#but please know my personal inspo bouts come in the most bonkers insane ways
thebahwrites · 2 years
hello!! this is so stupid but how do u find inspo to write fics sometimes? I've been having writers block for a bit and I have no idea what I shld do, hope ur doing well!
hello my love!!! it's not stupid at all and sometimes I Go Through It™️ too, fr fr.
I don't know if any of these would work for you but here's what I do when I'm fighting writers block! Under the cut cause as usual, I get rambly. I think these might be useful for most creatives but then again, it's my personal advice and nothing else!
Take a break. I KNOW HOW THIS SOUNDS but hear me out, sometimes I burn myself out from my writing and nothing I make looks/sounds/feels good and I start hating all of it. So I just... leave it alone for a few days. In the meantime, I do other stuff. I watch stuff, I play, listen to music, etc. This one usually does the trick when I'm really miserable about my things, give or take a week. I know we tend to self-impose deadlines but sometimes... time does it. The whole "fresh eyes" on it, you feel me?
Go out. If I'm not entirely miserable over my work but it's just... not doing it for me or if I'm getting held up on a plotline or a paragraph or a page or a chapter, whatever it is, I close everything and go for a run. Now, that's my prerogative. I'm a distance runner and running makes me feel better, it gives me the serotonin boost I require to reset things. I get sweaty and hyped up, come back, shower and usually it does the trick. I'm not telling you to go out and run if that's not your thing but alternatives might be: just go for a leisure walk, maybe go sit down at a park or plaza or something, stroll around a shopping mall or gallery, if you live at a beach city maybe the boardwalk? I think you get the gist of it. Go out for a bit, the infamous internet 'maybe touch some grass' is very unfortunate BECAUSE IT DOES WORK. And I hate it.
Get inspo! Okay so, this one may be a little wonky but bear with me. Sometimes I get hung up on my work because I don't know what to do or where to go from there or just... there's a bunch of things that happen, right? And I get stuck. So sometimes I try to go after things that might spark an idea or two. It really depends on what you're writing of course but for instance, for my Mafia story, I ended up binge watching Peaky Blinders. The stories are completely different and I have no intention of using virtually anything from it BUT it did give me a lot of inspiration from the visuals to the music to the everything! And it can be broader than that. Sometimes you can just look after thematic inspo, like romance? Go watch some romance movies or read bad or good novels or listen to a sad playlist over and over again.
Find help in others. Alright, I know this one might be a little more difficult because it ends up relying on other people but sometimes I need body doubling to even start writing. I just need someone else in the room or "with me" so I hop on a voice chat! Bouncing ideas or just "rubber ducking" my stories (as in, reading the whole thing out loud to someone else even if it's a stuffed animal). Or maybe go to a coffee shop to write, don't worry about people thinking it's silly or cringe. It's FUN and good little beverages along with being surrounded by others can give you the dopamine necessary to work! Of course, I don't know if you've got anyone available to do that but it doesn't have to be fully presential! It does work better if it is but sometimes you really just need... someone else.
Other shorter advice? - Scrap the whole thing. If you hate it? Or just isn't doing it for you? Start over from another point. Save the old work of course and revisit it later! Sometimes you'll create a wonderful monstrous chimaera. - Make other things about your writing - I make moodboards, aesthetics, Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists because it HELPS me more than anything! It gives me visuals and feelings and ideas!
...sorry for this long ass rambling but I hope these help? ;; I know you didn't ask for this wall of text but unfortunately you came to someone with Parent Energy™️ so I had to put these out.
And I'm doing much much better thank you for asking!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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