#but that makes the few exceptions (circle with a mole and the host) stand out more
flamebearrel · 5 months
since you're doing an osc ask game, do I ask a number to you? if so, let's go with number 14
14 - What do you care about most in an object show?
While both are important, loveable characters will always stand out over perfect writing to me! I always like it when they focus on what makes the characters unique, between their interactions with each other and how they take on the challenges or even normal situations. I mean, they’re literally objects
BFDI does a really good job with both aspects in and out of the focus of the competition! They use each others' physical quirks (magnetism, flight, machinery, etc.) and personality quirks ("Needy", DPA's pact) to progress all the time; otherwise you also have IDFB + the shorts to fill in the gaps where they can just hang out.
While ONE only occasionally references their limits as objects, it's used at very careful times to remind you of that link between worlds. In terms of personality though, the little conversations about their home lives and just. Interactions with them helping each other up, studying the world around them, etc etc. help flesh out (most of) the characters a lot and make them that much more human to the audience. You particularly get eps 8 and 16 dedicated to "hang out" time, albeit... twisted.
(Little bit of negativity/general critique towards The Nightly Manor under the cut)
Out of the other shows I’ve watched so far (II s1-2, BFC, and TNM) I honestly found TNM the weakest. Why? Because only half of the main cast feel like they have any character. Sketchpad is definitely fun, and Spraypaint and Mouse are interesting, but besides that???
It wants me to root for Top Hat and GPS but like, barely shows me anything of those two actually connecting before the latter dies? They have like one short conversation before getting split up and Top Hat spends the rest of the time grieving. The only other hinted interaction is that offhanded comment of GPS teaching him how to drive, which is easy to gloss over since they aren't named.
Maybe it's because the first half went by so fast, but since they just revealed at least one more episode is in the works hopefully these dynamics will get expanded on
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