#i am home safe and healthy
purple-is-great · 8 months
average topics of discussion during drunken late night walks home: "our experiences with sexual harassment and how it's really fucked up that we discuss them like 'oh he just talked a little creepy but didn't try to follow me home so it's fine', and also how people who pass as cis guys will just do shit like casually walk on unlit paths in the middle of the night with no care in the world"
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pookiebearmick · 11 days
galladrabbles - safe and sound by tonight alive
i've been thinking about @mickeym4ndy's post about mickey struggling with his trauma post canon a lot! i feel like this @galladrabbles prompt from @deathclassic works well with a more healed post canon mickey who still struggles with his past traumas when something triggers a response + comforting husband ian being a sweetie
Things have been going really well for Mickey and Ian over the past couple of years - they have their business, Ian’s looking into what requirements he needs to become an EMT again, they’re even looking into renting a house closer to the Southside so they can be more involved uncles.
It all seems to come to a halt when Colin calls, asking Mickey to get him out of some shitty deal he made with Uncle Ronnie. It sends Mickey’s defenses up, right back into Terry’s world.
“Hey, Mick,” Ian says softly, reminding. “We’re home. We’re safe. He’s gone. Terry’s gone.”
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u know it’s bad when ur doctor literally goes “hey you need to take a break from Lent/going to Mass this year until we work through some stuff”.
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eurydicees · 2 months
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sapphictechgoddess · 1 year
oh man after the takedown in 16x03 we definitely should have seen that ending coming. fools, the lot of us, once again here in our jester hats. in a completely unrelated thought:
petition to tie jj and luke to their desks at the bau for the foreseeable future until they can keep their sweet noble idiot butts out of danger
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apollo-zero-one · 1 year
I wish capitalism was a tangible object I could bite and claw at I start foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog when I think about it gwrrwhrwgwwrgwr
#my mom shouldn't have to have a job she is busy all goddamn day every goddamn day taking care of her mom and her 6 year old child#and she takes care of me and my brother and her husband this woman is exhausted#and she makes us breakfast and dinner every day and she watches all the neighborhood kids and and and#she is already fulfilling an extremely valuable roll in society!! why the FUCK should she have to have a job too!!#not even going to say 'outside the home' because her job IS OUTSIDE THE HOME she contributes to this whole damn community#It's BULLSHIT it's UNFAIR she deserves justice#and it's also bullshit and unfair that a household with three workinh adults cant afford a 4 bedroom family home.#We collectively make enoigj money that we lost our fucking health insurance and are being kicked out of our subsidized housing#But there are no homes anywhere near any of our jobs that we can afford so WHAT THE FUCK#and every part of it is capitalism and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it#Is the purpose of life not to find and be with wnd care for loved ones?? are humans not born to love and be loved and help one another??#what went wrong? why did we let it get this far? why are we taking a mother away from her 6 year old daughter so she can afford#both of their medicines that they need to live healthy lives???#A caretaker away from a disabled elderly woman? A safe person to leave your children with away from the village? Why the goddamn divide??#sorry there was ten minutes begween that tag and this one because I had to cry I am calmer now#still heavily anti-capitalist tho
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Mizuki vc calling all besties, survive
#rat rambles#sekai posting#in other news I am NOT ok#read the new story. oh baby.#ok ok look at me look at me. this gave me so much that I wanted and more#the big thing is that Im so so happy that they had mizuki relate to mafuyu the way they did#and Im also so glad that they tapped into the mizuki being the token good homelife haver here#Ive always felt that theyre the one with the most reference on what a healthy family looks like and as such felt that theyd best recognise#the true horror of mafuyu's home life#their home was their only safe space for a long time so the idea of losing that hits especially hard for them#also the whole thing abt them realising it was them 'running away' from their problems that ultinately saved them hit me hard#it just hits rly close to home for me. cause thats how shit really is sometimes. sometimes the best you can do is survive in the moment#and I think mafuyu rly needed to be told that. that sometimes you just need to survive moments. its not much but its the most they can do#godddd I love mizuki sm this was such a good mizuki event#also mafuyu. god. mafuyu. fuck man. mafuyu#all the scenes with them broke my fucking heart. and the scene with their mom. I wanted to kill that bitch. holy fucking shit#mafuyu is so so scared rn. theyre in a rly rly scary place. their rapidly losing the only comfort they had and its genuienly rly scary#its also so magical to me watching how far theyve come. they love 25ji so much. they have gotten so much better at expeessing themself to#what rly gets me is just how much their growth shows even outside of 25ji. as they grow closer to a self thats theirs it becomes harder to#hide that self and that in particular is very relatable to my own experiences#god. fucking hell. Im going to kill a man
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Do you have an intineration of touya who had a good childhood? I love him the way he is with all the teeth and snark, but sometimes i just want him to be happy and healthy and warm and cozy
nope, sorry! as someone who literally had a horrific childhood myself, i have no interest and find no comfort in writing characters who grew up with good childhoods.
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girlscience · 4 months
I don't know if my life is just extremely charmed. but listening to my coworkers talk is so bizarre to me? the way that money is the only measure of success or good life that they care about blows my mind. we are talking about furthering our education and the only thing they are looking at is how much the salary for that field pays. I understand money is important, but that's honestly not something I've given even more than a passing thought to with the programs I'm applying for? I just don't get it? We do science, don't you care more about the work than the money? Am I just blind because I haven't ever had money troubles? I don't know.
#like one of them is a single mom with a teenager so I get you want money to support both of you and to send them to high school and college#but the other one is a single late 30's man with no kids or pets#why do you need a salary that high?#like.... half the time I think I'm basically rich? I am absolutely not lol#but money is definitely not something I worry about right now?#maybe during/after grad school that'll change but as it is I am very comfortable#I can't imagine that it would be much different for them? (with the exception of the kid obviously. two people need more money than one)#did living with my parents for one year after college really make that big of a difference?#idk I get I've never lived in poverty and I've never been in serious debt so money stress is something I haven't felt#but money has just never been that important to me?#as long as I can afford groceries and clothes and a home.... 🤷🏼 save up here and there for a little treat of some kind#I just don't get it. making 100k 500k six figures etc is so so so important to sooo many people (not just my coworkers)#and I'm over here wondering what the fuck you even do with that much money#what purpose does it serve. savings?#maybe I'm just showing my whole ass here and everyone will read this and be like 'please shut up you don't get it'#but money talk is everywhere at work and online and in the world#and I just thought we agreed there were other measures of success that were more important#I thought we all knew money mattered to be healthy and safe but that in the end didn't mean more#I thought idk people wanted jobs to support them but that mostly people went into things like science because they want to help the world#am I just a fucking idiot?
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I'm still reeling from the events of last year. From being assaulted, drugged, miscarrying, being nearly assaulted by a zoophile, losing literally Everything I had, being gaslit and having my privacy invaded by many people close to me, having revenge porn made of me, and finding out I'm being stalked and in danger by way of 24/7 surveillance, I have nearly nothing left to go on. I have been essentially abandoned and had my trust destroyed by many people I considered close to me. And in order to escape that hell I had to get diagnosed with a disorder that essentially discredits me from all my grievances and I have had to return to my childhood home where I'm surrounded by the cluttered, pest-infested trash in which my mother inhabits. I cannot endure this much longer. I almost Died last year and no one who I thought to be a friend ever tried to help me. I am so alone and so, So at the brink of something drastic and permanent. I have to find a way out of this place and into a safe, private, healthy environment. My birthday was just 1 week ago (1/27) And I ran into further abuse and objectification. I just want an end to this iteration of life. I want so badly to rest and heal. Please help me, I'm begging. I am so tired of humiliating myself. Please, share this with people. Allies, pay it forward and help a black queer disabled mentally ill and severely traumatized person not just live, but thrive. The help is out there and I know you're able to do something to alleviate this terror. Don't wait for someone else. I don't care what your reasoning is, just please help me
venmo: tominova
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sttoru · 7 months
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⟣ sypnosis. kento has been extremely busy lately, going on business trips and so forth. he decides to surprise you by coming back earlier than expected. that’s how you end up finding your lover on top of you, showering you in his affection at 3 in the morning.
⟣ tags. nanami kento x female reader. fluff, bit of angst, suggestive towards the end. reader gets called 'sweetheart, angel, dear' wc: 1.8k
⟣ note. okayokay finally an adition to my event heheh ive almost forgotten about it but then i saw this prompt & was like . ok nanami , i must write this rnnn no delaying anymore so here i am :3 its also very bad. i hate it sm LOL i hope u at least like it t_t
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kento often asks himself why he had returned to the world he despised — the jujutsu society; his old high school. the sprawling curses everywhere are the main cause of his current misery.
he had been sent out on missions left and right, not catching a break in hopes of reducing any more civilian causalities than necessary. kento had even thought that maybe his previous 9-5 job wasn’t as bad as he had considered it.
overtime was every day for the sorcerer now. that wasn’t the worst thing - no - the fact that he was pratically living a long distant relationship with his beloved irritated him most.
a thought he had in his high school days reoccured in a moment of distress: ‘why not leave all those missions to gojo?’
you were still pretty understanding of his situation. kento appreciated that, though the guilt still ate away at him whenever he tried to sleep. an empty bed welcomed him each time he re-entered his hotel room — you saw the exact same scenery when returning home to your shared apartment.
both of you were adults; both knowing that life was unfair. the two of you being unable to see each other from time to time was a part of your life. kento and you still maintained a healthy relationship. that was all that really mattered in the end.
11:49PM. . . tonight wasn’t unlike any other night; you were preparing yourself to go to bed—changing into your pyjamas after showering, snuggling to a pillow under the covers and texting your lover one last message.
‘good luck on your mission as always! stay safe, i love you.’
you stare at your phone screen for a minute longer than intended. even if you tried to be mature about it — you longed for kento’s warmth and undivided attention. you want him with you, his strong arms holding you to his chest as you rest, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine in the best way possible.
you sigh defeatedly and put your phone down on your nightstand. just two days until you could see your partner again. you can hold onto that hope to keep you calm.
despite you trying to stay positive, you tossed and turned in your bed as you thought about kento’s safety. there was always a chance of him not coming home to you — always the possibility of that bed to be empty for the rest of your life.
all you could do was pray for his safety in your head whilst your eyes eventually closed from fatigue, your mind drifting off to a deep slumber.
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03:14AM. . . kento opens the door he had wished to have opened way earlier. the door that lead to the place where his heart lays; the person who claimed his heart and soul for eternity. you.
he didn’t think he’d actually do it. kento had originally planned to finish his last job as soon as possible and then get home afterwards, but there seemed to be a change in routine.
the special grade sorcerer simply assigned the mission to ino — the person whom he could trust most to finish the job in one piece. as much as kento dislikes to put his juniors in possible risky situations, there are also situations where it’s fine to depend on them. besides, the mission could easily be done by a grade one sorcerer.
kento sighs. the familiar scent of your home was one he could recognise from miles away. one that could calm his nerves instantly. it was that same distinctive scent you carry; thus why your lover sometimes calls you his home.
‘i can’t wait to be home’ ‘i want to be home’ ‘i’m going home’ — all these sentences, which kento has uttered before in earlier conversations, weren’t referring to a place. rather to a person he held dear.
“oh, my sweetheart.” the blonde man whispers under his breath as his eyes catch the shape of your figure under the blankets. he quietly enters the master bedroom and closes the door behind him, not making a sound as to not interrupt your well-deserved sleep.
kento slowly undoes his dotted tie, along with the upper buttons of his blouse. he probably needs to go take a good shower before he could settle down with you — but that’d risk waking you up.
you look extremely angelic in his eyes. especially with your left cheek squished by the soft pillow your head rests on. you never once fail to convince him that you are indeed the woman of his dreams; the woman kento ever had and will have eyes for. it’s like you get more attractive to him as the days go on.
“mh,” your sudden and soft groan makes him realise just how disturbing his behaviour could be interpreted as. kento’s body was hovering over your sleeping one and he was just. . . staring at you with a soft smile. a smile which he didn’t even notice had permanently found its place on his weary face.
kento sits down on the edge of the mattress, callused hand gently tucking you in properly, putting the blanket over your shoulders to make sure you didn’t get cold. he can’t rest if you’re not comfortable— even if he himself was exhausted to the point his eyes were starting to feel heavy.
yet that exhaustion doesn’t last long. it never does when kento’s able to see you again after a tiring week of countless missions and other jobs. your presence alone grants him the energy to stay awake and take care of you. and himself. you’re the reason he keeps it going.
“i love you so much, my beautiful girl — my angel.”
kento sure was a romantic. even when you’re unaware and asleep.
he couldn’t help it; the feeling stirring inside of him. the feeling of adoration and love for you. you are simply resting, yet kento felt an urge to kiss you all over, show you the unending love he has for you. but. . that’d probably be disturbing your peace. you are sleeping after all. he
not that that would stop kento.
your eyes flutter open due to a sudden presence hovering over you. your entire face and neck area was feeling ticklish, like someone was placing tens of kisses all over the skin.
strands of blonde hair is the first thing showing up in your blurry vision. kento’s face follows afterwards as his head tilts back up, the warmth against your jawline disappearing along with it —
“ah, i’m sorry.” a low and almost guilty chuckle tumbles out of his sore throat. the visible confusion on your face makes him let out another, “shh, shh, it’s just me, sweetheart.”
your arms flew around kento’s torso the second the realisation dawns upon you. your heart went from a slow pace to one that caused your entire body to warm up immediately; the adorable reaction and increase in heart rate not going unnoticed by your lover.
you wordlessly hug him — almost still in shock by the sudden appearance. kento doesn’t fight off your tight embrace, instead, welcomes it with open arms. the delicate kisses on your skin continue, each being placed with precision whilst one of his hands keeps your head tilted a little — rough fingers being a contrast of the gentle grip they had on your jaw.
“i missed you lots,” kento murmurs, eyes closed as he basks in the warmth of your body, his lips refusing to let go of your neck, “i couldn’t wait anymore. i couldn’t be separated from you any longer or i’d lose it.”
his gruff voice sounded even deeper than it usually would. maybe due to the overuse of it during his missions. the lone thought makes you pout — the thought of kento working super hard just to provide for you both.
“i missed you more, love.” you mumble, bottom lip trembling a little as kento’s hug triggers a whole lot of emotions in you. his hugs were special, his muscular arms giving you a sense of comfort you couldn’t find anywhere. no one could hug you like he did, “you did well. you did so well.”
those were all the words kento needed. his lips come to halt right above your collarbone, his breath a bit heavy from how much he's holding himself back from doing more. one hand moves from your cheek to your waist, fingers toying with the fabric of your shirt.
“thank you, dear.” kento says. his words carrying a load of unending affection. your simple words of appreciation and encouragement makes him shiver in delight. this is what he longed for; this is what he did it all for.
it was clear. the answer to his question - of why he had returned to the jujutsu world, to become a teacher at his former high school - it was all for you. to be able to be with you, see you and hold you like this. to have someone like you appreciate all of his efforts.
“may i?” kento asks through a quiet whisper as he gently removes the blanket covering your figure, his eyes darting down towards your cleavage. he's asking for permission to cross that barrier — to cover you in the love you deserve.
you just stare at the blonde man above you for a second. you watch as he climbs onto the bed with you; the bed which was once empty and dull, now suddenly becoming your favourite place to be at. your fingertips graze against kento's sharp cheekbones. a habit you always did when you were appreciating his looks.
“go right ahead.” you answer with a confirming nod.
both of you were touch starved and had been deprived from each other's embrace for way too long. now was the perfect time to make up for all the time lost.
kento wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip past him. he smiles at you, a gentle and handsome smile, whilst a few of his blonde locks fall over his left eye — his hands already prying away the blanket covering your shape. it was time to show you just how much he has longed for you.
“hold on to me, sweetheart. i’m not stopping until you realise just how much i’ve missed all of you.”
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gojossocks · 7 months
You’re all I want.
Pairing: Gojo x reader Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, crack at the end because Gojo copes with humor :") Content: Gojo comes home after the Shibuya accident and you try your best to ground him back to you. WC: 1.5k
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Satoru steps into your shared home, suddenly feeling the fatigue weighing down on his body. Soft lighting filled the room, courtesy of the gentle glow of the lamps you excitedly asked him to buy. 
It was 2 am and he just came home from Shibuya, and after everything that has happened to him, his arms are itching to hold you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you close and let the beating of your heart lull him to sleep. 
He lets out an audible sigh of relief when he sees your figure curled up on his side of the bed, you were wearing his sweater. You turn your head to his direction when you hear the door open,  “Satoru?” you mumbled sleepily. Then just like always, you stood up to greet your husband. 
“Sweetheart,” he smiles at you, his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist.  “I bought macaroons from a newly opened cafe in Shibuya, you’d love it.” 
He still hasn’t taken off his blindfold, the fabric covering his eyes, putting a visible barrier between you and seeing your husband. He’s putting up his ‘the strongest’ persona so you gently cup his face before taking off his blindfold. “Didn’t I tell you to take off your blindfold when you’re around me?” 
He lets out a chuckle and affectionately nudges you, accompanied by a subtle teasing lilt in his voice. “Can’t hide anything from you, Y/N.”  
You take into his appearance— how certain parts of his uniform are ripped and stained with dry blood. Then you noticed his eyes, how the bright blue irises bore the weight of exhaustion and you knew immediately that this mission is unlike the usual ones. There was a profound sadness that lingered within the depths of his gaze and your heart aches at the thought of what he must have gone through the past few hours.
“I missed you.” he breathed out, the words hanging in the air like a whispered confession. He said it like the words are scarce, as if he was unsure if he really came back home.  “I thought I wasn’t gonna come home tonight. I had to. I promised I would, didn’t I?”  
A soft, almost imperceptible smile plays upon Satoru's lips, but the warmth he gives falls short of reflecting in his eyes. Your fingers instinctively find their way into his, gently squeezing his hand. You press your forehead against his, assuring him that he’s safe and you’re real. “I missed you too, Satoru.”
Satoru leans in and pulls you into a gentle and lingering kiss. and you kiss him back eagerly, ardently— so grateful for your husband keeping his promise to you. you sigh into his mouth, and he breathes you in, 
You press your forehead against his once you pull away, your fingers tracing his cheek, “Thank you for always coming home to me.”  
You are Satoru’s anchor, and you in all your strength, refuse to let him sink. 
Usually, you and Satoru have a routine after his missions. You prepare him a proper meal for dinner, knowing full well he isn’t eating anything healthy when you aren’t around to scold him. You listen to him ramble about his students or the sweets he brings home and you tell him all about your day as he munches on the food you prepared. Then after that, you take a relaxing bath together, washing away all of the remnants from his mission, physically and figuratively. Then, you find solace in each others’ arms. You let Satoru hug you all night while you gently run your fingers through his hair.  The details might shift depending on the mood but the core remains constant— Satoru’s routine wouldn’t be complete without you in it. 
Tonight, you decide to skip the meal part. It was past midnight anyway.  “Bath?” 
As you prepare for your bath, stepping into the shower, you notice the unusual quietness from Satoru. Typically, he’s constantly talking, excitedly telling you anything that comes to his mind. But today he lets himself be vulnerable around you. 
Opening the shower, you invite him in, holding Satoru’s hand as the warmth of the cascading water surrounds the both of you. You take the opportunity to shampoo your husband’s hair, your fingers gently massaging his scalp, having to be on your tiptoes to reach the top of his head. He crouches down a bit to meet you halfway, sneaking a hand to your waist. 
“What’s on your mind, ‘Toru?”  you break the silence, your fingers continuing massaging his scalp. His eyes avoid yours. 
“I just—” He hesitates before he responds, his voice breaking. “I almost got sealed because I got distracted during the fight. Nanami was severely injured and a lot of people died today. We saved a lot of them thanks to my students.  I just hope I’ll be able to protect you forever.” 
Your heart aches at his raw confessions, the gravity of what he’s endured weighs heavily on you both. You attempt to soothe his pain with all that you can,   “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it right now. I just want to let you know I’m here.” 
You took your time lathering his body with soap, caressing with your soft fingers as they tracing patterns on his skin and he allows himself to feel the exhaustion, finding a momentary respite in the gentleness of your touch. With you, he surrendered. 
He held onto you in desperation and hugged you tighter. Then he released all of his pent-up emotions, quiet sobs filled the room and you held him through it all, feeling his tears as they mingled with the water streaming down on your shoulder. Your other hand finds tracing comforting circles on his back.
“Hey,” you grab both of his hands and entwine your fingers with his, gazing into his eyes sincerely.   “I’m right here, Satoru. We’re alive. I’m safe. You’re safe. Let me carry your burdens with you. ” 
Satoru remains silent but the way he’s holding onto you speaks volumes. You’re certain that he’s clutching onto every word that you utter.  You delicately wipe away his tears, your touch felt divine on his skin.  “We’re jujutsu sorcerers, risking our lives is what we do. That’s why every second that I’m with you matters.” you say gently, offering a small smile. 
His eyes, puffy and red, meet yours with gratitude. Then, unexpectedly, he chuckles. “Damn you for ruining my depressing moment. I was deep in my feels.”
There was your Satoru, him and his theatrics. 
Once you’ve fully brought back your energetic and joyful husband, your bath session becomes less and less productive as he wouldn’t stop lathering soap, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, on your butt. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, “Yes?”
“I’m cleaning it, baby. If anything you should thank me.” He says, feigning innocence. Although his smirk gave him away. 
“Really? Just my ass? You’re squeezing it, Satoru!” you squeal, momentarily breaking away from him only to be pulled into his arms once again. You burst into laughter and he giggles in reply, like a motherfucking child.
He exaggerates a groan and sneaks his hand to your butt cheek once more, resting his head on your shoulder.  “It’s ‘Toru to you! I’m sad and stressed, let me be. Please let me use it as a stress reliever.” He pulls away to look at your face before wiggling his eyebrows teasingly, “and aren’t you the one who suggested this shower?” 
“Because you stink” you mutter under your breath, the words barely audible.
In response, a loud smack resonates around the bathroom.
“Did you just fucking slap my ass?”  you exclaim, a mix of surprise and indignation in your voice. 
“I absolutely did not.” he declares, a mischievous grin lighting up his face.  He hugs you once more,  burying his face in the crook of your neck. In your embrace, his pain and burdens dissolve into your arms, leaving only the love you give him.  You are all that he wants, all that he can think of and he silently wishes— begs any omnipotent god to allow him to get infinite moments with you. 
He pulls away from the hug and cups your cheeks with his hands and you both stare at each other, engraving this moment into your souls, hoping there won't come a time where you’d lose one another. 
“I love you, Satoru.” you say sincerely and of course he responds to it without hesitation. “I love you more, Y/N.” 
“I love you most, then.”  you reply cheekily, grinning. 
A pout adorned his face, huffing at your statement. “That’s not fair.” He protests.
Knowing that he’s losing the fight between your silly banter. He attempts to assert his victory. “I love you mostest then!” 
“Satoru, we both know that’s incorrect grammar” you point out, playfully rolling your eyes.  “I also can’t believe I’m doing this cheesy shit with you.” 
“We have been married for a decade, sweetheart.” 
God, Satoru loves you so much.
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a/n: nanami did NOT die in my mind :D hope u guys enjoyed!
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ros3ybabes · 16 days
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🎀 Workout Youtubers
I currently do exclusively pilates and yoga workouts from youtube. However, I've done other body weight workouts with various youtube videos and seen results in the past. Here is my list of workout youtubers that you could check out! I will put a * next to my personal favorites! I will include a short list of my current at home workout equipment at the end as well as some items I plan on buying soon!
With any workout program or routine, always be safe, check with your doctor if necessary, and if something doesn't feel good or right, don't do it! No matter what your goals are, it's always important to be safe and stay healthy. Please always take care of yourselves and know how beautiful, worthy and valuable you are no matter what! I love you all <333
🩷 Pilates
Move with Nicole * (also posts occasionally barre and yoga videos as well! I love her videos so so much)
Madeleine Abeid
Lidia Mera
Lottie Murphy
Amanda Blauer
Margaret Elizabeth
Jessica Valant Pilates
Bailey Brown
Dansique Fitness
Flow with Mira
Sivi (she's began posting some pilates inspired workouts and to my knowledge is currently getting certified as an instructor)
🩷 Yoga
Yoga with Adriene *
Yoga with Bird
Boho Beuatiful Yoga
🩷 Bodyweight Fitness/Strength/HIIT
Chloe Ting * (I don't like the click bait, but I like the workouts)
Pamela Reif *
Madfit *
Lilly Sabri * (Some of her videos are titled with pilates, but the older ones I used to do were not pilates, so I categorized her here)
Emi Wong
Shirlyn Kim
Vivian Yuan
April Han
growwithjo * (I love her walking workouts)
Mish Choi
Sami Clarke
Coach Kel (she posts what looks like more barre, ballet, pilates inspored/fusion workouts it seems)
Caroline Girvan
Daisy Keech
🎀 Current At Home Workout Equipment I Own
Thick Yoga Mat - since I do mainly yoga and pilates my thick yoga may (amazon brand) has served me well. Even tho I am a heavier woman at the moment, I've never had pain or any issues with this mat, and it came with a carry strap which I love! A good, thick workout mat is definitely necessary for working out at home for comfort, safety, etc. Make sure to disinfect it on occasion, especially if you sweat on it a lot!
Resistance Bands - I have about 3 or 4 at different resistance strengths, and they're incredibly useful for a variety of movements, especially lower body ones. They add some extra resistance and make the workouts a bit more challenging when you need something more advanced. I also got mine from Amazon/Walmart a while back. I prefer fabric over rubber because I like to wear workout shorts instead of workout leggings.
Pilates Ball - not a necessity, but useful with some pilates workouts and movements. I have seen sole videos using this, but am not advanced enough to try it on my own yet. Will use for sure once I'm more advanced.
3lb dumbbells - I thought these would be useful for the pilates workouts that had some upper body focus, and as someone who wants to develop a lean and toned upper body, they are perfect for low weight high rep, controlled movements. Again, not advanced enough to use as I want to master my form, but they're gonna come in handy for sure!
Foam Roller - so so good for stretching and muscle recovery on rest days. I love mine but want one that has the bump things on it to help my muscles more. I can imagine how good it'll feel on my legs during a recovery day when I begin wieght lifting again.
Massage Gun - my holy grail for the days I am sore and needing some recovery. my body feels like jelly after using this, and it's just so nice for the days my muscles feel extra tight and super sore.
🎀 Equipment I Want To Buy
Yoga Blocks - these will help me get deeper into the yoga poses once I get more advanced in my practice
Pilates Ring - this honestly looks so fun and challenging to use, I'd love to add it to my collection of useful workout equipment!
Jump Rope - I used to love this as a form of cardio and as long as I don't move into an upstairs apartment, I'm definitely buying one
Pilates Bar - still iffy on this one, it's supposed to mimic a reformer but I want to get better at mat pilates and see if I even end up ever needing or seriously wanting to buy it, its on my list tho
Ankle/Wrist weights - these are gonna be so useful for workouts where hand held dumbbells aren't useful. Want to buy some low weight ones just to help with resistance and extra strength during pilates workouts
Kettlebell weight - I think this would be useful for a workout at home type situation if and when I switch to not doing just pilates and yoga. I know these are useful in their own right, but not needed in my current fitness stage of life.
Core Sliders - these look fun and interesting. They're on my lost for sure, but not sure about the practicality of their use in my life just yet.
That's all that's currently on my at home workout equipment list! As someone who primarily works out at home, the things I currently own are most useful and most of what's on this list is for fun or extra challenge. Just not necessary yet.
hope you enjoyed this list! if you have any questions about my favorite youtuber workout instructors or favorite videos, please feel free to ask, I've tried so many and can give some guidance from my own experience and research.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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gglitch1dd · 22 hours
End of the Road
Dilf Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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@stoned-anime-babe The way I thought of this a few days ago and then you brought this idea again. Thank you for the submission lovey<3
Context: You and your husband dance around in the kitchen and your boys can't help but smile.
You wiped the kitchen counter as soft oldies played in the background. In the evenings, late at night when the younger sprouts have gone to bed and the older ones have retreated to their bedrooms, you and your husband would clean up downstairs ensuring that your house would be perfect the next morning.
Obviously disinfecting and cleaning was also a way to ensure that your youngest son, Koda, would stay healthy and safe in his own home, but it was also a mindless task the both of you could enjoy.
You hummed to yourself, swaying your hips to the old song. You ignored the footsteps of your husband trying to be silent. He walked up behind you, making you smile. You paused wiping the marble counter as you felt your large husband lean against you. He put his head down on your shoulder, kissing your neck with a smile. His large hands moved to rest on your hips. "You look so beautiful."
You couldn't help but smile as you chuckled. You leaned back against his broad big frame. It always felt like he was perfectly built to hold you and to keep you close. You always felt so totally consumed by him but in the best of ways. "Izuku, I'm a mess." You told him. "I'm pretty sure this shirt hasn't been washed in a week and I haven't taken a shower today and I'm pretty sure one of Shoyo's markers managed to scrape my sweatp-"
"You're so beautiful." He insisted as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, taking a breath. He tightened his grip on you happily swaying to the music with you. "I love you just like this." He spoke up again. You turned your head to look up at him with wide eyes.
Izuku looked down at you with an expression you had seen time and time again before but one that you couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly consumed by. His green eyes, beautiful and bright just for you, were consumed by his pupils as he looked down at you. A gentle smile was on his lips.
You felt heat go up your neck as you looked away from him embarrassed. You felt like you were twenty years younger, blushing at his charming words and such unabashed glances and faces.
You felt his hand gently move to your face, angling you to look back up at him again. His eyes searched your face almost as if he wanted to dive into your very being and stay there. You were frozen staring up at him, the cloth you were holding long gone as you looked up at him, waiting on his every word.
"Dear God..." He let out softly before a soft disbelieving scoff left his mouth. "I am so lucky to have you." He gently took your smaller hand in his own, kissing the palm of your hand as he gently turned you into his arms, making you chest to chest.
You stared up at him before smiling gently. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you leaned against his chest, swaying to the music. You felt his arm wrap around you while he joined your hands together. He rested his head ontop of your own as the both of you carefully swayed to the music.
It was intimate moments like this that made you fall deeper and deeper in love with your husband. He held your heart in his hands and you didn't know how he managed to do it. Because here you were, teary eyed as you realised that you were with this wonderful man, Midoriya Izuku.
How he'd given you everything you could have ever wanted in life. He had given you his heart, five wonderful boys, a life of luxury and never having to worry about a cent, this wonderful house, a life focusing on whatever you wanted.
You knew that you were immensely lucky. So wonderfully lucky.
You opened your eyes as you looked up at your husband, who turned to look down at you. That smile on his face that told you that he had no other thoughts in his head other than ones of you. You couldn't help but move your hand to cup his face as you stared up at him. You pulled him down to put his forehead against yours as he held you, dancing in your kitchen together.
To the end of the road, still i can't let go. It's unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you.
"Kane do you think-" Toshinori stopped talking as he stopped in his tracks on the staircase. Him and Kane had decided to grab some snacks from downstairs.
Kane looked at the other teenager who had stopped in his tracks. His gaze softened as a gentle smile went to his face. Kane raised an eyebrow before looking in the direction that he was looking in. There in the kitchen, holding onto each other and swaying to the music was you and Izuku. Kane's eyes widened. He wasn't entirely sure what to call what he was seeing but it was soemthing he had rarely seen in his life.
Kane took out his phone and recorded the scene, both boys decided to mutually stay silent and enjoy the moment. Toshinori smiled at the sight of his parents together. If there was one thing he was grateful for, it was the love that you two had for each other. Despite all his complaining of the both of you being disgustingly in love, Toshinori wouldn't have changed it for a thing.
Kane had barely seen what love was supposed to look like, but he knew, watching you both right now...
It was right in front of him.
Newest post by TheMidoriyas: Till the end of the road💚 #fyp #love #parentsofTikTok #ProHeroDeku #TheMidoriyas 2 Mill Likes. slipperygeese: The way he looks at her😫 DekuFan900: This dude has no idea how lucky he is to see his parents like this. PHPINKY!!✅: THERE'S MY MR AND MRS NUMBER ONE!!
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communistchilchuck · 2 months
I was asked to help share Maram's fundraiser. She is a young displaced Palestinian mother urgently raising money to evacuate she and her family from Gaza. She has only raised €225 out of her €30,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Maram's GFM:
‏Hi, my name is Maram. I am 28 years old. I am a Palestinian from Gaza City.A mother for 3 kids. This is my husband, Ahmed, and my children are Habiba, four years old, kareem, two years old, and Mohammad, nine months old. ‏My family and I went through very difficult circumstances in Gaza after October 7th ‏
It’s painful to say that we lost everything. But yes
we did! We lost our beautiful homeland with all its memories, we lost our job, we lost our lives and our dreams. We evacuated our house with only a small bag of clothes before it was bombed and destroyed. So technically YES we have lost EVERYTHING, from the biggest to the smallest little detail.
We have been displaced 6 times. My children left our home for the first time and moved to another home, and then we moved with the family to another, less safe home. Then the army ordered us to flee to southern Gaza, so we fled to the ground, then we ended up fleeing to a small tent and sleeping on the sand. ‏
My family suffers from a lack of food, especially ‏the children. My child, Mohammed, who is 9 months old, ran out of breast milk due to malnutrition, and the price of infant formula has doubled. Kareem and Habiba saw the simplest thing that could be available to children, which is apples, so they screamed and cried, wanting an apple, but the price of one apple reached 10 dollars or more!! ‏In addition, there was also a lack of healthy drinking water, which caused them severe stomach pain and diseases such as hepatitis A.
‏Due to the conditions imposed by the occupation, the siege, and the lack of resources, it has become difficult for my family to provide the children with basic and simple needs, such as diapers. It is difficult to provide all the needs, and due to the poor quality of the types of diapers available, my children suffered from a skin problem ‏ My family also suffers from not having a bathroom or even a shower. We can only shower once a month using a bucket due to lack of water. There is no electricity or gas either. ‏Every morning, I wash my children's clothes in cold water and spread the clothes out in the open air. If there is food, it is cooked on firewood, which is completely unhealthy and tastes bad. Me and my husband shared a beautiful life together. Our home was always filled with love and laughter. My children are the most precious thing I have in my life. ‏ Our lives were once full of dreams and hopes, but the never-ending cycle of conflict in Gaza shattered those dreams. Now our only goal is to survive. ‏ While others dream of the future, we long for the past, remembering the life we once lived before the horrors of war tore it apart.
‏I have hesitated to ask for financial assistance for several months, but the reality is that life in Gaza has become impossible in the near future. With schools destroyed and opportunities disappearing, our only chance for a better life lies beyond these borders. ‏ My only hope is to save my little family and we need €30,000 to make it out of Gaza, to start a new life from scratch. It is very difficult to leave homeland, but we are forced To get out of Gaza. Your kindness can make a big difference to us. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us escape the constant fear and uncertainty that has plagued our lives for so long. If you're not able to donate, simply sharing our campaign with your friends, family and social networks can also have a huge impact. ‏Together, we can give my children the opportunity to grow up in a world free of the horrors of war. Your kindness will help us build a brighter future and restore hope to a family that has endured so much suffering. ‏ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sympathy and support! Your contributions will not only change our lives, but will also provide hope to countless people affected by similar circumstances.
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number1mingyustan · 18 days
-Cuffing Season-
His Friend
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boyfriend!mingyu x fem!reader x boyfriendsbestfriend!jungkook
Warnings: established relationship, kissing, cursing, explicit smut, striptease, size kink, threesome, unprotected sex, protected sex, oral (f.+m.), gagging, fingering (f.), squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, a lot of sexual tension, mentions of a safe word, surprisingly healthy communication
Summary: (What SZA said)²
Word Count: 5.3k
(a/n: ive never written anything like this, it's not really my thing but before i was a carat, i was an army and i fear that will never change)
The city lights shine brightly outside. Beams of red, green, white, and occasional blue reflect from the buildings surrounding you. You don't pay it much mind, thoughts elsewhere as the rays of light zip past your line of sight.
The train is moving pretty fast, and the window in front of you isn't all that clean, making it difficult to pinpoint where the lights outside are coming from. It's where everyone must be, you figure, considering the car train is empty.
Mostly empty anyway.
The two men sitting in front of you are engaging in conversation without you. You're standing, hands gripping the silver pole beside you as a means of support. Your eyes shift between your boyfriend and his best friend as they laugh and talk.
The vehicle suddenly comes to a stop, brakes working at full force to let the passengers off from the other cars. The sudden shift causes you to lose your balance, stumbling over.
A pair of strong arms act fast, reaching out to hold you up in your drunken state.
"Be careful," Mingyu mumbles, pulling you in by your legs to hold you up. Your hands move from the silver pole to the hand holder above you as you step closer to your boyfriend.
"I am being careful," you furrow your brows.
"Sure you don't wanna sit?" Jungkook asks, looking at the space between him and Mingyu that you occupied only a few minutes ago.
"I'm fine," You protest, walking away from the two men in front of you and back to the pole in the middle of the train. You spin around it mindlessly, nearly losing your balance again and giggling to yourself.
Your mind is a bit hazy, high off of pure fun, and maybe one too many drinks. What started off as innocent fun has slowly segwayed into much more.
You're not entirely sure how you even ended up here.
See, Jungkook and Mingyu have been best friends for years. They met when they were teens and have been pretty much inseparable since. But as they grew older, their lives took them in different places.
Mingyu stayed closer to home, but Jungkook has a more adventurous spirit. He moved about an hour away into the city, and opened up his own tattoo shop.
Of all Mingyu's friends, Jungkook had to be your favorite.
Of course the two kept in contact with one another, but they didn't see each other as much because of the distance. With both of them working and Mingyu's job being so demanding, it had been months since they'd actually seen each other. There were time where their schedules aligned and plans could be made.
Like tonight, the two made plans in the city and you decided to tag along. You found somewhere in the middle, hopped on the train and spent the night out drinking and singing karaoke. The time flew and before you knew it, people started to go home and you realized it was time to head back.
But you guys hadn't seen Jungkook in so long and you were having such a good time, didn't really want the night to end. So you invited him back to your place for the night, making it obvious that you didn't want the fun to end. Matter of fact, it hadn't even really begun yet.
You scan over his features, noticing his facial expressions and body language. You can tell something is weighing on his mind. He pulls at the piercing on his bottom lip with his teeth and his leg hasn't stopped bouncing.
You all know what's going to happen tonight. There's been a thick tension brewing the entire night and you've all silently agreed to it. You wonder if he's having second thoughts already.
"Something on your mind, Kook?" You ask softly, walking over to the tattooed man.
He lifts his head up, meeting your half-lidded eyes. You take in his features, roaming over the piercings littering his ears, lip, and eyebrow. His hair has gotten longer too, forming into light waves. He looks good.
He blinks at you, blush creeping up his cheeks and nose. The drinks he had earlier already had him flushed, but now you're the one causing it.
"All good, Shorty," Jungkook flashes you a grin.
You return it, lips pulling upward at the sound of the nickname. He's always used it with you, understandably so. You were much shorter than the two men before you, and even Mingyu towered over Jungkook.
You pat his head lightly, running your fingers through his soft hair. "Okay."
He watches as you make your way back to the pole, spinning around it playfully. The skirt you have on is entirely too short, and it's doing a poor job of covering you as your body rotates around the pole.
Jungkook's leg bounces faster and he crosses his arms over his broad chest. Fuck.
The train comes to another stop moments later and you lock eyes with Mingyu. He stands to his feet, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"C'mon Kook, it's our stop."
It's been a while since Jungkook stepped foot in this apartment. You've decorated it nicely, surely it was your doing and your doing only. Mingyu's never had a creative eye. There's pictures of the two of you scattered across the space and Jungkook can't help but feel like he's intruding.
It's a fleeting thought though, he doesn't dwell on it. He buries it deep inside, beneath the alcohol pumping in his veins, clouding his thoughts and filling it with the desire brewing in his cock. Jeon Jungkook is not a man who lives a life of regrets.
He averts his gaze from the pictures, following you into the bedroom. You take off your black leather jacket and hang it up. "You can have a seat," You tell him.
He sits down on your bed, facing you. Like a man, his long legs take up most of the space as he sits wide.
"You want something to drink?" You ask, leaning against the door frame.
Jungkook nods. "Something strong."
You raise an eyebrow. "Having second thoughts already?"
"Never, Shorty," He grins.
He eyes you shamelessly. You've ditched your jacket, exposing the little black croptop you had on. He's seeing now that you decided to go braless, perked nipples peaking through the material of your short. You're not wearing your boots anymore either, removing the extra height you had earlier and placing you directly in his line of sight. His eyes are clouded with lust, scanning over your frame as he nibbles on the piercing on his lower lip.
Just as you turn to walk out of the room, Mingyu's body appears, blocking you from fully exiting.
"Sit down, sweetheart," Mingyu nods his head toward the bed.
"I'm serving our guest," You cock your head to the side defiantly.
Mingyu towers over you and his eyes grow intimidating. He narrows his eyes, erasing every hint of amusement in his expression. Goosebumps rise up along your skin and your body shivers.
"Don't need your drunk ass dropping any glasses, I'll get it," He says, holding you by the shoulders. He turns you around and disappears to another part of the house.
Almost immediately, you're sitting down on the bed. You're obedient, Jungkook takes a mental note.
MIngyu comes back a few moments later holding two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He fills up both the glasses and hands one to Jungkook, keeping the other for himself.
You frown. "Gyu."
Mingyu takes a sip, allowing the brown liquor to leave a satisfying burn in his throat. "Hmm?"
"Did you consider that I might have wanted a glass?" You huff.
"Don't throw a tantrum in front of our guest," Mingyu says, extending his glass to you. "You don't even like whiskey."
He's right, but it doesn't stop you from taking the glass out of his hand and taking a sip for yourself. It goes down smoothly, but leaves an ache in your throat and a bad taste on your tongue.
Mingyu takes the glass back and takes another sip for himself. "Kook," Mingyu says.
The tatted man averts his attention to your boyfriend. "Ground rules."
"No hickeys, she's still my girl and I don't want you leaving any marks," Mingyu says.
Jungkook nods. "Okay."
"Can't cum inside, or on her face, shit's disrespectful. You can be rough, but not too rough. No hitting or anything like that.," Mingyu continues.
You can't help but sit there smiling to yourself. The lisp in your boyfriend's
"I wouldn't do that to your girl, Gyu." Jungkook interjects.
"I know, but I just wanna make it clear. I trust you, but I gotta make sure she's safe and comfortable. Pretty much anything else is fine if she doesn't have any problems."
"You got any problems?" Jungkook inquires.
"As long as she's okay with it, I'm okay with it. Just listen to her. Slow down if she needs to slow down, and stop if she says stop. She's submissive, but she's in control no matter what.
He looks at you. "If it's too much, you say something. Use your safeword. What's your safe word, gorgeous?"
Mingyu nods. "Good. You heard that, Kook?"
Jungkook shifts on the bed, visibly growing more comfortable in your presence. "Loud and clear."
"This isn't something I'd normally do, but we're all a little drunk and Kook, I trust you with my life. Y/n and I have talked about it before, so don't make me regret it."
Oh? You guys have been planning this? Jungkook thinks to himself. He knew you were comfortable around him and he's heard in great detail from Mingyu about your very active sex life. But to think you'd actually discussed this? He's kind of flattered.
"Never," Jungkook blinks. "I'll be careful."
Mingyu sits down on the bed, large body dipping into the mattress as he makes himself comfortable. He takes another sip from his glass and his gaze doesn't leave you. "Go ahead, Sweetheart."
You stand before them both, in a similar position to how you were on the train. Smirking, you bend over and pull your black miniskirt off before tossing it. You now stand in just your black lace thong and your shirt.
Both men watch you in a trance. It stirs a feeling of boldness in you, having their attention like this. Confidence pumps through your veins as your hands dance over the fabric of your top. You pull it off slowly and toss it onto the ground.
You stand in front of them wearing nothing but your lacy black thongs. Both of them are silent, eyes locked in on you and only you. Mingyu's seen this view plenty of times, but in this moment he's seeing you through Jungkook's eyes. Like it's his first time and he can't look away.
There's just something about you.
You leave a little to the imagination, climbing onto the bed without stripping yourself bare. Your knee dips into the mattress and you wedge yourself between the two men.
You lean your head in toward Jungkook, pressing your nose against his. He lets out a ragged breath as the tension in the room expands. You lick your lips slowly before removing the gap separating you.
Jungkook's kisses are different. They're slower, but by no means hesitant. He kisses you like he cherishes you, doesn't want it to be a fleeting moment. He takes his time, appreciating the way you taste and the way you feel. Smart man, knowing this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
You pull away, resting your forehead against his. He leans in again, but you back away just enough that your lips don’t collide. He lets out a shaky breath, chewing on his pierced lower lip.
You tug on his shirt, “Take this off for me.”
You climb off Jungkook’s lap and onto Mingyu’s. You cup his cheek, leaning in and kissing him softly. He leans into your touch, kissing you back with desperation.
Mingyu... Mingyu kisses like like he's got no time left, yet it feels like all the time in the world. It's ironic almost, because he's sure he's going to spend the rest of his life with you. But he's impatient, desperate even, in the way he touches you and presses his lips against yours. But everything about him is so familiar, you always find yourself falling deep into him. His kisses are consuming, much like everything about him. Makes you feel like you're floating, and 30 seconds feels like an eternity.
You moan against his lips, placing a firm hand on his chest as your lips move against one another with haste. You feel one of his hands grip your ass and decide to pull away. You move his hand onto his own lap.
You lean back, leaving your boyfriend breathless and aching for your touch. You shift your gaze back to a now shirtless Jungkook. His tattoos are on full display, decorating his muscular body. The ink of his sleeve is nearly full, trailing all the way down to his fingers.
You climb off Mingyu’s lap, leaning in toward Jungkook. His gaze is intense, hazy as his eyes shift between your lips and your eyes.
“Kook,” You breathe out. “I wanna suck your cock.”
Jungkook’s mind feels hazy. The concept of you is messing with his mind. You’re submissive, but you know what you want and you’re not afraid of vocalizing it.
He holds his glass in his hand, swiftly bringing it to his lips and downing the leftover contents in the transparent dish. He sets the now-empty glass down on the nightstand.
Honest, he’s never looked at you this way before. He’s never had these kinds of thoughts about you. You were gorgeous and had a nice body, but anyone could see that. It was undeniable.
But he never actually had thoughts of you. As long as he’d known you, you were Mingyu’s girl. His best friend’s girlfriend, not the girl he’d ever imagine asking to suck his dick.
But who was he to deny you?
He licks his lips, giving you a small nod. You adjust your body, laying flat on your back. Jungkook stands over the edge of the bed, towering over your small frame.
He undoes his jeans, pulling them down with his underwear. His cock is already half hard, finally free from the material restraining it. You lick your lips slowly, waiting in anticipation.
His initial movements are slow, stroking his cock and dragging the tip along your lips. He teases you a bit, making sure you're comfortable before tapping his cock against your lips, signaling you to open your mouth.
You oblige, allowing your mouth to fall open and letting the tattooed man feel the warm slide of your inner cheeks, satisfying his newfound desire for you.
He exhibits great patience, taking his time to test your waters as he fills your mouth little by little. The weight of his cock on your tongue stirs a warm feeling in your belly.
"That's it," Jungkook groans, murmuring under his breath. There's a rasp in his voice that you've never heard before and it has you pressing your thighs together.
Of course your boyfriend could never be forgotten, finding solace between your legs. He pries open your legs, pressing them down on the bed as he pushes your panties to the side. There's a look of mischief written on his face as he disappears between your thighs. He immediately latches his pretty lips onto your clit, licking and sucking on your sensitive bud.
You nearly choke, letting out a moan around Jungkook's length. The warmth of Mingyu's tongue is driving you mad, causing your toes to curl up as you squirm on the bed.
One of your had entangles into Mingyu's hair, gripping and pulling at the lose strands. Mingyu grunts, sucking harsher on your clit and making you feel dizzy as you coat his face with your arousal.
Jungkook begins thrusting his cock down your throat, starting slow and building up to a steady pace.
Your mind feels hazy. There's so much going on, your brain can't keep up with everything that's happening with your body. Your eyes roll back and you gag around Jungkook's cock. He pulls out immediately, causing you to whine.
"You okay?" Jungkook asks.
You nod eagerly. "Don't stop."
He's taken back, but obliges nonetheless. He slides his cock back into your mouth, letting out a shaky breath as he watches the bulge appear in your throat. He finds his pace again, pressing the tip of his cock against the back of your throat with each thrust.
Mingyu slips a finger into you and you moan against Jungkook's length. You're soaking your boyfriend's finger, making it easier for him to slip in another, curling them and fucking them in and out of your tight cunt. He stretches you open, fingers moving at a fast pace that has you struggling to keep up.
You're careful not to use your teeth, remaining conscious and hyper-aware of the tatted man above you. Saliva pools in the back of your throat, and your other hand starts stroking the tatted man's length.
Your cunt squelches as it stretches around your boyfriend's fingers. Your hips move on their own, thrusting into his fingers and meeting his pace. He continues to suck down on your clit, groaning against your wet cunt and sending sensations traveling through your body.
You can feel the pressure building in the pit of your stomach. Mingyu can sense this, so he starts pumping his fingers into you faster and harder, curling them against the sweet spot that has your legs shaking in moments.
The pressure is building fast and you have to pull away. You move your head, and Jungkook's cock slips out of your mouth. You continue stroking him lazily, but your orgasm interrupts your mind and body.
"Oh fuck-" You cry out.
Your legs wrap around your boyfriend's head, nearly suffocating him as you ride out your orgasm on his face. Your hips grind against his tongue, moving frantically and quickly as the pleasure overwhelms you.
Your legs are shakily and your high-pitched moans echo through the room. Jungkook watches the view below him, forever etching it into his mind.
You ride out your high on your boyfriend's face, tugging harshly at his hair to pry him off once you come down. He lifts his head up, licking his lips as he stares at you with hazy eyes.
Your body falls limp on the bed. Your chest rises and falls rapidly as your fingertips tingle and you begin to fully tap back into your senses.
The room feels suffocatingly hot and your body trembles. The sheer intensity already has you tired, but your brain is screaming moremoremore. Your cunt throbs and aches, need to be filled–gotta be stuffed full.
"Need a break?" Mingyu asks.
You sit up, shaking your head. You slide the last bit of material covering your body off and look him in the eyes. “The opposite."
Your boyfriend smirks. "There's my girl, always insatiable."
You lean in, minimizing the gap between you and your boyfriend. "Feel so empty..."
Mingyu licks his lips. "Think I'm gonna let Kook fuck you first, okay sweetheart? I know that's what you want."
You nod eagerly in agreement.
"How do you want it?"
"I want-"
"Tell him, not me baby," Mingyu cuts you off.
Your body stiffens and you turn to meet Jungkook's hungry gaze. You bat your eyelashes at him. "From behind, fuck me from behind Koo.."
Jungkook doesn't need any more of an invitation. The tatted man reaches into the pocket of his discarded pants and pulls out his wallet. There's a shiny gold packet wedged between his two fingers. Naturally, he tears it open with his teeth and rolls the latex onto his length. He comes up behind you, pressing your back down so you're on all fours.
You feel the tip of his cock pressed against your folds. You're absolutely soaked, making him slide in easier than he thought he would, He planned to tease you a big, but your cunt invited him in so easily.
"That's it Shorty, let me in," Jungkook whispers.
You whine, gripping the bed sheets as he pushes his cock into you. He fills you up slowly, making you feel every inch of him. The stretch of his cock is delightful, filling up your lower tummy with a familiar warmth.
"Oh my g-" You whisper to yourself, voice muffled as you bury your head into the pillow.
"You're taking it so well baby, so good," Mingyu praises.
Your boyfriend's large body appears before you. His muscles are toned, stature stands above you almost intimidatingly.
"You're doing so good sweetheart, can you handle me too?" Mingyu asks.
You nod eagerly. Your back arches and you lift one hand to guide Mingyu's cock into your mouth. You moan around his length, allowing him to fuck your throat.
Jungkook finds a steady pace, ramming his cock into you from behind. The pleasure fills your body as he stretches your cunt. He slips in and out easily as your arousal drips on his cock.
The force of his thrusts make it easier for your boyfriend's cock to touch the back of your throat. Mingyu holds the top of your head lightly, guiding your mouth to maintain control and make sure it's not too rough.
You try to focus on your boyfriend, but the force of Jungkook's cock fucking you open makes it hard. You take a break, lazily stroking Mingyu's cock as you moan out.
You can feel the tension building between your thighs. Jungkook's cock is distracting, making it hard to do anything but moan and babble over the sheer pleasure.
"Please..." You beg. "Fuck–I"
He thrusts his cock deep into you, tip nudging against the sweet spot deep inside of you. The tension builds and you hardly have time for a warning. Your body is instantly overwhelmed and you completely lose control.
"Holy fuck..." Jungkook breathes out in disbelief.
You're cumming so hard you don't even realize the rush of liquid leaving your body. Your mind goes blank and your vision fills with dots, sinful moans, and screams echoing throughout your home. Your entire body trembles as you squirt all over your boyfriend's best friend.
The squeeze of your cunt forces him out and you gush all over the bed. He's quick to fill you again, fucking you through your orgasm. Jungkook buries himself deep in your walls, allowing the tightness of your cunt to pull his own orgasm out of him. It hits him fast, but the blissful feeling drags out for seemingly an eternity.
He groans, filling the condom with his load. It's filthy and overwhelming and you love it. Your entire body trembles and Jungkook pulls out once your grip has loosened. He lay on your back against the mattress.
His chest rises and falls as he breathes heavily, lungs desperate for air after experiencing his high. He climbs off the bed, disposing of the condom.
There are no words that can be said in this moment. It feels like forever before your eyes blink open and your vision clears. You look up, seeing your boyfriend's flushed face.
Mingyu looks down at you, hair falling over his face perfectly. His broad shoulders hover over you, making you feel even smaller under his gaze. "You good, baby?"
You whine, nodding.
He kisses your shoulder. "I'm gonna take such good care of you."
Your stomach does backflips at the sound of his promise.
Your boyfriend is all-consuming once again. His presence alone never fails to overwhelm you. Heat flows through your entire body as he fills you up. The familiar stretch has you trembling and squirming on the bed.
"Fuck!" You cry out.
Your entire body spasms, arms flailing as you desperately try to find something to hold onto. You can't keep still, nearly pushing Mingyu out.
A pair of large arms suddenly pins you down, holding you in place. You whimper.
"Hey..." Jungkook coos. "Where are you going, Shorty? Hmm?"
Unlike Jungkook, Mingyu has no interest in teasing. He's been on edge all night, since the moment you put on the damn skirt before you'd even left to go out.
It's almost cruel, how quickly he finds his pace, plowing his cock into you hard. It hurts, cunt sensitive from being used all night like this. But the pain is so good, it's almost addictive. It'll catch up to you later, but your body aches for more.
Jungkook's breath is hot against your skin, gentle hands applying just the right amount of pressure to keep you in place. His thumb draws small circles on the palm of your hand as he holds you. It deeply contrasts the sensations of your boyfriend's ruthless fucking.
"Shit.." Mingyu groans.
He can't stop himself, fucking his cock deeper into you with every thrust. The burn is so satisfying, fulfilling your every need and more. You wrap your legs around him, forcing his cock deeper into you.
And with that, you're squirting again. Another rush of cum leaves your body, soaking your boyfriend's lower half. He pulls out momentarily to let it happen, but he fills you back up in no time.
He lets you fully ride out your orgasm on his cock. Your sensitive inner walls tighten and spasm around him as he bullies his cock against your g-spot. He sinks deep into your aching cunt, relishing in the tight squeeze around his cock that soon drives him into his own orgasm.
You sob out in relief when the tension in your stomach is eased. A warm buzz flows down your thighs and your legs shake. The pleasure is so overwhelming you feel lightheaded.
Your mind is so clear, relishing in the pleasure of it all. Mingyu's deep groans bring you back into your senses, allowing you to feel the way he fills you with his load.
Your boyfriend pulls out, mind hazy as some of his cum drips out of you. You lay there on the bed, body completely spent. Your cunt is swollen and throbbing from the absence of touch.
Both of the larger men crowd around your exhausted body, ensuring that you're okay. You let them know honestly that you're fine and they help to clean you up and redress you and themselves in comfortable clothes for the night.
They change the sheets, discarding the ones you so shamelessly soaked. Not many words are exchanged, but a comfortable quiet falls over the room.
You sleep in the middle of the large bed, sandwiched between the two men comfortably.
You're the second to wake up. When your eyes flutter open, your left side is empty. You look to your right, seeing your boyfriend sleeping peacefully.
Your head is pounding from the hangover and there's a soreness between your thighs. You look around, seeing Jungkook is standing on the balcony outside your bedroom.
You climb out of bed and open the screen door, coming up behind the tatted man.
"Morning," He says first.
Jungkook stands over the banister with his arms crossed, tattoos on full display with a cigarette wedged between his pointer and middle finger.
"Morning," You greet him back.
You walk over to him, standing by his side. "Cigarettes for breakfast? You know there's food in the kitchen."
The tatted man grins. "I know, bad habit of mine."
He takes a long drag of it, and allows the smoke to pass between his flushed lips. You take the cigarette out of his hand and inhale. "Can't say I'm much better than you though."
He chuckles. "Gyu told me you quit."
You shrug. "Mostly. He doesn't like it, so I don't really smoke around him. Only something I really do when I've got something on mind." You look at him, raising an eyebrow. "Something on your mind?"
You hold your hand out, extending the cigarette back to him. He takes it back and sighs.
"I don't know Shorty, think I might be ready to settle down," Jungkook confesses, taking another drag of his cigarette.
You bump your hip against his playfully. "The Jeon Jungkook? What's gotten into you? I fucked some sense into you?"
Jungkook's jaw slacks open. He lets out a genuine laugh at your comment. "Kind of, Shorty. I'm not gonna lie."
"Really?" You raise an eyebrow.
Jungkook has always been free-spirited. Never really committed to women, always just there for the ride. It was by no means a bad lifestyle, at least the way he went about it. He wasn't the type to hop from bed to bed each night, it was more of an occasional thing. But by no means did he seem to ever want anything real with anyone. For Jungkook everything always seemed so.. temporary.
He'd been in serious relationships before, his longest one lasted nearly 3 years. But even then, he wasn't really fulfilled, never felt satisfied.
Nothing ever felt permanent.
He nods, taking another drag. He hands it to you and exhales. "Last night was pretty fucking crazy I can't lie. But here we are cracking jokes and sharing a cig like it was nothing."
You take a hit, leaning your back against the banister.
"Mingyu's in there asleep without so much as a worry on his mind cuz he trusts you, you know? Like we can keep things cool between us and he doesn't doubt that cuz he's got genuine love and trust. I don't think I've ever felt that way with someone in my life, not enough to do some shit like last night."
You hum in agreement and hand the cigarette back to him.
"I guess I just realized it's actually kind of admirable, more than it is crazy. Got me thinking I can find my own girl I trust and love that much, you know?"
He takes another drag, inhaling and blowing the smoke out of his mouth. He hands it back to you.
"Gotcha, you wanna find a girl just so you can have threesomes with her and her friends," You joke.
Jungkook chuckles, hitting your shoulder playfully. "C'mon Shorty, don't twist my words."
"I'm just fucking with you," you giggle. "But in all seriousness, I get it though. I never imagined doing something like that either, but I know he's the only person I'd be willing to do it with. It's a rare thing in this world, glad I got lucky." You exhale and hand him back the cigarette. "I think you will too."
"Can only hope," Jungkook breathes out.
"You will Kook, just gotta take things seriously," You cock your head to the side and grin. "And when you do, and you marry her, I'm gonna tell Mingyu to mention last night in his best man speech."
Jungkook snorts. "You two are definitely getting married before me, c'mon now. During my best man's speech, I'll sure as hell tell the story and let everyone know you're a squirter."
You punch his tatted arm playfully. "You're the worst!"
"You started it!" Jungkook grins.
"Fair enough," You smile.
"Can't lie it's kind of a great story to tell. You took it like a champ," Jungkook comments.
"My entire family will be at my wedding, don't even think about it," You laugh. "I'm sure they won't appreciate hearing how I quote, 'took it like a champ."
"Fair enough," He grins.
It falls quiet again as the two of you smoke the rest of the cigarette. When it's done, Jungkook kills it on the floor of the balcony. You kick it off to eliminate the evidence.
"C'mon, Mingyu's gonna be up soon and I'm hungry."
You lead Jungkook back into the bedroom, greeting your sleepy boyfriend with a bombard of pillows.
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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