#but she FUCKS with the almond roca
bananasfostergrants · 2 years
Absolutely hate it when shitty people Have Talents
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fruitgoat · 2 years
OF COURSE my oldest brother (the one in Chicago) is also now confined to his bed with a cold and a "positive attitude." Apparently Covid is the cool new family trend. The rest of us are so far all refusing to jump on that particular bandwagon.
The best news is that my Mom still doesn't have symptoms (aside from the ones that she normally has every single day). We've honestly lived in fear since December of 2019 (we were very early adopters of panic) because 92% of my Mom's immune-compromised status is respiratory. Severe asthma and severe allergies and what was essentially 18 months of walking pneumonia (which unfortunately started about six months after she could actually walk again after knee replacement surgery). We've all been so extra cautious for so long because we all knew, if Mom got Covid she wasn't going to survive. (Knowing this, my parents deliberately clustered most of their - exceedingly safe - social activities for over two years, just so that no one person could ever prove it was them.) But apparently a fourth shot about a month ago has saved her. Thank you to everyone who Did The Science. I may complain about her all the time, but I love my mom dearly and am really not ready to lose her. (who else would I complain about?) We weren't planning anything anyway, but since none of us can do more than call her for Mother's Day, my siblings and I are now compiling a list of movies/series that Mom Will Enjoy But Dad Will Sleep Through. I'll probably go out and get her a small puzzle as well (plus a plant, we always Get Mom A Plant).
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 6 years
Operation Give Bucky Barnes a Good Christmas
by Triangulum
Darcy's at Target, cart full of ornaments, tinsel, and decorations, musing on whether Natasha likes Twix Santas or not. Clint can be seen demolishing Reeses Trees by the truckload and Bruce has a soft spot for Almond Roca, but she doesn't know if Natasha even really craves candy. Or maybe she's more into Russian sweets? Her thoughts stray to Bucky, as the often do, when she realizes this is really his first Christmas out from Hydra's control and not on the run. When was the last time Bucky celebrated a Christmas? Before the war? It makes her chest ache.
Steve is off at an unspecified location on an unspecified mission for an unspecified amount of time, but Darcy has the impression that it'll go well into January. So what is Bucky going to do? Skulk around the tower? Pretend everything's fine? Disappear to Brooklyn for a few days and mourn over how different is home is? Not fucking happening.
Darcy straightens her shoulders, putting on her game face. Operation Give Bucky Barnes a Good Christmas is a fucking go.
Words: 2227, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Getting Together
from AO3 works tagged 'James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis' http://bit.ly/2ShI8kb via IFTTT
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dine-on-nervine · 5 years
just a guy trying to get it right
Do you listen to music while you fill out surveys? Sometimes. This is not one of them.
In the past week, what song have you listened to the most often? While a couple songs have come up in the playlist more than once (due to having hit the end of the list and restarting) I haven’t listened to them the second time, I’ve pressed > within a few seconds.
What was the last thing you shared with someone else? Photos of typewriters.
While playing video games, do you prefer being first or second player? Doesn’t matter, unless the other person is so good I have to wait forever for my turn. :)
What is the most difficult word for you to pronounce? I sometimes struggle with Cheburashka.
What did you have to do for the last homework you were assigned? I don’t have an answer for this; school it’s been a really long time and other work to do at home I’m not really sure.
You’ve planned a roadtrip. Where are you going, and who’s coming too? We’re going to Yakima and beyond... I don’t have a copilot at the moment.
Do you have an overactive imagination? This would be why I am awake at this hour. Actually, my reason is valid but thinking/dreaming about the results woke me up.
What was the last important thing that you thought about? The above statement. I made a blunder, not knowing how something worked, and needed to contact someone about it because the Interbutts is forever.
Generally, do you call people, or wait for them to call you? With my cell phone I prefer to call them since half the time calls go to voicemail without ever ringing.
On average, how many texts do you send out each day? Between four and twelve.
Has anyone ever questioned your sanity? Mostly me. A bunch lately. Other people have had other mental fitness questions, some plausible and others simply offensive that they’d ask.
How many people do you depend on? I like to say zero other than myself but it’s never that simple. Two certainly come to mind, my boss for giving me hours and my landlady for allowing me to live here, but I have no one of greater importance than those basics.
How many people do you think depend on you? I can’t prove anyone is dependant upon me. I don’t have kids, I don’t have a partner, and my work manages to go on without my being there.
What is the worst color combination? I don’t really know since there are so many.
Have you ever injured yourself walking around in the dark? Absolutely. I have a couple toes I’ve broken repeatedly.
When you get a papercut, how do you react? If it hurts, I react. If I’m bleeding, I take care of it. And internally, I am miffed because papercuts take like a week before they heal sufficiently. Can you type without looking down at the keyboard? Yeah, happy to say that I don’t have to watch my hands anymore. :)
At what age did you develop an interest in the opposite [or same] sex? Man, I was so young... chased a girl when I was in 1st grade. (And she had older sibs/relatives who picked her up by the arms and ran with her. That was NOT in the rules!!)
Are you or members of your family religious? At one time I was probably the most religious. Then I changed spiritualities.
What’s so scary about clowns, anyway? They run for public office.
When was the last time you acted like someone you’re not? The last time I needed something that was denied to me for me being me.
When was the last time that you cleaned your room? I know this one! Uh, it was a few weeks ago because I couldn’t walk through my room without tripping over things.
How many hats do you own/wear? Own a lot of them. Wear none of them unless it gets cold out. On that note, yesterday was a beautiful don’t-need-a-coat day and it fucking snowed overnight. Talk about plot twist! And now it’s coming down HARD.
What was the last thing that you printed? A map or directions, something related to a roadtrip.
Did the last song you listened to hold any special meaning? The last one? “Action” by Sweet? Not particularly, other than it’s the rare song I’ve tweaked with audio tools to improve the sound successfully.
Are you experiencing problems within a current relationship? Yes, actually. I lack a current relationship, that’s the problem. Yesterday I was waiting for someone to come online and when she did she only said “after yesterday’s conversation we’re not a good match.” I can’t argue, because I think she was showing signs of being a bit off her rocker. I couldn’t understand what she was talking about the day before and she apparently couldn’t understand what I was giving back, but the bigger question I had was *why* she was talking about this totally internal thing in such great detail as though this mental pursuit is a lot bigger than it really is. I replied wishing her good luck in finding love, holding back the “you are going to need it” part.
When you’re upset, who do you turn to? Depending upon what’s upsetting me, I have four friends I can lean on. Does winter weather depress you? Autumn depresses me. Winter either invigorates me or is so quiet that I can find some respite.
Who was the last person that you called? Hmm, I think it was a friend I was trying to nail down plans with.
What product was being advertised on the last commercial you saw? Radio and television repair. (I was scanning a 1954 electronics magazine.) As for on TV or the web... Grammarly?
Do you ever wonder who sings the catchy commercial jingles? I am geared like that. Just yesterday I was thinking, who is the guy who does the voiceovers for Wendy’s ads? Joe Sirola -- who just died a month ago!
When you think about your last relationship, what song comes to mind? Melanie “Brand New Key” reminds me of her personally, but thinking about the relationship itself the song would be Henry Rollins “Liar”.
Are there any lyrics to describe your current crush/relationship? It’s a question of lust, it’s a question of trust, it’s a question of not letting what we’ve built up crumble to dust; it is all of these things and more that keep us together...
Who in your life makes you the most uncomfortable? Myself, mostly. Do you ever receive comments on your weight? Never negative. People seem to think it’s less than what it is.
Is there anything that you do just to make other people happy? Well, I am in customer service, so a lot. Also, when told to fuck off I do so with a smile most of the time.
When you need a temporary escape, what do you do? Quick, to the park! Bring headphones if it gets really bad!
What was the last lie that you believed in? “I want to see where things go.”
How long did your last feelings of heartbreak last? I’d say a week or two.
Is there any sport that you would want to learn to play? No.
What band would you most like to meet? Depeche Mode.
Do you ever have difficulty opening pill-bottle caps? Not usually.
Do you gain weight around the holidays? I have been known to lose weight over holidays. But let’s say yes, because I really do love Christmas snackies.
Are you related to anyone famous, or to any historical figure? Not that I know of.
If it was an option, would you take a trip into outerspace? Maybe as a break from the bullshit but space is large and takes a lot of time to get to places so maybe to the moon which isn’t really outer space.
What was the last thing that you wrote down [with a pen/pencil]? My hours.
Has anyone told you that you have a nice smile? I can’t recall.
Are you uncomfortable with being photographed? No one wants to do that, unless they think they’ve caught me doing something wrong and then yes I am uncomfortable with them whipping out their cell phones for pictures.
What’s the earliest you’ve woken up in the past week? 4am.
How many people have you talked to today? Today? Just you all.
What was the last reason behind why you went to the hospital? To have lunch with a girlfriend who worked there.
When journaling, are you honest when documenting your feelings? Yes.
If you have a journal, do you ever worry others might find it? They would have a hard time deciphering it. :)
When you go camping, do you sleep in a tent or an RV? I don’t go camping. The last time I was supposed to, it was in a tent but since we didn’t have reservations at the park and pitching a tent where there wasn’t an outlet wasn’t an option to my companion we went to a motel room. The two things I learned were to make reservations at state parks ahead of time, and don’t get involved with anyone so fat they require a CPAP.
What’s one ridiculous thing that you do? Tinder. I do a lot of other ridiculous things also but that’s probably the most.
Do you feel that you must wear make up to be attractive? Straight male here. Makeup has the opposite effect.
What was the last thing [other than the keyboard] that you touched? My ziplock bag of Dark Chocolate Mint Almond Roca. Breakfast!
Ever done anything dangerous while driving with someone else in the car? Absolutely.
Name someone you wish you could be closer with? A nice lady. One who isn’t fucking other people. That’d be a change.
Have you ever played the license plate game on long car-trips? Nope.
Are you a secretive person, or are you open with your thoughts? I have things that are wide open and I have things that are private. I have learned from others how to be more clear about when things don’t suit me.
What is the worst question that someone could ask you? Nah, I’d really rather not expose myself like that.
Do you talk to your pets? My cats talked back so yes.
Do you have a least favorite day of the year? It tends toward my birthday. I am sure there are worse things.
What traits do you look for in a potential BF/GF? Fidelity. Sanity. And other myths.
Right now, what’s in your bookbag/backpack? Not sure right now since I don’t have anything in my messenger bag.
What’s unique about your city or town? It was founded by a guy who grew hops, hop growing was the local economy a century ago, and yet the town no longer grows hops.
If you could say something to the world, what would you say? If you look at a guy’s phone, you will find a record of conversations and pictures. If you look at a girl’s phone, you will find a whole other life going on.
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marianaeq · 7 years
Day 1
6/21/17;11:30pm. No hunger pains. 21 hours in. Coffee, tea, acv, and water. Only. Going to decrease my aerobics, weights, and yoga to only one hour to maintain energy.
Day 2:
6/22/2017; 8:00am. So far only restlessness and sore legs. Still no hunger pains. I’m realizing that I barely allowed myself to eat to begin with. Also told my mom about it. So, that’s a weight off my shoulders. 12:02 am: Slight headache around noon but went away. Time seems to move faster. 3:27pm: realizing smoking is the only time I feel my body the most. I mean, always knew that, but it intensifies the emptiness. 6:25 pm: bubble water saves me from being hungry since it makes me feel bloated and bleh. 7:44pm: hunger pains initiated.
Day 3:
6/23/2017; 6:30am. Called out- on pay day. Woke up feeling like I was dying. Trapped in a hot room dehydrated and empty. Couldn’t even zip my mom up. Feeling weak and have a settled headache. Grabbed water, served some coffee ,and smoked a bowl. Read a few posts to remain motivated. Haven’t worked out or yoga’d since Day 1. Since I called out maybe I’ll do some of that. I feel a little better but couldn’t run around for an 8 hour shift without fainting. Can’t call my doctor for a note either. On a later note, I’ve been a lot happier. Only sour today. 12:36pm: headache wore off. (No meds at all through this process). Sparkling water with cut fruit and chewing on ice is super fulfilling. Going to work out soon. 6:58pm: worked out for an hour and realized I should stick to simply cardio right now. Found myself almost giving up but continued research and preparation. I feel okay. Just weak. Very weak. But it’s apart of the process and why I gave today to rest. Minus my intense work out over cardio that has left me utterly defeated. 9:10 pm: Got a boost of energy and was able to do low cardio ( 10min run). Which actually got me sweating and feeling good again. Hopefully this prolongs until tomorrow. 9:30 pm: my mom keeps asking me if I ate- even after I consistently remind her. She’s working with me but I don’t know if she seriously forgets or keeps thinking I’ll budge.
Day 4:
6/24/2017; 8:57 am. Definitely a more energetic day! Woke up and actually got ready for work. Feeling a little weak but that’s normal. Feeling grumbles here and there but nothing major. No headache. Feeling really good. 11:03am. I decided to track my steps here at work to see how much I walk and half way through my shift I’ve accumulated 7 miles. I definitely feel less bad for not being able to work out today. 1:21 pm: my legs are restless and sore. Can’t wait to lay down for a while. 4:55 pm: Elaborated why I’m doing this fast to my mom and she seems a lot more understanding and supportive. Which is so essential right now. She even wants to attempt herself. Of course I’d only allow her to do a few days at most because she didn’t prepare for it. Oh yeah, cramps are definitely a thing now. 8:44 pm: probably shouldn’t mix things- oh well. Mom is actually supportive now which provides motivation. Slight cravings. But shortly faded. Realizing the hard part isn’t giving up but returning. Just the texture is horrid currently.
Day 5:
6/25/2017; 11:23 am: Dreams are becoming more dramatic, mysterious, and vivid. Woke up multiple times through out the night courtesy of my pups and each time felt more light headed. My heart was racing astoundingly at one point but practiced my breathing and it subsided. It may have no correlation at all but I’ve come to find that when I don’t have my fan on while sleeping I wake up feeling hthe worst. I have a headache but using my previous remedy of weed, coffee, and water I’m feeling okay. Just need to get my wits together. It’s my only day off so I have to record how long it takes for my headache to subside post waking up. 11:54 am: headache gone. Feeling a little weird though. 12:10 am: feeling better. 9:00 pm: Broke fast. Binged. Heavy.
Day 6:
6/26/2017; 9:28 am: Worked off 1300 cals in today’s morning work out. Waking up energetic and ready for a full blown cardio work out to work off that binge was amazing. Even spent about 10 mins in the sauna cause that’s all I had. Definitely going to continue working out and merely eating less than the cals I lose. I can’t completely stop eating because I can’t stand the lack of energy when I love intense work outs too much. So I’ll split them. Days I don’t work out, I fast. And days I work out, I don’t. Which will most likely be weekend fasting and week work outs and low cal intake. I’m going to continue tracking and making this a weight loss journal.
Day 7:
6/27/2017;1:05 pm: probably the hardest day so far. Emotionally. I feel mad and annoyed. Smirky comments aren’t settling and I want to unleash on everyone. Want to take my meds. Want to be back on my meds. Anyways. Haven’t worked out today, already 5 miles in at work, and haven’t eaten anything.
Day 8:
6/28/2017; 7:42 pm: work was good. Actually maintained a good mood all day. Then hit the gym for a couple hours. Concluded with a shower, yoga, a few hits, and now relaxing in bed. Fasted today. It’s been a little over 24 hours since my last meal and this wasn’t even planned. Truly didn’t feel the urge to eat. A little grumble here and there but nothing crazy. Fell into my substance whole again last night. At least I feel good today and strong. Might snake on some ice while I watch this movie this call it a night.
Day 9:
6/29/2017;7:47pm: becoming more and more aware of my binging. What I binge on over other things and how much I do and why. I’ve even started questioning drinking and when to eat and not eat..everything is calories and exercise and fasting and binging and it’s all so much..and it’s crazy how it’s all in my head sometimes. Oh well..having a nice night tonight regardless and I’ll be back to means tomorrow.
Day 10:
6/30/2017;10:02 pm: I ate and drank quite a bit today but I feel confident. Probably the drugs. I’ll be back tomorrow x 2.
Day 11-12
7/01/2017-07/02/2017; 1:44pm: fat ass. Total fat ass. What a hard passed 4 days. Fasting starts tomorrow until Thursday. And working out.
Day 13
07/03/17; 10:41 am: I have to take this more seriously. I’m definitely smaller than when I stated but I’m staying stagnant. Woke up feeling tired but motivated. I could be so much closer to my goal if I stop having set backs. One month of seriousness. No binging, no excuses.
Day 14
07/04/17; 11:42 am: back on my meds! I’m eating now and plan on being at the gym for a few hours so I gotta fuel. Going to start forgiving myself about the little slips and realize this is the smallest I’ve ever been and I should be proud.
Day 15-16
07/05/17-07/06/17; 8:23 pm: got a weee bit too drunk last night and ate little to nothing. Same today, just snacks. No meals. Haven’t worked out in a few days. On vacation now..
Day 17
Must re-motivate myself! Just did an hour swim and about to start my day with some coffee and hydrate on water all day. Going to restrict myself heavily. Spent the last 12 + days maintaining my weight and that’s not the goal. Must refocus. I got this!
Day 18-21
N/A. Starting over.
Day 22
07/12/2017; 7:00pm. Successful day! Ate something this morning was able to run 5 miles without stopping once, put in work on the restraints and weights + swam about 10 laps to cool down with some 10 minute sauna time. I feel pretty darn good. Plus! I didn’t binge. I did have a second serving for dinner but it was already pretty low cal. And still able to reach my goal weight soon! It’s been a real roller coaster with my battle with binging this experience. I’ve never binged like this and I must say I think it was due to the fast. I hate to get my body right again and then I couldn’t stop!!! But I’m back from vacation and I have confidence! Hopefully it maintains.
Day 23
07/12/2017; 9:17pm. Worked off a good 1000 calories today during my work out. Added with the calories from running around at work all morning. I was pretty set to have a high calorie intake day. But still managed to stay in the positive. My current weakness: almond roca dark chocolate. It was on sale 1.60 as oppose to the original 8. Nowww I know that’s no excuse to have idk 6 little pieces throughout the day.. and a vanilla ice cream cone. Still in the positive though and no serious binges! Just couldn’t resist the little treats. I’m regaining my self everyday. I’m just becoming more forgiving with myself.
mentally fucked up- not gaining. Working 10 days straight, currently on day 6.
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