#gathering readers and format is so much easier there!
ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
hey friend!!!! obviously you know i looooove everything you write, but I do have a question, since I know you also have the shire is burning on wattpad/ao3 and it is an oc fic. i have an eddie x oc fic that i’ve been actively working on for almost a year and i’ve been considering posting it to tumblr (since my oneshot for a diff fandom that i have posted did decently well in my books) as well as wattpad but i’m really on the fence about also updating on here or maybe doing like posts where i share the link. how do you feel about having an oc fic and posting it on here and other platforms?
i only ask because you are one of the authors that i actively keep up with that does write anything with an oc and posts on here and on other platforms :)))
also feel free to answer this on private if you want, i know it’s a bit of a different ask than you normally get but i’ve been so torn about it lately!! i hope you are having an amazing day friend!!
hi love!!! i’m gonna go ahead and answer this publicly cause i’ve been asked about it before (specifically if i’d ever repost shire on here properly) if it’s cool with you 🖤
i personally won’t ever dip my toes in posting my oc stories on here (at least full chapters) rather than ao3/wattpad due to knowing oc fics on here get little to no attention. which is a shame. but i also get it, because each site functions for different things when it comes to fics! ao3 is known for long and epic stories, tumblr is known for short and sweet reader fics, etc. honestly, prior to 24, my little corner of the internet was fairly small because i was only writing oc. if you’re looking for the story getting more traction, i just wouldn’t recommend here for actual posting of chapters :-( (although maybe times are changing! this is just something i’ve noticed in both past fandoms and this one)
that being said — tumblr has a lot of strengths in using it in tangent with those other sites! like you said, you can post announcements of when you’ll update or when you have updated with links, fanart is more popular here, you can create more visuals for your fics, etc.! also i primarily moved here for the social aspect. it’s a lot easier to connect with everyone who reads my fics on here rather than somewhere like ao3 🖤 ALSO people who dig oc might catch sight of your announcements in the tags, and so it does have potential to help you gain an audience in a way. (again, if that’s what you’re looking for!!)
TLDR: essentially, tumblr is cool to make friends as you write and make it look pretty. ao3/wattpad is awesome for long stories and (another huge factor for me) anonymity.
i say do whatever feels right for you! i’ve had more issues actually posting on here as well, for what it’s worth. like general technological difficulties. but that just might be me and my grandma approach to technology haha
i hope this drawn out ramble helped/gave some perspective and that you are also having such a wonderful day, my friend <3 also always feel free to reach out with any further questions!!! (and to let me know when you do post 🥰)
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safination · 7 days
Mother Of Mine
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Pairings: Alastor x Reader, Velvette & Mom!Reader CW: Alastor, foul language, talks of murder, (Hopefully not, but possibly) OOC
Requested by: @thill20712 My inbox is still currently open. Feel free to keep requesting.So I just did a headcanon format for this. It was pretty fun. Listen, is this my best work? No, but that’s fine because it was actually very entertaining for me, and that’s all that matters. Tbh, I would actually like to turn this into a series but undergrad studies are killing me rn, so maybe in the future. I can like already see so much fun shit around this concept. Imagine the family dinners, or like Alastor going to an Overlord meeting and just unknowingly being slightly less of a chaotic shitlord to Velvette because there’s something faintly familiar or like Vel and Al just both doting on you.
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Your husband died.
Everyone found out what Alastor had been doing. The city had no compassion for a monster’s grieving widow. Ha! Alastor would have a kick of your current situation, that’s for sure. It should have been you and him running for your life as the city chases you out of his mother’s home.
That’s how it should have been.
There wasn’t even time to gather all your belongings before those who wanted revenge go to fulfill their goal. Just a measly change of clothes, some emergency money, and documents. Photos never made it to the list. It’s funny how a single piece of film could pack the most weight.
As your ran for your life, cold and frightened, you heard muffled wailings.
And they called Alastor cruel. Who would leave a baby inside a dumpster? You thought about it . . . . Just for a second. The baby’s shrill cries were getting on your nerves, and there’s no way it will survive the night. And an orphanage is no place for a child to grow—you know that much.
So . . . why not? You could just end it’s suffering—Right here, right now.
Compassion isn’t your strongest trait. It’s why you never said anything about all those people who fell under Alastor’s pursuit of self-righteous justice. Who were you to care for someone you don’t know?
You don’t hate children, far from it, actually. Children are the light of this world, and they were the path to bring a better future into this world.  Such pure creature shouldn’t be stained by you. Especially, because you’re not sure if you could ever fully love a child the way it needs to love. Children deserved care, and you refused to bring a child into this world without the assurance that it would be loved.
It was an easy decision that Alastor wholeheartedly supported.
The world took away the very few things you truly loved. Maybe, you could return it ten-fold. . . but you’ve been cold and frightened before, just like this baby. Actually, you’re cold and frightened, right now. Also, just like this baby. Two cold and frightened souls.
So, with the clothes on your back, and no home to call, maybe¸ you’ll find warmth and safety together.
There’s always the option to give it—no, the child, just for a night. Drop the baby off on a porch of some nice couple’s home.
Tomorrow, you’ll give this baby girl away.
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• Tomorrow never came
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People keep assuming this baby girl is your daughter. You don’t bother correction them. Why should you? It’s not like you’re eager to say that you skipped state lines because of your dead, murderous husband, and basically kidnapped her.
It’s easier to let people assume.
And you can’t keep calling the baby, ‘that baby’. She needs a name eventually, and Alastor always spoke fondly about his mother.
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Tomorrow never did come, and tomorrow never will come. Despite this, the sands of time trickled down.
The baby turned into a girl and the girl also grew. Part of your misses the days when she would raid your closet, and dress you up like a doll with a sharp tongue and a demanding attitude. Gone are the days when you’d be sleeping on the same bed, and gone are the days when you would tell her about Alastor.
You would tell her about the flowers, and how Alastor drove around the city, with you right next to him. The sun went down, the moon rose high into the night, and that sun eventually appeared once more. Yet, neither of you were ready to leave each other’s presence.
That girl grew, and took up a weird hobby of wanting to be called, ‘Vel’:
Vel walks into the room, her nose high in the air as she sharpens her tongue against you. “Mother, you cannot walk around looking like this!” she tells you. “The colors look absolutely atrocious. I will burn that shoes the next time I see it on your feet.”
Daughters can be quite judgmental. Maybe, you really should have left her in that dumpster.
“I’ll change my shoes if you stop calling yourself, ‘Vel’,” you tell her, smiling. “I gave you such a nice name, and it makes me sad that you aren’t using it!”
“It’s a stage name,” she says, rolling her eyes at you. So judgmental, that girl. “It’s what I’m going to be called when I finally get out of here, and such a drabby, old name like mine won’t get men anywhere.”
“Well, Vel, I got a call.” You tap your fingers across your knee, staring her down. “Apparently, Mister Joseph doesn’t appreciate being called a, ‘Pathetic and blind fool who goes to work looking like dog poop’.”
“I did not say fool or poop,” she says. “And that old fucker knows it.”
“What I want to know now is—Why?” You stroke your forehead. “What was he wearing too much brown?”
“No.” Vel crosses her arms. “Because my mother was called, ‘an unmarried whore, and who knows where that child come from?’”
“I am married!” You press a kiss on her forehead, chuckling. “It’s just not my fault my husband died not was it my fault your parents didn’t want you.”
Vel rolls he eyes, and sticks out her tongue.
You flicker her nose, and stick out your own tongue.
But time goes on, and as they do. All came to dust and all return to dust.
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Of course, you’d end up in hell. It would be a shame that Alastor would never get to meet your daughter. It eventually all blurred into one. And if you didn’t give a flying fuck about others on Earth, why would you give any more fucks to care in Hell of all places?
Building kept growing higher and higher. Bright lights and television shaped morons came into picture. If you could find Alastor, surely, you would have a laughed together. Radio will always be superior. So, you kept your distance from that part of town.
More years kept passing. Alastor was nowhere to be found.
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When enough time passes, things tend to loop. Like how you’re hearing cold and scared cries from an alley way. Something posses you to step into the alley. Piss and death and a sweet perfume all assault your nose. You keep walking and . . . somehow, your daughter ended up with you in hell.
Daughter really can be so cruel to their mothers.
Maybe, you actually should have left her in that dumpster. You were destined for Hell, and it seems you dragged your daughter down with you. If you did leave her, surely, Heaven wouldn’t turn away such a new soul.
You squat next to your sobbing daughter in this random corner in hell, and watch her tears with a small smile. “This is exactly how I found you all those years ago,” you tell her. “Although, you were much cuter.”
Her head snaps up, and through her tears, she glares at you. “Mother.”
“Yes, dear?
“Mother,” she says again, and fat tears streams out of her face. “What the fuck are you wearing? It’s soooo ugly!”
“I’m going to leave you here.” You blow a strand off your face, and lean against the wall, next to her.
It’s a lie and you both know it. If you cold leave her, cold and frightened next to a dumpster . . . Well, you would have done it a long time ago.
“Why are you even in Hell? Actually—Don’t answer that,” she says, that same sharp tongue somehow even sharper. “You were a nasty bitch in life. It’s no wonder you’re here.”
“Oh, fuck you!” Vel slumps on you, curling around your shoulder. There’s a scowl on her face even as she settles her body next to you. “You really are nasty. How come I’m only seeing you now! I’m sure even a recluse like you should have heard of me.”
“What am I doing here?” you parrot, matching her scowl. Actually, she got that scowl on you. That’s your scowl on her face. “What are you doing here? I raised you to be a good person worthy of Heaven!”
You pat her hair a bit, glad that she couldn’t see your face. Did you really drag her down to hell with you? Was it a mistake to love when your very love condemned her?
“That’s bullshit,” Vel says. “The decisions I made are my own. I’m here because it’s what I decided to do.”
You flicker her nose and laugh when her scowl deepens. “Please, please! Tell me you’re still not going by ‘Vel’.”
“It’s ‘Velvette’ now, actually.”
“That sounds like a stripper name,” you say, barking out a laugh. “I gave you a nice and proper name! Your name came from—”
“Mother! No one goes by their real names here!”
So that’s how you, sadly, found your daughter in Hell. Daughter, yes. Husband, no.
Oh, where is your Alastor?
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Clothes are thrown everywhere. Your daughter has an eye for fashion and surely, you’re capable of remembering anything she’s tried to tell you. And granted, Velvette did tell you quite a lot of things about clothes . . . a bit too much.
Maybe you should call her, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her, especially since she has that show coming up. She’s worked so hard, and you’ve learned to accept that she works in such a noisy and bright place. And you have thought about those co-workers of hers, but that’s not important right now.
The door bangs open and Velvette stands there irked. “I’ve been knocking.”
You grab her and ask her about the clothes. “What do you think?”
“You know what I think about your clothes,” she says. “You haven’t been answering my calls.”
“Is that the thing that keeps ringing?”
“Mother!” Velvette says, irked. “Answer my calls, and put that down! Neon is never a good color on you.”
“Then help me then!”
“I can’t help you if I don’t know where you’re going.”
You pause to think, dropping the clothe around your arms. “I . . . I found my husband,” you say. “We’re going on a date.”
 “Are you sure about this?” she says, slowly . . . carefully. “It’s been so long. What if he’s just trying to get your soul? If you finally tell me his name, I can take a look at him. I mean, there could be other –”
“No, there’s no one else,” you say with a small giggle. It’s like you’re back to being a love sick-teenager. “There will be no one else. I’ll chain him to my basement if I have to.”
 “You keep that shit to yourself.” Velvette sinks on the couch. “I don’t want to hear about this.”
“Oh sure, but when it comes to those little co-workers of yours, suddenly, every detail –”
Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t leave her in the dumpster because with a snap of her fingers, you look beautiful.
Velvette crosses her legs. “I’ve never seen you this happy.”
“That’s not true.” You approach her, and press a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve had my happiest moments because of you. Maybe, you just weren’t watching.”
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Apparently, Alastor and Velvette are familiar with each other. Unfortunately, they aren’t on very friendly terms. Actually, your house would say that they were on very hostile terms. It would be a drag to have to find a new house, but luckily, your daughter is an Overlord, and it seems your husband is also an Overlord.
Those two things overlapped, and when Velvette opened the door to see Alastor at your door. Well, the house couldn’t withstand their argument. Thing settle down, eventually.
Velvette is off showing her frustration on your poor neighbors.
Alastor stands proudly next to you, a constant and intimidating smile on his face despite the dirt and tears on his clothes. He watches Velvette curse and shout into the air. “Ours?”
“No, not at all,” you say, smiling as you watch your daughter. “Mine.”
Velvette stomps back, clothes also as dirty and torn. “I would rather skin myself than share the same blood with this tacky, old joke,” she says, hissing at him. “You’re not wanted here. It takes another level of pathetic to be shot while trying to hide a dead body.”
Alastor’s eyes twitch, and there’s that long, tried look on his face.
Maybe, hell isn’t so bad. You’ve got your daughter, and you’ve got your husband. A happy, little, chaotic family.
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iliketangerines · 3 months
first time (interspecies)
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a/n: ronal is such a bad bitch...i love her sm @neteyamssyulang @anemonelovesfiction
pairing: ronal x afab!human!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), fingerfucking
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Ronal does not like you, a tawtute, in her clan, on her island, learning her ways, and it is very much irritating how you needed to check your oxygen levels every so often when you were following her around
apprenticing with Kiri to learn the ways of medicine, you’re a diligent student, one of her best, unfortunately, able to grab some of the best materials with your small but nimble materials
you could not swim as well or travel without a companion on the ilu, but you made friends quickly to gather materials
it frustrated Ronal how good you were, teaching Kiri and then teaching Neytiri
you acted as a second mother to Tsireya already and even Ao’nung had started to warm up to you because for all your kindness, you could still whip out a quick and clever insult
even worse, she had started to admire the curve of your body, your chest, your legs, and even the way your hair started to curl in the salt water
it frustrated her to no end, and she had started to limit her interactions with you because she wanted to court you so badly
unfortunately for her, she needed some specific materials to replenish her stock of medicine, and she knew that only you would be able to pluck the best material
standing outside of your marui pod, she calls your name, waiting for you to open the flaps and greet her
you step outside, bringing your hand to your hand and then extending it downward as you say oel ngati kameie, and you ask what brings her to your marui
Ronal purses her lips and returns the greeting and says that she needs you to collect a material from somewhere and that you would be best suited for the job
you nod your head, and she turns around, tail flicking behind her, as she calls for her ilu to bring you to the cove personally
the both of you sit in silence, but Ronal can’t stop thinking about you, your soft and small body writhing underneath her thick fingers
the whistles and clicks of her ilu snaps her out of her thoughts, and she waves them away as she slides into the water and attaches her kuru to the ilu’s
she gestures for you to get on the ilu, and you get on slowly, making sure to not slip on the ilu’s slippery skin as you sit down behind her
guiding her thoughts to the cove, the ilu rides steadily to the cove, staying above water until they’re far out from the island and arrive at a large rock formation
she tells you that it’s underneath the water and that she will guide you to the inside of the cave, and you nod and get off of the ilu and tread in the water
Ronal takes a breath and dives under the water, looking for the txampaysye to attach to make tsaheylu with and give her breath underneath the water
you have your oxygen tank, and she dives deep under the water, swimming to the entrance of the cove and swimming in until she reaches the pocket of air on the inside
you rise out of the water, and she points to where the material is, tucked away in a small corner above the water that only thin and small hands could access
all the best of the plant were tucked all the way in the back and also required a tool the Metkayina did not have or a slender arm
it was just easier to recruit you rather than find a Metkayina that was slim and slender in the arms
you nod and easily collect the material, detaching it carefully from the rock and making sure none of the leaves or fruits were damaged as you placed it into the basket
Ronal watches you in the water as you finally collect enough for her, and you walk to her with a beaming smile
she just stares at you and rises out of the water, detaching the txampaysye and letting it glide back into the water, it would stay there until she returned
sitting on the backs of her calves, she’s face to face with you, glaring at you, and you look confused and perhaps a little frightened as you clutch the basket close to you
she hisses out what sort of magic you have casted on her, what tawtute weapon had you used to get her heart to beat fast whenever she was near you, to make her words stutter and trip whenever you smiled at her, to have her body warm and flush whenever you even glanced at her
you look surprised, mouth opening and closing, unsure of how to respond, and Ronal frowns and waits for you to respond
when you respond saying that you hadn't done anything to her, she knows it’s true and scowls and turns to look away, ears pinning down
you say that she likes you, but the end of your statement lilts up, indicating more of a question
Ronal snaps her head back to you and says that she does, that she wants you, and your lips slightly part, plush and soft
she wishes she could run her fingers over them, but she settles for beckoning you to come closer to her
you walk closer until your feet bump against her knees, and she says that begrudgingly she wants to court you, to bring you into her family
your head nods dumbly, and Ronal nods back, before pressing her lips together and asking if you were curious about any of the courting rituals, they had to be different from the Omatikaya ones
you just wave and laugh nervously, stumbling over your words before blurting out that you were a little curious about the sex life in the Metkayina
her eyebrows raise in surprise as she tilts her head toward you, and you clam up, freezing in your spot in horror at what you had just said
Ronal blinks, thinking about whether or not to entertain your request or not, and she looks over you once, the way your clothes stick to you and how your hair has started to dry
she hooks two fingers into the band of your tewng to tug you down to sit on the floor
you do so obediently, still a bit dazed from asking your question, and the tsahik just spreads your legs wide and drags your hips to rest on her hips
there’s a slight sound of surprise that escapes you, but you don’t make any move to get away
she pulls your tewng to the side and slides her thumb against your clit, pressing the pad of her thumb into the small and sensitive nub, and you gasp
Ronal hums, pressing her thumb in slow experimental circles, making you moan and mewl in pleasure, the sound slightly muffled by the mask
it’s a sweet high-pitched sound, and she wishes you could take the mask off so that she could hear you clearly
for now, she continues to rub her thumb against your clit, listening to your small whines and whimpers, and your thighs slightly twitch where they rest at the sides of her own legs
moving her fingers down, Ronal slides a finger into your pussy, humming as the warmth envelops her fingers, and you whine out her name loudly, resting your head on the cave floor as you close your eyes in pleasure
she thrusts her finger in and out of you slowly, experimentally, figuring out what made you gasp or whimper or whine
she would show you what it meant to receive pleasure in the Metkayina clan
Ronal slides another finger into your soaked pussy, listening to your strangled sound at the stretch, and your hips buck toward her, trying to take her deeper
your cunt clenches down on her, and you keen loudly as your hips grind against her fingers
she lets you ride her fingers until you’re breathless and finally calm down and open up your eyes to look at her
she tilts her heads at how quickly you had come and begins thrusting her fingers in you again, a choked moan coming out of you
she’s curious about your limits as a human
this was her first time with a human, the first time a Metkayinan had ever engaged with a human so intimately, and she was curious to know everything about you
it was simply in her nature as a healer
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whiskersz · 7 months
Husk/Angel/Reader, reader coming out as gender-fluid but is mostly masc aligned but has to put up with misgendering bc of liking fem fashion and how they support reader
Yay, poly relationship! I hope you enjoy the little fic and the format, decided to mix up hcs and ficlet :)
When you come out as Genderfluid, both Angel and Husk are very supportive; you guys have been dating for a while at this point, and they were already aware of your struggles with gender, but they never minded one bit, just wishing for you to be happy and healthy, and to eventually find out what fits you best, whether that meant discovering a label you’re comfortable with or deciding not to label yourself at all.
Husk is, let’s say it, not the most well versed in these kind of things, but he does identify as Pansexual so he knows a thing or two about the community. He gathers his own information though, don’t worry, he doesn’t really need you to explain everything to him; unless it’s something deeply personal that only you can explain, in that case he’ll take you aside and ask you in the kindest and most non-judgemental way possible.
Angel is very excited for your discovery! He immediately asks if there’s anything he and Husk can do to make you feel more comfortable, maybe if there’s any pet names you prefer on some particular days or if you need to go shopping for new clothes that are gender affirming. Husk considers the latter a wonderful idea and offers to pay for anything that you might buy, if that is the case.
All in all, both of your boyfriends reveal to be your biggest support system within the Hotel, and probably in the entirety of Hell.
So it’s only natural that, when you three encounter a form of misgendering for the first time, they’re very protective of you over it;
It’s not often that you venture out of the Hotel with both of your partners, but today you three decided to go shopping for a couple new garments; your outfit could be described as fairly neutral, you’ve settled on wearing the most comfortable things in your closet to make it easier for you in case you’ll need to change and try anything on.
The chitter-chatter between Angel and Husk fills your ears and filters out the various cursing and screaming that’s, as usual, coming from every corner of the street – you’re used to it though, this is Hell after all.
You reach your destination fairly quickly, a small shop in an alley situated not much far away from the Hotel; Husk keeps the door open for both you and Angel, holding his pouch tight as it contains the money he’s brought with him in case you decide to buy anything.
The shop is cute, walls wine colored with white rose patterns scattered across them; you comment on it before an employee makes their way towards your little group:
“Welcome, what do you need?” she asks, voice flat, her tail swaying in an almost irritated manner.
You pay no mind to it and answer her question:
“Uhm, I’d like to look at the dresses section please.”
“Sure, follow me.” She gestures at you three before leading you to a different room a bit in the back, which is surely brimming with dresses of any kind.
You glance at the ones more on the chic side, already daydreaming about all the dates you could wear them on; Angel wiggles his eyebrows and nudges you when your eyes are caught by a black mini dress worn by a mannequin.
On the right side are the cuter dresses, the ones that are mostly meant to be worn during summer. They’re pretty, but most of them are of a color that you don’t particularly enjoy.
Right in front of you are exposed a couple of more dapper ones, you notice Husk eyeing those himself and you already know he’s imagining you wearing them, which makes your heart beat slightly faster.
“I’ll be nearby miss, if you need further assistance.”
And with that, the employee leaves. But oh, she used a word that she shouldn’t have.
Before leaving the Hotel, while having a light breakfast with your boyfriends, you had told them about how you specifically wished to be called masculine terms today and that you prayed nobody was going to misgender you. So it’s only natural that Husk’s ears shot up and Angel immediately turned towards her once they realized too.
“Leave it guys, she doesn’t know.” You stopped them before they could say something overly mean.
“Nothin’ wrong with correcting people, sweetheart.” Husk argued;
“Right! Hey toots-“ Angel calls her over once more, explaining the misunderstanding and communicating to her your preferred terms today since she is going to be helping and working with you for a while. He does so with such authority that she profoundly apologizes by the end of it, which is rare for anybody in Hell.
“Stand up for yourself when we’re not around too, alright?” Husk reminds you once the exchange between Angel and the employee is over.
“The old man’s right,” Angel teases, “We don’t want you feeling uncomfortable. But am I glad you didn’t have to interact with that woman because man, she was an ass at first!”
You shush him rather quickly, scared she might still be in hearing distance. Husk doesn’t help you at all, way too busy nodding at Angel’s statement.
Once they make sure one last time that everything is alright, you guys resume looking for the perfect dress.
Husk guides you towards the cheapest but still classy options, lots of dark shades and perhaps even accessories, while Angel proposes various things that are the complete opposite of that.
You know very well that they’re just suggesting though, and you can calmly look for a dress that you like while they check the options they enjoy the most.
You end up finding one that’s of your liking with the help of the employee, who this times seems to be acting in a way nicer manner than earlier; it’s in your favorite color, perfect for any occasion just like you like it, and both your boyfriends thrillingly approve!
 At the end of your little shopping spree – Angel ended up finding something for himself, too – you’re mostly glad that your boyfriends were there to make the whole experience a little less uncomfortable than it would’ve been had you gone alone.
You’re also delighted to see that both of them are ready to stand up for you in any situation, no matter how insignificant you might think of it as.
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kinopio-writes · 6 months
Good morning/afternoon/night! Could I request a fic where a male reader is super friends with Niffty, but he's a pyromaniac war criminal who causes a lot of problems so everyone hates him except Niffty? Never found many fics with her so I wanted one, can be in whatever format you wish :)
A/N: This is really interesting. You chose the perfect character for this. ‘Everyone hates him except Niftty’ made me remember a TikTok video with the audio, ‘He looks angry. Why does everyone always look at you that way?’, but it’s with Alastor. Also, that implies that even Charlie hates you (definitely not as much, so I guess it’s more of a dislike), so I’m also going to specify why everyone hates/dislikes you except Niffty.
Also, this is formatted in headcanons because that’s so much easier and I don’t want another Adam w/ a Sensitive!Reader case where it took me more than 3 weeks to finish writing a oneshot.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, Probably not mentally okay reader
Niffty w/ a Pyromaniac War Criminal!Reader
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• your introduction to her was literally indirectly burning a part of the hotel
• while she may not have liked the mess, one thing was for sure:
• you’re a bad boy
• so she was glad to know that you were going to stay at the hotel
• she instantly made it known that she liked you
• “I’m Niffty.” She approached you rapidly as she giggled. “I like you—”
• you interrupted her by pushing her off when she tried climbing on you
• “Get the hell away from me,” you seethed
• “Woah, woah, woah.” You flinched at the hand that tried to break you two apart. “What’s wrong?”
• neither of you replied to the princess
• Charlie sighed at the lack of response, and as both of you left the room to continue the tour, you gave Niffty a nasty glare
• she only grinned at that
• she would follow you around a lot
• and you would snap at her each time
• but she seemed relatively unphased
• that was your dynamic for a while
• eventually, her advances come to a stop when she realizes that you were a bad boy…
• ...who was just lonely
• yeah, no thanks
• Niffty stopped seeing you as a potential love interest after that
• and that was when your friendship started blossoming
• because she was really the only friend you could make
• Charlie…tried liking you. But you made it difficult. You wreck the hotel at least once a week, you don’t participate in any exercises and prefer to sit in a corner to burn shit, and you just…didn’t have any redeeming qualities. But…she still had hope, so she’s still letting you stay
• Vaggie just distrusts most people who come her way, and causing problems in the hotel just increases her hatred for you more (Charlie’s the only reason why she hasn’t kicked you out)
• Angel Dust just knew not to mess with you
• Alastor didn’t like you for causing problems in the hotel as well, surprisingly (he doesn’t have much male friends, so, no luck here)
• Husk also knew not to mess with you
• and you spook the fuck out of Sir Pentious even if you’re on the other side of the room
• that leaves you around Niffty quite often
• you like her because she doesn’t judge you
• and Niffty felt the same
• you watch her frame her dead bugs nonchalantly (you help her do them sometimes)
• you also even help gather them by setting them on fire (Niffty stashes the ashes in jars, categorized by species)
• remember in episode 3 where Niffty confessed her secret about killing mother bugs in front of their children? You laughed at that
• the other residents may think you two are an odd pair, but who cares?
• you two fit each other quite well
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This Is Me Trying
(Aegon Targaryen x Reader)
Request: Please write more HCs about Aegon, HCs how he reacts when he is loved, cherished and cared for (maybe by reader as his lovely widowed aunt, a younger sister / half-sister of Viserys and daemon) when Aegon is defended by someone, someone really stands up for him and defends and protects him against all hostilities and against the harsh treatment of Alicent, Otto and Aemond!
Requested by: @cara-eva
Hi! Thank you for the request, I’m sorry for the long wait. I don’t love the outcome, but I don’t want to make you wait any longer and I think it’s as good as it’s gonna get. I hope you like the story format instead of the headcanons, it was just easier for me to write this out that way. I’m hoping this is close to what you were looking for. If it’s not, I’m happy to write you another request.
Also, I didn’t really specify how you’re related to Aegon, but when I was writing I was intending for it to be a Targaryen reader that was close to him in age, who grew up in King’s Landing with him. So maybe a daughter to Daemon or Rhaenyra, or a really young sister to Daemon and Viserys. It doesn’t really matter how you choose to perceive it, it’s not important to the plot that much. I hope it’s ok that I left it open to interpretation.
Anyways, I hope you like it, let me know what you think!
(Warnings: swearing, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, mentions of alcohol and substances, references to the street of silk, very vague gore and blood, let me know if i missed anything)
You could recall almost all the times in your life where Aegon had looked to you for comfort, after someone in your family was particularly harsh to him.
Not that he didn’t occasionally deserve it, he really did know how to piss someone off if he wanted to. He’s done it to you more times than you can count. You’ve just apparently learned how to deal with him more positively than the rest of your family.
But more often than not, Aegon was criticized and humiliated by his own family, for no real reason at all.
It was something he had become accustomed to, and he no longer fought it. Which meant that you had to be the one to stand up for him, you had to be the shoulder to cry on, because nobody else was going to.
Aegon never felt respected or well regarded by most members of the court, particularly regarding his Grandsire. Despite Aegon having a higher position than him, the Hand had no problem making it known that he thought very little of his grandson.
The worst that ever occurred between the two of them that you can recall was when word was sent to King Viserys that Corlys Velaryon had been critically injured, and his impending succession was to be challenged in an upcoming gathering. With the King bedridden, Otto took the news as the perfect opportunity to begin subverting Princess Rhaenyra’s children’s positions.
In doing so, he advised all the King’s children to support Vaemond Velaryon’s claim. He attempted to convince you the evening the message arrived, but you wouldn’t hear it. You made your claim of support for Lucerys on the spot, more so to spite Otto than anything.
In the week before the whole family was set to arrive, he cracked down on you. You had gone to accompany Aegon to the dragonpit, when Ser Erryk found you and asked you both to report to the Tower of the Hand.
You could tell Otto wasn’t pleased with your presence, but you accompanied Aegon anyway, taking a seat while the two of them talked.
“Aegon, it is the same laws being twisted to support Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne that is preventing you from being named heir. You’re the King’s firstborn son, and you’re being robbed of the opportunity to rule.”
“Careful, My Lord,” you had said, grinning. “Your words are embarking upon treason.”
He ignored you, trying not to give you a reaction. “Those very same laws are once again being used to falsely back Lucerys, when the Driftwood Throne should pass to Vaemond Velaryon. Back his claim, My Prince. Out of principle, alone.”
“I don’t give a shit about the throne, Iron or otherwise,” Aegon huffed, like the conversation was the dullest thing he could have possibly endured that day.
Otto narrowed his eyes, speaking firmer. “Lucerys’s claim is illegitimate, even you can admit that. You’ve got more blood of Old Valyria than he does, and he carries the name Velaryon. Does that not unsettle you?”
“Bastard or not, it is of no consequence to me,” Aegon said, shrugging his shoulders. “Let my nephew have it, or don’t let him have it, I don’t care. I’m not interested enough to involve myself.”
Otto stood from his chair, leaning over his desk to look Aegon in the eye. He almost shook with a silent fury, his voice laced with venom.
“Everything handed to you on a silver platter,” he spat, his face cold. “And you waste it. The Seven Kingdoms in the palm of your hand, and you don’t even bat an eye. You may have the pure blood of Old Valyria, but you’re more of a bastard than Lucerys will ever be.”
This caught your attention, making you stand and move behind the chair Aegon was sitting in. You had no problem standing up for Aegon, considering your position was also higher than Otto’s, and you simply enjoyed aggravating him.
“It would be in your best interest to hold your tongue, My Lord. It would be a shame to have to see to it that it is removed from your head.”
Otto took a step toward you, glaring, before leaning down to whisper into Aegon’s ear.
“Look at you…hiding behind a little girl. You’re lazy, arrogant, and a miserable excuse for a Targaryen. You bring shame upon your house, and humiliate yourself while doing so. It’s no wonder our Queen, your own mother, despises you so.”
You shook your head in disbelief, peering down at Aegon to see that his eyes had glossed over, and he had gone rigid in his chair. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, rubbing your thumb in circles on the exposed skin peeking out of his shirt.
Aegon took a shaky breath, and you felt a rage course through you that expelled itself before you could stop it. You stepped in between Aegon and Otto, blocking Aegon from Otto’s sight. You reached a hand behind you, offering it for Aegon to take, which he gladly accepted.
With your free hand, you pressed your finger into Otto’s chest, inadvertently pushing him to take a step back.
“You forget yourself, My Lord. What about the phrase, ‘hold your tongue,’ did you not understand? You’re speaking to the Prince, at least pretend to act like it.”
You coaxed Aegon to stand, pulling him with you to head for the door. Otto nearly smirked as he watched, leaning back against his desk. His face fell when you turned around to speak to him, just before you stepped out the door.
“You’re weak, Otto. Pathetic. Half the man Aegon is, if even that. The stewards have more honor and merit than you. You burn bridges with every word you speak against the Crown and its children. As much as you hate to admit it, it still doesn’t change the fact that the histories will record Aegon’s and Lucerys’s names, bastard or not.”
Aegon smirked, watching Otto soak in your words like a slow acting poison, killing its victim cell by cell.
“Your name, however, will be forgotten. Far gone and lost to the obscurity of every man like you that has come before. Your efforts will be for naught, and the rest of your existence will be a miserable one. I hope you’ll come to understand that, because it is undoubtedly your fate. And I, for one, cannot wait to witness it.”
Aegon’s Grandsire was not the only member of his family that was known to be unnecessarily cruel. Amongst his siblings, Aegon really only dealt with Aemond’s hostility.
You could recall countless fights between the two of them, always squabbling with each other.
It took a lot for Aemond to actually get physical, or put any real malice behind his words. He was usually content to ignore Aegon’s presence entirely. But when provoked, it was probably better that you were there to intervene.
Despite how harsh Aemond could be, he was the easiest to deal with. You were one of the few members of the family Aemond actually liked, and he normally listened to you when you told him to pipe down. Plus, his and Aegon’s spats were normally sibling derived, and of no major consequence.
The worst between them was when Aemond finally snapped, and the two of them got into a screaming match about Aegon’s lack of ambition. Aegon had just returned from Flea Bottom, and Aemond had returned from an evening flight on Vhagar.
You heard them all the way from your chambers, finding them nearly throwing blows in the courtyard.
“I did not ask for this!” Aegon yelled, making Aemond sneer.
“Clearly. And yet, it was handed to you anyway. Why not take advantage of it?”
Aegon groaned, biting his tongue to keep from screaming. “I don’t care, brother. Why does everyone expect so much from me?”
“Because you piss it all away,” Aemond said, stepping forward and shoving Aegon’s shoulder. “You don’t have any idea how lucky you are.”
Before anyone could actually get hurt, you rushed in between them, pushing them both a few steps back.
“What the fuck are you doing? Do you have any idea how late the hour is?”
“Yes, brother,” Aemond said, exasperatedly throwing his hands up. “Do you? Or have you forgotten the time in the bottom of a cup? Perhaps on the Street of Silk?”
Aegon grumbled, trying to step past you, but you held him back. You narrowed your eyes at him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Stop. I won’t ask again.”
You turned back to Aemond, who looked like he had grown tired of the conversation already.
“Are you done?” You asked, raising a brow. “Must you antagonize him? You know it will do no good.”
Aemond groaned, taking a step back. “Must you always defend him? He’s infuriating. You’re never nearly as harsh enough with him as you should be.”
“He’s not my child, he’s not mine to discipline,” you said, nodding your head towards Aegon. “The Gods know you and your family do that enough to him already.”
Aemond scoffed, turning around, but you caught his arm, making him wait.
“Wait…listen. Trust me, he doesn’t get away with being an ass around me. He knows well enough that it won’t end well for him.”
Aegon had grown quiet, sulking behind you. You kept your eyes on Aemond, not letting him go.
“But I also don’t purposely antagonize him to warrant a reaction. I understand your frustrations, believe me, I do. But squabbling like children does neither of you any good. He’s your brother, Aemond. Ease up…let it go.”
Aemond grumbled, his face cold, like he was debating on if he should walk away or not. Finally, he softened, gently easing his arm from your grip.
“Fine,” he said, turning around to leave the courtyard. “As you wish.”
Once he was out of earshot, you turned around to face Aegon. He had gone pink, awkwardly shifting back and forth from foot to foot. You gave him a less than impressed look, before turning back in the direction of your chambers.
“Come along, then. You can explain to me what happened on the way. I swear, it is baffling how you two manage to annoy me more and more every day.”
Aegon lightened up, moving to match your stride. “Oh, come on, darling. Just admit it. You enjoy it, you know you do.”
You rolled your eyes at his improved mood, walking faster, letting him trail you all the way back to your chambers.
Settling tensions between Aemond and Aegon was far easier than dealing with Otto and the court. Plus, you found it to be the least hurtful to Aegon.
The harsh words that hurt the most…were from his own mother, Queen Alicent.
Aegon knew he was the least favorite, of both his mother and his father. He knew how she valued Aemond, and how she doted on Helaena. He knew that, despite his father neglecting all his youngest children, the King at least had something in common with his younger siblings.
Aegon was almost foreign to him, like a granted wish gone awry.
Despite being the King’s firstborn son, Aegon’s very existence was a constant reminder of all the King and Queen’s failures in the family, and of all the wasted opportunities to strengthen House Targaryen.
To the King, Aegon was a reminder of the years he wasted on wanting a son, neglecting Rhaenyra as his first born.
To Alicent, Aegon was a reminder of how she was a child herself, practically sold and made to squeeze out heirs for the Crown. Aegon was a product of her father’s own selfish ambition, a point of view she could not bring herself to look past.
She loved her son, nobody doubted that.
But she did not like him. The same could be said for the King.
Considering she was the Queen, Aegon’s mother was a lot more difficult for you to stand up to. Speaking directly against her in her presence was not wise, and you often had to bite your tongue and console Aegon about it later.
This evening in particular was proving to be one of the worst times she had publicly treated him, both verbally and physically. Apparently, she had grown quite used to disciplining him in front of you.
If you could even call it that.
It had all happened so fast. You were in the Queen’s chambers, sitting by the fire with her.
One minute, you were having tea with Alicent and listening to her tell you about her day. The next, Aegon had been dragged in by Ser Criston, unsuccessfully fighting against his hold.
Ser Criston dragged him into the center of the room, letting him go before standing in front of the door to block the exit. Not that he necessarily needed to. Aegon couldn’t beat Ser Criston in a fight on a good day. Let alone as drunk as he apparently was.
“I apologize for the intrusion, Your Grace, My Lady. I found him nearly passed out on the steps outside the training yard. The Prince has apparently already had his fill. Didn’t even make it to Flea Bottom, which is where I presume he was going.”
Alicent closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “You found him? Or someone alerted you of his presence?”
“One of the servants, Your Grace. Apparently he was making quite the fuss before he passed out.”
Aegon collapsed into a nearby chair, covering his eyes with the heels of his hands. He let out a groan, leaning back.
As you looked at him, you realized it wasn’t just wine that had weakened his resolve. His eyes were hazy, his movements staggered. He had taken milk of the poppy, and quite a high dosage at that.
An option that he rarely referred to anymore, knowing how much you hated seeing him on it. Something must’ve happened, something bad.
“A fuss?” You asked, trying to avoid staring at Aegon.
“It is not for a Lady’s ears, I’m afraid,” Ser Criston hesitated. “He was…rather crude, I should say. Speaking incoherently to himself, loud enough for the servants to take notice.”
Alicent stood and nodded, brushing her skirts down. “Thank you, Ser Criston. I appreciate your discretion. I will handle it from here, you may go.”
“Yes, My Queen,” he said, nodding to her before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
You stood, unsure of whether or not you should leave as well. You would later come to regret not doing so.
Alicent stood in front of Aegon, glaring down at him. “Have you no shame? Is the reputation you already uphold not bad enough? Do you have any idea about the kind of burden you are, not only on yourself, but on your family?”
Aegon didn’t look up, keeping his eyes on the floor. He slumped down in his chair, shielding his eyes from the light of the fire.
“Look at me,” Alicent said, before sharpening her tone enough to make Aegon flinch. “Look at me!”
When he didn’t, she pulled his hair at the nape of his neck back to tilt his head up, before backhanding him across the face. Her ring caught on his cheek, leaving a small cut at the top of his cheekbone.
You quietly gasped, bringing a hand to your mouth to stifle the noise.
Alicent didn’t seem fazed, now gaining Aegon’s attention. “Is it not enough to embarrass me, not only as your Mother and as your Queen, but to embarrass the whole of your family, as well? Does it not embarrass you, carrying yourself like this, in front of them…in front of Y/N? Does it not bother you, what she must think of you?”
Aegon’s eyes flitted to yours, before turning away in shame. You felt your heart ache at the sight, keeping quiet beside your chair.
“How many times must I discuss this with you, Aegon? When will you learn?”
“What’s the point, Mother?” Aegon finally asked, giving her a sad smile. “You’ll be disappointed in me anyway, no matter what I do. Why even bother?”
She slapped him across his cheek again, adding to the already reddened skin. The blood from his cut smeared along his cheekbone. Aegon let out a sound of pain, swallowing his words.
You couldn’t take it any longer, walking over and gently placing your arm on Alicent’s, turning her to you.
“You Grace, I am sorry to interrupt. But it seems I have overstayed my welcome, and I would hate to intrude. I’ll be on my way, if you’ll excuse me.”
She shook her head, grabbing one of your hands in hers. “Not at all, my dear. I enjoyed your company. I thank you for it, and I apologize for my son’s interruption.”
“He was no trouble, My Queen. If you’d like, I can see to it that he makes it back safely to his chambers?”
“That is quite alright, darling,” she said, turning back to Aegon. “I have a few more things I’d like to discuss with my son, but it is kind of you to offer. You may go, Y/N. Thank you for the tea.”
You politely smiled. “Of course. Goodnight, Your Grace.”
You turned to go, hesitating at the door when you heard Alicent retreat back to stand in front of Aegon.
You didn’t want to go.
You didn’t want to leave him there, to endure any more of his mother’s wrath. But there was nothing you could do.
There was little you could say this time. There was no way to protect him while it happened, not without risking yourself in the process. And you knew how much Aegon hated when you did that, when it was actually dangerous.
So, you left, returning to your chambers.
You simply had to wait for Aegon to make a decision. It usually boiled down to two options.
Go to Flea Bottom, start drinking, and keep drinking until whatever memory he had of the night disappeared into his cups. Or…he could go to your chambers, and find another kind of comfort there.
You prayed that he’d choose the latter, tonight. You paced back and forth in your chambers for what seemed like hours before you got any answers. You knew the gods ruled in your favor when a feeble knock was heard on your chamber door later that night, making you sigh in relief.
“Come in,” you said, anxiously standing at the foot of your bed.
There was a pause, and then the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled and apprehensive Aegon. He closed the door behind him, coming to stand in the middle of the room.
He wouldn’t meet your eyes.
You took the time to look at him, observing his form. The bruise on his cheek had settled in, all black and blue. The cut from his mother’s ring was beginning to scab over, dry blood crusted along his cheekbone. His cheek was reddened, with the slightest imprint of a hand, marking the flesh. A fresh bruise was beginning to form around his temple, a garish green encircling it.
You didn’t even want to know what that one was from.
You slowly approached him, careful not to make any rash movements. “Can I touch you?”
He still didn’t meet your eyes, but slowly nodded.
Gently, you cupped his jaw so you could turn his head, checking for any wounds you could have missed. Slowly and carefully, you moved your hands up to cup his face in your palms, gently running your thumbs across his cheekbones.
Aegon let out a pained whimper, leaning into your touch.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked, moving to pull your hands away. He quickly stopped you, grabbing your wrists and holding you still, silently asking for you to not let go.
His voice was shaky. “No.”
“You weren’t drunk, were you?” You asked, resuming running your thumbs across the top of his cheekbones. “It was milk of the poppy.”
His eyes met yours, a look of guilt flashing across his face. You shook your head, shushing him.
“I’m not angry. Just tell me the truth.”
He was reluctant to, but he finally nodded, confirming your suspicions. You sighed deeply, moving your hands to brush his hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ears.
“You know why,” he replied, his voice quiet.
You did.
Sometimes, getting drunk wasn’t enough. Sometimes, Aegon felt like he was suffocating, and the only way to fill his lungs was to cloud his mind first, easing his thoughts. Milk of the poppy usually did the trick.
You didn’t press the matter further, nodding. “Are you going to tell me what happened after I left?”
“The usual happened,” he said, his jaw clenched. “Mother yelled, I listened. She hit, I got hit. Don’t worry, though, you witnessed the best of it. Don’t think you missed the entertaining part.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, sharpening your tone. “Don’t say that. I didn’t enjoy a moment of it, not a single second. Do you think I like watching you get hurt?”
He returned his gaze to the floor, flinching at your sudden change in demeanor. You stopped yourself, not wanting to sound like you were scolding him, like his mother does all too frequently. Gently, you lifted your sleeve and tried to softly wipe away the blood that had stained his cheek.
You were interrupted by a sudden tear, rolling down his cheek. You looked up, only to be met with Aegon’s eyes brimming with tears that were slowly falling down his face like fresh snow from the sky.
“Aegon?” You asked, cupping his chin, trying to make him look at you. The tears kept flowing. Finally, his eyes met yours.
“Am I a burden?”
Your jaw slacked in shock. “What? Of course not, why would you ask that?”
“My Mother believes it to be true,” he said, face crumbling. “That’s what she said, after you left. That I’m a burden to you, always making you clean up my messes.”
You quickly shook your head, gently wiping away his tears. “That’s not true, Aegon. She’s wrong. I don’t do anything for you out of obligation, or because I feel I need to. I do it because I want to. If nobody in this family is going to give you even an ounce of optimism or support, then I’ll happily be the one to do it.”
“You shouldn’t have to–,” he starts, pulling himself from your grip.
“I want to.”
Aegon took a deep breath, and you watched as his shoulders shook and his eyes clouded with tears, all red and bloodshot. He made a sound of frustration, balling his hands into fists at his sides. His voice was desperate.
“I’m trying, Y/N…I’m trying so fucking hard.”
You felt your heart shatter, quickly throwing your arms around his neck. You pulled him close to you, cradling his head with one hand, squeezing him tightly to you with the other. Aegon melted into your embrace, locking his arms around you, desperately clutching at the fabric of your clothes. He hid his face in the crook of your neck, and you felt hot tears landing on your skin. You paid them no mind, gently shushing him.
“I know you’re trying,” you said, willing yourself not to cry as well, staying strong for him. “I know. And that’s all I could ever ask of you.”
You leaned back far enough to cup his jaw, wiping away the tears. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, gently caressing his face.
“I know it seems like nobody is seeing your efforts, or that nobody cares enough to acknowledge them. But I care, alright? I care. I see it, I see you trying. You’re doing your best, Aegon. That’s all you can really do. And if our family can’t see or understand that, it’s their problem. Not yours. Alright?”
He slowly nodded, taking a deep breath. “Alright.”
You nodded, taking his hand in yours, pulling him along with you to your bed.
“Come on, then. It’s late, you need to lie down. I refuse to deal with you all cranky and sleep deprived in the morning because you were too stubborn to rest.”
Aegon softly grinned, letting you guide him. “What are you talking about? I’m a delight in the mornings.”
“You’re a gremlin in the mornings,” you retorted, patting the space of the bed next to you. “Now lie down. That wasn’t a request.”
Aegon could feel the troubles lifting from his shoulders already, watching you invite him into your space with open arms. He nearly chuckled at the serious face you had put on, one you normally reserved for scoldings.
“As you command, darling,” he said, crawling in next to you. “Who would I be to deny you?”
“A fool.”
Your reply was quick, with absolutely no hesitation in your voice. It made Aegon grin wider as he felt his heart warm, settling himself close beside you.
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?”
A/N - Hi! I don’t love this outcome honestly, but I hope this is what you were looking for. If it’s not, I’ll gladly accept another request and try to do better. Let me know what you think.
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Can you write platonic gladers x child reader (8 - 10), like when their in the scorch trials
AHHH I've been thinking about writing a platonic fic for so long but I wasn’t sure if anyone would read!!!! This request is so good thank you so much
The Heart
Gladers x child! gender neutral! reader (platonic)
Set during scorch trials (movieverse)
Notes: I decided to format this as headcanons to make it easier. Where Teresa is 'The Traitor', Newt is 'The Glue', etc, reader is tattooed with 'The Heart'. This isn't really in the story, just a note for the title and a general headcanon
Warnings: everything that happened in the movie, i.e. violence, Cranks, Winston shooting himself, and one instance of bad language cause apparently I don't have other vocab
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You meet Aris when you've all escaped from WCKD
He's a nice guy
When you're gathering supplies in that abandoned building he picks out a bunch of little sweaters for you
Idk I get a sweater vibe from him
You wear the sweaters when it's night time in the Scorch, and freezing cold
In the days when it's too hot to wear them Aris carries them in his backpack for you
But that's really the extent of your interactions
You've just had more time to build up trust with the people of your own Glade, so it's easier with them, but you're still chill with Aris
You didn't really know Winston back in the Glade
But it still hurts when the Cranks get him
He shields you away, not letting you see his wound when he shows the others
The Gladers help him do the same, hiding you from him when he starts looking worse
It's like there's some silent pact between everyone to protect you from seeing as many bad things
Your age seems to make them want to preserve your innocence, or something
Anyway, he always looks after you, until the end
RIP Winston :(
He always had a soft spot for you back in the Glade
(everyone did)
That kindness doesn't stop when you're out in the Scorch
He always makes sure you've eaten, and he even offers you some of his food, even though he probably needs more than you
Frypan does his best to keep the mood light for you, cracking little jokes and pulling faces to make you smile
For Teresa, you're actually a reminder of what the world was like
Look, we all know Teresa betrayed the group, and that was really shitty
But we can get her motivations sometimes
She looks at you and sees the people she should be saving, the people she wants to protect
You're actually a symbol of hope in her mind
She wants to make a cure so that people like you can live in a world without the Flare
Of course, you would rather she just not betray all your friends, but that's just how her mind works
For you, she's kinda like an older sister... or a mother (lol)
You always sleep beside her at night, and she'll hold your hand while sleeping so you don't have nightmares
Thomas is actually kind of a role model to you
You admire his relentless no-one-left-behind mindset, and his bravery
He doesn't really have time to look after you like the others, but you always fuel his spirit with your unfailing optimism
He makes the most time with you at the end of the day, when you're resting
He comforts you when you're scared at night, staying awake to talk to you about simple things, or to tell you a story to take your mind off your fears
You cuddle up to sleep between him and Teresa, giving both of them some calm and peace, since you can tell his mind is always moving a million miles a minute
He's kinda like Teresa with you, actually
They both look at you as a hopeful future, something they have to work towards to protect you
But the difference is that Thomas works to get you and the rest of the group to a safe place, while Teresa... you know, gives you all up
You trigger some strange memories in Newt
He doesn't really remember, but he had a sister before
You remind him of what it's like to be an older brother
He protects you like his own sibling, making sure you get your sweaters from Aris' bag when it gets cold
He also defends you first when you end up at Jorge's warehouse
When the guard people are closing in on you, he shoves you behind him and threatens to kill anyone who touches you
Obviously they have guns and are stronger than the lot of you, so all you end up getting strung up by your feet
But hey, he tried his best, and it was all fine in the end
Minho is your favourite
(you're his favourite too)
He's snarky and to-the-point with everyone else, but he's always soft with you
Back in the Glade he'd always let you sit in the Runners' hut and chill out, just drawing pictures or messing around with sticks from the Map
Some days when it gets late, you get tired from walking and Minho will give you a piggyback ride
Usually you'll fall asleep on Minho's back like that, and he'll have to gently put you down, trying not to wake you
Minho's actually always carrying you
Like, in the hard situations - it becomes a regular thing
Some bad shit going down? Get on my back
He's carrying you when you're running in to the warehouse, and you almost get struck by lightning with him
Back when you were escaping the Maze, he was carrying you there too
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Hope you enjoyed these :)))
Thank you for reading, and requests are open as always ❤
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taffycandyqt · 7 months
Seeing someone who writes for the 03 characters beyond just the turtles is making me insane (/pos) like thank you for giving April and Casey some love! Wanted to say that first! But can I request fic where 03 Casey’s spouse (I’d prefer he/him or they/them be used for reader please!) gets kidnapped by the purple dragons or something and everyone’s like awww shit but actually reader comes back ten seconds later saying “I just taught those morons why they don’t mess with a jones” or something I’m sorry if this is formatted weird I’m just really excited to see someone writing for a character I’ve been obsessed since I was thirteen 😭
I'm so happy I write for a character you love!! Your so sweet this req got me giggling and kicking my feet!!
Don't Mess With A Jones
2003 Casey A. Jones x gn reader
Very slight angst, fluff, slight crack
Warnings: mentions of blood (like twice), angst if you squint
You and Casey have been married for a while now. In that time you both thought that the Purple Dragons were out of commission after the turtles took down not only Shredder but Hun as well. That was a stupid assumption apparently.
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You were missing. You were missing and the only thing in your place was a note from the Purple Dragons. And of course it was about the turtles. If he wanted you free the turtles and himself had to give themselves up to the purple dragons.
Yeeeeeah, no.
Instead of doing what they asked Casey went straight to the lair to formulate a rescue plan. Casey being Casey however, he did it... less than gracefully. Once he was lowered into the lair via ancient elevator he was yelling and effectively freaked out all the turtles there.
Everyone gathered at the entrance weapons bared and ready to fight off whatever unholy being just cursed their home. Upon seeing it was Casey though, they put their weapons away while Raph yelled at him to get it together.
"Cas- CASEY! CHILL OUT!" He shouted while gripping his shoulders. After he had calmed down he was able to ask, "What happened?"
"It- it's y/n. Look." Casey handed him the note. Before Raph could properly read anything important though, Leo took it and began reading it. This prompted an annoyed huff and arm cross from Raph.
"What's it say?" Asked Donny looking over Leo's shoulder with Mikey trying to get a better look. Emphasis on 'trying'.
"The Purple Dragons kidnapped y/n and the only way they'll set them free is if we all, including Casey, give ourselves up."
"That's lame. How dumb do they think we are?" Commented Mikey.
"Dumb as you apparently." Raph quipped in response.
"Does it say anything about where they took them?" Don asked.
Leo handed him the note, "They did give an address of where they want us to go. It's hard to say if y/n is there or not."
Donnie continued to study the note. Mikey made his way over to look too and Don moved it towards him a little to make it easier for him to read.
"So what are we gonna do? We can't exactly walk into an obvious trap." Raph directed his question towards Leo.
"I'm not sure yet. When we had run ins with the Purple Dragons in the past there wasn't the life of an innocent on the line. On top of that we know the Purple Dragons aren't exactly the patient type. So whatever we do come up with we're gonna have to act fast."
"Leo, I can't lose them. Kay'? I already lost too much to the Purple Dragons, I'm not losing y/n too."
"No one's losing anyone today Casey. Not in my watch." Leo looked around at everyone.
"Oh!" exclaimed Mikey, "What if we all went to one base of the purple dragons that we know about? We go stealth and look around for y/n!"
"That would be too risky Mikey, and it would take too long to. If none of us find y/n we could be waisting precious time." Leo told him, "I'm going to talk to Master Splinter. He might be able to see this from a different angle."
Grabbing Leo's shoulder Casey asked him, "Umm how long do you think that's gonna take. I'm kinda freaking out over here."
"Hey, Case, you need some water?" Raph offered, "Could help. At least a little."
Casey looked at Raph and then back at Leo.
"I'll be as quick as I can." Leo told him. And with that Casey was following Raph to the kitchen to get some water. Don went back to his lab to pack some equipment for some inconveniences that might present themselves during the rescue. While Mikey was back to reading comics on the couch.
After Casey had chugged his water he began to pace around the lair.
"Dude you gotta chill out. Y/n will be fine." Mikey smiled over the couch in hopes of getting Casey to sit down.
"I can't CHILL Mikey! I've got a real bad feeling and the longer I'm here the more I feel like I should be up there looking for them."
"Your anxiety is understandable but maybe you should rest had breath a little. Sharpen your mental focus a little for when we do go out to get them." Donny advised.
"I am mentally focused."
"Hey, maybe just let the guy be huh? Nothing we can say with calm him down anyways." Responded Raph.
Just then Leo came out of the dogo and with confidence stated, "I have a plan."
Everyone came from their respective areas and gathered around to hear what Leo had to say.
"First we are gonna need-" just then everyone heard the sound of "elevator" to the lair open. Then out stepped you. Bloody, battered, slightly limping, and a bat wrapped with barb wire in your hand.
"Y/N!", Casey ran to hug you. After giving you one big, slightly painful, squeeze he looked at you concerned, "What happened, what did they do to you? Oh I'll kill em' all of em'."
"Nothing much happened really," you responded and he looked at your face, "just taught them a lesson about messing with a Jones."
Casey had never felt so proud of you. Gosh he loved you so much. The pride that you were his, that you were so amazing and you were his. He hugged you again, softer this time, and buried his face in your hair. You were bloody, covered in wounds, and smelled like a combination of blood, sweat, and dust, but he didn't care. You were safe.
"Wait. Did you just... beat them all up then?" Asked Mikey.
------------------------------------------------------------Not gonna lie, figuring out how to write this one was a little challenging but in the end I can say I'm very happy with it!
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solitary-cutie · 7 months
Darkness to our light. Part IV
Part I
Part II
Part III
prompt: you and coriolanus are married, it's unbearable for you, but it will all end soon
contains: dark, manipulative, controlling coriolanus. fem!reader.
The guests were slowly gathering. While you were spending time with Tigris, Ginny appeared on the doorstep, just 40 minutes after the evening had started. It was a good thing she hadn't missed dinner after all. It was clear from her astonished look that this was the first time she had seen such gorgeous outfits in person. No, she had been invited to such events with famous personalities, but because she was so tired after work, the diligent teacher had no desire to be there. She didn't want to waste the evening on shallow, partly lustful, greedy and proud empty human shells with a bag of money over their shoulders.
Coriolanus was not in the hall at this time, nor were Father Sejanus and Mr. Highbottom. You frowned and became uneasy, but Ginny, Tigris, and Sejanus, who had come up with a glass of whiskey, were nearby.
“Sanitizing before consumption?” You laughed. Sejan glanced at you with a frown and annoyed smile. By the way, it was funny. “Literally pouring it over your collar. Does your family have such fondness for drinking ?” Silent. “Come on, I didn't know. Well, it's not for me to judge, as they say!” continued with Tigris and Ginny laughing.
“Oh, Grandma’am needs me, I’ll be in a second!” Your Lord's gentle sister whispered, rustling her purple dress loudly because of her quick footsteps.
“Aren't you tired of being a clown?” Sejanus asked trying to be sarcastic but because of his habit of directness, it didn't work for him
“No, thank you for being concerned.”
The loud voices of Grandma’am and her other elderly friends from Capitol were heard singing the Panem hymn in the hall.
“Oh, you're sitting next to that tipsy madam and her friends, by the way.” You warned Ginny.
“Don’t I sit next to you?”
“I'd like to...” You looked away.
“Then sit with me, what's the problem? - Ginny asked, frowning.”
“I can't, the rules don't allow it, we have stupid etiquette here.” Not wanting to hear the answer, you took two glasses of red wine, one of which you handed to your teacher-guest. “Drink and relax! You're much easier to talk to when you're relaxed!”
And then the trio that had been absent all this time entered the hall. There were no smiles on their faces, but rather deep thought. You noticed the quick, blank glances Coryo was throwing in Sejanus' direction. Yes, that's right, He had always tolerated him, didn't even consider him a friend. It all made sense.
While He stood off to the side, talking to Dr. Gaul, Grandma’am, and Mr. Highbottom, you secluded yourself in a corner with Sejanus and Ginny. Three stragglers sipping cocktails and discussing revolutionary ideas.
“On what basis does the principle of elites exist, please explain?” Sejanus asked.
“You and I have been discussing this for the last time.” You replied, smiling, pronouncing the last syllable with a gasp.
“We are discussing it because you do not recognize my right that the formation of the elite and those who are behind it, i.e. people deprived of any rights, is inhuman and so in the spirit of our state, although you position yourself against the established regime.”
“You reason within the bounds of conscience and morality, and divine morality at that.” You laughed.
“No, we are all equal by nature, we are all born without money debts, with equal potential, just someone has more money, so he can afford not only school education, so he is considered smart, and therefore, the elite, and someone has nothing.”
“Yes, the downers are now and other people with deviations from the right foot are sent to hell.”
Several people turned around at your scolding. You were embarrassed. Again. But what can you do if you like to swear? Although someone once told you that the amount of swearing in the vocabulary depends on the level of fatigue... by this logic, suicidal people on the eve of tragedy should communicate only on crystal mate.
“You're trying to get off the subject. Of course, they are a different topic of conversation...”
“No," You interrupted Sejanus, "if you're going to talk about it, then be specific. If a dun is born into a well-to-do family, then with enough investment and effort, they will be indistinguishable from a person with a normal number of chromosomes. They'll be smarter than Arachne's idiot," they both chuckled. Gossipers, that's what being in the elite is all about.
“And yet, a poor family with enough investment of effort will raise an equally normal child. But children from well-to-do families won't let them break through, even if they are an outstanding geniuses.”
“I don't agree at all," you shook your head. “History proves the opposite. The same Leonardo da Vinci, born in the affair of his father, an aristocrat and a peasant woman. He grew up to be a genius, though he spent the first part of his childhood living with peasants who didn't care about your arguments about elites and education.”
“That's the exception.”
“Paganini? Or is this the second exception that somehow fucking proves your rule?”
“Look," Ginny finally intervened, "Sean comes from a family of politicians, and he's talking about inequality?”
“It's a paradox that we always talk about, word for word, at every party.” The mistress of the evening muttered, ignoring the astonished looks of the guests.
Sejanus was about to reply, but his father's sonorous voice distracted him. He withdrew and the girls were left alone. Ginny and you looked at each other, smiled embarrassedly, and then ran their eyes around the room, only to hide their gaze somewhere else. It seemed to them both, the beauty of the one standing across from them was incomparable to anything. You eere in a fitted blue dress with very wide sleeves and a puffy crinoline, wearing what you considered tasteless silver jewelry, because you hated that metal, with a hateful scent of roses, and standing surrounded by those same flowers, which He adored, and moreover, grew himself. And Ginny... in a stunning black dress that showed off her trim frame, she was a gymnast, for sure. It was simple, not flashy like everyone else's, but so elegant and beautiful. Just when Ginny wanted to say something nice to you, the bell rang. It was Mr. Snow.
“My dear guests," He found you, his cold eyes fixed on your face, making freeze to him. At the same moment, you hurried to be beside him, as a hostess should, “My wife and I will be glad to invite you to the table. I suggest that we continue to talk about everything over a meal, except politics, of course, or we'll all poison each other.”
The room reacted with restrained laughter. The men landed hands to their ladies, following the example of the Lord and Lady of the evening, and followed them to a table set with food for every taste. The abundance of colorful food, ranging from brightly colored vegetables, various kinds of meat to alcohol and desserts, abundantly watered with syrup, whetted everyone's appetite. The cutlery sparkled under the refracted rays from the crystal stones on the chandelier, and the multicolored plates with fancy patterns were like mirrors, so diligently cleaned by the assistants. The master felt proud. He pushed back a chair, tending to his wife, seating her beside him as befitted a mistress, before sitting down himself.
“Bon appetite to everyone.”
You glanced at Tigris sitting across from you, holding back a chuckle. The two of you always had fun together. His sister made a pained grimace, pointing her eyes under the table, at her shoes. You nodded understandingly, but Tigris nodded again, a little more steeply. Perplexed, looking down, amazed eyes. Tigris took off her high heels and dangled her feet under the table, urging her brother's chosen one to follow suit. It became awkward. "Grandma’am is next to you!" you pointed out with a glare and received rolled eyes and a wicked grimace with the tip of her tongue sticking out. You glanced quickly at your husband, absorbed in conversation with Mr. Highbottom and Sejanus's father under Dr. Gaul's curiously frantic gaze. After thinking for a moment, you followed Tigris' example and kicked off the hated heels that squeezed your forefingers. Relief. Tigris' smirk.
“Hopefully, under your careful guidance, the broadcast and the games themselves will improve each year so that our spectators and themselves will get a feel for the arena.” Coriolanus spoke softly, as if to address Dr. Gaul's remark, but looking into Highbottom's eyes.
“My husband loves not only spicy food, but also acute experience, so he offers them to others!” You joked, getting a dozen chuckles from the confirmation of the abundance of spicy food on the table.
“And so I found one who will share with me not only my aspirations, sickness and health, sorrow and happiness, but also acutes.”
So many puns could make you sick.
“Don't forget that everyone wants a thrill at least once! “ Shouted one of the guests Ginny was talking to.
“There's a new addition to the Sejanus Legion!” And so Ginny joined in on the wave of excitement.
“Explain it, sweetheart!” The other guest laughed.
To Sejanus, the Lord and Lady of the evening the second before her answer seemed like an eternity. Sejan's father glanced absent-mindedly at the unfamiliar guest and then at his son.
“Let's give an acutes not only to the Capitol, but to the Districts as well! What equality!”
The people at the table looked at each other. Everyone was noticeably quiet, still fiddling with their plates. Most looked at Sejanus and his father with open incomprehension or even annoyance. How could it be? The cream of the crop and in favor of equality? What heresy! What could this girl possibly know about you? Someone laughed openly.
Coriolanus immediately looked at you, meeting your gaze. And then He realized that now, for the only time during your interactions, your marriage and his observation of you in general, he had not grasped the essence of your actions. That was why you had joined the conversation so actively. That's why you had complained so much to Ginny about your life. That's why you were letting her listen to their conversations with Sejanus. Binding her, disposing her, showing her trust to take advantage of her at one point. That's why you taught her to mock Sejanus right in front of him, not behind his back. That was why you had invited her to dinner, why you had seated her next to the chatty, elderly ladies, who made up stories about their grandsons or daughters passionate love for poor, unhappy couple whose role Jeannie was apt to play. That's why you were getting the girl drunk, to make it all easier to pull off.
You knew everything. You learned everything from him.
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blindmagdalena · 9 months
Did you or do you ever struggle writing character x reader fanfiction? I read it quite a lot but I just can't get used to writing in that format. I'm writing an OC x Homelander story, though.
I had never created an OC before, but I am certainly more comfortable writing a character that has a name, face and backstory of their own than using a generic reader. Particularly when I'm writing about the character's past and other individual characteristics, addressing the reader as you seems so weird to me. It makes me feel like I can't give in to specifics because it breaks the illusion.
Also, I've enjoyed the act of creating an OC. Giving them a name, a story, motivations, designing their psychology, etc.
However, I find it discouraging to see that OC x HL stories are nowhere near as popular as HL x Reader and I worry that I may not find an audience. When I post anything in ao3 it gets like two likes and in tumblr I'm just ignored completely 😢
Could you please give me some advice pls?
oh my darling! i hear you. the disparity in interest between x oc content vs x reader content is undeniable, but it's also inevitable. all the reasons you describe struggling with reader perspective fics is why it's so popular: the lack of detail allows the reader to adopt a nebulous perspective, whether they see their own oc in that situation or their literal selves. it doesn't require them to get to know or become invested in your creation, it allows them to indulge in what feels like their own.
i don't think readers get enough credit for their suspension of disbelief and the mental work they put into filling in the blanks that authors leave. similarly, it's absolutely difficult to tell a compelling story while leaving what is often the perspective character a near blank slate. that said! the fics i get the most feedback on are where the reader does have a stronger personality. people love banter, and even if the reader's voice doesn't always feel like something they would actually say, it always produces much more engaging interactions.
i've definitely had my struggle with this in the past, but i'm still learning. the series i'm working on right now, Guilty Pleasures, features a reader with quite a lot of personality, and i've established things about her that i wouldn't normally go into such detail, and the response to it has been great! your reader perspective SHOULD still feel like a character with thoughts, motivations and feelings. otherwise, the story is going to fall a little flat.
if it's easier for you to write the reader perspective as if they're your oc, you should do that. there's a delicate balance between too much and too little information when it comes to reader fic. sometimes taking liberties really works, and i think you'd be surprised how well readers can stretch that illusion. reader perspective should resonate, but not be so overpowering that the actual person reading doesn't like them.
but you absolutely do not need to force yourself to write a particular style of story if it's not something you actually enjoy. i also write and enjoy oc fic! i honestly think my oc fic Eat Your Ego is some of my very best work. unfortunately, it's rare that any of those chapters ever break close to 100 notes, whereas even little reader drabbles will see 2-3x those numbers, sometimes more.
but i write it because i love it, and it's the story i want to tell. that's what matters! and because of my dedication to the story, people have been kind enough to trust me with their time and investment. oc fic will never have the same broad appeal that reader fic does, but that doesn't make it less valuable. you just have to invest more in promoting yourself and convincing people that your story has something to offer them.
my best advice is just don't give up! i'm horribly erratic when it comes to the creative projects i work on, but i've been writing Eat Your Ego for over a year and it has gathered a lovely little following. feedback on that fic means SO much to me. even though there's less of it, the joy it brings me is immeasurable because that fic is special to me. don't give up on your story! it deserves to be told. 🖤
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naranjapetrificada · 4 months
Academic excerpts as a framing device
So in the ask game I've been enjoying today, @piratecaptainscaptainpirates asked an interesting bonus question about the academic blurbs I've been including at the start of each chapter of From the Firmament that I started answering on that post, but things quickly go long enough to merit their own post so here it is! The question (as such) was:
(also, I was just re-reading From the Firmament and I will never be over the academic article excerpts. They're just such a neat and fun inclusion! I'd love to hear about your process while writing them, how you go about working them in with each chapter's themes, etc.)
Whatever specific idea that spawned the fic itself is now lost to the vicissitudes of ADHD memory, but it was born in the context of a lot of Thinking About Tropes in ways that were new to me at the time. In particular I was interested in a different first meeting, specifically one that involved Stede actually visiting the Queen Anne or being taken captive by the QAR crew, and Ed having to react to Stede under those circumstances.
I started playing with a draft in that vein that I'm going to come back to at some point, but the other trope I got really interested in (both as a reader of fic and also just like, intellectually) was arranged marriage. Basically every version of that I could imagine required an entirely different world than the canon one, and once I started casting about for the right circumstances I started thinking about history a lot.
The academic blurbs started as a worldbuilding crutch when I was first trying to get the fic together at the beginning, and it was easier to gather all that kind of information in a "just the facts" format when starting out. They started taking on a more concrete form when my thoughts about history intersected with 1) stuff I'd read before, 2) stuff I was reading at the time, and 3) a joke that got out away from me.
1) Two of my favorite novelists period are K.J. Parker (who I've mentioned at least once in the fic's notes) and Guy Gavriel Kay, both of whom are obsessed in their own ways with history in a way that come through in their fantasy work in interesting ways. Kay tends to straightforwardly mention in-world history and historians, without mentioning specific works but making a point to draw attention to the fact that he's speaking from outside of the characters' perspectives. Here is an example passage from Kay's Under Heaven, which is presented in its own separate section between character pov chapters:
It was said to be the case that the emperor's favourite wife, regarded by some later historians dangerously subtle and too influential, played a role in encouraging him to keep that agreement--with a view to securing Kitai's boundaries.
Meanwhile Parker, who includes the names of specific fictional works and specific fictional historians, is more likely to bring up history in the flow of the narrative, when at any time the next sentence could discuss history and/or in-world philosophy:
Saloninus, in the Exceptional Dialogues, speculates about the end of the world. Will it be a great sundering, the sky falling on the land, or a great inundation, the sea gradually rising until the last treetop is drowned, or a great fire, or—Wrong. The end of the world is like this, and a deaf man who couldn’t lipread wouldn’t even realise what had just happened.
I enjoy both of these approaches despite (or maybe because of) their differences, and when you've read as much of either author as I have this sticks with you.
2) at some point after I started playing with the idea that would become FtF and the draft of Chapter 1 coming together, I picked up Parker's Sixteen Ways to Defend A Walled City. One thing I really appreciate about both Kay and Parker is that they almost never tell their stories from the perspectives of rulers (with the occasional exceptions of rulers who began as commoners and are usually, like canon Blackbeard, some combination of bored, overwhelmed, and made miserable by their position at the top). Kay tends to alternate between a few main characters, with individual one-off outsider POV sections, while Parker tends to have several characters whose alternating perspectives cover the whole story. In either case those characters usually span the middle 3/4 of their given society, neither prince nor pauper. People who aren't starving but aren't wealthy, mid-level bureaucrats, low-ranking government officials, generals who we met as lower officers, etc. This was true of that novel, and helped me arrive where I did with Ed and Stede in my WIP's world (yes they're both high ranking, but neither is a ruler as such because that didn't interest me). I think looking at them in the canon world and realizing where I wanted to put them in the world I was building led to point #3:
3) "Wouldn't it be funny if Stede was accidentally incredibly influential?"
In some ways that question is a central question (and joke) in the show itself. Like, this guy shows up and starts doing things differently because he can't help but be who he is, and his desire for the world to be a better place then spreads beyond anyone's wildest dreams? And yeah Stede isn't the catalyst for the end of traditional piracy in the world (that's the British Empire, their culpability as represented by the death of Izzy "The Avatar of Traditional Piracy" Hands), but he is the catalyst for it on board the Revenge. And the place he was able to influence intersects with the wider world after a series of accidents and unlikely events, and even without season 3 (😢) we can see the way the world is changing now.
And how that got out of hand was I started thinking about contexts where accidentally becoming important to history would be the most unexpected (and therefore the funniest) and ended up at republican-era Rome. Something about the pomp and circumstance and veneration of it all, and then here's my favorite little guy with his inherent kindness and autistic whimsy, ready to turn everything on its head.
And from there: the blurbs just became a means to an end and the best way to draw attention to that joke. I couldn't stop imagining people talking about Stede Bonnet the way they do about Rome and laughing about it, so here we are.
As for your process questions: I tend to write them on their own, whenever a given topic seems interesting or like something that could fit into the world. The blurb in chapter one kind of just sets the stage for things, but when I first wrote it it was significantly longer and was much more about the documents cache it mentions, because at the time I was thinking about historical document preservation. Since it needed to be much shorter and kick things off I just reshaped what I had to serve my purpose. I do still have plans to incorporate the rest of it later!
The second one came from thinking about Edward "Daddy Issues" Teach's relationship with violence and how having a father who is different from canon was still going to allow violence and daddy issues to still intersect. The idea for the arrows it describes is lovingly (if shamelessly) borrowed from the Parker book I mentioned above, in an attempt to create a situation where Ed could still have (misguided) ideas about the capacity for violence being something inherent about a person.
Lastly, I'll say that while I'm not intending the opening blurbs as obvious statements of purpose for the chapters that followed, they do fulfill a worldbuilding purpose relevant to where they show up in the story. So the first one is, by necessity, an introduction, and the second one is both meant to inform and remind everyone of the bad blood that exists between the parties trying to bridge the gap between them with the marriage. I won't say yet what the third one is but I will say that I've foundered way too long working on Chapter 3 because I didn't immediately establish which one I wanted to open the chapter with. So they're important scaffolding, important worldbuilding, and in the way of worldbuilding they'll be relevant to later things when those things come up.
Thank you so much for asking this question, it was super fun and helpful to nail all of this stuff down like this and get it out of my head!
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pianocat939 · 2 years
snake fruit cookie x reader who is trying to poison the dragons, longan knowing this decides to send snake fruit to watch over reader whose actual motive is to help snake fruit cookie (possibly yandere reader? I dunno)
I'm trying something new this time, I'm going to write in 1st person in Snake Fruit's POV.
I wouldn’t say this isn’t dark but some of this stuff might be out of pocket.
Tw: Implied murder, Mentions of poison + drugs, Snake Fruit gets shot by a Tranquilizer, Drugging, Kidnapping, Stealing, Snake Fruit is both in character and OOC
Rat Poison
To hell with that bastard. I slither across the path of the village. The civilians are loud and obnoxious, easily letting me slip through the shadows. It’s funny really, so unaware of the terror that is soon to come. Speaking of terror...That dragon is such a spoiled brat. Parading around their status of being lucky enough to be born as a dragon. It’s agitating.
Fortunately, I’ll soon be able to take my place as a dragon soon enough. The only thing left to do is for me to absorb a plentiful amount of power. Which will come in due time. 
I find myself in front of a pharmacy; the potent smell of herbs makes me want to gag. It seems to be in business today, although there are no customers. Perhaps there’s an event going on, which explains the crowd gathered around the plaza. I maneuver around to the backside of the building, scouting for an alternative entrance. I can’t let myself be caught after all.
Normally I wouldn’t be such a creep, but with my current mission, I have to be secretive about my identity. Apparently, there’s a cookie that’s trying to poison the dragons--including Longan dragon. I honestly think they’re quite stupid for thinking there’s an open chance to poison such creatures. But then again, it’s not impossible.
I find a small window high up on the second story of the building. I can easily climb up there by calling nearby snakes. I look around for nearby onlookers before communicating to my fellow serpents. 
‘I need to get up on this wall. Help me.’
A few moments later an abundance of snakes gather around me, waiting for my next order.
‘Pile on top of each other, there should be enough of us for me to reach the window.’
The reptilians slowly stack on each other, building a ladder-like structure for me to climb. 
‘Also keep a lookout for other cookies, we can’t let ourselves be caught.’
I gather energy into my tail before springing up onto the ladder formation, gripping the wall for support as I scale the tall building. I successfully reach the small glass opening, peering into the space below. 
A cookie is mixing liquids and chemicals into a concoction, it seems that they’re making poison. Their movements are precise and skilled, expertly stirring ingredients into the disgusting liquid. I hope you choke on rat poison. The thought runs through my head, making me smile in amusement. As you know, they’re a toxicologist (a scientist in poison). Ok never mind that was a horrible joke.
I’m curious; I wonder why they want to kill Longan Dragon? Perhaps they know their motives for destroying all cookies? I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s their motive. It’s the basic but self-explanatory explanation of someone’s purpose for murder.
I won’t deny one thing though: I want them to succeed. It’ll make my path to achieving dragon hood easier. Much easier. Yet I don’t want them to take over either. If they can make poison lethal to dragons, then I don’t even want to imagine what dark plans they have cooking in their head. 
Ugh, this dumb cookie benefits me but also doesn’t. So annoying. 
I’ll have to kill them after Longan dies. That way, I can proceed with my plans smoothly and uninterrupted. Yeah, that should do it. It can’t be too demanding to kill them, especially with the numbers I can easily gather. 
If I were, to be honest, they’re kinda attractive. I mean, those eyes look pretty and that face is cute and- what the hell. I shouldn’t be thinking like this. They’re my enemy. I can’t be down bad for someone I have to murder soon. 
I back off from the window, questioning my existence while doing so. Time to leave. I drop down from the snake-made tower, motioning them to dissemble as I touch the ground. They slide away, returning to their dens.
I’m tired. I’m gonna return to the palace.
I enter my living space, yawning and flickering my tail. I flop onto my bed, exhausted from my recent trip to the town. I should get paid for this. My eyes feel heavy and I don’t have the energy to think. My sleep-deprived self really needs to get some rest. 
Before I close my eyes I notice some of my trinkets are out of place. Where the fuck is my glass dolphin? I slowly stand up from my bed, heading over to the small shelf I keep my items. Nothing else seems odd, remaining exactly where I put it. 
“Whoever has the AUDACITY to steal my dolphin sshould get ready to be sslapped! Sslapped very harshly!” I angrily seethe, frowning at the empty space; where my beloved glass child resided. 
‘Fellow snakes, did anyone break into my room today?’
They come out from their holes, staring up at me. ‘No, not that we’ve noticed at least.’ 
I snap my head towards the group, the hard frown still plastered on my face.
‘My kin, are you on drugs? CLEARLY, someone stole my Penelope!’
‘First, no we are not on drugs. Second, who’s Penelope?’
I leave them in the bedroom, powerfully moving towards the lounge/living room. I check my books and possessions, scanning over each corner. “Even my favorite book has been sstolen!” 
One snake approaches me, poking my robes with its tail. 
‘Homie, there’s something I think you should know.’
‘What Nico? That you caused the local animals to die by burning some weird shit outside?’
‘Naw man. I think we were all drugged by some sleeping gas because I remember chilling in the sun when I suddenly felt dizzy and fell asleep. I was one of the first ones to wake up, and I noticed everybody, and I mean everybody was still asleep. That’s when I noticed some of the furniture seemed to be messed with.’ 
I stare at him, eyes wide with confusion and shock.
‘You are one of the creatures Longan Dragon needs to abolish.’
“I think thiss ‘Y/n Cookie’ broke into my chamberss.” I declare, looking up at my master. Their eyes gleam in the light of the throne room, like a diamond on a wedding ring. They’re sitting on their throne, giving minimal attention to me.
Longan Dragon slightly smirks, as thought, they’re amused by my little scheme, “And why do you assume this?”
Annoyed, I glare at them, my tail swishing side to side in fury. “Well, ssome of my thingss have been stolen. Things that I favor most. Surely they want to cause trouble.”
“Alright, I believe your accusation.” They wave me off, going back to their ever-so-boring activities. 
I really need to get paid to deal with this shit.
A couple weeks after the break-in incident I find a sickly Longan Dragon on their throne, breathing shallow and on the verge of unconsciousness. They look up at me in need, reaching out to me with what little strength they have. I approach them, asking, “What happened? You sseem very unwell.”
They tug me closer, words airy and raspy, “Poisonous gas.”
My eyes widen, realizing my vulnerability in this situation. I need to escape. I immediately dart off, uncaring if Longan Dragon dies or not. I’m not dying today, especially by that maniac. The halls are long and wide, but I manage to get outside in record time. I probably inhaled some, but being outside is the best option.
I cover my mouth, contemplating to whether escape by swimming in the ocean or stay here and have a higher chance of dying. Both are just as bad. I then hear a giggle, making me flinch in fear. I look behind me, horror filling my heart at the sight in front of me.
It’s Y/n Cookie, holding a tranquilizer.
They smile wickedly, purring, “Dearie, it’s time to go home~” 
I shake my head frantically in response, not wanting to accept my fate.
I yell, “No. No! I’m not getting murdered today! Not when I’m so close to my goal.” Why? Why does nothing ever go right for me? I feel the dart sink into my neck, piercing my body.
“Aww, you look so cute curled up like this. I can’t wait to have you all. To. My. Self.”
I wake up in a bed, my tail chained to a bed post. I look over to my kidnapper, terrified at what’s going to come next.
“You know, Penelope is really pretty. Just like you~” They laugh, holding Penelope in their hands.
I hope you choke on rat poison.
I think this is the fastest I’ve ever written something. This only took 3 hours. Which ended up pretty good...Minus the out of pocket things added into it.
I’M FINALLY DONE. Now I can prepare for my October inbox event.
- Celina
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midwestbramble · 17 days
Aradia Book Review
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This review was originally posted on Pagan & Witches Amino which was deleted when I took down my account. I read this book originally because it has been such an influence on modern paganism and witchcraft that I felt, to really understand, I should read it.
What I Liked
What I Didn't Like
Overall Thoughts
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Originally published 1899 (this version published in 2010)
"If Gerald Brosseau Gardner is the father of the religion that calls itself Wicca, then Charles Godfrey Leland is the grandfather of Witchcraft as a religion in the English-speaking world, and his small book, Aradia, is that religion's birth-announcement. It is the first work in English in which Witchcraft is portrayed as an underground old religion, surviving in secret from ancient Pagan times. Until now Aradia has been a work more often cited than read. Its first edition (1899) garnered only one review, and sank from sight like a stone cast into murky waters/ it sold poorly and is now a rare book. By chance a copy fell into the hands of Theda Kenyon, who devoted a few pages to it in her sensational Witches Still Live (1929), thereby calling it to the attention of many readers. By the 1950s Doreen Valiente had read Aradia, and she incorporated some of its most beautiful passages into the Wiccan rituals that she wrote. In the '60s and '70s it was reprinted four times, but always from a defective copy of the first edition that had lost its last page. Only in the '90s did another reprint finally restore the missing page. Aradia has always been a controversial work, among Witches and scholars alike. Scholars have questioned whether it may be a fiction or a forgery by Leland or by his principal informant, Maddalena (Margherita Taludi). Witches have objected to it on theological and ethical grounds, since some of the myths that it tells are about Lucifer and Cain as well as Diana and Aradia, some of its spells work by threatening or coercing the Deities and spirits, and in its revolutionary fervor it does not shrink even from teaching that the poor and downtrodden should use poisons to destroy their feudal overlords. Despite all that, it remains a beautiful and compelling work. This edition has brought the format and typography up to date, while keeping the text unchanged. A modern reader will undoubtedly find this new edition of Aradia much easier to read than the original or any of its facsimile reprints."
-- from the inside of the cover
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What I Liked
Right away, I noticed that Doreen Valiente took lines and inspiration straight from a translation of what Aradia supposedly says to her followers on page 7 for her famous “Charge of the Goddess.” [You'll also find the lemon hex that was going around a couple years ago in here.]
In this version, there are several small essays from practitioners from the early 2000s and earlier who were impacted by this text. While I’m not a fan of some of these authors, it was interesting to see what they had to say. Some of them also revealed the names of the Wiccan god and goddess in Gardnerian and Alexandrian sects, so good job on those secrecy oaths guys.
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What I Didn't Like
Very randomly, at one point in the book, Leland goes on a tangent about how writing in a book or folding down a page “is a sin of vulgarity as well as morality” (pg. 93). Go off I guess. He also tends to dismiss any poetry or art depicting Diana that is contemporary to his works as if they were meant to be authentic representations of how people once thought, instead of allegory. It’s very strange.
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Overall Thoughts
I don’t really have any thoughts on the actual contents of the folklore that was allegedly gathered into this book. Whether it’s real folklore from Tuscany or not wasn’t what interested me while reading. Since it’s referenced so often I just wanted to make sure I had a full idea of what exactly was being referenced. It doesn’t really have any impact on my own craft as these are not the types of stories I draw from in my own practice. However, if you have an interest in Wicca, Reclaiming, or any of the traditions coming out of the late 20th century, this may be a book that contains some insightful information.
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Reading widely can give a better understanding of where popular ideas and practices are coming from. I work at a library though so of course I'm going to encourage you to read lol. You don't have to agree with everything inside a book to gain understanding from it. So if you take nothing else from this blog, please take away this: nothing happens in a vacuum, everything is influenced by something else. If you wish to read this book it can be found on amazon, magick.com, Thrift Books, Abe Books, and, possibly, your local witchy retailer.
*all images from the book
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findroleplay · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/findroleplay/717692107061624832 - i don’t want to start anything but i’m registered blind and this screenshot format personally doesn’t work on my screen reader. can it be a general accessibility rule that people just copy and paste their ads? i know it’s not harming everyone and i’m shouting into the void but it just seems like a two second job for people to do :/
(I'll be honest, I'm on mobile and I have no idea how to open this link at all. I tap and tap on it but nothing happens and I can't even copy and paste to use in a browser. Since I just posted a screenshot a few minutes ago I assume you're talking about that.)
I made this blog with the intention of keeping this as rule-free as possible. Not simply because I wanted to give people a place where they could look for content that may not be allowed elsewhere, though it's part of the reason it has nothing to do with this, but for other two reasons. The first is that I find Tumblr to be different from heavily-moderated spaces like Reddit (or God, Amino), the only problem is that the content is much harder to find. With this in mind, I wanted to make a blog that makes it easier to people to find RP ads, but I didn't want to run it giving it a direction and moderating it like a Reddit mod. I just wanted to give people a place where to post what they would normally post on their blog but where many roleplayers would gather and hopefully would gain more traction. I want them to be able to just hit send without having to doublecheck the rules, just like they would on the general tag. So, just like it wouldn't feel right to message individual blogs and ask them to use a certain format, I'm a bit hesitant to do on here too. The second reason I made this blog is that many others, at least at the time I made this blog, were run as if all the content posted, with no exceptions, had to be a reflection of what the mod - and with time, of the followers that interacted because it allowed/banned certain things - wanted to see and nothing more. They had so many rules it was rather suffocating. With the exception of things that I won't post because they would put the blog in danger of breaking Tumblr's guidelines (for example, if you send an ask with a NSFW picture as decoration), or rules I set to keep the blog itself running (like avoiding spamming and cluttering) I wasn't planning on setting any rules at all. If I don't 'blacklist' anything from the kind of content that can be posted it's easier to stand my ground when people demand I don't allow minors, or rpf, incest and then start to nitpick about what constitutes incest to begin with until they have me ban many subjects - that maybe they have a valid reason for not wanting to see, like trauma. I don't want to start a slippery slope of setting reasonable rules that end up being a chain of absurd ones. Clearly, all of this caters mostly to people who send the asks, not people on the other side. All these good talking points mean jack to you if you can't see the asks, they may as well not be there at all so it doesn't make any difference. And I realize that. That's why I'm thinking of something else that doesn't put rules on people who post but at the same time doesn't keep them inaccessible for people with screen readers. Maybe writing a TLDR in the description of the image when I tag would suffice? Although this would mean that the ask could sit in the inbox for a while until I have time to do the extra writing, and I'm not sure it can be done on mobile. For now I'm not gonna change the rules, but I'll take this into account and think of a way to have it both ways - on this note, I also accept suggestions if anyone has some.
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aimlayblogs · 1 year
5 Easy Methods for Writing a Research Paper: A Comprehensive Guide
Writing a research paper can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to the process or don't have much experience. However, with the right approach and a clear understanding of the steps involved, it can become a manageable and even enjoyable task. In this guide, we will explore 5 easy methods for writing a research paper, covering everything from research paper format to finding published research papers examples. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to crafting a compelling, well-researched paper that showcases your knowledge and interests.
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1. Understand the Research Paper Assignment
1.1 Read the Prompt Carefully
Before diving into the process of writing a research paper, it's essential to understand the assignment fully. Carefully read the prompt provided by your instructor and make sure you understand the expectations and requirements. This step is crucial in ensuring that your paper meets the criteria and is on the right track from the start.
1.2 Determine the Scope and Purpose
Identify the purpose of your research paper, whether it's to inform, persuade, or analyze a specific issue or topic. Also, consider the scope of your paper, as this will help guide your research and writing process. Knowing the scope and purpose will help you focus your efforts and ensure that your paper is relevant and well-organized.
2. Choose a Topic and Develop a Research Question
2.1 Brainstorm and Narrow Down Topics
When selecting a topic for your research paper, consider your interests and the knowledge you already have in the subject area. Brainstorm a list of potential topics and then narrow them down based on their relevance, feasibility, and the availability of research materials. Remember that a good topic should be specific enough to explore in depth but not so narrow that it's challenging to find sufficient research materials.
2.2 Formulate a Research Question
Once you've chosen a topic, develop a research question that your paper will address. This question should be clear, focused, and answerable based on the research you will conduct. A well-crafted research question will guide your research and provide a solid foundation for your paper.
3. Conduct Thorough Research
3.1 Use Reliable Sources
As you embark on the research phase, it's essential to use reliable sources to gather information and evidence. Stick to academic databases, reputable publications, and scholarly articles for the most accurate and credible information. Avoid using unreliable sources like Wikipedia, as they may not provide accurate information or may be biased.
3.2 Organize Your Research
As you gather research materials, create a system for organizing your findings. This might involve taking notes, highlighting important information, or creating an annotated bibliography. Keeping your research organized will make it easier to reference and cite your sources later in the writing process.
4. Create an Outline and Write a Thesis Statement
4.1 Develop an Outline
Before you begin writing, create an outline based on the research you've conducted and the main points you want to cover in your paper. This outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs that address your research question, and a conclusion. Organizing your thoughts and research in this way will help ensure that your paper flows logically and cohesively.
4.2 Craft a Strong Thesis Statement
At the heart of your research paper is a strong thesis statement. This statement should clearly articulate the main argument or point you will make in your paper, based on the research you've conducted. A well-written thesis statement will guide your readers through your paper, providing a clear roadmap for the evidence and arguments you'll present.
5. Write the Research Paper
5.1 Begin with the Introduction
The introduction of your research paper should provide a brief overview of your topic, the research question you're addressing, and your thesis statement. It should also include a hook that grabs your reader's attention and encourages them to continue reading. A compelling introduction will set the stage for the rest of your paper and make a strong first impression.
5.2 Write the Body Paragraphs
The body paragraphs of your research paper should each address a specific aspect of your research question or thesis statement. Organize your paragraphs logically, using clear topic sentences and transitions to guide your reader through your paper. Be sure to provide evidence and analysis to support your arguments and cite your sources using the appropriate citation style.
5.3 Conclude Your Paper
In the conclusion of your research paper, restate your thesis statement and summarize the main points you've made in your paper. This section should also provide a sense of closure and offer any implications or recommendations based on your findings. A strong conclusion will leave your reader with a clear understanding of your research and its significance.
6. Edit and Revise Your Research Paper
6.1 Review and Edit for Clarity and Coherence
Once you've completed your research paper, take the time to review and edit it for clarity and coherence. This process involves ensuring that your paper flows logically, that your arguments are well-supported, and that your writing is clear and concise. Don't be afraid to make substantial revisions if needed, as this will only improve the overall quality of your paper.
6.2 Proofread for Grammar and Spelling
In addition to editing for clarity and coherence, proofread your paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. This step is crucial in ensuring that your paper is polished and professional, which will reflect positively on your work and make it more likely to be well-received by your instructor or peers.
7. Check for Plagiarism and Proper Citation
7.1 Use a Plagiarism Checker
Before submitting your research paper, use a plagiarism checker tool to ensure that your work is original and free of plagiarism. This step is crucial, as plagiarism can have severe consequences for your academic career. If you find any instances of plagiarism, revise your paper to remove or properly cite the plagiarized content.
7.2 Ensure Proper Citation
Throughout your research paper, be sure to cite your sources correctly using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago). This includes both in-text citations and a bibliography or works cited page at the end of your paper. Proper citation not only gives credit to the authors whose work you've used but also lends
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Fun challenge for my readers who have read Chapter 17 - ;) if you like pain and want more, go back and re-read chapter 1 right after chapter 17.
There are a few Ch1 puzzle pieces that make a little more sense with a bit of context given in Ch17 that also provide some insights into a couple upcoming events in the story!!!
This is definitely one of those stories that make more sense the second and third time around for good reason ;) ;) The Nebular Theory of Solar System Formation has included in it the fact that at the end of a star’s life, if it is sufficiently massive, the resulting nebula can be used to make other generations of stars and solar systems. But the funny thing about a supernova is that the pressure of the event is the Only thing in the natural world strong enough to create heavy elements. So a place like earth likely comes from a 4th or 5th generation supernova event because of how much iron and gold and other heavy elements we have.
Every generation of star&system builds on that which came before it.
That, specifically, is also a bit of a metaphor for the Loads and Resets, where MC and (some of) the rest of the cast gather echoes and remnants of things from previous timelines to carry forward with them into new timelines.
But it’s also a bit of a metaphor for the story itself, where you can learn new things about the characters and the setting and the magic system and go back to the beginning with new understanding, appreciating new bits and pieces that hadn’t made sense before! ;) example: if you hadn’t figured out the identity of The Star yet, read Chapter 17 and then go back to Chapter 1. I think THAT mystery should be much easier to solve, at least!
It, uh, also brings a new Horror element to the end of Chapter 2 but shhhh shhhhhhhhhh it’s ok ;>> we’ll, uh, we’ll have nice things happen in later chapters too so shhhhh it’s ok lol
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