#but still like.
vaas · 20 days
vandal has hoes???????
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perytonpred · 8 months
The Neil gaiman angel show has fucking nazis?????
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bunni-bun · 1 year
truly, if we had lost ff.net, i would have fucking lost it lmao. like THAT would be my library of alexandria, i'm not even kidding, i would cry so hard if it was gone cuz ff.net is so fucking special to me. literally, last reblog gave me a heart attack, oh my god
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enbyblades · 3 years
ohh yea heres the part where optimus delegates the role of leader to bumblebee for some fucking reason.
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I want to support Black women artists but I also like..listening to good music lol? Sometimes I feel like certain girls are just put on because they’re light-skinned and can sing in italics, which is great and there’s a market for that.
Like in a way I’m really glad so many Black girls are out here being basic af and getting fader articles written about them bc white artists have been mediocre for years and still gotten shine.
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How common do you think names in the Pokémon world are.
Like, pretty much everyone in Alola is named after some kind of plant, their names aren't too weird.
But like. Was "Natural" a popular name in the year N was born?
Were there a lot more "Ghetsis" 60 years ago?
Did somebody name their kid Lysandre a week before the events of X and Y and just curse as a perfectly good name was ruined?
How many generations of classrooms full of kids named "Red" are there?
Some names belonged to gods from old myths so are people named after legendaries? Is there a Dialga in your daughter's third grade class? Twins named Latios and Latias at your college? The person running the coffee shop down the street named Moltres? Your uber driver's name shows up as Yveltal and you screenshot it and show your whole twitter and say you embrace death and will leave them a good tip?
Some people name their kids after animals so are there baby girls named Skitty? Another pair of twins named Pyuku and Muku? Eevee's gotta be a name for sure.
Just. Naming conventions. Do people named Giovanni get side-eyed outside of Fiore and Unova and other places with high Fiorian populations? Did Steven get a huge popularity boost when he became champion? Were there two other kids named Grimsley in Grimsley's class when he was growing up? How many 'Guzmania's are out there in Alola?
Are the rl-common names like Will and Marshal and Lillie just as common or are they weird?
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storyofabird · 11 years
and, of course, san antonio selfies!
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