#but sharena being someone who longs for love but can never quite grasp it for herself is sooo real to me
moe-broey · 4 months
Brain still soup but like. I think making one or both (or more!) characters involved in relationships with each other aromantic makes the dynamic soooooo much more compelling. Because if you remove romance as a motivator, you really get down to the nitty-gritty as to WHY that character is seeking out/involved in those relationships in the first place. Whether that relationship involves romantic factors or is more of a queer platonic thing. Much to think about....
#like i WANNA give examples but also it's always so difficult for me to parse it out too#but sharena being someone who longs for love but can never quite grasp it for herself is sooo real to me#while maintaining her harem like. how she still seeks out these relationships anyway. BECAUSE she wants it so bad#because she can't quite grasp it fully herself.#also veronica taking one look at sharena and not even fully able to grasp it herself. and going 'sharena clearly doesn't know what love is'#recognition of the self through the other (derogatory)#also this is something i'm exploring aaaall the fucking time w moe/alfonse.#juries still out on if i hc alfonse as any flavor of aro (i do think it'd be funny/if he was i think he'd be demi)#but like. w moe being 2 for 2 demiro/sexual. you might think that would make things easier?#but no. bc it's also extremely romance repulsed. as much as it wants to spread love and cheer. it is a hater. fervently.#and then there are cases like lif/thrasir that read as a qpr to me. only having each other in this deep intimate way#that's devoid of any romance/sexuality.#BUT IT'S ABOUT THE OBSESSION. going back to moe. IT'S ABOUT ACCIDENTALLY BECOMING THE SAME PERSON#which i think happens to a degree w moe and ABSOLUTELY happens/happened w sharena/peony#it's also about asking what does this character WANT. what is the core of their desire#is it to fill an aching absence? is it to feel safe? to feel understood? to feel loved?#when your entire life you've felt you've been loved wrong/were unable to love correctly?#is it friendship? is it sexuality? esppp in the case of aro/allos!!!! like!!!! that happens!!!!!#and ofc! you have your aros who just don't. and that's okay!#but i never want being aromantic to be like. an easy way to write off a character who 'gets in the way'#or rewrite something you didn't like in canon. like. there are ways to do that second part#without doing the same shit i see people do w autistic people. writing off a character#or a hc in the most abliest way fucking possible. it's egregious.
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alice-in-idol-land · 6 years
what is love?
Read on AO3 here
Series: Fire Emblem Heroes
Pairing: Alfonse/Kiran (Kiralfonse)
Word Count: 1774
Summary: Although it might be a bit childish, Kiran considers love and all the things about it they don't understand. The result isn't traditional, but it's all they know.
A/N:  Kiralfonse <3 Based on a few problems I’ve encountered myself, plus the fact that crying can be good stress relief at times.
For @ferarepair-week Day 2: Longing
Kiran’s study was by far one of the fanciest rooms in Askr’s castle. It had everything anyone could ever want, from food to soft couches and room for all sorts other things. There were several desks, each containing several essential things for a tactician. Quills that had been in the room when Kiran received it were everywhere for no particular reason. There were several souvenirs as well, covering the room in a variety of styles and designs. Despite the number of things found in the room, all were sorted in an order that made so much sense yet almost none at all. For the room's inhabitant, it all worked quite well and was often a comfort. None of the other heroes could bring themselves to complain about the state of the room, so it stayed as it was.
Although the room was rather large, it’s messiness meant that it rarely held any people other than Kiran. Even so, the summoner preferred to be around people more than having a room to themselves, so the room was often unused for large periods of time. It never stayed untouched, though, as the cleaning staff made sure to dust it often, but its usual state of disorderliness was never touched.
It was also the place Kiran came to cry.
For someone put into a position of leadership, the tears Kiran shed were often reasonable. The only problem was that being the face of the army, the saviour of the kingdom, left little room for weakness. Every time they felt overwhelmed, Kiran would have to remove themselves from the situation so they could sneak off and cry it out. The summoner often took their pain in large doses, only crying when the build-up became too much.
Today, the reason seemed a bit childish, no matter how Kiran turned it over in their head. As tactician and overseer, Kiran often ended up forming relationships between units. Most became friends or even learned to tolerate each other, which was good for the morale of the army.
A small, ever-increasing percentage got married. Even though this wasn’t their world, they got to be happy with someone else. Marriage was a big step, an important step, that Kiran had never thought about.
Kiran couldn't see themselves even marrying someone. The feelings others seemed to take for granted never came to Kiran, no matter how hard they tried to find them. Unable to even grasp the basics, the thought of marriage seemed so far away that it was impossible. It was something that Kiran wanted, there was no doubt of that, yet there seemed to be no hope of attaining it.
Seeing happy couples, sent a sharp pain through Kiran’s heart these days. As someone who couldn’t even see themselves in a relationship, seeing others succeed where they couldn’t felt like a knife in the gut. Wanting love but not even being able to recognize it if it slapped you in the face was beyond frustrating, Kiran realized.
Wanting something you had no hope of ever getting crushed your soul, that was reason enough to cry. Even if it was as childish as not being able to find love, Kiran still felt their sadness was valid.
Kiran’s study was the perfect place for crying over and letting go of all these negative feelings. Except for those on patrol, the castle was almost deserted today. Everyone had a day off, meaning there was almost no one around to both Kiran like there usually would be.
Making sure they were alone, Kiran slipped into their study. No one was there, as per usual, meaning the summoner would be free for the next few hours at the very least. Taking up residence in the farthest, emptiest corner, Kiran finally let themself cry. Sadness over the war, the pain of loneliness, the realization of not being able to achieve a dream, Kiran let all the negative things out. No matter how long it took, they wouldn’t be leaving this room until they felt free of all their problems.
After what felt like a short minute but might have been an hour, the door to the study creaked open. Immediately, Kiran stopped making any sound at all, face still wet. Had they forgotten to lock the door? Cursing at their forgetfulness, Kiran attempted to make themselves as small as possible. Hopefully, whoever it was would leave as soon as they had what they wanted.
“Kiran? Are you in here?” The summoner cursed themselves even more the second they heard the voice. Of all people to come in here, it had to be Alfonse? What great luck… Instead of leaving, the prince walked into the room and began to look through the clutter.
Searching for anything in this room could take hours, so Kiran decided to stay quiet. If Alfonse did notice them, there was no way they could make up and excuse for this…Staying as quiet as possible, Kiran's thoughts began to drift through their head. New strategies were thought of as time passed, from using Fjorm in the next battle to having Celica learn a new skill and partnering up Ephraim and Innes since they were going to be married and… Oh. Marriage, relationships, they were the reason why Kiran was even here in the first place. A stray tear fell, then another as Kiran sobbed quietly, then sniffled.
The sound rang through the otherwise quiet room, making Kiran freeze. Please say Alfonse hadn't heard, please say Alfonse hadn’t heard…
“Hello? Is someone in here?” Of course he heard, what wonderful luck…
Alfonse steeled himself, preparing for anything as he approached the corner. There wasn’t anything over there, other than room to hide. He couldn’t have imagined the noise either, so someone or something had to be hiding.
As soft noises indicated Alfonse’s approach, Kiran seized up. Alfonse would see and then he’d realize they’d been crying and he’d see how weak they really were, and then he’d tell everyone and they'd all hate Kiran… Not knowing what else to do, the summoner began to sob loudly.
“K-Kiran?” Alfonse exclaimed, not sure what to make of the crying puddle of summoner in the corner. “Are you alright?”
Instead of responding, Kiran just cried harder. “I.. I wuh… I’m guh…” Any words they tried to form were drowned out by their sobs, making a conversation impossible.
Alfonse was dumbfounded. Sharena didn’t cry much anymore so he had no idea how to deal with a sobbing person. “Um…I’ll just... Sit with you, then…”
And sit he did, right beside the summoner. Gradually, their tears dried up and Alfonse developed enough courage to pat them on the head, although it was very awkward.
“Why were you crying?”
“Because…” Kiran turned the thought over in their head. Why were they crying? “Because I was crying and I thought you’d see me and tell everyone else and they’d all hate me.”
The prince was silent. What kind of thought was that? The fact that Kiran felt that way, it wasn’t right. “Kiran…”
“Y-yes?” the summoner replied, not daring to look at the prince.
“Look at me.”
“Okay…” They did so, reluctantly at first, until they noticed the concerned expression on Alfonse’s face.
“I would never tell anyone that you were crying. Never. No one would hate you for it either. Everyone’s allowed to cry, no matter what, okay?”
Kiran stayed silent for a moment before nodding.
“If…” he hesitated, not sure if he should offer, before ultimately deciding he should. “If you want to tell me what was wrong or if something is wrong in the future, please let me know. Everyone here cares about you. I care about you.” He hadn’t meant to say that last part, but it felt right. Perhaps the summoner wouldn’t catch the real meaning behind those words...
Kiran was quiet. Their tears had dried up now, and the weight of Alfonse’s words were comforting. “I was crying because… I want to get married.”
The words floated in the air until both the summoner and the prince understood exactly what Kiran had said. Shooting up into a standing position, Kiran flailed around in shock. “Th-that’s not what I meant! I don’t want to marry you- I mean, not that I wouldn’t want to marry you! You’re nice and smart and everything but! That’s not…”
As Kiran rambled, Alfonse sat on the floor dumbfounded. Huh. Kiran wouldn’t mind marrying him. The thought made his face turn scarlet, the shade of red getting deeper every second.
Slowly, he stood up and Kiran stopped talking. “So,” he began, “You want to get married so you cried?”
“Well,” Kiran replied, looking at the ground in embarrassment. “When you put it that way, it sounds dumb…”
With a sigh, Kiran started to explain. “It’s more like, I’m jealous of everyone else’s relationships, I think.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. I’m… not really sure? I’ve never been in love and at this rate, I never will be. I was crying because I’ll never get to experience it, and that makes me sad.”
“Oh.” When explained, it was such a simple concept that even a small child could grasp it. Still, Alfonse didn’t understand. “How do you know you’ve never been in love, though?”
Kiran paused. “I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be like, how it’s supposed to feel. There are stories about it everywhere back in my world, but I’ve never felt anything like it. It just seems so… impossible, I guess.”
Alfonse didn’t know what to say to that. If Kiran had never felt love, then having his reciprocated would be impossible. Unless…
“If you want… I could teach you.” It was a weird thing to offer, but he had to do something, he couldn’t just leave Kiran alone. It might be torturous but in the end… Yes, he decided, helping a friend, especially one as precious as Kiran, was more important.
Alfonse looked up, a bit surprised that his offer had been accepted so easily. “Really?”
“Of course,” Kiran replied, nodding firmly. “It’d be best to learn from someone who has experience, right? You’ve been in love before?”
“Y-yeah…” Not that he’d admit who he was in love with, of course.
“Then, it’ll be perfect, right?”
“I-I suppose so.”
Grabbing his hand, Kiran made to exit the room. Filled with hope that they could finally understand relationships and how to be in one, they couldn’t help but be excited. “Let’s do it, then!”
“Y-yay…” It was weak, but all Alfonse could muster. Two seconds in and they were already holding hands? Alfonse was already ready to die of embarrassment.
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yukiwrites · 7 years
A Battle for Dominance
First of all, I HAD NO FAULT IN THIS, THIS IS ALL @fireemblemxtextposts-realm‘S FAULT.... it all started when we were talking about a Valter x Summoner support submited to @fire-emblem-heroes-supports​ and on how... could people even like that... THAT... GARBAGE MAN... and then I GOT OBSESSED... THEN SHE DARED ME TO WRITE IT... then I did, and... Well, this is it.
This is very sinful and I’m very ashamed to have written it, and yet... I couldn’t stop it. I loved writing this cause it was so against everything I stand up for it was EXHILIRATING... I may or may not have a sequel planned for this, so for now, enjoy this sin, I guess :’D
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
“Princess Sharena! Are you alright?” Kiran yelled from across the field, making her way towards the princess.
Sharena shook her head and used her training spear to get up. “Muh? I’m fine, Kiran, don’t worry so much!” She laughed, scratching the back of her head.
“Oh? Do you have time to laugh, scrawny princess?” Her training opponent smirked and made a follow-up attack on the back of her legs, making her fall on her behind once again.
“Owwww! Hey, no fair! I was distracted!” Sharena winced, letting go of her weapon and massaging her rear. The blue haired man crouched and used the tip of his spear to lift the princess’ chin, making her feel a chill down her spine.
Noticing that in her eyes, Valter tilted his head to the side, “now that’s a much better look on you, Princess.” He let out a low laugh before getting up as Kiran reached them.
“Valter, that’s quite enough! I thought you had agreed on behaving the day we recruited you.” Kiran said, helping Sharena up, both women’s serious gaze on the former general.
He put a lock of hair behind his own ear as he bended down towards the Summoner, scrutinizing her foreign features. “Your so-called contract prevents me from mortally hurting any of your little friends,” he started, his breathing so close Kiran could fell its warmth on her nose, “but there are many ways of making prey out of someone, girl.”
Watching him bend over to Kiran made Sharena feel panic creeping inside her heart, and she instinctively pulled the Summoner to her side. She’s seen happy couples kiss before, but what Valter was about to do with the Summoner had nothing to do with those feelings.
Kiran placed one hand over the princess’ arm, “it’s okay, Sharena,” then turned to the general, “I’m sure Lord Dark Moonstone can do much better than spout a few empty threats.”
Valter’s eyes flickered with a green light, his smirk growing so much the side of his mouth hurt. “Are you so eager for me to break you, Summoner?” He closed in the distance Sharena had made before, but Kiran never stepped away, and instead lifted her chin so their eyes would meet. “Defiance, grace,” with each word, he did an action: first, he reached for her cheek and trailed his hand to the back of her neck, pulling down her hood, “is that pride I see as well?” He mused, his long nails putting Kiran’s hair behind both of her ears.
She narrowed her eyes and couldn’t help feeling a smirk grow on the side of her lips, which only prompted Valter’s to widen. Watching the exchange, Sharena felt her heart thumping over Kiran’s arm which she still held. “S-stop this!” She said, in panic, pulling the Summoner once more.
The princess always wanted to have a lot of Heroes friends so everyone could get along… But despite the closeness of their bodies, the mood around Valter and Kiran brought only fear and uneasiness in Sharena’s heart -- she didn’t want to feel that around her fellow soldiers and friends. “C’mon, Kiran, let’s just go! We… we can t-train more later, Lord Valter.” She said, her eyes going from Summoner to general before her heavy legs managed to move her away from there.
Valter shifted the weight of his body to one leg, his eyes never leaving Kiran’s as she was being pulled away. He licked his lips before saying in a low voice, “I look forward to seeing you grovel, girl.”
Kiran turned before she tripped, but looked over her shoulder with a devious smile, “I’ll be eagerly waiting to see you try.”
Watching them go, Valter felt the excitement he thought lost back in his world -- his body almost trembled with the prospect of watching that conceited mask of Kiran’s fall. He would make her his, in every way he could fathom.
Panting, Sharena placed one hand over the wall and lowered her head, trying to catch her breath. “I… I never felt anything like that towards a Hero!” She huffed, her light blue eyes looking up at Kiran’s in terror. “How can there be people like that under our command?”
“It’s okay, Sharena, breathe a bit more.” Kiran said, patting the princess on the shoulder. “You can’t give men like that credit or they’ll feel more powerful than they really are.” The Summoner looked back to the corridor they just used, fighting a smirk. She was looking forward to taming the Dark Moonstone. “His reputation does precede him, but he is bound by a non-violence contract in this world. The moment I judge that he is about to become hostile, Breidablik will snuff him out of Askr.”
“I… I guess you’re right,” Sharena stuttered, still shaken by the sheer evil she felt oozing from that man. “He’s strong and has many spear skills I’ve never seen before. I want to learn from him, but…” she trailed off, holding her own hand so as to stop her pounding heart.
“I’ll go with you to train whenever you want, Sharena.” Kiran offered, lifting the princess’ chin with her index. “Now, come on, let’s wash off the sweat and head back to the barracks.”
Going back to her room after taking a bath, Kiran held her coat over one arm as she searched through her pocket for the keys. A cold wind and a shiver on her spine made her realize she wasn’t alone in the corridor, but she only smirked and turned the key inside the keyhole. As she opened her door outwards, a strong arm closed it from above her, a warm breath suddenly over her ear and wet hair.
“Are you truly this defenseless, Summoner? Or are you simply playing coy?” Valter said, twirling a lock of Kiran’s hair with one hand, the other one over the door, pinning her between it and him.
Kiran felt her nape bristle with his nail’s touch and tilted her head to the side, exposing more of her neck before biting her lower lip so as not to smirk so much. “Are you everything they say you are, Dark Moonstone?” She asked, turning around to him, leaning on the door. “Conqueror… Bloodthirsty…” She went on, looking from his exposed collarbone to his chin, then lips and finally eyes. “They say you are mad… and an excellent hunter.” She reached out to his face, trailing her fingers from his temple to his cheek.
Valter bended down towards her, his tall stature doing nothing to intimidate the shorter woman, his mind going through countless ways to make her grovel before him -- to beg him to release her from his command. “None who crossed me lived to the tell the tale, Summoner. What you heard is but a whisper of those who live in fear of being thrown in my way.”
She chuckled, “oh? Are you so eager to return to that world, then? You are bound to me, Lord Valter, not the other way around.” She pulled his collar towards her, locking their lips in a rough and hungry kiss. There was no hesitation -- they turned their heads in an almost rehearsed movement, Kiran lifting her shoulders as she held his face while he pulled her hips towards him with one hand, the other one opening the door.
“There are many ways to make you bow, girl,” he said as he pushed her inside, their bodies glued to one another.
Kiran chuckled as she was being led inside, holding his face between her hands. “Surely you don’t plan on behaving like a breaker hammer and expect me to bow down to you, yes?” She asked with a smirk, her bottom hitting the dresser right behind her. Valter took that as a challenge.
“A hammer, you say?” He licked from her chin towards her collarbone, then brusquely turned her around, sucking her neck with vigor, intending on leaving marks whenever his mouth touched. His hands groped her body as he breathed heavily on her ear, lifting her mini skirt so he could rub his crotch on her behind. “When I’m done here, you’ll wish you were hit by a hammer,” he laughed, lifting her chin with one hand so he could once again nip at her neck.
She grasped at the dresser, her heart beating wildly in her chest -- his movements against her were nothing like she had ever felt before: he wasn’t being careful not to hurt her and moved guided by lust. His hands heavily travelled her body, hungrily committing it to memory as his mouth lingered a moment more on her neck each time, savoring her taste. The urgency they both felt to taste one another, to feel each other’s bodies didn’t let her snark as much as she had planned to.
Valter reached for her breast with one hand, squeezing her nipple between his index and thumb. Were they on another occasion, she would’ve reprehended him for using too much strength -- but her entire body pulsated with lust, and she felt immense pleasure in his rough touches. His other hand trailed for her inner thighs and she instinctively stuck out her rear, rubbing it against his erection under his pants.
Kiran tried and failed to muffle a moan once his fingers reached her clitoris, and had to lower her head so as to hide her blushing face while she bit her lower lips. Noticing that, Valter pushed his hips against her so she could feel him more as he took the hand out of her breast to lift her chin. “Are you already this shaken, Summoner?” He chuckled, licking her ear, making her neck bristle and her legs tremble. He moved three fingers inside her underwear, using two to open her vulva as the middle one massaged her clitoris. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for such an easy woman.”
A snort left Kiran’s throat as it was still being held up by his long fingers. “Are you so proud of yourself for doing things I can do by myself?” She retorted, glancing down at his hand, now stimulating her already wet vaginal opening.
A grunt left Valter’s lips as he held her hip in place with his free hand, the other one inserting two fingers inside of her. “Is this how you do it by yourself, Summoner?” His fingers, bony and slender as they were, still were a man’s fingers, and larger than her own. Only two of them inside already made her open her mouth to gasp and close her eyes to enjoy.
Despite knowing he was watching her reactions, she bit her lower lip to smirk. “Yes, that’s right. Are you trying to bore me to death, Dark Moonstone?” She lifted her hips more, feeling his fingers move inside of her.
“So this is how you beg,” he mused, taking his fingers out so as to free his erection. He placed it over her bottom so their skins could touch and Kiran couldn’t help but gulp -- she could feel it pulsating and it was already wet with preseminal fluid.
No witty remarks left her lips as he lowered his penis towards her hips, but instead placed it between her legs. She could feel the hot pulsation prodding at the entirety of her vulva and dug her nails on the wooden dresser, looking down to see his glans shining right under her pubes. Valter chuckled, pleased with the lustful look in her eyes -- were she someone else, he would’ve pulled away so he could hear her beg. But the few times they met he knew she wasn’t going to give in so easily.
He would please her. He would make her want him so much her body wouldn’t remember how to be held by any other man than him. He would imprint every single muscle of his body into hers so she would only be satisfied by him.
And only then he would pull away. Only then he would watch as that witty mask broke away to beg for his touches and thrusts. Then she would be truly in the palm of his hand.
With his heart beating wildly in his chest just from the prospect of hearing her sweet and alluring voice begging for him, Valter moved quickly in pulling away from under her legs and inside her. He went in with ease, though with no less strength. He rammed into her sensitive spot from the start, making her widen her eyes and lose her voice in pleasure.
“Ah-gh…” Kiran moaned, trying to contain her voice, but ultimately embracing the moans as he penetrated her deeper with each thrust. His rasped breath by her ear allowed her to close her eyes and concentrate on rotating her hips to match his speed.
Valter had one hand keeping her hip in place while the other massaged her clitoris, while still pounding her as hard as his legs allowed him to -- that made Kiran tremble all over: he left two fingers right beside the penetration while the middle one made circular movements over her clitoris, making her almost roll her eyes in pleasure. So many stimuli at once!
“Summoner, Summoner…” Valter teased, biting her ear, “you’re sucking me in so much I’m barely doing anything.”
Kiran opened her mouth to retort, but only managed to strangle a moan, pleasing the Dark Moonstone to no end. His low laugh by her ear made the Summoner clutch her hand over the dresser, but the pleasure she was feeling drowned any feelings of defeat with the approaching climax.
That woman was so very different from any other he has ever had -- her soft skin and foreign features as well as how well she matched her hip movements with his; he could feel every inch of her as she masterfully rotated them. He knew that she did not intend to lose the battle -- if he was going to make her his by pleasing her, she wasn’t going to let him be the only one to enrapture her with his bedding techniques. He understood that after only exchanging a few words with her -- their bodies spoke more than their mouths ever did.
He was supposed to feel ashamed for being so pleased by her despite being the one to pin her down on the dresser (he realized she dug her hands on it so he wouldn’t top her on the bed and went on with it), but the prospect of toppling even that little lump of pride she had… oh, that pleased him more than her body ever could.
His thrusts began to dig deeper into Kiran as her insides pulsated with the upcoming orgasm. She sucked him in as she felt it first: her legs trembled and almost gave out, her hands grasping so deeply into the wood she felt barbs prickling her skin. “A-ahn…” She panted, her body trembling as he thrusted one last time before coming himself.
Breathing heavily, she leaned her body on the dresser as Valter pressed his own weight over her, his chin on her shoulder. “Unlike the hammer you were expecting, Summoner?” His deep voice made her sensitive body shake, her uneven breath turning into a giggle.
“Are you so proud of yourself after only one time, General?” She panted, her insides still pulsating, but still putting herself on her toes so he could slip out of her. Then she turned around and placed one hand over his shoulder so as to slightly push him aside as she sat on the dresser, putting one foot over it so as to cover her inner thighs.
The moon shone through the window onto her glimmering body -- the droplets of sweat dripping down her fair, fair skin as well as her insufferable smirk only made Valter tilt his head menacingly, taking a step forward. He grabbed the nape of her neck and made her look up at him as he hungrily kissed her, his tongue never waiting for permission to travel inside her mouth.
Kiran wouldn’t let him pin her down on the bed, neither would Valter let her ride him, but the room had many corners and furniture they could make use of to master one another.
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