#but she believed in fate—painfully and utterly she believed that everything occurs for a reason
the thing w hermes and charon (eyrie’s azem) is that the two of them were close. close enough to share their struggles and their strife. being so close to death, grief and the struggles of existence charon understood hermes internal strife. how much life is worth; they understood what life meant.
charon was never quick to use creation magicks, especially not creating living beings. they cared not for the creation of life, but it’s endings. dignity, honor—the price of creation. maybe if they weren’t so occupied with their duties, or not as isolated as Hermes was, they might have taken the same road as him. but for all their understanding and their closeness, they couldn’t stop hermes
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
Somebody to love
Part 1 Part 2
Loki x reader
Imagine: After the New York attacks Loki is sent to prison in Asgard and you, his queen, are to be executed for helping him. Will you be able to save both of you in time?
Original request: @mirtaqueen Hi 😄 can I have a request , we are in thor2 and when Loki go to Odin in chains to talk to him, odin didn't say to him that he never see friga again but he say that marriage between reader and Loki is over and reader will be banish from asgard and that really hits Loki and brake him, so Loki try do everything to change odin mind, he will say with tears in the eyes that he can't take his queen from him and Frigga maybe say something and odin will change mind, pure fluff in the end 😄😄😄🙏
Words: 2.5k
Part: 1 / 2
A.N.: I just couldn't resist to make this story my own and do two parts 💗✨ I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you imagined, but I tried my best to do your awesome prompt justice 😄
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"Your birthright was to die!" Odin shouted, sitting up straight in his throne and leaning forward as a gesture of attempted intimidation. His voice echoed so loudly through the room that it seemed to cut through the silence as he glared down at a chained Loki. "As a child… Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me."
Loki took a quick step forward and the guards jumped into action to hold him back by his chains. "If I'm for the act, then for mercy's sake just swing it." He looked down at his chained hands with a frown. "It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just…" His eyes shot back up to meet his father's. "I don't love them."
Odin leaned back in his throne, only acknowledging Loki's words with a dismissive look. "Y/n is the only reason you're still alive and you will never see her again."
Loki's expression went from boredom and anger to shock and sorrow, but Odin continued without a change in his demeanor. "You'll spend the rest of your days in the dungeons." 
The guards started pulling Loki backwards by his chains, urging him to return to his prison.
"And what of y/n?!" Loki yelled and refused to be dragged back, leaning harshly into the restraining metal which left bruises wherever it dug into his lean body. The thought of what would happen to you now that he had been arrested had occurred to him before, but only now did he realize that the chances were high that he'd never see you again. And that, to him, was absolutely no option. 
"Y/n will be executed for helping you. She asked me to let you live and take her life instead, which, after thinking it through, I agreed to."
Loki felt the tears stinging in his eyes even before Odin had finished the sentence. Oh, his sweet y/n… he equally loved and hated that about you. That you always put him first. 
"You can't do that…" He said and his voice broke, just like his heart did. Shock numbed his body like a dive in icy water. "She doesn't deserve it."
"You, my son, do not deserve for her to be yours." Odin replied sharply. "She is way better than you will ever be."
"I know." Loki breathed, more to himself than as an actual answer. But then, through the sorrow and pain, he willed himself to fight, to beg even if it only would save you. "She is the future queen of Asgard, you can't execute her! She is your family too! I beg you, switch our fates and I shall do anything you ask of me." 
"One day your brother will marry and give this kingdom the queen it deserves. Someone less cunning and less vain. Y/n doomed herself when she married you." Odin commented coldly.
If Odin's constant praise of Thor made Loki angry, him insulting you had Loki burning with rage like two damn gold particles smashed together.
"How dare you!" He yelled and lunged forward, the guards hardly able to hold him back with four men on each side. "She is my queen and if you dare harming her I swear I will end you and everyone who tries to stop me." 
Odin instinctively jumped a little, but quickly covered it up by raising to his feet and striding down the steps to stand in front of Loki. "You are just as vain as her if you think that empty threats will stop me from separating the two of you." He said quietly.
Loki glared at him for a moment, but then grinned wickedly. "You are afraid of her! Y/n threatened you to agree to her wish!"
"Don't be ridiculous!" Odin's voice thundered through the room, making the guards flinch. But not Loki. He knew what he needed to know and now was the time to plot.
With a small wave of his hand, Odin commanded the guards to return Loki to his cell and this time, he let it happen with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, and Loki… She will die in three days, at sunset." Odin added just before Loki was out of the room. And despite taking note of it, Loki's mind was too far gone to reply. 
You were walking up and down in Loki's and your shared chamber, anxious and deep in thought. You hadn't had a chance to talk to Loki since he had been arrested. You must leave that to Odin, he was smart enough to realize that together, you and Loki would've plotted your escape long ago. But separated with no possibility to communicate, chances were high that this time he'd be able to keep Loki locked up for good. Locking you up, however, wasn't an option. You had your ways to escape and Odin knew that.
Before that, when you had heard that Odin wanted Loki executed, both you and Frigga, who you liked way better than Odin, had protested heavily. 
But only upon your threat to reveal Odin's 'colorful' past to the entire kingdom, including his wife and sons, Odin finally agreed to have you executed instead. It hadn't been your intention to offer him your own death, but it was the only way to let Loki know you were working on something.
Rumor had it Odin had spoken with Loki in the throne room and you sincerely hoped that Loki had received your message. 
Now all he needed to do was to wait and hope that you wouldn't screw up your plan. 
You sat down on the bed and ran your hands through your hair. It all was such a mess… and only because that large purple asshole by the name of Thanos had gotten hold of you, tortured you and thereby forced Loki to attack midgard and convince everyone that it was him who wanted to rule over it. You sighed and absentmindedly traced your fingers over the already faint scar on your ribcage. The memory of Loki's panicked face when he had first found out what Thanos had done to you made your heart squeeze painfully. He'd been the closest to breaking you'd ever seen and the memory of it still stung. But then again, Loki and you had spent months of plotting to make sure to kill Thanos before he could hurt anyone else. That alone should be enough to be forgiven, but for the sake of universal peace, you had agreed to keep it to yourselves for now. After all, who'd believe you or even remotely understand what it had taken to end the titan? It was the single last advantage you had, the ace up your sleeve.
A knock on your door pulled you back to the present. 
"Come in." You called and the door was opened slowly, revealing a servant girl. As your eyes met, she looked away quickly. 
"Your majesty, I'm sorry for the interruption." She said quietly.
"It's fine, you're always welcome. But I told you a hundred times before to not call me 'your majesty'! I'm not the current queen and I'm not going to be one either." You laughed and waved the girl inside. 
"I think you will be a wonderful queen one day, and prince Loki a great king." She said sincerely, and you felt bad that no one had told her the truth. It was a well-kept secret that neither of you would live to see that day.
"What's the news?" You asked overly cheerful.
The young girl smiled at you. "Her Royal Highness Queen Frigga wishes to speak with you."
"Ah." You smiled back as convincingly as you could in the dire light of your situation. "Just as I expected."
Loki was sitting in his white cell, eyes closed and trying to concentrate despite the awful noises the other prisoners were making. He'd cast an illusion of himself reading peacefully, because right now, he couldn't be bothered to answer to guards asking what he was up to. If he was honest with himself, he was equally proud and grateful that you were so incredibly clever: You had sent him a clear message and were working on getting him out of this mess. However he also felt utterly useless; every time something happened to him you were there to save his sorry ass in the last second, but when you were in danger, he felt like he failed you. You were so strong, his solid rock in a raging ride, and he was merely the pebble on the shore. He shook the thought out of his head.
Now, he needed to understand his part in the plan, the plan that most likely included some way to save him at any cost and if fate would allow it, also yourself. He'd never forgive himself if he survived and you didn't… without you, living wasn't worth a single thing. If only he could hold you in his arms one more time, kiss you with his last breath and tell you that he loves you more than words could fathom. If only he could be with you right now, somewhere far away… You should've ran when you still had the chance. But the chance was gone and he needed to act.
So he jumped to his feet and started pacing from wall to wall with a deep frown.
If you had found something you could use against Odin, that was a huge advantage. Loki didn't know what it was, but he could imagine that it didn't matter either. He trusted you and your judgement, maybe even more than his own in some cases.
First things first, he needed to make sure that you weren't harmed, maybe buy you some more time.
With a snap of his fingers the illusion vanished and he stepped towards the open end of his cell.
"I'd like to see my mother!" He called out to the guards down the hall. "I'd very much welcome it if you could send her to me."
A few minutes later Loki heard footsteps of approximately four people coming down the hallway towards him. When he looked up from his book he found that indeed, four people were standing in front of his cell. Three of them were guards and the fourth looked like his mother.
"Hello, dear…" She said and gave the guards a sign to open the barrier for her to enter, then a sign for them to leave. With a formal bow they hurried off back to their posts.
Loki walked closer to her until there were mere inches between the two of them.
"Hello y/n." He breathed with a slow smirk.
The illusion faltered and finally vanished, revealing your grinning face.
"How did I do?" You chuckled.
Loki grinned at you, opening his mouth to say something, but closed it again and shook his head slightly. 
"Last time we met you couldn't do that little magic trick." He finally remarked, looking at you so adoringly that you felt your heart beat faster. 
"Oh I can do way more than that." You winked. "Your mother has been teaching me for quite a while now… I wanted it to be a surprise, but then all this happened… and well. Surprise!" 
"God, I love you so much…" He sighed and captured your lips in a passionate kiss, filled with the longing and despair of the last few days. 
After what seemed like a little eternity of just holding each other, you finally pulled away. 
"Listen, I know you will hate my plan, but you need to trust me with this. Okay?" You asked quietly, resting your forehead against Loki's.
"I always trust you, with everything I have." He said sincerely. "What do I need to do?"
A high pitched scream echoed around the dungeons, followed by heavy crying and finally, a loud cracking sound. When the guards came rushing towards the cell a few seconds later, they stopped dead in their tracks and stared into the cell. It was pitch black, holding a darkly opaque smoke inside. 
"Loki, stop this nonsense!" One of the guards exclaimed. "We know of the illusional games you play! What's happening in there?"
The smoke slowly dissolved and the guards could see more and more of what was happening inside. There stood Loki, in the middle of the room, his clothes covered in blood and leisurely smirking at the guards. In front of him lay your dead body. Your neck was twisted in an unnatural way, and your wide eyes were staring lifelessly towards the guards. The once white walls of the cell were now bright red, smeared and covered in blood.
At the shocked glances of the guards, Loki merely smirked. "She was becoming beyond annoying, and she wasn't even supposed to be in here! I did you a favor!"
Immediately they opened the barriers, pushing Loki back into a corner with their spears while he had his hands risen in defeat, showing them he was no threat. A guard checked on your body while three others kept their weapons pointed at Loki.
Suddenly the barrier closed behind their backs, locking them into the cell. Shocked, they turned to see Loki and a perfectly alive y/n standing outside, smiling innocently at them while their doppelganger illusions dissolved inside the cell.
The guards shouted and tried to make the barriers go down again, but of course they failed miserably. 
"Whew, that worked…" You chuckled, giving Loki a high-five.
"I'm so proud of you." He said and kissed your forehead. "My sweet little y/n can do magic now…" 
You punched him in the shoulder with a small laugh. "Call me 'sweet and little' once more and I'll put you right back into that cell."
"Yes ma'am." He winked at you. "What's next? Do we run?"
You let out a small sigh, pulling him with you down the hallway and out of the dungeons. Just when you reached the top of the stairs, you stopped. With another sigh, you concentrated on the task at hand and changed your appearance to that of Loki, who stared at you in confusion.
"C'mon, we don't have a lot of time. From now on just go along with whatever happens, okay? I've got this figured out..." You said to Loki in his own voice, making him snort.
"Alright…" He sighed, changing into you.
"Promise me you won't freak and ruin the whole thing! Oh, and you should trust your mom. She's in on this. Now watch what would happen if we would just run." You said quietly just as a small army of guards came rushing towards you.
In the matter of mere seconds, they had you in chains and dragged you back down into the dungeons, while Loki was pushed towards the throne room. It all happened so fast that Loki couldn't even say goodbye. But one thing he was certain of: your plan was working and he didn't know if he liked it.
This is part 1 of 2 so if you'd like to be tagged let me know down below ✨💚
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