hogwarts-editsx · 6 years
Hogwarts after the war
So harry was getting on the hogwarts express and wanted to sit with Ron, hermione, Ginny, Luna, Seamus, dean, and Neville but there wasn’t enough room for all of them so harry went to go sit in a different room. He found one room that was empty at the end of the train. All the rest were full so he sat there.
It was now 10:59. Harry looked out the window and saw Draco coming later that usual. Harry decided to count his money so later he could buy candy.
Draco got in the train and looked for a seat. Since all the rooms were full he went to the very back of the train.
He looked it the room and there was Harry sitting quietly and counting his money.
Draco opened the door slowly then Harry looked up.
“All the rooms are full except for this one” Draco said nervously.
“Well I guess if their all full then you can sit here” harry said looking down at his money.
“Oh, um ok thanks I guess” said Draco quietly.
Then the train took off. The candy cart stopped first at their room. The lady asked if they wanted any candy.
Harry got up and looked at the cart he told her what he wanted.
While she was getting his candy Harry asked “Draco do you want any candy”
Draco looked up surprised and said “my moneys in my suitcase”
“I’ll buy” announced harry
Draco got up slowly and walked over to the candy cart and told the lady what he wanted.
Harry and Draco both sat down and looked at their candy.
Draco asked Harry “why’d you do that??”
“Well I had some extra money and thought maybe you were hungry” said Harry looking up
“Thanks” said Draco quietly.
“No problem”, “what did you get in your chocolate frog?” Asked harry.
“Oh I got professor Snape” Draco told Harry
“Oh cool I got Dumbledore” Harry told Draco “but that was the first one I got”
“Oh, cool” said Draco
“Do you want to try these jelly beans?” Harry asked
“Sure I just hope I don’t get barf” said Draco
They both started laughing and continued trying the candy they got and talking with eachother untill they arrived at hogwarts
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