#but thank you louiza for tagging me in these kinds of things again!
g-o-d-s-l-a-y-e-r · 5 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @all-ringils-blazing​ for 2 tag games, thanks again! Here we go:
**RULES: Answer 15 questions and then tag people
Nicknames: Stan, Dray
Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Sagittarius moon (I think); Tiger for the Chinese Zodiac
Height: ~188 cm (a little under IDK the exact nnumber)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing googled: 
Do you get asks: No
Amount of sleep: IDK what time I went to sleep but I normally get at least 6 hrs? Max like 8
Lucky number: Uh heck I don’t really have one. Maybe 7? 13? 5?
What are you wearing: The usual. Jeans, tee, hoodie, knee boots.
Dream trip: Anywhere but here lol
Instruments: Guitar, bass, tuba (and sousaphone), euphonium, trombone. Unfortunately only own one of those at the moment (guittar)
Languages: English, German, French (listed in order of proficiency. Almost can’t count the French, I really need to brush up)
Favorite Song(s): I've such a varied music taste, it’s way too hard to pick. Here’s 15 of ones that I enjoy, but aren’t necessarily my favourites either:
"Such Great Heights” by The Postal Service
“Cast in Stone” by Iced Earth
"Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
"Pants” by Orbital
“Know the Difference” by Stratovarius
"Citadel” by Crüxshadows
"Big Chomper, Big Chomper” by drmanhattan
"Walking on the Moon” by The Police
"The Invisible Man” by Queen
“Hating Every Minute” by Alkaline Trio
“Boat Behind” by Kings of Convenience
"Battlefield” by Blind Guardian
“To Be Alone” by Blaqk Audio
"Beyond the Gates of Eternity” by Rhapsody
"Black Sheep” by Metric
Random fact: I’ve six siblings, all of whom are older than I. (No one said that the facts have to be riveting)
Aesthetic: A lush forest, bubbling stream, crisp leaves, soft sunlight filtering through the canopies of the trees. At least that’s my primary one.
And here is the 2nd one:
I have to answer with 3 random facts about me.
1. I share a release date with The Lion King 2, yet have never seen the film.
2. My laptop has a really fun feature where you scroll up or down by moving your finger in a circle on the trackpad and I enjoy playing with it.
3. If you can think of a popular movie, I probably haven’t seen it. Jurassic Park? Jaws? Pulp Fiction? 2001: A Space Odyssey? Avengers: Endgame? The Matrix? Nope, none of those.
And here’s the tags: @goatmars​ @leftymasterrace​ @metalcatholic​ @ace-fawn​ @alexithetransformingknight​ @alexonyx64​ @phazon-kush​ @thereadingaddic7​ @hockeypayt​ And really @anyone else that wants to do this, mutual or not. And if you’ve been tagged, this is not obligatory either!
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all-ringils-blazing · 7 years
Tag Thing #2
I was tagged by @juhaku-inspired
Thaaaaank you Natasha :D Im reaaaaally bored right now and it is a decent way to spend my time. I will do the same, answer everything x’‘D
What’s your favorite flower?
I don’t like flowers that much but I enjoy the smell of evening primrose and jasmine.
What would you say is your “trademark”?
Hmm my glasses and piercings?
What’s something that fascinates you and why?
Music mostly, why? I need to explain it really? What’s more beautiful than music? Nothing can touch you like your favourite melody does !!!
What song describes your aesthetic?
I have never thought about it, maybe..... The Show Must Go On by Queen. It’s a piece that always meant a lot to me and it brings me the most beautiful memories of my times as a teenager.
What is your favorite word and why?
About word, Im not sure, but I use a lot the phrase “Άντε στο διάολο” everyday which means “Go to hell”, what I wanna say is that I use it even to scold simple objects x’D
Do you know the meaning of your name? If so, tell me!
Im not sure if it means something specific but in Greek my name “λουίζα” is a kind of herb, I think it’s called “verbena” in English or just “lemon grass”
Any hidden talents? If so, what is it?
Better keep them hidden hehehe (if I have any I hope it has to do with music x’‘D)
You’re amazing and I hope you’re having a wonderful day! Just a compliment to make your day, you may proceed now ♡
Oh thank you whoever you are :’D Wish the same fo you !!!
Use this space to say whatever you want (tell me a fun fact, something that happened and you want to share, vent, anything! Use it as you please)
Eehm...... today I finished with my exams and Im officially on summer holidays and Im very happy cause this University year was one of the worst, it was so tiring for me not only physically but mentally too.
Tell me something you love about yourself
My tolerance
What’s your Hogwarts house and why?
Hufflepuff. Because that’s what the personality test decided x’‘D
(So I guess these are the questions that YOU had to answer but anyway Im answering too x’‘D)
What’s something you ever wanted to do?
Travel too and I wish my plans for abroad of this and the next year will come true.
Do you like that crunchy part of the pizza or do you don’t eat that?
EXCUUUUUUSE ME that’s my fav pizza part !!! I steal it from my mom’s plate and my brother’s too EEEEEEEVERY TIME what do you mean IF I LIKE IT ?????! x’‘‘D
Do you have a song that you never get sick of? If so, what is it?
They are so many but I think Holy Wars ...The Punishment Due by Megadeth is one of the most important.
What question do you hate to answer?
"When are you gonna take your degree? Arent you a little late?” AT YOUR FUNERAL ASSHOLE !!!!! THAT’S WHEN !!!!
What is the most memorable class you have ever taken?
It was the lab of Power Electronics which hurt me mentally because my professor was a very demanding & strict person uuugh...
Describe something that happened to you and you still find no explanation to it.
More like why some of my old best friends stopped talking to me. Police is still searching for answers.
Have you ever had any surgeries? If so, which ones?
Only one for my teeth.
What is your favourite commercial?
A new one that’s about bank cards (who cares) but it has to do with a dog that has lost his owner and a young woman is taking care of him until they meet again and in the end, the owner of the dog makes her a portrait of the woman and the doggie as a gift.
When was the last time you went to the cinema? What film did you watch?
3 months ago? I watched Fast and Furious 8.
What is the longest you’ve been without sleeping?
I have been forced to stay awake many nights just to study. So Im able to be sleepless for more than 35 hours. My no-damn-sleep-at-all game is strong just gimme coffee.
What was the first thing you thought today after waking up?
@juhaku-inspired questions:
-What inspires you?
I dont know....nothing? x’D Maybe the people around me
-What song holds the most meaning to you?
As I said The Show Must Go on by Queen & Don’t Cry by Guns n’ Roses for the same reason
-Anyone you like? (haha)
Nope I have no time for this x’D
-Favorite thing about the world?
Music? Food? Dogs?
-Favorite thing about yourself?
As I said my tolerance and patience
-Which fictional character do you relate to the most?
I seriously have nobody in mind x’D
-Favorite video game? And if it applies, favorite class to play in video games?
You already know it’s TES Oblivion x’‘D and you already know it’s Warrior x’‘D
-Reason to smile? (trick question, the answer is cause you exist & I love you muahaha)
You are such a sweetheart my dear x’‘D I love you too 💕
So it‘s time for MY questions?
1. If you were in a band, what would your role be? (Singer? Guitarist? Bassist? etc)
2. If you could have a fictional character as your sibling, who would you choose?
3. Share something in your language !!! (If your mother tongue is English maybe try something in the language you are learning or you wanna learn)
4. If you could bring a dead famous person to life, who would you bring back?
5. What’s the very first thing you do/say when you meet with your best friend?
6. If you were forced to wear only 1 color for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
My tags: @judal-is-my-spirit-animal @everyoneis-alone @xo-shahad @hyperzephyrianlives @mochibat @devilinhighheels @integrathegreat @murasakihime @vitrielle @minhyriath @repairing-shi @harmonicstupidity @luciells @kneedeepindreams
Im really sorry for bothering you with the tags these days, guys. This is a big post so you can answer only my questions or the first ones or all of them or none of them I dont know x’D
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