#but steve harrington x reader and maroon on here are free game 😏
ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
hey friend!!!! obviously you know i looooove everything you write, but I do have a question, since I know you also have the shire is burning on wattpad/ao3 and it is an oc fic. i have an eddie x oc fic that i’ve been actively working on for almost a year and i’ve been considering posting it to tumblr (since my oneshot for a diff fandom that i have posted did decently well in my books) as well as wattpad but i’m really on the fence about also updating on here or maybe doing like posts where i share the link. how do you feel about having an oc fic and posting it on here and other platforms?
i only ask because you are one of the authors that i actively keep up with that does write anything with an oc and posts on here and on other platforms :)))
also feel free to answer this on private if you want, i know it’s a bit of a different ask than you normally get but i’ve been so torn about it lately!! i hope you are having an amazing day friend!!
hi love!!! i’m gonna go ahead and answer this publicly cause i’ve been asked about it before (specifically if i’d ever repost shire on here properly) if it’s cool with you 🖤
i personally won’t ever dip my toes in posting my oc stories on here (at least full chapters) rather than ao3/wattpad due to knowing oc fics on here get little to no attention. which is a shame. but i also get it, because each site functions for different things when it comes to fics! ao3 is known for long and epic stories, tumblr is known for short and sweet reader fics, etc. honestly, prior to 24, my little corner of the internet was fairly small because i was only writing oc. if you’re looking for the story getting more traction, i just wouldn’t recommend here for actual posting of chapters :-( (although maybe times are changing! this is just something i’ve noticed in both past fandoms and this one)
that being said — tumblr has a lot of strengths in using it in tangent with those other sites! like you said, you can post announcements of when you’ll update or when you have updated with links, fanart is more popular here, you can create more visuals for your fics, etc.! also i primarily moved here for the social aspect. it’s a lot easier to connect with everyone who reads my fics on here rather than somewhere like ao3 🖤 ALSO people who dig oc might catch sight of your announcements in the tags, and so it does have potential to help you gain an audience in a way. (again, if that’s what you’re looking for!!)
TLDR: essentially, tumblr is cool to make friends as you write and make it look pretty. ao3/wattpad is awesome for long stories and (another huge factor for me) anonymity.
i say do whatever feels right for you! i’ve had more issues actually posting on here as well, for what it’s worth. like general technological difficulties. but that just might be me and my grandma approach to technology haha
i hope this drawn out ramble helped/gave some perspective and that you are also having such a wonderful day, my friend <3 also always feel free to reach out with any further questions!!! (and to let me know when you do post 🥰)
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