#but segasaki just keeps avoiding them
heretherebedork · 9 months
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The way we start the episode, with Yoh in the shirt Segasaki bought for him and obviously coming out to show him, eager to be seen in his new gift and only a little nervous... He's so desperate to be loved.
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And Segasaki gives him what Yoh so desperately craves... words of affirmation! And Yoh absolutely lights up. He is desperate for love but he needs that love in the most straightforward words possible or he'll overthink every movement, touch and choice and that seems to be something Segasaki still doesn't recognize. He still, and constantly, tries to show love in every other way besides words.
But this was so good. This showed exactly what Yoh is looking for and that Segasaki can give it. Look at his smile! He lights up like fireworks, so bright and brilliant, just from that tiny little compliment. I am losing my mind over them, okay?
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And Segasaki steps in with the order, taking control of the situation and their relationship again... but in the process forcing Yoh to break a promise and putting him a position where he, again, is reminded that he agreed to obey him. Which he might enjoy but because he still doesn't totally believe that Segasaki loves him... well, it's a lot harder.
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In which Segasaki gives orders that are about love but because he uses orders without words of affection... Yoh misunderstands and is ashamed instead. I absolutely believe that if Yoh felt loved, he would view all of these orders differently. But he doesn't. Because the one love language he recognizes is the one that Segasaki uses the most sparingly and with the least clarity.
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Can I also point out that Segasaki is constantly bathed in light this entire scene, bright and unearthly, while Yoh is very grounded and more in the shadows. It's because Segasaki knows that he loves Yoh and that Yoh cares about him return while Yoh is still confused and unsure about their relationship and how he feels, let alone how Segasaki feels.
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Welcome back to 'Yoh desperately wants to be loved and owned exactly as Segasaki is doing it but needs verbal and language-forward confirmation that Segasaki simply doesn't think anyone should need'.
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The bright and nearly colorless Segasaski looming over Yoh as he tells his Matsudaira he was ordered to stay home and you can feel his own tension here, between wanting the orders but also that doubt he still has about Segasaki and it's just all so good.
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Have I mentioned that Yoh is tiny and adorable and confused and desperate because he is and he breaks my heart. Because he is so loved and he could be so, so happy but the communication barrier between himself and Segasaki is a mile wide and a mile high and neither one of them knows how to scale it. It is especially not helped by the nature of their relationship and what Yoh needs from Segasaki.
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Yoh knowing that his friend is a huge fan of Segasaki and that Segasaki will turn on the charm with her in a way he so rarely does with him and the fact that he can't trust that charm. The panic. But also the complete lack of reaction to Segasaki pushing him across the hall. That doesn't bother him at all.
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She's more sure about their relationship than Yoh is. I love that.
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The isolation that Yoh feels isn't changing. He's still unsure about their relationship or where he stands with Segasaki, insecure and afraid and he still feels like he's always on shaky ground, like Segasaki turns on the charm with everyone but him.
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This is what she sees. Not what Yoh sees. And that's where the disconnect lies. Because you have to look past just his words to see Segasaki's love but Yoh is afraid of trusting that. He's unsure how to read the way he acts and how to respond and so much of his aloofness is a desperate attempt to protect himself.
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Yoh clings to Segasaki desperately while he says this because what he hates is the insecurity and the unsure way he feels and everything about this relationship that leaves him on shaky and unsteady ground all the time, constantly going from one emotional feeling to another without a break inbetween.
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Segasaki loves Yoh so much but he enjoys him jealous and childish and he likes the way he is as a brat... the problem is that he isn't giving Yoh the steady base he needs to also be himself and Segasaki is starting to see that. He wants the old things they used to share but can't have them because Yoh is constantly on unsteady ground with him and so cannot give him what he wants except when he's drunk or otherwise in a more extreme state.
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This is probably the most interesting moment here. Because it's obvious that Segasaki really loves this side of Yoh, when he's a little jealous and very clingy and very needy and just wants to be with him and be loved and be tamed. But, right now, the only way to get it is for him to be drunk.
But how much of that is Segasaki's choices coming into play? He still hasn't figured out that Yoh's singular love language is words and that he needs this kind of thing spelled out to him or he overthinks and spirals no matter how much orders Segasaki gives him to the contrary. Because Segasaki is definitely the brat-tamer Dom here and Yoh wants that, needs that, but he also needs the words in order to recognize what's going on.
Just because everyone else sees what's going on doesn't mean he does.
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