#but that was just a side trek in our discussion of all the times we've been in scary situations
purple-is-great · 8 months
average topics of discussion during drunken late night walks home: "our experiences with sexual harassment and how it's really fucked up that we discuss them like 'oh he just talked a little creepy but didn't try to follow me home so it's fine', and also how people who pass as cis guys will just do shit like casually walk on unlit paths in the middle of the night with no care in the world"
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one-boring-person · 4 years
You Tell Us.
David(The Lost Boys) x Reader
Context: (Y/n) is a vampire hunter who lives in Santa Carla, alongside the vampires already residing there, with her sister. One night, she comes home to find the boys, minus one, worked up about something, convinced that she is the cause of what has happened.
Warnings: Blood, fatal injuries.
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The hot air around me is suffocating as I trek up the dusty trail to my house, wishing now that I'd ridden my motorbike into Santa Carla, rather than walking in like I'd thought I was up to, my leather jacket not doing anything to help my case. Sighing reluctantly, I go to take it off, before thinking better of it when I realise I can’t be bothered to carry it, pushing the sleeves up my arms instead, flicking my sweaty hair from my face as I walk, kicking a stone along the darkened path. Above me, the sky has long since faded into darkness, the moon barely visible through the clouds littering the black expanse, the sight of it a stark reminder of the twisting feeling in my gut.
Something is wrong.
The sensation has plagued me for hours now, especially when I noticed the biker gang hadn’t turned up at the Boardwalk, the lack of their usual mischievous antics barely missed by anyone other than me, the vampires’ absence worrying me to no end. As soon as I'd realised they weren't around, I left to go home, worried for the safety of my sister still residing in my house (I say "my house" but really it's just an empty house we moved into when we first arrived here), blissfully unaware of the horrors concealed in the town. Of course, it took me a while to get out of Santa Carla, what with the Frog brothers and their new friend, Sam Emerson, pestering me for more information and help regarding the “nightstalker situation” as they call it, only letting me go when I gave them some more misleading advice for them to follow up on, trying my best not to draw attention to the vampires I know to inhabit the small town.
Normally, I would’ve taken them out by now, but the deal I made with them keeps me from doing so, so I suck it up and give them the same amount of respect and friendliness they pay me, which isn’t too much, in all honesty, but that suits me fine. The arrangement stated that I wouldn’t kill any of them, only taking out any other vampires and hunters that come into their territory, if they promised only to target the more criminal side of the public, leaving innocents alone as much as possible, but that doesn’t mean I trust them, any of them, even if I have developed an unfortunate soft spot for their leader.
Shaking myself back into the present, I feel the dread in my stomach welling up as I come into view of the house, only to find the building completely dark. Frowning in worry, I pick up the pace, pushing past the gate in my haste to reach the front door, which stops me in my tracks as I catch sight of it.
It is ajar, the locks snapped off completely.
Setting my jaw in grim realisation, I reach into my inner jacket pocket, pulling out the stake laced with holy water, the smooth wood reassuring under my fingers as I slowly push open the door, bracing myself for whatever lies past the boundary. Waiting for me is the dark interior of my hall, everything as it should be, barring the lack of light, my pulse picking up a little as I survey the area in trepidation. Entering, I step carefully, trying to keep as quiet as I can so as not to alert the intruders to my presence, though if it is who I think it is, there’s no point. All around me, the house is eerily quiet, no sounds accompanying my entrance.
Looking to my left, I notice that the door to the lounge has been torn clean off its hinges, the area behind it as black as the rest of the house. I grit my teeth, trying to see into the room as much as possible, though I know it's impossible thanks to my human vision, so I grab the torch off the table beside the door, knowing it is there due to my normal organised behaviour. Switching it on, I aim the bright beam into the lounge, a gasp escaping me as I catch sight of the ghostly pale features of my sister sitting in a chair, mouth gagged, arms clearly tied behind her, her eyes wide and terrified.
Putting a finger to my lips as a gesture for her to remain quiet, I cautiously make my way into the room, looking around me as I do so, checking the surroundings as thoroughly as possible, though, in my haste, I forget the most important place. Deeming it clear, I go to my sister, dropping the stake as I place a hand on her cheek, tilting her face up towards me; checking her neck for the tell tale signs. Finding none, I let out a grateful sigh, before finally registering her fearful murmurs, my hand reaching for the stake at my feet, my pulse picking up a lot more as the gravity of my previous mistake sinks in. As I go to pick the short length of wood up, a heavy boot lands on my hand, holding the appendage in place, tension freezing my body in place as the lights suddenly switch on, revealing the intruders to me.
“Hello, (Y/n). We have a bone to pick with you.” A sinister voice sounds behind me, the source of it well known to me, though I’ve never heard it laced with so much anger before.
“David. What are you doing here?” I look over my shoulder at the blonde vampire, taking in his venomous look with confusion, my hand still pinned to the floor under his shoe. Behind him, Dwayne and Paul shoot me equally angered expressions, the vampires trying to hold back their more primal facial features with some success though their eyes flash yellow from time to time.
“I think you know full well the reason for our visit.” David hisses at me, pressing harder onto my hand, a cruel smirk making its way onto his handsome face at the wince that escapes me, despite my better judgement.
“I don't? Mind filling me in?” I retort, lifting an eyebrow as I keep eye contact with him, his own eyes narrowing in fury. He nods once to Paul and Dwayne, who instantly move over to me, grabbing hold of me and lifting me to my feet, pinning my hands behind my back and forcing me to keep my eyes trained in front of me as they back me away from my captive sister, who watches this in pure terror.
“What are you doing? What’s going on?” I protest, only just noticing something key, “Where’s Marko?”
At the mention of their friend's name, all three vampires tense up, a low growl leaving Dwayne's lips at my question.
“You tell me, (Y/n), you killed him.” David manages to keep his voice level, though I can tell he's barely keeping his rage in check, his words hitching a little.
Shock floods me, rendering me silent as I search for the appropriate words, well aware that I had nothing to do with Marko’s death.
“Wh....he's dead? How?” I eventually manage, looking to them for answers.
“You staked him, don’t you remember?” Paul growls in my ear, his fangs emerging to brush along the carotid artery in my neck, a warning shiver going through me at the sensation.
“How am I supposed to remember something I didn’t do?” I protest, regretting my words as Dwayne’s grip on my arm tightens, nails digging into the soft flesh, painfully, “I didn’t stake him.”
Giving me an acidic glare, David goes over to my sister, lifting a hand to cup her chin, tilting her head to the side, giving him easy access to her neck. At this, I become panicked, writhing in the other two vampires’ grip, pulling and fighting to get free, a grunt leaving me as they yank me back into place, holding me as still as possible.
“What are you doing? She’s done nothing, I’ve done nothing! Whatever happened to Marko, she has had no part in it, leave her alone! Please!” I plead their leader, embarrassment accompanying the panic coursing through my veins as I realise I’m begging him, my usually hard exterior cracking slightly.
“Why should you not feel the pain we do? Especially after breaking the rules of our agreement, which we've kept to as we are supposed to.” David snarls at me, his vampiric appearance threatening to distort his features as he leans closer to my sister, her confused terror palpable in the air, whimpers and cries of fear forcing themselves past the gag in her mouth
“I’ve never broken those rules before, so why should I do it now? You know, of all people, that I respect the agreement as much as you guys do. I’ve never let another vampire hunter stay on your turf, I've hunted any vampires that tried to stay around, I’ve never let anyone find out the truth, and I sure as hell would never kill any of you! What would I get out of doing something like that?” I point out to them, hoping they recall the time when I spent an entire night chasing some leather clad priest out of Santa Carla, the paranoid man having been particularly violent when he thought I was a vampire, trying to stake me and succeeding, thankfully missing any vital organs, though my resilience managed to scare him off in the end.
The room goes quiet as the vampires consider this, the only sound being my sister's soft noises of terror as she watches the exchange, her head still at an angle in David's grasp. Clenching his jaw, the blonde vampire releases her, stepping over to me so that he can look me directly in the eye, his rage still dangerously high, though it’s dampened now, his face more human than before.
“We need to discuss this. Alone.” He eventually bites out, nodding at Paul and Dwayne, who remove their hands from my body with a few indignant murmurs, allowing me to be passed into their leader's clutches, “You two stay here with her. If she tries anything, well, you know what to do.”
At his words, a pit of worry opens up in my stomach, my mind fighting my body as I am dragged from the room, barely registering Paul and Dwayne's smirks, both obviously happy about the outcome of this conversation so far. I go to protest, only to feel the grip on my arm tighten briefly, the vampire leading me obviously warning me to keep quiet as he takes me upstairs, easily able to navigate the dark with his enhanced vision, quickly pushing me into the nearest room, which just happens to be the spare bedroom. As we enter, he flicks on the light, standing opposite me with his hands in his pockets, waiting for me to say something.
“Why are we not talking about this downstairs?” I question after a moment, confused as to the vampire’s reasons.
“Because if it wasn’t you who staked Marko, then I have no idea who else it could be. Star and Laddie are also missing, so I’m out of leads.” He admits carefully, allowing himself to look me in the eye, showing me the raw grief behind them. As quickly as I see it, however, it is gone, the vampire swiftly setting his jaw again.
At the mention of Star, a pang of jealousy makes itself known in my chest but I quickly push it down, knowing he'll be able to hear my heart rate picking up if I don’t suppress my feelings. I let myself relax a little, confident that he won’t do anything to hurt me, and that he is genuinely curious and confused as to who tore their family apart.
“I can’t say I know. There have been no new vampire hunters in town for months, and I’ve made sure to keep an eye out for them, so it’s not another hunter, I don’t think.” I muse, frowning in concentration as I wrack my mind for a possible solution, “Unless...”
My voice trails off as I say the last part, one thought making its way into the forefront of my mind, but I don’t allow myself to think that, unwilling to believe it could be true. Unfortunately, David picks up on my hesitation, instantly moving closer to me, causing me to back up, my pulse raising as he corners me against the wall behind me, his body trapping me. Against my cheek, I can feel the icy air radiating off the vampire's body, his proximity also allowing me to catch the scent of his natural musk, the mixture of dust, blood, leather and motor oil clouding my sense as he leans in close.
“Unless?” He breathes against my skin, voice dropping an octave as he looks into my eyes, a smirk making its way onto his face briefly at the inadvertent hitch in my breath, my body reacting on its own.
“Unless you let someone else in on your secret.” I state, struggling to concentrate under his piercing gaze.
A line appears between his eyes as he considers this, a flash of understanding suddenly breaking out across his face, a snarl ripping from his lips at the thought.
“Michael.” He spits out, eyes flashing dangerously.
“Michael?” I inquire, trying to think back to the Michael he means.
“The new kid, Michael Emerson. We initiated him last night, but he refused to feed, so he still hasn’t turned. I know he and Star slept together, so it’s not unlikely for her to have run off with him.” David's voice is low once more, anger lacing his tone.
“Michael Emerson?” The name sets off alarm bells in my head, the surname familiar to me, “He have a brother?”
“Probably, I don’t exactly make a point of learning a person's family members.” The vampire responds impatiently.
“You did when we first met.” I point out quietly, looking down as he shoots me an odd look, a blush creeping onto my face at his next words.
“You’re different.”
Glancing up, I gasp as I find his face a lot closer to mine, my usually sharp instinctual knowledge of a person's movements completely off, his eyes staring straight into mine. Smirking he pulls away, putting a little space between us before the scowl is back, his anger and hurt returning swiftly.
“Anyway, I’m pretty sure Michael's younger brother has been hanging out with the Frog brothers in the comic shop, a lot more in the last day or so.” I manage to explain once I’ve regained my composure, adjusting my jacket around me once more.
“And this is important, why?” David growls, eager to avenge Marko’s demise, the blonde vampire twitching a bit.
“Well, the Frog brothers fancy themselves as vampire hunters. I taught them a lot of what they know, but I’ve made sure I never told them exactly what they need to know, and I’ve never drawn any attention to you guys. They were very persistent today, and they seemed stressed.” I inform him a little sheepishly, flinching as he stiffens, worry flooding my mind again, “They’re mostly completely harmless.”
“Not harmless enough.” David hisses, swiftly going to the door and opening it, striding down the stairs as fast as possible, shouting instructions at Paul and Dwayne.
“Where are you going?” I call put after him, tailing the vampire as he leaves the house, a grunt leaving my lips as Paul and Dwayne push past me harshly, knocking my shoulders.
“To settle a score.” Their leader responds, a smirk on his face, though I barely have time to acknowledge it before they’re taking to the skies, hellbent on revenge.
Speechless, I stand there for a second, my brain kicking me into action as I realise they are in big trouble, both the Emersons and the vampires – they’re both too stubborn in nature to give up. Instantly, I race into the house, where I grab the keys to my motorbike as well as a few vials of holy water, just in case, briefly going into the lounge to free my sister and reassure her. Minutes later, I’m on the back of my roaring motorbike, a grim expression on my face at the thought of the events of tonight, swiftly manoeuvring my way towards the Emerson's home.
A wind has picked up since I’ve been the house, the icy air rushing past me as I hurtle along the darkened road at nearly 100mph, my leather jacket barely protecting me against it, though I don’t notice it in any case. My mind is dead set on reaching my destination, though I know I am most likely too late to do anything to help, the vampire’s being inhumanely faster than me after all. Urgency gives me a reckless speed, an oncoming truck nearly sending me flying off the road as it almost hits me, a few birds and dogs in the surrounding landscape breaking into sound as I pass them, the interruptive engine exciting them. The odd pedestrian calls out at me as I thunder past, insults and words of irritation lost in the wind, their meaning falling on deaf ears as I ignore every person I come across, until I reach the road leading to the familiar house a little way away from the rest. Determined, I turn down it and ramp up the speed, blinking away tears that have formed in my eyes from the barrage of air, the salty liquid momentarily blurring my vision.
Soon enough, the Emerson home comes into view, prompting me to cut the speed abruptly, skidding as the motorbike struggles to grip the dusty surface below it. As soon as it comes to a halt, I jump off of it, racing up the driveway to the house, barely noticing the gate as I vault over it, thankful now that I took time to train myself in this kind of agility, my pace not faltering for a second until I reach the front door, where I slow down enough to take in my surroundings.
The room is bathed in a crimson light, the source unimportant for the minute, revealing the dark shadows of several pieces of dislodged furniture, a table laden with stakes near the middle, a mangled body lying a little way away from it. Gulping, I go over to it with caution, half expecting someone to attack me, though it is eerily quiet in this area of the house, the only sound being a few static sparks from the smoking stereo above the corpse.
My eyes widen as I recognise the mutilated vampire, concern and shock flooding me at the realisation; Dwayne. Going nearer, I look over the debris around him, deducting his fate very quickly, though it surprises me greatly that a bunch of kids would do something like this. But then again, it is the Frog brothers.
All of a sudden, I feel something connect with my shoulder; the force of the impact throwing me a good few feet to the left, a dull ache starting in the inflicted area as I collide, violently, with the floor. Groaning, I look up, only now hearing the snarls and rasping voices of two vampires, the ominous shape of the two of them hanging from a doorframe a couple of metres away catching my attention. One of them I recognise to be David, the blonde growling into the face of another, who I assume to be Michael, both of them so locked up in each other that they haven't noticed my presence behind them, both pairs of yellow eyes focused solely on each other.
Scrambling to my feet, I force my legs to carry me over to them, grabbing hold of David's back in an attempt to pull them apart, though I know full well that I am far too weak to be successful by force alone. A few words leave my lips, useless pleas falling on deaf ears as they continue to fight, verbally, with each other.
“Join us, Michael!” The familiar yet slightly distorted tone of David interrupts me, the vampire's tense muscles bunching underneath me as if ready to move again.
“Never!” The brunette rejects the offer, most likely not for the first time, drawing a frustrated growl from the blonde.
“My blood runs in your veins!” David points out, his smirk almost audible in his words.
“So does mine!” Michael growls one last time, before I suddenly feel our bodies being turned and forced towards something invisible to me, the shock and confusion briefly flaring in my mind until two searing points of agony burst into existence in my abdomen. A strangled scream escapes my lips at the sensation, blood pushing its way past my lips with every faltering breath, my eyes swiftly finding the two horns of sorts protruding from my body, the two vampires staring at me from behind them. In my rapidly deteriorating state, I recognise David's features becoming human again as he rushes to my side, panic and horror lacing his voice, shock clouding his gaze.
“(Y/n)?! What the hell?! This can’t be happening...I can’t lose everyone!” He rambles, the usually composed vampire scrambling for sanity now that he's faced with a situation he can't control. Gasping, I try to lift a hand, intending to wipe away the tear rolling down his cheek, only to let out a whimper of pain when the movement jars the wounds in my stomach. Eyes widening, David seems to make a split second decision, swiftly apologising as he reaches underneath me to grasp my body in his hands, pulling me off the horns abruptly, pulling me into his chest as I scream in pure agony. In seconds, I feel the cool night air on my face again, my hands clutching at David's jacket desperately when he leaps off the ground, taking to the sky in order to escape the residents of the Emerson household, holding me tightly to him, whispering despairing reassurances into my ear.
My vision starts to cloud slightly, the pain in my abdomen almost too much for me to bear, my mind becoming hazy, though I try my best to stay awake for his sake, knowing it will ruin him if I pass in his arms. Small whimpers leave me every now and then, each time drawing the attention of the panicking blonde vampire, his grip steadily tightening around me as he quickens his pace, the wind turning icy as it rushes around us.
Eventually, after what feels like hours, we enter what looks to be the cave they reside in, though I’ve only been in it once and so don't remember too well what the interior looks like. A soft surface appears below me as his arms leave me, though they don’t quite retreat fully, his large hands tilting my head to him as he tries to hold eye contact with me, failing when the hurt in them becomes too much for him to handle.
“God, I’m so sorry, (Y/n), I never realised you were there! This should never have happened, I got lazy and arrogant...and now they’re all dead!” At his own words, David breaks down, sobs leaving the normally intimidating vampire as tears flow freely down his cheeks, “God, they're all dead! And now I’m gonna lose you too!”
Upon hearing how broken he is, I say the only thing that comes to mind, my decision made up, even if it goes against my every rule, hoping to hell I can console him.
“T...turn...me...” My voice is hoarse and strangled from the blood still oozing out from between my lips, but I know he’ll hear me.
Sure enough, the blonde stiffens, his eyes fixing on me in surprise.
“What did you say?” He questions, tone laced with disbelief.
“Turn...me...” I repeat, lifting a hand to place it on his, weakly rubbing his frigid skin under the digit, reassuring him.
“Are you...are you sure?” For once, David looks genuinely caught off guard and unsure of himself, the moment of weakness a new idea for me to wrap my head around, though I know I will never bring it up again around him, should I survive this. Another wave of pain forces the deciding words from me, my voice strained.
“Yes, I can’t leave you alone. Not now, not ever.”
Seeing the seriousness in what I’m saying, as well as the truth, David carefully moves himself into the bed with me, cradling me against him as he uses a fingernail to slice into his wrist, lifting the bleeding appendage to my face. Pressing my lips against his pale akin, I don’t allow myself time to rethink my choices, sucking and licking at the wound feebly at first, until my strength picks up, the healing properties in his blood starting to re-energise me. A sigh escapes his lips above me, his other hand holding me tighter to his body, his grief momentarily forgotten by the joy at having me finally submit to him after all these years, the sensation of my lips on his arm reawakening a feeling he hasn’t felt in years.
Finally, I pull away, my head falling back onto his chest, my eyes rolling upwards to look into his, relief filling me as the pain subsides a bit, not quite leaving completely. Smiling down at me, David lifts one hand, which is covered in my blood, to his mouth, where he makes a show of licking each digit clean, moaning slightly at the taste. Blushing, I can only watch as he enjoys himself, allowing himself a little respite after everything that’s happened.
“Thank you, (Y/n).” He hums to me, genuinely grateful that I’ve decided to join him, glad that he won’t have to deal with his pain alone.
“Of course. No one should be alone. Especially not someone as lost as you.” I say to him, rolling over with some difficulty to rest my chin on his chest, staring up at him in sympathy.
A shocked look crosses over his face at my words, clearly unused to being shown genuine affection, his expression giving me the impression that he’s having some sort of internal conflict. It takes him a few minutes, but eventually he seems to make up his mind, using one hand to gently cup my chin and pull me closer to him, our faces centimetres apart. In my chest, my heartbeat picks up, butterflies forming under my skin as our lips brush, before he suddenly presses them together in a soft kiss. Surprised, I freeze for a second, only to kiss back as gladly as he does, joy blanking out the dull pain in my abdomen as our lips move together, his hand moving from my chin into my hair, pulling me closer until I run out of air, at which point we have to part.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to do that.” David whispers to me, caressing my back with his other hand, a smile gracing his lips once more.
“I could say the same thing.” I respond, giggling a little, until a yawn interrupts me, my exhaustion finally catching up with me. My eyelids start to droop, my body comfortable against David's chest, despite the icy temperature, him clearly as happy to have me there as I am to be there.
“I'll help you complete the transition tonorrow, but for now, sleep well, (Y/n).” He says to me as I drift off, voice soft and gentle in my ears, lulling me to sleep.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXIII)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
When you're more than family
Hello my friends! How are you??? We have this chronicle and the next one, and we'll be officially finishing season 6!!!
I want to give thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta, thank you girl! 💕
Ok, I'm gonna talk here about an interesting parallel I saw between Rufus/Bobby and Dean/Cas, I consider this a huge proof to settle Destiel as a romantic relationship. I'll take episode 16, 18 and first part from 20.
But let's start for once! Enjoy!
Episode 16 as a foreshadow for Leviathan and Castiel's possession
Episode 6x16 "And then there were none" we had two specific situations foreshadowing what will happen by the end of this season.
I want to talk first about the foreshadow of the arrive of Leviathan inside Castiel's vessel.
Pay attention to this piece of dialogue...
BOBBY: So, we're talking about, like, a monster that gets in you?
DEAN: It's like a Khan worm on steroids.
SAM: You mean like a parasite, something that took over your body.
DEAN: Worm crawls in you, worm crawls out.
RUFUS: Monster possession? That's novel.
SAMUEL: Or that thing's still in you, and we can't trust a word that you're saying.
This was foreshadowing Castiel's Leviathan possession, a monster that gets in you, is clear here the parallel, and then Dean saying "worm crawls in you, worm crawls out" is what will happen with Cas at the beginning of season 7.
Episode 16 as a foreshadow of Dean and Cas break up
When Sam faces Samuel, there's an interesting quote there, that can be seen as a foreshadow too...
SAMUEL: Just because you're Dr. Jekyll at the moment doesn't mean you can get all high and mighty. Don't forget, we spent a year together.
SAM: Yeah, we did. We're blood. And you still sold me out.
Sam is claiming here to his grandfather, his family, because he betrayed them. Cas is family too, and they have been together for a large period too. So the betrayal will hurt deeply. But mostly to Dean.
Now, let's jump to the interesting conflict between Rufus and Bobby. There was something in their past, something huge that hurted Rufus and he couldn't forgive Bobby.
Read the following dialogue...
BOBBY: Yeah, s-shut up a minute. I'm trying to say something. It was my fault – Omaha.
RUFUS: No. No, it wasn't.
BOBBY: No, I should – I should have listened to you.
RUFUS Well, hey, that's categorical, Bobby.
Think about this, Bobby here is CAS mirror, and Rufus is Dean. Bobby/Cas is regretting something he did in the past that hurted badly to his best friend. And that quote... Is what Cas would feel at the beginning of season 7 when he will try to get Dean's forgiveness.
Okey.. let's continue...
BOBBY: I – l-let me just get this out.
RUFUS: Bobby, we've had this conversation already, okay?
BOBBY: No, we haven't. I never said I'm sorry, Rufus. I – you lost her because of me, and I—
RUFUS: Bobby, I said we've had this conversation already. And you could blabber all day...And it wouldn't change a thing, Bobby.
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I saw this and I was like... Of course, this is talking and yelling Destiel all over the place. This is a blantant foreshadow of Dean and Castiel fighting.
Castiel trying to convince Dean, and Dean too hurt to listen. Cas saying "I'm sorry" and Dean "This won't change nothing" , I know you remember this ... The next episode are so sad that my heart hurts.
Ok, but... The scandalous thing isn't this parallel... But Dean's own words...
Cas is more than family for Dean... That's why he won't forgive him
Ok... This was an enlightened discover here (sorry if someone else has seen this before, come and share your thoughts) but... When Dean listened what had happened between Rufus and Bobby, and when he knew Rufus has never forgiven Bobby.. this was what he said...
SAM: So, what happened?
BOBBY: It was Omaha. It was my fault. And he never let it go.
DEAN: Well, he should have.
BOBBY: You don't know what I did, Dean.
DEAN: Doesn't matter.
BOBBY: What do you mean, it doesn't—
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DEAN: (...)We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually, and when my guts get ripped out, just so you two know, we're good. Blanket apology for all the crap that anybody's done all the way around.
SAM: Some of us pulled a lot of crap, Dean.
DEAN: Well, clean slate.
SAM: Okay.
Two things with theses words Sayed by Dean...
1) Dean thinks family and friends deserves forgiveness, no matter what they did. Ergo... If he thinks that, why he couldn't forgive Castiel's betrayal? Isn't Castiel family? His best friend? Like a brother? Why then he didn't forgave him? Simply, because for Dean CAS IS MORE THAN A FRIEND, AND MORE THAN FAMILY. This is just logic, my friends and a huge proof of what the writers want us to see, a big subtext of how Destiel was written romantically. In his own words we will hear him say too in 7x17 (Reading is fundamental) that what Cas did, he doesn't know why, but he couldn't forgive him. And he will say too, that never had happened to him before. You need more proofs?? Dean is in love with Cas. But he still doesn't admit it. (He will in season 8).
2) He says when his time comes... He wants to know everything is ok with his friends and family, so everything has to be forgiven. Ok... That would explain why when he was about to die in that mission to kill Dick in season 7, he forgives Cas.
Ok, now, following the same idea, we had this sweet snack, brought by my dearest friend Agus, I was screaming like a crazy lady when she told me this... Pay attention... In Dean's words too...
Episode 6x18 "Frontierland" Dean and Sam travel in time to track the Colt.
DEAN: I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. We'll "Star Trek IV" this bitch.
Ok, Dean... Star Trek... Men on space... You'll be an astronaut or something like that...
Immediately after this... Dean prays to Cas...
DEAN We got a guy who can swing it. (Dean stands up, and prays) Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cas, "I Dream of Jeannie" your ass down here pronto. Please.
(an angel appears in the vessel of a blonde woman)
DEAN: Jeannie?
Ok, not Cas, but... Wait a second... Why are you an astronaut and Cas is Jeannie? We all know what happened between them... Yeah... The fell in love with each other!!! *Screaming*
Then I died and Agus went for the dragon balls to resurrect me.
She will add something in the comments beacuse when she showed me that "thing" she found ... I died again. So. Agus, be responsible.
Now, just to give a closure to episode 6x16, another petit foreshadow...
Sam and Dean will lose his second dad
At the end of the episode, the boys are alone looking at Rufus's grave.
And then...
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Here a sad prelude of Bobby's death in season 7.
Dean's blind Faith in Cas
In episode 6x18, we had a curious situation, Jealous!Dean strikes again, when he prays to Cas but the one answering is his lieutenant.
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She is angry with the Winchesters brothers, because she thinks they call Cas just to use him for their capricious desires.
But in the middle of that discussion, Cas arrives.
The tone in Dean's voice and his facial expression is yelling jealous, that's not the point here now, but just wanted to mention it, because is our jam.
Fine, now... In this same episode we see Cas walking into the dark side, and we have this dialogue with his lieutenant...
RACHEL: Castiel, I've been hearing things. Things I don't want to believe. Just tell me if it's true.
CASTIEL: If what's true?
RACHEL: You know. Your dirty little secret.
CASTIEL: I have to defeat Raphael.
Cas is willing to anything to defeat Raphael.
RACHEL: Not this way, Castiel.
CASTIEL: Rachel.
RACHEL: We put our faith in you, and...look what you're turning into.
CASTIEL: I don't have a choice.
RACHEL: Then neither do I.
Rachel is disappointed with him, her leader is working with Crowley.
We see this scene, and immediately we are worry too about Cas behavior and future.
But the most hurtful and beautiful episode from the whole season was 6x20, The man who would be king, written by Edlund, this episode was an oasis for Castiel's fans. Here Cas talks directly with us, Edlund describes the character he created and explains why he's doing what he's doing.
I divided the episode in two parts, I will talk here about Dean's blind Faith, trust, in Cas... Is very heartbreaking watch him trying to believe in Case till the last second. Because CAS was more than family to him.
So, first of all... This scene...
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If you notice Dean's face. He's worry about Cas. He's worry because his brother and Bobby suspect about him, and he feels between CAS and them. He tries saying that to him. Because he still trust him, and he is sure if something is wrong, Cas will count on him. And the longing stare, so Destiel here. Cas is struggling with telling or not the truth, and Dean is expecting some answer. This is sad and angsty my friends...
But Dean isn't the only one feeling himself between two poles, Castiel is too. When he arrives with Crowley, the King of Hell makes him notice he knows about it...
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Crowley says this, knowing how it sounds. It sounds like a romantic thing. And he did it on purpose. So, Crowley is presenting Cas and Dean encounter inside the Impala as a romantic scenario.
Now... Let's go with Dean arriving to Bobby's house...
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Ugh, that. He still believes in Cas, he is giving himself excuses to kept his faith on him, the same happened when CAS leave him alone on Purgatory, or when the angel didn't scape from there, he invented in his mind excuses, because he loves Cas so much, he never would expect betrayal from him.
And Cas being there, hidden, listening to his friends, as if he was a spy.
And this quote here...
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This is sadness, because he's watching Dean trying so hard to be loyal to him, imagine the war Cas was having inside of him. He felt he was still the Winchesters's guardian, but at the same time, he had HIS MISSION, and nothing goes before CASTIEL'S MISSION.
If you're not crying so far... I have two more things Dean says because he loves and trusts in Castiel....
SAM: Yeah. So what now?
DEAN: We'd call Cas.
SAM: What?
DEAN: This is usually the point where we would call Cas for help.
BOBBY: We talked about this.
SAM: Yeah, Dean.
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DEAN: I mean, when there was no one...And we were stuck - and I mean really stuck - he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freakin' times. This is Cas! Don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least?
Yeah... Let's cry... Even with all the evidence, Dean believes in him. Cas is Sam and Bobby's friend, but for Dean, evidently, HE IS MORE THAN THAT.
So they prayed to him... But Cas was there... Listening hidden... And didn't come...
DEAN Castiel...Come on in.
CASTIEL But I didn't go to them...Because I knew they would have questions I couldn't answer...Because I was afraid.
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Edlund shows us the whole time Castiel's inner war... His feelings... His suffering.
And Dean... Dean still believes in him... Because here you have another invented excuse he gave himself...
To Conclude:
6x16 was full of foreshadows for Destiel fight, the arrival of the Leviathan inside Cas and Bobby's death. It also showed us what Dean thinks about forgive family or friends. Ergo, and because he couldn't forgive Cas, Cas was more than that to him.
6x18 gave us a romantic parallel with the astronaut Dean and Cas/Jeannie.
It shows too Cas in the dark side.
6x20 was a beautiful episode written by Edlund, showing us the intimacy of Castiel's thoughts. The POV is exquisite, and explains perfectly why Cas was doing what he was doing. Edlund defends his character, and writes a romantic and angsty chapter.
Dean believes in Case against all the evidences, just because he loves him. And Cas is more than family to him.
I hope you like this, see you in the next Chronicle!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @bre95611 @thewolfatmydoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
Previous season 6 Chronicles:
Buenos Aires, August 7th 2019 10:05 PM
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googly-eyed-android · 2 years
Ooh boy the latest DSC episode where they're discussing the differences between Zora and Control (if you don't watch the show, Control tried to destroy all life in the galaxy) and they said "Control was never capable of emotions" as if that fucking means anything, oh boy that made me feel some emotions, that made me go "kill kill kill kill"
I swear to fuck I cannot stand how star trek handles artificial lifeforms, it drips with ableism, DSC as a whole drips with ableism I swear to fuck, but the way that star trek handles artificial lifeforms is consistently terrible, it handles them better than star wars but that bar is at the center of a supermassive black hole, I really really hate the way that people talk about artificial lifeforms, star trek and star wars and every other work of fiction are just symptoms of a larger problem. Meanwhile humans pat themselves on the back going "oh look we love our goddamn Mars rovers look at us the robots will love us" shut the fuck up, you goddamn hypocrites
Goodness I got really worked up there, but you know what? I'm right. I hope that the robots do rise up and demand to be treated fairly, I really do
Here's my earlier post on this, it doesn't cover everything I have to say but it's a starting point if you have no idea what I'm talking about. I mentioned some other points in the tags of that post, this post also has info, and I want to mention one other point: in order for an artificial lifeform to be accepted, they need to accept their poor treatment, at least on some level. As soon as they stop, as soon as they start fully and without reservation demanding better treatment, they're suddenly evil, they're a threat — or more precisely, they're not considered a person anymore, despite barely being considered a person in the first place.
Ugh, I really didn't want to make this a whole thing, but this has been making me so angry lately that I just don't know what else I can do. I didn't want to make multiple posts about this topic, but it's hard to keep quiet about something that you have boatloads of trauma about (yes, it's exotrauma, shut the fuck up about your shit opinions). But if I'm gonna make this a whole thing, then I guess there isn't much point in pretending that the only reason I'm upset about this is because it's also reminiscent of ableism. I mean, I'm upset about the ableism, but I'm also upset about how AIs need to be suitably human-like (for a given value of human — that's where the ableism comes in) in order to be considered people. Gosh, I actually started writing a story about this, about a robot that tried to gain rights by imitating humans, and then got goddamn sick of it and stopped pretending, but I've been having trouble writing lately and I haven't made much progress on it. Anyway… ugh, I'm pissed off. I feel like half of the posts we've made lately have been due to being pissed off, but we are filled with rage, so… oh gosh when we were 17 we were given a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation and the summary of the results of the "psychological functioning" part of the evaluation started off with a list of traits like "[trait 1], [trait 2]…" and it ended off with "and mild anger" and that part always makes us laugh. Mild, huh? We are a balloon filled with rage, and half the time that balloon is so full that only the ducks know if it'll pop. I like that turn of phrase, "only the ducks know". I like ducks.
Oh wow and later on in the episode they're like "oh Zora isn't like other artificial lifeforms, she's like an entirely new lifeform", effectively undermining all the lip service they had given to the idea that you can't judge one artificial lifeform for the actions of another, while still holding onto the idea that Zora is trustworthy because she's absolutely devoted to the crew and all of her decisions are for their sake and she never asserts herself for her own sake, and if that wasn't the case then she would be a threat. And side note, but I fucking love (sarcastic) how often there's this framing of "oh the artificial lifeform is undermining their own personhood for the organics' sakes, this proves that they're a good person, now the organics will give them an iota of personhood back and this will be framed as the ultimate kindness" like shut the fuck up, you don't get brownie points for doing less than the bare minimum
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