#but people thinking that cuz IT is a cartoon it couldnt POSSIBLY be
hecksupremechips · 1 year
It is annoying the people on that friend breakup finale poll who think that just cuz grace/simon are cartoon characters they’re like. Just obviously lesser and there’s no way their story could be as crazy or complicated as the characters from the live action horror show and that everyone who wants them to win is a childish loser who only watches baby shows and therefore has invalid opinions
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
oh my god im sorry but i HATE reading analysis discourse so fuckgin much. its so annoying and unnecessary and cruel bc per usual ableists just Scream over everyone and manipulate the view by focusing on the wrong points. disrespect towards this issue is never gonna work and yall would get that if you actually listened to the way the (usually nd) people felt about it and why, but ur too busy mocking them so you look good for consuming the Proper Medias tm. i mean you literally have to know this isnt productive, yall keep going bc you get a kick out of laughing at ‘unintelligent’ people.
‘uu ur teachers didnt oppress u by making u read to kill a mockingbird instead of the hunger games” ok listen 1. media you dont personally care abt can still definitely hold depthful value and be analyzed. oh my god lmao. the people who prefer ~that kind~ of media arent stupid and dont prefer easy thinking, its your own fault for Not looking into it yourself and just assuming its worthless, literally judging a book by its cover. LITERALLY avoiding the analysis skills you claim to have by assuming anything you read in highschool = smart, valuable and anything mainstream = stupid and useless. most books inherently contain symbolism and morals, a lot of these people CAN understand it, theyre just criticizing the inaccessibility of the writing that was forced on them academically. the people analyzing those medias instead of your favs are still taking in lessons even if they prefer to do it in a different format, i mean for instance THG is literally about fucking classism and racism and war you dumb hypocritical tunnel vision bitch, young adult media usually has a Lot of real world parallels in it that very much pertains to how teens see the world, thats the literal POINT, just cuz ur too elitist and dont respect children enough doesnt mean some books are ‘too stupid’ to analyze with any real social value, and 2. A BOOK NOT BEING EXCITING... OR EASY TO UNDERSTAND... IS LITERALLY SMTH VALID TO CRITICIZE IN MANY CASES, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GIVING IT TO CHILDREN.... if a kid says “this is boring/too long/uses words that i dont know, so i cant make any sense of it” that doesnt always mean theyre lazy or w/e, if its not a book made for kids (bc kids can understand mature themes but that doesnt. mean you can just throw all the other skills they arent experienced with yet at them, they still need writing tailored to them), Thats your first problem, but sometimes ur book is just fucking boring all together. a book can have as much symbolism as it wants, if its not there to open the mind and provide necessary depth, but to feel self important and make you feel self important for getting it, thats not a good book. and with books i do respect now like TKAM i remember outright saying, “i literally cannot read this and dont get it at all” at like 10 yrs old, and my teachers didnt do shit to explain it or help me or give me any skills at all, they were just like. :) keep trying!! according to your scores we know you can do it!!! so, i did not keep trying, i gave up, and i guarantee if it had been a few years later it would have been easier. if i had been given the opportunity to read stories with similar morals that were made for my age range that i WANTED to read, i guarantee i wouldve gotten so much more out of that. but i was literally DISALLOWED, bro if i grabbed a book that actually interested me, i was told i couldnt check it out at ALL unless it was in the ‘range’ i was assigned, which was college level since i was in 4th grade. so if you think i shouldve kept reading, im being unironic rn, you need to go get a degree, become a teacher, and if a kid or teen says to you what i said, sit them down and TEACH THEM without shame, and fight for better regulations of what reading levels can be pushed on what age groups. if lit analysis is this important to you, FUCKING TEACH IT PROPERLY, that is literally the ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the problem you have, NOT SHAMING the people who were ALREADY FAILED BY THE SYSTEM.
the problem is not ‘idiots think symbolism is stupid’ the problem has ALWAYS been ‘the education system is flawed and how and when children are taught certain skills is so corrupted and damaging, the children growing up with it cannot Help but struggle later in life, and your issue should be with the system”. like can i be real. learn how to Emotionally ~analyze~ posts from sad kids with mental illnesses saying smth as basic as “i wish i wasnt forced to read mature books as a child without any themes pertaining to me at all bc it hurt my already fragile motivations for learning :/” without your ass getting defensive over the classics. bitches stan ‘the door is red to symbolize anger’ but think thg is just a stupid dystopia love triangle book................ ur not even that smart like yall are just elitist like LITERALLY just elitist if you mock the values ppl see in other books and claim theyre too stupid to understand ~real books~. a fucking mickey mouse cartoon could hold the exact same moral lesson as a 1200 page novel written by a college professor of 30 years, like the Exact Same Conclusions CAN be drawn no matter how many words and analogies and metaphors are thrown on top!! for many those fancy details make it more enriching but its literally possible to get the same concepts from “EASIER” material, that is not Lesser it is ACCESSIBLE and it should be ENCOURAGED all the same. yall are gatekeeping and its stupid, if you actually want ppl to analyze media then you’d applaud how they analyze their passions even when you dont share it, not shame them for struggling with understanding other stories. this rly boils down to either ‘i hate ppls preferences and wanna make them feel stupid’ OR the ever so lovely ‘i hate whiny disabled ppl and kids who were pressured to the point of burnout, and wanna make them feel stupid’. its fucking exhausting. idc how you guys feel, you talk to hear yourselves talk and its all just talk and nothing helpful, your disrespect doesnt work bc its an echo of the root problem. for gods sake shut up already lmao
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bluebeetle · 7 years
WAS TAGGED BY: @bakusuki​ :0
TAGGING: im not tagging 20 lol but: @transgirlagenttexas​ @topazinc​ @kujohat​ @kidnap​ @skybean​ @paarsetulpen​ @ceili88​ @lizardgays​ @luruar​ @marquise-spinneret​ @s-fellows-art​ 
yall dont have to do it tho if you dont want. 
1. DRINK: Orange juice cuz we havent gotten groceries in awhile and ive consumed all like 5 bottles of apple juice so its all thats left ghfhghf 2. PHONE CALL: my grandma  3. TEXT MESSAGE: My coworker  4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: technically that new taylor swift song but that was to mock the music video, for real listening was Starboy by the Weeknd.  5. TIME YOU CRIED: possibly last night i dont remember. recently. 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: >implying i date. (no) 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: nope 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: no 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: lol yeah  10. BEEN DEPRESSED: yes. today. 11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: no i avoid alcohol bc anxiety of getting addicted lmao
12. pale green 13. pale pink. 14. burgundy 
15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: probably??? yeah i think so! some cool people at work and mutuals on here. not close friends or anything but its a start. 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: nah son 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: yeah doesnt help i cry easily. 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: my friend’s GF trashtalks me at work. shes coworkers with my older brother AND my mother :) 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: id like to think so! 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: to an extent yeah.....i guess. 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: nah
22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: all but one! theyre mostly friends, school friends, family, or friends from conventions except Connor who ive known for 7 years but never met irl yet. i send him a letter when i can tho!! 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: ive got two cats, maddy and maya, and id die for em 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: sometimes. people spell it wrong all the time, even my own dad does tht,  and its associated with a celeberity and a Type of Cliche basically lol. i was almost named Zoe its a cute name. 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: study for university exams lol. went out for dinner with family prior to that. my friend got me pokemon black and black 2 tho so dont worry.  26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 10 or 11? i couldnt sleep last night. 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: trying to sleep, failing, and reading JJBA fanfics. 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: for my shirts i ordered online to finally come in this week!!!! or for the new pokemon game 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: a half hour ago when she went o bed 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW:  coco jambo - mr president, and hold onto your heart - Man Man (kinda going back and forth as each ends ghghf) 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: ummmmm probably but i dont remember. 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: why ive been so Anxious and shit lately, family needing to be LOUD all the time. 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: tumblr, youtube, pokefarm. 35. HAIR COLOUR: medium brown 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: long? it goes passed my shoulders but i need to get it cut.  37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE:  maybe?? still trying to figure some shit out. 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: my eyes a cute girl liked them once, my face in general in good photos lol, my hips, my hair, my moles 39. PIERCINGS: none im awful with pain. 40. BLOOD TYPE: no idea. i do blood tests for a chronic illness i have but never bothered to ask 41. NICKNAME: britt 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single. 43. ZODIAC: ares 44. PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: bnha, justice league cartoon, daredevil if that counts 46. TATTOOS: none yet 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right. 48. SURGERY: dental surgery but thats it.  50. SPORT: not a sport person. best i can do is sprinting and even then :// 51. VACATION: id love to return to london, paris, and rome or go to japan!!! 52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: i assume something to do with shoes um... idk i have a pair of pink ones but i mostly wear the red ones i hve. i usually get bright colours so people can find me. 
53. EATING: yogurt 54. DRINKING: nothing 55. I’M ABOUT TO: go to bed 56. WAITING FOR: jjba part 5 to be announced, school to start, work hours to start 57. WANT: to be able to sleep at night thanks... to do well in school 58. GET MARRIED: at some point, thatd be nice yeah..... 59. CAREER: something in the science field, with chemistry or biology. 60. HUGS OR KISSES: both r good but im more of a hug person. Its Warm. 61. LIPS OR EYES: hmmmm eyes theyre pretty and cute. fun to draw. 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: i dont rly care tbh 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: prefer close to my age but probably a lil younger bc ill feel less intimidated lol (but like, not a minor) 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: TUMMIES!!!!!! 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship. 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: hesitant. blame anxiety. sometimes impulsive tho.
67. KISSED A STRANGER: no. 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: no.. 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: oh god yes.  70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: kinda..... in a bad way.  71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: no. 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: maybe? 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: yeah.
74. BEEN ARRESTED: no. 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: yes, recently. 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: yeah. 
77. YOURSELF: jguhghhg maybe. sometimes.  78. MIRACLES: yes 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: no. infatuation maybe, but real love takes time. 80. SANTA CLAUS: im not 8.
81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: eh each to their own. i dont care??? sure i guess.
82. ANGELS: no.
84. EYE COLOUR: green 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: how to train your dragon, definitely.
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