their own body, and a wish, powered by their own mark.
- While this did save Reyul's life, he was left crippled by whatever enchantment had been on the weapons used to attack him. Body unable to properly keep more than a miniscule amount of energy, and with his mark gone, it would take a lot of specialized care for his body to be able to produce what it needed again.
Reyul is still considered a ven Prasmier, because the marks do come back over time. Nesa broke off the engagement though, because they felt his continued importance to them would just put him in more danger. At the same time though, they vowed to help him, as he had them for so long, and resolved to find a way to undo the damage that had been done to Reyul.
- Sometime after this, Nesa heard about, and hunted down Eleare...who had an well established espionage network. The group Nesa worked for was a target of theirs, and so Nesa went to Eleare to strike a deal. They would give Eleare information that they could use to get rid of the assassin's group once and for all...and in return, Eleare would help Nesa find a way to undo what had been done to Reyul.
This worked out well for both of them, though it still put Nesa out of work. Yeah, the ven Prasmier are usually provided whatever they needed, but most only asked for that much. Nesa felt odd about asking the Yvlune to support anything beyond the barest necessities.
Eleare offered for Nesa to work for them, instead. The work was similar to what they were used to, but murder would be restricted to only those types of people that were causing severe damage to the realm and its people, and those who committed other similar evils. Most of their jobs would be related more closely to infiltration and spying. Some of the work would be long, but it would pay well, and still allow for Nesa to fulfill their duties as a ven Prasmier, if they so chose.
- That brings us to present day, more or less. It took a long while, but Nesa was able to bring Reyul fully back to health. The two are still close friends, though Reyul is constantly trying to get Nesa to at least stop the killing aspect of their work. They still take pretty much any job Eleare gives them though, because they feel it's for a good cause. Though they don't have the full responsibilities of a ven Prasmier, they do have most of them. They regained their memories from their past life shortly after beginning their work for Eleare began, and met Baphomet, Poppy, and their former siblings bit by bit after that.
They don't really like having people go to Yvlune to see them though, because they don't want it to be widely known that they're a Primordial Summoner, let alone a ven Prasmier. It's also because they don't really want people they know meeting Reyul, or others that they're friends with, because they kind of like keeping their private life to themself.
So that's why they usually just use the excuse of "Oh, I'm never really home, so I'll just come to you instead!" a lot.
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