#but serioulsy these photos are amazing
in-our-special-place · 8 months
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@jbayleaf for @orlebarbrown Spring 2024 HD photos
📷 @orlebarbrown
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
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Fanfic /Part 2
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
a/n: just a little fanfic drabble in the spirit of Valentine's 💘
Thanks for reading and liking 🤗😘💕💕
@rissyrapp20 @elejahforever @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @hides2000 @missnmikaelson
Several months later, Elijah met up with his friend for lunch. It was Thursday.
"So you moved back to your apartment in the city. What are you going to do about the house?"- Marcel asked.
"We agreed to put it on the market."- Elijah replied.
"Seriously- one moment you are redecorating a house and then you break up. It's over that blog-girl right?!"
"Blog girl?!"- Elijah repeated chuckling a bit.
"Y/N. I've seen you reading it when you were in the meetings. Klaus told me that you were meeting someone. It's not like you to have an affair- or?"
Elijah walked into the house one thursday evening when he returned from the city. Hayley was writing something on her tablet.
"Ah, you are back. Want a glass of wine?"- the woman said standing up from the armchair.
"No, thank you."- Elijah said seriously.
"What is it? Something happened? "
"What are we doing here, Hayley?Playing house"- Elijah then said.
"What?"- she said confused as to where he was going with his conversation.
"Yeah, well- I can't go on pretending that this relationship is real. Not anymore."- Elijah said.
  "No - not it's not. You are right."- Hayley said.
"No."- Elijah said.
And they both knew that his heart was somewhere else.
"I know- Hayley said- "because-  you have been different for a while- there is someone else, isn't there?"
Elijah sighed a little and gulping, he admitted-"Yes. I - I met somebody- but it's nothing like you think it is. "- Elijah said.
"No-" - Hayley sighed as well-"it's- much worse"
"Worse?"- he didn't quite understand what she meant by it.
The brunette looked at him calmly.
"It's love, right?!"- Hayley uttered.
Elijah swallowed hard and then nodded.
"Cuz I know - I - also met this guy"
Now at the restaurant
"It wasn't an affair."- Elijah said to Marcel- "we- we would just meet before the train- and talked- that's all."
"Don't tell me you haven't even kissed her?!"- Marcel joked a bit now.
"No. I didn't even kiss her."- Elijah said with regret in his voice.
"So, it's the old-fashioned kind of a thing? You fell in love with a woman - and for some crazy loyalty to a relationship that was more like a habit than anything resembeling love- you let it go. You and Hayley were so incompatible, that we all wondered what you were doing with her all these years. And then she went off with Jackson"
"Yes,  I got the wedding invitation the other day. They are getting married. Hayley is pregnant."- Elijah said.
"Right. Well, that proves it. But - now - what are you going to do about your blog-girl then?"- Marcel asked.
"She is in New Orleans at the moment. We e-mail eachother."- Elijah said.
"You e-mail?! Elijah, WTF- You should take the first plane to NOLA! I don't get you at times., seriously"- Marcel said.
"I go over there- and what? Anyway - didn't you see the blog. She has met someone as she was travelling"
"I serioulsy can't believe you?! You will let this girl go because she met someone. You design amazing buildings, houses-  but when it comes to women- you are hopeless."
"Can we just leave it."- Elijah now looked at his watch and then got up-
"See you later. I got to meet a client"
They left the conversation about Y/N at that, as Marcel had to leave.
Elijah finished his lunch, going back to Y/N's blog, and read the latest she had written.
A few days later
In New Orleans, Y/N had met up with her best friend Caroline, who jetted over to the city for a short holiday.
"What do you want to do first?"- Y/N asked her friend.
"Let's have brunch. I want to hear about the latest-  all about Mason. and where do you plan to go next?"
"First- about Mason- it was just a thing and that's it. There is nothing there."
"Wait- don't tell me you are still hanging on- Elijah?!"- Caroline looked at her friend's sad face.
"Yes. I think about him everyday- last thought before I fall asleep and  first thought when I awake-  I love him-  and you know what is crazy- we discuss my blog over e-mails-  and -  I don't know why I am letting this go on."
"Because you fell in love with him and that's that-  why don't you just tell him how you feel-  write to him."
"Caroline, you are just so-  I can’t"- Y/N said
"I know. The romantic you! Too old-fashioned. It is the 21st century, you know. Y/N, you have to act. Someone will snatch him before you know it and - you miss on a great thing."
“Act - what did you say? Why would someone snatch him? Isn’t he- ?”
“No. I overheard Camille talking about Elijah -”
Y/N now cut Caroline in the middle of the sentence-
“Camille knows Elijah?”
“No. She knows his ex-fiancé. Well, she was there in the bar with her husband to be- and it was not Elijah”- Caroline now said.
“You lost me now”- Y/N shook her head, looking at her friend wide-eyed.
A few months later
Y/N/ wrote in her blog-
"Maybe I will believe that there is this fairy or angel that walks among us and waves with the magic wand. Maybe it is the universe- or maybe it is  Cupid - or maybe it is just one of those things that are meant to be. Two people were supposed to meet  and have their always and forever. The story started some time ago-  and it is still going. And everything feels so different and new."
Y/N stopped there for a second flashing back as she looked at a photo
A few days after Elijah met  Marcel for lunch
Y/N walked into the Cafe at the New Orleans Airport. She stood still as she saw a very familiar face sitting at a table.
She walked to the man.
"Elijah"- she said.
"Y/N"- the man said standing up.
"How- are you here?! Why-  "- she uttered faintly.
"I - well- this is - ok- now that - "- Elijah got all flushed for some reason, but then waited no longer to say this-
"There is something I didn't tell you-  a year ago-  and then you left-"- he now sighed a little, stepping forward.
"Tell me- what?"- Y/N said with thousand butterflies raising up in her stomach.
"I love you"- Elijah said dearly.
Y/N looked at the man in completely astonished, though it was utterly silly to react like that.
"I love you! I do!"- he repeated.
Y/N now smiled, tearing up now. 
“Oh- I love you, too.”
Both now floating away in each other’s arms, into the most zealous, loving kiss.
The people around them watching the scene would say that it was like something out of the movies.
💌Y/N now continued writing-
"But as you, who are reading this, now know that there is this one more person on the photographs and you always read his generous contribution about things. So I hope you will enjoy it- Ah, I didn't introduce him. It's my husband- Elijah Mikaelson."
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in-our-special-place · 9 months
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@NOBLEMAN Issue No. 24 with a @mattbomer 12 page exclusive. On sale now at NoblemanMagazine.com
“A Nobleman uses whatever lot he has been given in life to reach his hand down the mountain and help others up.” -Matt Bomer
📷Photography by @randallslavin
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