#but send me ur self id character and astro stuff and i will offer u sage advice <3
phoebehalliwell · 2 years
11: Which OC of yours do you think is the most similar to you? Which OC is the most different? Why?
That is a really good question. hmm lemme lay em all out in front of me. wyatt chris melinda kat tamora henry pj parker peyton dency dove penn warren sheridan jenny keyboards monica luz ale effie. those are the ones i think i’ve got the most for.
one i’m most similar too um. sheridan. dumb. hot but no bitches bc he’s fucked in the head. creative type. blond man. that’s me!! idk other contenders are henry but he’s smarter than me dency but she’s more reckless than i am parker but she’s braver than me effie but she has wayy more energy than i do and pj but she like. she’s liked by too many people one never needs to be likes by that many people imo it’s a shade more fun to be an aquired taste you know what can i say im not like the other girls im quirky owu. for legal purposes that last bit is a joke. i am like the other girls and thats bc the girls are fun and beautiful and have great taste. ily girls.
the one i’m least like. keyboards is an option, bc he’s very rational and excellent at playing nice, great at not causing a scene. peyton’s an option bc she doesn’t really like meddling and i Love meddling. warren is an option bc he’s good and school and burns through lovers like nobody’s business. but honestly? probably penn. i could never hold it together for that long. like. yes she’s letting herself be walked over but it’s because she’s strong enough not to bite back because she knows she serves a greater purpose and is willing to let herself be raked across the coals for the betterment of society or whatever. i am too much of a bitch and i am too easily provoked. i could not do that. i could not pretend to be normal for that long i would have (and did lol) broken at age 11 and gone apeshit. this ones for the crazy gurrllls 😝 don’t worry tho. penn will eventually snap. she’s gotta. otherwise from a narrative stance she is simply too boring i mean her whole thing is stagnation. and it’s impressive. and i love penn because on that deep inside i kinda identify with her. but she’s not like me i don’t have that strength nor the empathy nor the martyr complex to do that shit
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