#but rather ‘’bluestar needs to get a grip and learn that work comes before your mental health’’
yuridovewing · 1 year
I should make a list of wc super editions that i straight up don’t consider canon. like “no this did not happen to those characters growing up, stop lying”. Mostly Yellowfang’s Secret. Everything about Yellowfang’s Secret. I think we should all collectively look at Yellowfang’s Secret and go “None of that happened, not the family tree stuff, none of it.” and walk away
#tbh everyone being cruel to bluestar in her se while unpleasant to read about. it at least serves as a good explanation#for her behavior in the second half of tpb#i mean its not really Needed all things considered and youre not meant to read it as everyone failing her#but rather ‘’bluestar needs to get a grip and learn that work comes before your mental health’’#but yknow i can at least get it yknow?#but yellowfang? everything about her se makes me feel bad for no reason. everyone is shitty to her from day 1 and they end it being shitty#and we have no real reason to believe her life sucked before the brokenstar stuff#we didnt need raggedstar to bully yellowfang from birth and then coerce her into a relationship#we didnt need a pointless power where she can feel everyones pain and its never acknowledged again#and only serves as a way for sagewhisker to bully yellowfang into the position#we didnt need yellowfangs own family to turn on her#i cant remember if this was said in tpb also but we didnt need to watch her daughters die at birth#we didnt need to retcon her actually having friends in shadowclan so that actually dawncloud and the others never liked her#its SUCH a miserable read and on top of that it only offers shitty retcons that actually make tpb worse#like the power thing again but also yellowfang not being an old lady. why isnt she an old lady wtf. why do you hate old people#oh raggedstar was actually abusive to yellowfang? oh all the moments we worship him in tpb sure are great and hold up well!#yellowfang was forced to be a medic wowww so groundbreaking this doesnt cheapen her wanting to be tc’s medic#actually the elders were not old they were super young and stuff for some reason bc old people cant be important to saving a clan ig#and like yeah its not out of the realm of possibility but brightflower being yellowfangs mom is just a bizarre choice to me#idk man yellowfangs secret is an extra level of miserable to me and i think we should all agree its not actually canon#its a cynical and miserable book made to slap a fan favorite character on the cover and vaguely gesture to it with ‘’you like that one.’’
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1, book 2: Chapter 9
Icebelly barely moved as the snow fell onto his fur. The hole needed to be fixed.
Most of his kits suckling fiercely at his belly for all the milk he had to give. He and Chestnutclaw actually came up with names for the other five kits:
Bearkit, for her fur and her short tail and Violetkit, for her piercing purple eyes. Better than thinking about how much the two looked just like Brokenstar.
Cherrykit, after her aunt who immediately offered to mentor her niece.
Sunnykit, for the fiery ginger patches on her pelt looking like the sun. Also better than seeing Dewflare in this kit.
Flamekit, for her ginger pelt.
Shrikekit had been Raveneye's idea. Apparently Robinwing came from a group called where they named at least one kit after a bird.
Chestnutclaw approved since Icebelly refused to name one of his daughters, Robinkit. He also made sure Chestnutclaw knew that he couldn't bar Raveneye or Fuzzypelt from seeing the kits just like he was stuck with Robinwing:
"Ummm I..Icebelly?" Fuzzypelt's voice was small and hesitant as he stood at the entrance of the nursery
He turned his head away from Flamekit "Yeah, what's up?"
"How a..are they? The kits I m..mean"
"Doing well all things considered, Chestnutclaw's dependable when he shows up, at least I have Cherrycloud and Raveneye if needed"
"And R...R..Robinwing?"
"What about her?"
"Is s..she allowed w..with the k..kits?"
"She's the the nursery with me so I can't bar her and Chestnutclaw wouldn't shut up if I did, he likes to think he can stop Raveneye from seeing him" he flexed a claw "mistake on his part"
Fuzzypelt shifted his paws a bit "M...may I s..see them?"
'My god you're just like Raveneye but with fluff' Icebelly thought "Of course, better than the two grandmothers they have"
Fuzzypelt smiled widely "Oh thank you"
Icebelly nudged the kits closer so Fuzzypelt could have a good look at them
"What's their names?"
"Cloudkit, Rosekit, Bearkit, Violetkit, Sunnykit, Cherrykit, and Shrikekit" he purred
"Beautiful darlings" the kittens padded over to, small tails high and mewing softly.
"What in the name of Thunderstar's pride are you doing here?" Chestnutclaw's fierce growl made the kitten jump
Fuzzypelt shrunk into himself, he looked so small like that.
"What made you think you could be near my kits?"
"They're my kits too Chestnutclaw" Icebelly growled "And I say Fuzzypelt can see his grandkits whenever he wants"
"He'll make them weak!"
"Why just cause Robinwing says so?" Icebelly countered "I have to deal with her, I'm sure you can deal with a few minutes with your father"
"I have no father"
Fuzzypelt didn't even wince
"You're right, a father would be ashamed to call you his son"
-Flashback ends-
Cloudkit and Rosekit were being nursed by Brindleface at the moment to give him some air to breath since between seven kits, his milk drained fast and leaf0bare wasn't over. They were growing close with Ashkit, Fernkit, and Tulipkit as a result, not a bad thing honestly glad that being nursed by another royal gained them something. Chestnutclaw visited when he felt like it, though it was obvious to Icebelly that Rosekit was his favorite, she was also Robinwing's favorite aside from her own daughter Chivekit.
It was honestly amusing to see Chestnutclaw subtly be jealous of Chivekit for Robinwing's affection. It took all of Icebelly's self control and respect for Raveneye to not yell at him for even wanting Robinwing's love. He didn't see how Raveneye could still love her, he really couldn't, he hated Dewflare for all he had it only increased when she helped no convinced Brokenstar to rape him.
"Kick him Hawk-kit" Robinwing ordered
He felt Goldenflower huddle close against him, her golden tail pulling her newborn kits close. He felt her shivering against him.
Icebelly opened one eye to watch Hawk-kit, Chivekit, and Stagkit fighting each other. Dustpelt had screeched in anguish when Shrewkit died in his paws, Robinwing didn't seem all that bothered. She still had her three other kits and her third litter on the way, Featherears siring them. It brought him back to how Bloodclan kits trained as well, he wondered if blood would spill as much as it did in the city.
"Chivekit go for legs" Robinwing ordered "Bite the joints"
"This a Thunderclan thing or a Robinwing thing?" he drawled
"Both" Mossthorn replied, tone forced calmness. Palepaw seemed at the edge of death with her battle with greencough. His brother was honestly emotionless and drove in his work and Mossthorn was just barely keeping it together. Marigoldpaw gave a small scare but was recovering well, her mentor and adopted father Nettlemist was also relived.
"Don't act like what you and the others pulled yesterday didn't happen" Embereyes mewed
"In my defense, Smokepaw started it and thought she could end it" Lichenpaw, Cinderpaw, Smokepaw, Brackenpaw, Swiftpaw, and Lynxpaw had gotten into a fight for dominance the other day, Cinderpaw and Lichenpaw made it out victorious. Much to Icebelly's delight for his apprentice. Thymeroot was not amused, Yellowfang thought it was fucking hilarious.
"It's part of growing up Ember, I wish I had others to fight with during my apprentice days" Mossthorn sighed "I wish Buzzkit lived, he showed promise"
"How'd he die?" Icebelly asked
"Greencough from what Bluestar told me" Mossthorn replied
"I still remember Frostbite handing my tail to me in training for her golden tooth" Brindleface shuddered "I thought my paw would break"
[I would've gotten mine earlier if it wasn't for Tiger] Frostbite signed [He's lucky he's attractive]
[You're knocked up with his kits so obviously you fell for the brute] Brindleface signed [When Lionheart is right there]
"Brute?" Icebelly asked
"I don't know what your deal with Tiger-roar is Brindleface" Robinwing mewed "He's strong, a good mentor, great father and an excellent example of the model warrior of Thunderclan, he's on his way to deputy"
"He's too violent for my taste and Redtail isn't going any where Robinwing" Brindleface replied cooly "He's healthy and strong as well and he was a smithstone"
"Like that role holds anything at this stage" Robinwing said "Smithstones and Pelt-makers have value in the clan however in a grand scheme of things doesn't work well when it comes to leadership roles such as leader and deputy"
"Wasn't it Featherears who made your bands?" Embereyes mewed trying to steer the conversation "He did a great job"
Robinwing smirked "I deserved the very best for my achievements, he did wonderfully" she gazed at her kits who were staring up at her "I didn't tell you three to stop, Chivekit Hawk-kit double team on Stagkit"
"How's Yellowpaw doing?" Brindleface asked, looking at Frostbite and Mossthorn
"From what Leopardstorm told me, she's doing well, learns quick from her mistakes" Mossthorn replied "I expect no less from her in battle training, my kin tend to have advantages with fighting rather than hunting and it shows in Cinderpaw and Smokepaw" Mossthorn got any info on Yellowpaw from Leopardstorm since honestly Lionheart and them can't be around each other without getting hostile, with good reasons.
"Move faster Cinderpaw" Icebelly ordered, tail lashing "Light on your paws"
"Bite them in the leg Lichenpaw" Sandstorm hissed "Get the joints"
The two apprentices went at each other like crows to a corpse. Ripping into each other at a good pace. The Sandy Hollow was lively with the apprentice activity. The elders were watching with interest on a perch. Why they were here, Icebelly had no idea.
They didn't appear in his training. He had Lionheart yelling at him for being rough with Graystripe and being harassed for his bloodline. At least Tiger-roar took him seriously and trained them well. Tiger-roar did well with mentoring him, he was doing the same great job with Smokypaw.
He glanced at Cherrycloud "What's with the elders?"
"Judging skills and abilities for mateship qualities and if they deserve their warrior name" The pointed ginger replied, their darker ginger tail-tip twitching
"They didn't do this for us" they countered
"It was before you got here" she replied nonchalantly "Smallear told me I had good hips for kits"
"He's your grandfather!" Icebelly fluffed up his fur but forced it flat as he told Cinderpaw to fix their posture "Was this in private or in front of Nightshade?"
"He spoke with me and Robinwing"
"Why am I not surprised?" Icebelly scoffed "Uppy bitch, I'm surprised she's not sucking Smallear and went for Featherears"
"Gingerblaze doesn't get it either but the heart wants what the heart wants"
"Or maybe Featherears has awful taste" Icebelly muttered "No offense to him but seriously?"
Cherrycloud cocked her head "Taste what?"
Icebelly shook his head "Nothing"
"Me and Thymeroot would make great kits is what Robinwing said"
"Does Thyme-"
"She was there too" Cherrycloud cut in "Brackenpaw, dodge then swipe"
"Got it" the apprentice replied as they followed the command, hitting Marigoldpaw dead on
"Cinderpaw grip her with your paws, use your upper body strength" he ordered
Cinderpaw did exactly that and tossed Lichenpaw to the side.
Icebelly turned and motioned his paw for Cherrycloud to continue
"I was going to wait til Brackenpaw became a warrior however, things don't go as planned though it's not like Dustpelt is much better"
"You're both expecting?"
"Dustpelt I'm not to sure on, Thymeroot checked me over herself, we're going to be parents"
"Not like you can judge, the nursery is packed with your seven hounds"
"Hounds? Was that the best shot you could do?"
Cherrycloud hummed in response
Cinderpaw let out a short yell as Lichenpaw bit into their back "Not too much bloodshed please" Leopardstorm called "I doubt Thymeroot will be pleased with wasting the herbs"
"I'll gather more marigold for her on our way back" Icebelly replied "Though Raveneye's gathering marigold and horsetail right now"
"I say hit harder" Smallear drawled "Thunderclan is known for strength, if you can't do that you're worthless"
"Smallear" White-eye warned
"It's true" the gray tom retorted
"Does it always have to be about fighting?" Brackenpaw asked, his shoulder bleeding from Marigoldpaw's quick swipe.
"You want to run away like a mouse Brackenpaw?" Chestnutclaw sneered "Thunderclan doesn't tolerate weakness"
"Well said my son" Robinwing purred
"Shut up" Brackenpaw hissed lowly
"Weakness is what Pinestar was, the spineless mouse-heart" Smallear added
"Say it louder" Nightshade called "Kittypet scum"
"Enough" Redtail called, his ginger tail held high "Enough about Pinestar, back to training"
"Anyone seen Lionheart and Yellowpaw?" Mossthorn called
"That's what I'd like to know" Redtail added
"Yellowpaw botched a hunting mission" Smallear drawled
"When did this happen?" Nightshade asked "Never heard anything"
"Yesterday" Robinwing replied "Disgraceful little runt"
"Horrible" Larkpaw added
"Excuse me?" Mossthorn growled
"I missed a good catch cause of her" Seedpaw spat "Nearly twisted my paw off trying to snag that squirrel"
Lionheart padded into the clearing, Yellowpaw followed behind covered in cuts and claw marks.
"Starclan why" Leopardstorm groaned
"Blood will be shed afterall" Sandstorm murmured, her gaze drifting to Mossthorn and Frostbite
"That's the way to teach em" Smallear praised to which White-eye hit him upside the head
Icebelly could see Frostbite fighting her temper however Mossthorn was no such cat. Mossthorn came at Lionheart like an hawk to a mouse. The two cats hissed and claws each other with the define intent to maim.
Icebelly stood to help but Sandstorm and Cherrycloud placed paws infront of him
"Don't" Cherrycloud advised
"Yeah kitty" Sandstorm smirked "Watch the chaos"
-Flashback ends-
Volekit had returned, strong and tall. He quickly got into training under Graystripe, Yewkit followed not to long after and got apprenticed to Fuzzypelt. From what Volepaw said Doekit was fine just needed more time to recover.
"Certainly" Embereyes drawled, grooming Aspenkit's ears "Strength is everything" Her tone made Icebelly suspect that something happen between her and Mossthorn. He glanced at Nettlemist but the pointed tom looked just as confused.
"You know that's not what I meant Ember" Mossthorn mewed
"What's going on?" Icebelly asked
"A disagreement" Embereyes replied
"That's all" Mossthorn mewed
"Looks more like a disagreement to me" Icebelly stated "Looks more like you two had a fight and are letting it grow rather than talking about it"
Both cats looked away from each other.
"Let them be" Brindleface mewed in his ear "They are both very stubborn"
"And don't like admitting when they are wrong" Frostbite added "Remind me of a certain relative of theirs"
Icebelly and Brindleface snorted.
A loud cough made them all silent.
"Who coughed?" Robinwing hissed, she rounded on her litter "Was it one of you? Are you trying to kill us all?"
"No!" Chivekit and Stagkit whined
"I didn't cough mama" Hawk-kit mewed
Another cough sounded, louder than before. Icebelly looked down towards their own kits, Bearkit was sniffiling a lot.
"Take it away" Robinwing hisses, pulling her kits away "Now!"
"Don't call her an 'it'" Icebelly snarled
"Whatever take it out before it gets the other kits sick or worse ends up with a leg like yours"
Icebelly growled but did agree with that front about illness.
His leg wasn't that bad, was it? He managed fine for the most part.
"I'll watch them" Brindleface mewed softly, pulling the rest of his litter close to their belly.
"I know" they mewed "I don't trust the vixen that shares a den with us" He gently picked up Bearkit and headed for the medicine den. No cats were in the clearing, inside their dens huddling for warmth. He ignored the stale smell of vomit as he walked inside the healer's den.
He glanced at the tunnel that led to where Thunderclan's healers slept.
"Thymeroot? Are you here?"
"She's not the only one who's here, Raveneye's waiting til Ebonypaw's a warrior to move in" Yellowfang grumbled "What's wrong?"
"Bearkit's coughing"
"Frog-dung" Yellowfang hissed
"Smoke?" Icebelly wasn't surprised to see Bluestar beside Yellowfang "What's going on?" The two mollies became official not to long ago, fully cementing it when they got mateship bands since Yellowfang's ears were too cut up for rings, one to match the others eyes.
"Icebelly" the dark gray molly turned her head "Bring the kit over" she moved around some into soft bedding quickly as Icebelly placed his daughter down
"Will she be okay?"
"We caught it early" was Yellowfang's response to his question. Thymeroot was silent due to just being woken up.
Icebelly's stomach twisted with worry and fear. He felt Bluestar sit beside him and curl her tail around him.
"How come you two aren't sleeping in the leader's den?" they asked "Did any of the kits get sick?"
"Maplekit's ill" Yellowfang mewed, she started mashing a mixture in a cup "Visiting Quince earlier today proved that" he heard Yellowfang mutter
'Quince, Scourge's mother?' He shook it off, he'll ask later.
"Where'd you get that Yellowfang?" Thymeroot yawned, shaking her head fur
"Made it, don't know why you Thunders don't have cups, makes it easier to give it to patients" Yellowfang explained "Or why ya'll don't have much knifes, herbs gathering would be much easier"
"That's mostly for the pelt-makers when they're making stuff" Bluestar mewed
"Still Weird" Yellowfang replied "Here kit, drink up" she gently lifted the cup and let Bearkit drink it slowly. Icebelly laid his tail gently on his kit.
"How's Chestnutclaw with this whole father thing?" Thymeroot asked
"Alright, he's attached to Rosekit"
"At least it's the kit that's his" Yellowfang added gruffly
Icebelly stiffened a bit "What are you on about?" he said trying to keep himself from shaking.
"I birthed him, I can recognize a kit with his blood Icebelly"
"What?" Bluestar said, her hiss was sudden and harsh "When was this?"
Icebelly started to back away "I..I..."
"Icebelly you're shaking" Thymeroot took a step towards him but he flinched away
Bluestar's eyes became soft again "I'm sorry I hissed" she laid her tail on his back
It was calm once again. Bearkit's breathing was soft and less ragged.
"Icebelly?" Thymeroot asked
"Cloudkit, Bearkit, Violetkit, and Flamekit are Brokenstar's, I didn't choose him to sire them, like I had any choice in any of that"
"When did this happen?"
"When me and Sandstorm were taken by Shadowclan, it's awful in the camp"
"How bad?" Yellowfang asked
"How much do you know Yellowfang?"
"As much as what I saw before I was exiled and from the exiled elders told me, training apprentices at 3 or 4 moons and increasing battle training"
Icebelly laughed harshly "That ain't shit to what me and Sandstorm went through, we were raped til we passed out, kits and apprentices were beaten and raped as well"
"Why didn't you or Sandstorm say anything?"
"We wanted to forget" Sandstorm's voice was dry "Wanted to forget weakness"
"It's not weakness" Thymeroot mewed, trying to get her sister to meet her eyes "We could've done something" she raised a paw trying to touch her sister
"Good luck with that" Sandstorm laughed without humor as she batted away Thymeroot's paw "Brokenstar's has his elite and the rest will be scared little mice and will follow him, we are one clan fighting another, what are we going to do?"
"I have an idea" Bluestar mewed briskly "I have an idea, get some rest all you" she walked past Sandstorm
"Where are you going?"
"Calling on a favor"
The rain continued through the night and into the next morning. But by sunhigh, the clouds began to clear. A somber air hung over the clearing as the clan waited for news of their leader.
Yellowfang had told him last night that Bluestar had gotten whitecough, she must've caught it during her journey to Windclan.
Though their were other things for him to worry about: No one's having a good time. Tensions are starting to rise. Bearkit was getting better thank Starclan as well as Pouncepaw.
Robinwing has been pushing that Larkpaw and Seedpaw should get their warrior names already. Gingerblaze hissed at her that Palepaw would improve and to not strike her down, Featherears wasn't improving either.
He did offer his comfort for his brother and Larkpaw, they in turn were spending time with his kits. Trying to keep calm.
Icebelly crept out from the patch of brambles by the boundary well, where he'd sheltered since dawn, He padded over to Bluestar's den in the side of the highrock. He noticed the slight outline of a pointed white molly that reminded him of Leopardstorm. No sound from Bluestar came from inside. As he turned away, he ran into Willowpelt carrying some food to the nursery. She tipped her head questioningly to one side.
Icebelly knew the pale gray molly was hoping for news on her leader. "Nothing to report, I'm afraid" he shrugged. He saw Willowpelt lower her head in sadness, he laid his tail on her back "It's Bluestar it'll take more than this to take her down"
Willowpelt laughed sadly "She's the toughest cat I know, I'll always be glad to have her in my life. She mentored me for a bit actually, I've learned greatly from her"
Icebelly had given Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw a day's rest from training. They both had been working hard to bring prey and help defend the clan and he didn't want them to overdue it. Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw had been given a day off as well since they had been some recent fights with Shadowclan and had brought ten scrawny but good pieces of prey. Seedpaw, Volepaw, Ebonypaw, Owlpaw, and Petalpaw were on a hunting assessment, Smokypaw, Marigoldpaw, and Sleetpaw were battle training.
Suddenly the lichen at Bluestar's den twitched and Frostbite and Mossthorn burst through. The mollies raced across the clearing to the medicine den and reappeared within a few moments with Yellowfang behind her. Mossthorn stopped half-way, she looked terrified and was breathing heavily.
Icebelly saw his clanmates stare after them, concern was stuck on their faces, concern for their leader. Lionheart, Redtail, and Tiger-roar were on patrols and the medicine cats were busy, someone needed to reassure the clan.
"Everyone continue your duties, have faith in your healers" He mewed simply, he padded over and covered Frostbite's neck with his tail, Embereyes had begrudgingly told him it's calming (she and Mossthorn were still in their mood), he then pulled Frostbite into a hug. Frostbite seemed to relax after a few moments. She touched his nose with her muzzle [Thank you] she signed [Needed that] She quickly padded to Bluestar's den.
His clanmates seemed to work with his attempt at making them feel better and continued what they were doing.
Icebelly bounded over to Bluestar's den just as Frostbite and Yellowfang pushed through the hanging lichen. He stopped and sat down, his heart racing. Frostbite peered out.
He signed [What's was wrong?]
Frostbite signed back [Greencough, stand back, let no one in]. The white molly ducked back inside.
Icebelly sat somewhat motionless as shock flooded through him. 'Greencough! great just what we needed', Bluestar would most likely lose another life.
He was surprised when he was shoved "The fuck?"
"You didn't respond when I called you mouse-brain" Sandstorm sneered
"What do you want?"
"What's with the medicine cats in Bluestar's den?" Sandstorm questioned
"She's got greencough"
Sandstorm was still "What?"
"How does someone like her get greencough?" Sandstorm muttered
"She's not immune to greencough just because she's leader" he retorted
Icebelly watched the medicine cats pool out. "There's nothing we can do now, Starclan decides her fate now" Yellowfang mewed
"Go sit with her she was asking for you two" Thymeroot added, laying her tail on his shoulder before following Yellowfang.
He padded inside with Sandstorm close behind, pushing his worry down. Goldenflower and Frostbite were inside, the white molly's plump belly visible. Icebelly could make out her blue eyes shining in the gloom, and the blue-gray fur of Bluestar lying curled in her nest. Goldenflower leaned forward and gently licked Bluestar's head to cool it.
"Yellowfang has given her catnip and feverfew" Goldenflower murmured to Icebelly "We can only watch and wait now" She got to her paws and touched Icebelly's nose to her muzzle "Will you two be okay to sit with her?" she asked gently. Icebelly nodded and Goldenflower and Frostbite padded softly out of the den.
Icebelly lowered himself onto his belly, stretching his forepaws in front of him so that they just touched his leader's face. Sandstorm sat close to Bluestar's back, her tail wrapping around her paws. He lay very still, his eyes fixed on Bluestar's limp body. He never saw her look so weak and helpless since the rat attack, she didn't even have the strength to cough. Icebelly could her hear breathing in the darkness, shallow and rasping, and listened to the faltering rhythm as the night slowly passed.
Her breathing stopped just before dawn. Icebelly had almost dozed off when he realized the cave was silent. There was no noise from the camp outside either, just a deathly hush, as if the whole clan were holding its breath.
Bluestar was completely still. Icebelly knew she was with Starclan, preparing her for her next life. He had watched Bluestar lose a life before. He felt his fur prickle at the eerie peace that seemed to enfold her body, but there was nothing they could do, so he waited.
Sandstorm looked just as resigned. Her green eyes usually blazing wore a nervous yet calm glow.
Suddenly Bluestar gasped "Icebelly, Sandstorm, is that you?" she mewed in a croaky voice
"Yes, Bluestar" Icebelly murmured "I'm here"
Sandstorm hummed as a response
"I may have lost a life but I have gained something else, knowledge and strength" Bluestar started to stand but Icebelly stopped her.
"You should rest" he mewed "You've just lost a life"
"The more I rest the more Brokenstar's rule reigns over"
"Like I said, what can we do?" Sandstorm said gruffly
"I went to Windclan"
"By went you mean forced your way through" Sandstorm corrected
"Cheeky" Bluestar teased
"They agreed to help?" Icebelly asked
"Indeed, easier for them to agree than Riverclan honestly" she shook her fur "Losing a life doesn't get easier"
"You have plenty left" Icebelly commented "You'll continue to lead Thunderclan well and raise your kits"
Bluestar sighed "Not really, I lied when I said I lost my fifth then, that was my sixth"
"You have two more lives left then" Sandstorm concluded
Bluestar unsheathed her claws "Unfortunately not"
Icebelly's eyes widen "What do you mean?"
"I'm honestly glad I found out about what Brokenstar did to you teo"
Icebelly and Sandstorm were silent
"I had been on my way back from Windclan near the Thunderpath, Brokenstar was there. He told me about how you two had a lover affair and wanted some or all of his kits"
"Over my dead body" Icebelly hissed
"Exactly what I said" Bluestar continued "I calculated he wasn't alone but not how many he had with him. I lost a life as a warning"
Icebelly didn't know what to say for a moment before the world caught up back to him "Bluestar, I'm so-"
"Don't Icebelly" Bluestar cut him off "I chose this and I'm damn well sticking to it" she looked up at him "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you two"
"Don't, you didn't know" Sandstorm stated
Icebelly buried his head in the taller molly's neck
"You and Sandstorm are more similar than you realize" Bluestar muttered as she wrapped her tail around him "Come here Sandy"
"Bluestar" Sandstorm whined "He's here"
"Sandy?" he chuckled
"That nickname leaves this den and I will toss you in snakerocks" Sandstorm warned "I swear-" she was cut off when Bluestar pulled her in
"Hush you"
All three cats turned their heads to a bleeding Cranewing.
"Cranewing, what's happened?"
"Palepaw's been killed"
"My apprentice has been killed mother" Mossthorn's voice was cracked "She was just getting better and catching up to her sister"
"Larkpaw told us it was Brokenstar" Cranewing said "Gave Lichenpaw a good scar to remember him by"
Bluestar let out a yowl of frustration "Anything else?"
Mossthorn locked eyes with their mother "He said 'Make your move'"
The journey to fourtress was tense, Icebelly could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He felt Sandstorm brush against him "Clawface dies today"
"Count on that" he replied "I'll help you take him down" 'I hope Spottedleaf approves, she hasn't talked me since her death'
Bluestar halted the group when Duskstar's group came into view as well as Yellowfang with a group of Shadowclanners.
"What are they doing here?" Seedpaw hissed
"That's what I'd like to know" Deadfoot growled
"Save your claws for Brokenstar's supporters, these cats want nothing to do with him and will fight for the cause" Yellowfang stated "Things in Shadowclan have been horrid from what Icebelly and Sandstorm have shared."
"What's happening in there then?" Mudclaw said boldly
"Torture for starters" Sandstorm hissed "The murder of my aunt, Spottedleaf, a seer"
"That's against the code" Tawnypaw gasped "They basically declared war on the stars"
"Kits, Apprentices and queens are raped and forced to breed." Icebelly added, forcing his paws forward. Many cats gaped in horror at his words.
"How do you two know about that?" Thrushwing questioned "How do we take your word?"
Icebelly felt his paw shake a bit, Sandstorm didn't look much better beside him.
"My daughter doesn't have to explain fox-dung to you" Redtail growled
"Neither does Icebelly" Bluestar added, her hiss blazed with venom
"We were raped" Icebelly forced out, his chest felt tight "I fell pregnant with Brokenstar's kits and four out of my seven kits are his"
Robinwing looked like she wanted to snap 'I knew it' but knew better in a public setting.
"That enough for you all to fight?" Bluestar asked sarcastically
"I'm ready to get rid of Brokenstar once and for all" Morningflower declared "He lead the attack that killed my mother and brother"
"We want to end my brother reign" Marshshadow added
"We will end it" Blazefang finished, determination in her voice.
"Less talking and more fighting" Bluestar declared "Lead us to your territory"
"Follow us" Marshshadow mewed, leading the clans to her camp.
The trip to the Shadowclan was swift with everyone keeping pace only stopping when crossing the Thunderpath.
"Yuck, how do you all mange the smell?" Owlpaw spat
"It's awful" Seedpaw hissed
"When you live here your whole life you're not really bothered by it" Wetfoot replied "Patrol's aren't around much under Brokenstar so we're good"
They neared the camp where Bluestar raised her tail for them to stop. "On my mark"
They waited a few moments, preparing for the battle.
Without hesitating, the cats sprang and raced through the entrance. It was a frenzy of chaos. Two clans against one shouldn't last too long but Brokenstar had many cats who followed under him. Shadowclan may be small but they made up for it in their sneaky battle tactics.
Icebelly hooked his claws into Mossclaw. Slashing his shoulder and back. Mossclaw yowled with fury managing to dislodge him and ran off. He was knocked over by Toadpelt, he Lionheart was not to far off so he must've flung him.
The brown tom started swiping at him
"Lion-" he was cut off when Toadpelt hit him over the head
"Who's weak now runt?" Toadpelt mocked
Lionheart had disappeared but Icebelly's rage hadn't. 'He didn't help me the first time with Clawface, why did I think he would help me now with his son?' Icebelly thought, rage flooding him.
He bite harshly into Toadpelt's leg making him stumble but he felt another weight pull him back. "Icebelly, let me deal with my brother" Cinderfur's raspy voice while soft carried the anger it needed.
"Traitor!" Toadpelt spat, the two littermates were locked in a battle to the death.
It was a flurry of pelts, fangs, and blood. Cats going at each other at any costs. He zipped through the crowd trying to find Clawface. He saw the wicked tom, Sandstorm and him were in a hissing match.
He saw Redtail and Jaggedtooth locked in a brawl with Nightshade and Muddywater fighting not too far.
Icebelly felt his head buzz so much that nothing seemed to be there, Dewflare must've hit his head harder than he thought.
He's mind seemed to slow down when he saw Clawface with Sandstorm on his back. He didn't think about himself, all he thought about was Spottedleaf and how she was killed in cold blood.
Icebelly rushed forward, claws unsheathed and the need to spill blood blazing through his veins.
Sandstorm held tight to Clawface's back as the scared up warrior tried twisting and turning, trying to fling Sandstorm off of him while also trying to attack Icebelly.
Icebelly dodged blow after blow, and leaping to the side when Sandstorm was flung from her spot. It didn't take too long for Sandstorm to rush forward once more, latching herself to Clawface's side, biting into where the shoulder met the body, forcing her body weight on the tom.
Icebelly rushed forward and tore into Clawface's belly, smirking as he watched blood pool.
'Bleed you vile piece of shit' he thought with pride
The large warrior fell, coughing as his life force was being drained out.
Icebelly felt teeth biting into his scruff, they also pushed Sandstorm away as well, he felt enraged. He was ready to kill whoever pulled him away. It was Dewflare, that bitch.
"Naughty little kit" she sneered
Icebelly didn't hesitate to strike upwards scoring a hit on Dewflare's eye. He swiped again, cutting into her ear.
"Nice shot" Sandstorm drawled "Your kits should be proud"
He raised a claw towards her throat when Dewflare was barreled over by Leopardstorm.
Leopardstorm looked at them with narrowed eyes "Warriors do not need to kill to win battles, you've done enough with Clawface, focus on driving them out" he growled
He and Sandstorm shared a glance as the light's went out of Clawface's eyes. Blood red eyes met forest green, an understanding clear: Spottedleaf had been avenged.
Icebelly's ears twitched "Duck"
Sandstorm obeyed and watched Mossclaw tumble and land on his face. Sandstorm nodded to him, flicking her tail.
It was only then that they realized the fighting was dying down, cats growing too weak to fight.
'Where was Brokenstar?' Icebelly rushed quickly towards the center ignoring Sandstorm's call.
He saw Brokenstar, he held Whitethroat beneath him.
"Your reign is over Brokenstar, step down or die where you stand" Leopardstorm hissed
"You think you scare me, I've shared tongues with Starclan, do you really think you could take me on? You'll have to kill me nine times" his claws digging more into Whitethroat's chest
"Less than that actually" Palecloud sniffed "A seer always knows and you've been rather reckless with your lives Brokenstar"
Yellowfang padded forward "or maybe you didn't receive all nine from the stars my son, leave now"
Brokenstar snarled "All of you will go down with me" he glanced down at Whitethroat "Starting with you"
Icebelly didn't give Brokenstar the chance when he dashed faster than he ever thought possible. He launched himself at Brokenstar's face, more specifically his horrid eyes. Brokenstar screeched and Whitethroat ran for it.
"Let go me, cursed flame" Brokenstar thrashed his head and tried to fling him off but Icebelly held on long enough to perfectly blind Brokenstar. He didn't even realize the leader cut into his arm until he leaped away. He crashed to the side, gasping as the pain in his arm set in. It felt sharper than when the car hit him.
"I can't see I can't see" Brokenstar wailed
"Run for it!" Lizardstripe screeched as she ran through the entrance of camp, Mudfoot, Clawface, Jaggedtooth, and a couple others followed her. "This isn't over Splinter!" Dewflare called as she ran.
"Should we go after them?" Dawncloud asked, barely noticing her bleeding ear
"No" Leopardstorm mewed "They know it's death to come back"
"As it should" Appletooth added
"Exactly" Marshshadow stepped forward "Thank you Thunderclan and Windclan for your assistance, things in Shadowclan will change for the better now"
Bluestar nodded "I'll give you a moon of peace, seems to me you'll need it"
"I'll do the same however, what will you do with him?" Duskstar's gaze was locked on the bleeding Brokenstar
Icebelly was trying to catch his breath when he felt a strike against his back "I'll never go down, I should've kept you under wraps like the bitch you are"
Icebelly didn't know if it was a reflex from his suffering or rage but it didn't matter. He turned around and shoved Brokenstar away, he leaped forward his claws unsheathed at the area under the jaw, he smirked as they hit their mark. Brokenstar screeched as he tried to grip Icebelly but Icebelly ignored the pain and kept his claws firmly in Brokenstar's throat, he sank his teeth in for good measure. He was on top of the dark tabby and didn't let go until Brokenstar stopped moving altogether.
It felt amazing feeling the blood of this monster on his paws and fur, he licked the blood against his mouth and his tail twitched with delight.
Icebelly felt Bluestar's nose against his shoulder "It's over"
Icebelly laughed "You're wrong" he slowly got off and ran up and onto a tree stump "Those traitors don't deserve to live" he yowled, his heart pounding "They deserve death for their crimes, yowl if you agree with me"
Yowls sounded throughout the camp.
"The fire is back in you" he heard Bluestar mutter
"It's been fueled once more" Goosefeather added
"Well then, don't just stand there after them!" Cinderpaw called rushing out of camp, several cats following them.
"Cinderpaw!" Icebelly ran after them. He did his best to keep pace, he just wanted to collapse in his nest. He heard hissing but he heard a car skidding and a screech. Icebelly sped up but skidded to a halt when he reached the Thunderpath. He saw Shadepaw staring at something, she was still as a rock.
"What's wrong, Shadepaw?"
Shadepaw pointed with her paw. Icebelly looked where she was pointing and his heart suddenly dropped. He saw something beside the ash, a dark shape on the thin stripe of grass.
It was Cinderpaw.
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