#but socrates and plato and thales and crossfade can have my entire SOUL
nixotinix · 2 years
"G3 Jackson" this, "G3 Jackson" that. Well here's my G3 Jackson, only I'm correct (/j)
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My prediction/i need this to be canon version of the live action sequel will be under the cut, but SPOILERS if you haven't seen the live action MH movie.
@hydinghoney on here brought up that in the final scene of the live action movie, with that witch lady or whatever, there was a turntable. Turntable means Holt, Holt means Jackson. So, in my G3 interpretation (which is going to be canon and if it isn't I am going to implode), Jackson/Holt are apprenticed to the witch from the final scene. They're pretty good at witchcraft all things considered. So Jackson is sent to MH by said witch and he introduces himself as "witch's apprentice and human ambassador to monster society". He explains that he was sent after hearing about the whole "Komos" thing to make sure everything else was in order, and that he'll be staying for two weeks. So he's lurking around in the background, but what's this? In the moments he's gone, a new student is hitting the scene and making waves: Holt, a fire elemental. (Design pending.) He's not heath's cousin anymore, but he's still half fire elemental because that's cool. So Jackson's poking around the school when he stumbles upon an old spellbook. After reading through it, he finds what he was really looking for. Surprise! Not only was he sent by the witch to take down Draculaura, he was sent by his family to un-stone Komos because oh my gods he needs his mad scientist villain arc. So in some culmination of events, Jackson and Drac end up in a magic duel in the graveyard, and for all intents and purposes, Jackson is kicking ass. Once Draculaura is either thoroughly defeated or she concedes, Jackson casts one more spell, not to finish off Drac, but the spell he found in the spellbook, once that could reverse the effects of a gorgon's gaze. Komos is back and unstoned. Of course our protag team give the usual "how could you" and "I thought we were friends" speech. Neither Komos nor Jackson seem to care, and Jackson starts monologuing their evil plan when Komos cuts him off. Surprise! His family double crossed him, and of course Komos still has his plan of destroying monsters and blah blah blah. And then double surprise! That "how could you" speech kinda resonated and Jackson is like "oh shit, I guess these people are my only friends and they've never tricked me into helping them wipe out an entire society". So he signals to the protag team to get out of the graveyard, after which he pulls out the hug card, grabbing onto Komos as tight as he can. And then casts a spell that sets off an explosion. So now Komos is dead, dead, and 100% dead. The don't have to kill him onscreen but at least elude to it y'know. The protag team ends up going back into the graveyard because, as much as Jackson was working against them, he still saved their lives and at the end of the day he's still a kid. So they go in and get his ass to the infirmary. When he comes to, he's understandably confused as to why the people he'd just nearly tried to kill would help him. They go off on their "you're our friend" and "Komos manipulated us too" speech yada yada. Then they give him a choice: he can either leave monster high and nobody will say a word about his betrayal, or he can stay at monster high to study witchcraft and stay with his newfound friends, but no blowing up any more parts of the school. Thinking about the difference between here or there as well as where Holt would want to stay, he agrees to stay at Monster High. Roll credits.
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