#but she semi beat him up in the ivalice questlines and he thought she mightve done worse if bwagi wasnt there
meowww-ffxiv · 5 months
Too easy to play the "everyone Maedwyn knew in Dalmasca is dead".
Plenty of people he knew were still alive. Many he taught survived and participated in the Resistance, though just as many died. Most remarkably, he used to recommend recruits to the Saraab, the covert royal guard, and their leaders often sent their trainees to Maedwyn so he could help them gain softer skills like diplomacy and...uh, some less savory stuff. Not that he knew they were Saraab agents in training, lol. He just thought this whole time he was training run-of-the-mill royal spies and informants.
Those who lived to join Lente's Tears, the resistance group led by Fran. They recognized Maedwyn, and though some had mixed feelings about him -- last they heard, he had been an indentured conscript, after all, and there were rumors that Maedwyn caused the death of Prince Rasler -- the rest were bloody glad he was alive. And he they.
One of them was just straight up like "Don't you want to die at home? You're getting on in years, and you went through a lot..."
Maedwyn: 💀💀💀 Sweetheart. I'm--
Maedwyn: *realizes he's on like, year 240+ out of a 300 lifespan and had indeed been tiring far quicker lately*
Maedwyn: --too angry to die. Lol.
Fran wouldn't break the whole news to Maedwyn about just how ass deep he was in Saraab operations because why would she. But he was. And it was usually his willingness to not dig deeper than he was allowed that made Maedwyn valuable to her.
Not just as an asset, though he treated himself as such and begrudged her nothing, but as an ally. Maedwyn always worried more about protecting the operatives rather than satisfying his own curiosity, for all that he said he was nosy. He met Fran only once during their long years serving the country, and had trusted her implicitly since.
That he was captured at all by Garleans even before the fall of Dalmasca was also partly her fault. She figured he was going to be fine, and left him to his own devices rather than sending anyone to protect him. And then she was wrong, and Maedwyn was sentenced to the conscript's fate, all the information he was privy to being used to hamper resistance efforts.
"You could have sent someone to kill me, you know," Maedwyn said. "It would have been a mercy."
"It would have," Fran agreed. And left it at that.
Maedwyn: [yikes.jpg]
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