#but she said she loves all vlr content and that quark is just icing
kayzero · 6 months
Rhizomes, A Brief History (Part 1)
spoilers for zero escape: virtue’s last reward under the cut
So the basic premise of the Rhizome that I’m working with assumes that the Moon is a planetoid without a molten core, and that it’s because of its shape rather than its size that enables it to orbit the Earth. The science then assumes that there’s a weight variance of about 10-15% going either way before it starts to negatively affect the Earth.
So, keeping the shape in mind, what the engineers did is they designed the Rhizome to be built modularly but underground so that there wouldn’t be any giant structures throwing off the Moon’s orbit. And what the constructors did to help is get the approximate weight of a cubic meter of Moon rock (by having the astronauts bring the rock down to earth), and then create construction materials that were built solid while weighing about as much as the amount of moon rock they would replace.
The ease of modular building enabled the inhabitants of the Rhizome project to build their own living space with minimal assistance from construction crews. This enabled the UN to hire workers and pay them a retainer to live onsite and work the plug-n-play. But every Rhizome always starts with the same basics: two warehouses stacked on top of each other, a three-story service lift connecting the warehouses and the Moon’s surface, and crew quarters split off one of the warehouses, dealer’s choice.
Crash Keys, an investment firm known to the UN as unfocused in regards to acquisitions but *scarily* accurate as an information broker, was easily able to get exclusive rights to Rhizome 9 on *very* short notice. Due to this short notice, only the listed basics were built into the Moon.
(And if they passed a tip to the UN in early January that the Project needed to speed up a little, enabling the construction of over fifty Rhizomes by April, well. They *are* known for their accuracy.)
all of that to say that by the end of the Diana period of the 45 Year Foretold section, Rhizome 9 only has eight rooms besides the warehouse, and four of them aren’t there until about year three or so. the original four rooms Sigma and Diana have to work with are the four crew quarter rooms from the game. one room is housing the cryo pods, one room that doubles as the medical office if one of them gets sick and Diana’s biomed classroom, one is Sigma’s bedroom (for sleeping and studying *only*, no shenanigans), and the last is Diana’s, which Sigma has never seen before.
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