#but reallty tho.. so much wasted potential to actually good story
visionthefox · 1 year
Hi love your art!
I agree with you SAMS was a really fun show, the gameplay used to have a little bit of lore or sometimes it was connected to the previous the episode.
But now what do we have? We have a lot of plot holes like for example:
-How did Bloodmoon got out of Sun's mind? Connected to a computer? Did he turn into goo and walked out? (If that's the case wouldn't sun notice it?).
-What happened to Eclipse's feelings? (From the October episode that i don't remember the name but basically he said something along the lines of "why do i care?" Or idk)
-What was Lunar's original plan? (Like we know he was plotting something from when he said something along the lines of "everything is going according to plan").
-What the hell happened in the first episode we saw Moon's mind (i don't remember the name of the episode but it's a recent one, but a lot of Persona references in that episode).
And those are some of them that I can think right now i know there's more out there.
I really was hoping something more interesting with KC, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse i mean i don't know why but i felt like it was going to be an amazing plot, but i think it got scrapped because they had to rush the arrival of the MOST AMAZING SISTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD (notice the sarcasm) Earth. Including the video where the creator basically tells sun about the arrival of this sister felt really really rushed (I'm no video editor/actor so i don't know).
I wish they could've expanded more on what's going on Moon's mind not just the episode where the files got corrupted and we only got to see the Computer's side and the first meeting of them, like more inner thoughts, I mean if they were going off persona 5 with the palaces, you really got to see the person who they were and it physically represent how they view the world and it would've been a great idea to keep KC as a code and have Moon confront himself (a physical manifestation of KC) just like in Persona 4, or have Sun along side Lunar or someone else to battle against Shadow Moon (in this case KC) because maybe after the battle he will have his treasure stolen and wake up feeling better and maybe just maybe apologize to sun. But the way the executed that it wasn't good, i think they just forgot about it and prioritized Sun effing up the runes to bring back the magic and have a touchy moment with the sister.
KC going to Kmart and seeing Glamrock Freddy which was supposed to be his "redemption" felt more like a joke. I thought that KC taking over Moon's body would've triggered something within moon because he doesn't like being trapped inside his head (or so he screamed in the episodes prior of Eclipse and Lunar taking over) also with KC taking over him I thought he was going to be mischievous.
I don't know why but i have a gut feeling that now that Eclipse has the star, he is going to be convinced either by Earth (because power of words and friendship (sarcasm)) or someone else would be like "please we need to get moon back to his original form" and Eclipse will give the star to help the cause.
I don't know, but sorry for this long ask. Yeah sorry.
HI!! thanks you!! and oh boy! a long ask <3 !!!
Blood moon coming back as a ghost was maybe to make the fans shut up over Sun being an "evil asshole like Eclipse" for killing a literal murder animatronic.. since there is no way.. NO WAY he can be a ghost.. its a damn robot!! but I do gotta say.. I do hope he may be fully back, he is wasted potential for a comic villain..
-Eclipse going back to his "wanna rule the world" type of mind its trully annoying.. some ppl managed to guess when that ep was posted that maybe Eclipse pushed Lunar away because he didnt knew how to feel loved, Lunar was so caring so nicer to him! , something too new for Eclipse, who was pushed away, treated like trash and talked down by Moon, (plus, his egocentric, manipulator minset had to come from someone.. dont ya think?) but any change for a developent was trashed when KC showed up again..there was so many ways his character could have develop, but he didnt..
I guess lunar plan was to just free Moon, and then.. leave? as he sounded very suprised Moon allowed him to stay.. him being a more "silly but still mature" was great, he had the early mindset of Sun, but the determination of Moon.. then for some reason he lost his smart and now is "bean baby".. ugh
-Moon mind its just a lot of nonsense..wasted potential again..
KC being another face for Moon could have been soo much better.. since KC its just a code line , who affected him , it could have been a perfect way to show the two sides of Moon ! one that wanted to change and be better and other who wanted to do as told, kill and rule! two desires wearing two faces!
KC being a dad was odd, I thought it would be just a joke.. since Moon was always the more grounded, the more "mature" it made sence KC took a more "im your dad" type of mind set..as a joke..
the chances for a dymanic of good vs evil! in the most dumb , hilarious and silly drama way was there but nooo they had to be soo "edgy" too "dark"..it stupid..
and totally, that video was so many errors.. Sun model doesnt even move!
we know they can not do battles but I SEE your point.. its sound WAAAY better to what we got.. a more serious aproach to Moon mental state.. the brother coming along to help one of them.. a more meanful bonding time..
since its no surprise, Moon is not an angel. he is an asshole, liar who often put his problems first, then looks at the rest.. maybe by accident? but he is somewhat toxic, but that could have been fixed so much better..
I honestly see Eclipe trying to get rid of any other universe, do a thanos snap , but then , by some DUMB ASS reason, be defeated
someone gets the star, save Moon ass, he gets to learn NOTHING, Earth gets to stay , Lunar comes back and Sun gets even more ignored.. and .. honestly.. I dont hate the show.. I just wish they took the drama way and was focused on a actually well written story,, its clearly they make up things as they go.. and .. I dont like it.. at the end of the day, its a silly channel.. I rather see other thing to have fun.. have you hear of murder drones?~
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