#but that’s the thing about ocs- they evolve over time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
zippityzap · 1 year
I’m so happy Poppy gets to be part of the @sonic-oc-showdown! She’s one of my favourite ocs that I’ve created, so let me tell you guys a little more about her.
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Poppy and her husband Flint the Corgi are both archaeologists, as a matter of fact, they both met while studying the same course in university! They initially didn’t get along at all, having very different personalities and ideas of what archeology means to them, but they eventually grew close.
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Their son, Jasper really isn’t interested in archeology but he likes spending time with his parents, so he sometimes tags along with them to sites. A cute little tidbit about Jasper is that he’s kinda named after his mom since I named her after the variety of Jasper rather than the flower
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As I eluded to in the brief description I submitted for the tournament, she is a bit of a loose cannon, a firecracker, whatever other metaphor you wanna use for anger issues. She’s matured a lot since she was younger though, and tries to channel that energy towards righting injustices but can still go overboard sometimes
I would definitely describe her as motherly, albeit not exactly in a soft way. She’s energetically enthusiastic and supportive, extremely protective, and if you go to her house she won’t let you leave without bringing home twice your weight in food in tupperware
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I love this oc a lot, so if you’d like to know more about her please send me any questions you have, and please consider voting for her in the tournament!
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Y,N & J for the fandom meme
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Outlast (pointed glance), uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god i can’t think of anything LOL oof :\ life hard
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
this is about Silent Hill! (wowza)
interpretations!!! i love these idiots very much but i’m also interested in seeing others’ takes on them (esp in art - wanna see!!). since i created GOOMT Harry (and i guess James; he’s also Different bc his hair parts to the opposite side of canon lmfao, wow what an icon) i’ve been itching to see how others would give the characters a good flip. 
there are a few artists out there that have done that and thank god for them i love y’all so much
i’ve heard/read of interpretations and i really love them forreal tho i guess art puts it out there visually. makes me sound like a dick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry for that
Pls Relax lmfao people out there getting Heated over some (not so hot) takes that’ve been around for ages and just get drudged up every few months (or weeks). there are some interpretations of protags that are just straight up ignorant tbh, even tho the games are meant to be interpretive (okay we’re just talking about sh2 here) but honestly, your opinion is bad and i know you don’t feel bad, but jfc at least try to stop projecting for a minute
like listen one of the Big Arguments is Pyramid Head’s inclusion in everything not SH2, and it started with Homecoming since it was game directly after the Silent Hill movie where PH was just there for the cockroaches and skinsuit shaming. since then he’s just Everywhere and kinda loses his meaning and all that jazz, and ofc he’s in Dead By Daylight and yanno
it used to bother me a lot (and still bothers me when we get into certain strands of the topic) but at this point, sure, go ham. dude’s beefy and has a nice ass and he’s just gonna Punish everyone ;) 
and related to PH, Masahiro Ito (monster designer for SH 1 - 3 and is the creator of PH) talks a lot on his twitter about what he intended for these monsters in meaning and really getting into the nitty gritty and showing clearer models. this is years post-SH games (1999, 2001, 2003) that we’re now hearing this lore, but.. idk i like hearing it and i def nod along
however there is a good point in saying that he’s not the end-all word of god in the matter since, again - interpretive. i think in some matters he is the word of god and i stick to it and my guns (such as PH). doesn’t mean, also, that i go bonkers over it in discussion or whatnot. i’ve evolved as a person and that also means i’ve chilled out a lot over shit that would’ve gotten me right heated. maturity, man. what a drug.
(except sometimes those really fucking stupid ~hot takes~ about James, like seriously, i really do fuckin hate y’all, interpretive blah blah but you:
didn’t play the game
went into the game with expectations and ideas about what to expect/see already
re: didn’t play the game: engage in discussion and discourse over these hot takes that u rly have no business taking part in unless you’ve done some good research (i got some incredible lore/theory videos that i won’t shut up about so @ me if u want ‘em) bc c’mon man at least have a better idea of what you’re talking about that isn’t from someone else
believe James is a sex-crazy misogynist and i will be screaming
but yeah, it’s chill :3
more fucking OCs let’s GO people just live your life and have fun goddamn
cringe culture is dead until you decide you’re gonna live the cringe but also do it for YOU and that’s so incredibly sexy and big brained
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Final Fantasy (which then lead to ffxiv via another friend >:\ wanker) when Jase started doin their thing about it and i still don’t know what’s going on but power to you!!!
... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i mean i don’t care about Steven Universe or Hamilton at all but both seemed to have kinda died down, esp Hamilton, so i’m in the clear 90% of the time
shdohgiosdg i can’t think of anything AGAIN i guess i’m just chillin!!!!
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windstormwielding · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES(?) / NO / IDK (@elvaliiente​ literally called him a hot bishie prince so I guess! all the praise should go to @hanabiira​ though <3)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / N/A (He be an OC, my dude!)
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / N/A
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — As to the letter as possible! Even before my OC’s revamp (albeit crack posts aside), the main point was to work strictly within the canon’s confines, though it’s gone a lot smoother since the missus and I rebooted him. That said, the beauty of a completed story is that anything after the ending is fair game!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Kōtarō Ryōhei is a proud shinigami for the Thirteenth Division, where he had served for his entire career, and was promoted to the position of lieutenant following the end of Bleach. He tries his hardest to uphold the legacy of his predecessors, do his squad justice, lead by example, and make his Captain proud. On the surface, he stands as a well-meaning, hardworking goober who’s down to earth and tries to see the good in everyone if possible, regardless of their standing or affiliation. Deep down, the act of the easygoing fool can betray his true intentions, as he is more analytically-minded than he lets on.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Well, I understand just roleplaying with an unknown OC can be dodgy and isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! Plus, I can’t ignore that characters like Isshin Kurosaki, Shunsui Kyōraku, and Kisuke Urahara fill out similar archetypes, but it’s a trope I love all the same, haha.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Kōta as a concept had been around since my early teens and had been reworked a number of times since then (going from overpowered glorified self-insert I never, ever wish to speak of or acknowledge ever again and evolving into something more reasonably sound over time and as I got older). When I saw there was a thriving (and surprisingly patient at the time) community on Tumblr back in the early 2010s, likeminded folks who just loved and really wanted to share in their enthusiasm for the world of Bleach, I just couldn’t resist.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  The friends we made along the way. Well, I went on an indefinite hiatus for the past year and a half but my muse had been nagging at me since the recent announcement that the Bleach anime was making a comeback. I’ve made a lot of friends on here too! Plus, I wouldn’t be back on here if it weren’t for Bunny’s help with the art and topdown reboot. I’ve been loving all the new interactions my boy has been involved in and reconnecting with familiar faces, and it only compels me further to stick around and keep writing when possible! As for outside sources though... a few video game franchises and TV shows helped further cement Kōta’s characterization and motifs.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (for now)
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (for now)
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Of course! I’m a lot more confident in Kōta’s portrayal now than I was before, but any well-meaning pointers will be appreciated all the same.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  By all means! I welcome any and all inquiries that would give me something more to think about when it comes to Kōta’s ongoing development.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Beauty of having an OC is that all their headcanons are straight up their own canon! ...so long as it doesn’t contradict actual canon, at least.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  This question is probably more suitable towards canon characters so I’ll just skip it, don’t mind me-
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Eh, if it can’t be helped... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It’s impossible to please everyone.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  ABSOLUTELY. God, as much as I try to proofread something I’m about to post, I always feel a part of me die when I notice a typo, an unfinished sentence, or a repeated phrase after I hit submit!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I’d say I’m pretty chill! It takes a lot to actually get under my skin or make me feel offended - I just try and take things in stride and I’m always open to chat! As for roleplaying, just reply to a thread at your own pace - I’m happy just interacting at any level!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @elxfi​ Tagging: (I lost track on who tagged who but-) @captainrukia​, @zombiequincy​, @solitariusdeluna​, @goofyshinigami​, @gentleshinigami​ / @equiltario​ / @bleachintothemultiverse​ (any muse), @nightbeat-cat​ @praedulcis--helianthus​, and anyone who sneezed at least once in their life
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mythiica · 5 years
IkeSenNet OC Event (1)
IM LATE but its still today so im good
i made moodboards and i have more info for my children
for those of you who don’t know, i have 2 ocs in the ikesen universe: Asa and Jiwoo! 
I know I’ve already introduced them both, but they have evolved since I’ve shared information about them! (I’ll leave up the old posts, but will remove them from my masterlist)  ((minor tw for mention of self harm in asa’s bio))
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Birth name: Ana Minodora Roşu*
Goes by: Asa Vermillion (roşu means red in Romanian)
Star sign: Virgo
Age (when blipped back): 23
Height: 5ft 5
Body shape: Endomorph (thICc, hour-glass)
Eye color: Hazel green (left), brown (right)
Skin tone: Pale child
Hair: Platinum blonde, wears loose (above her shoulders) or will tie back, has bangs
Scars: under lip from when she fell off of a swing, self harm scars on her chest and right arm
Asa (born Ana, changed upon moving to Japan) Vermillion was born in Romania in  and emigrated to the States while she was a few months old. It was always hard for her to adjust as Asa was often excluded from groups. She had a lonely childhood and struggled with body image in middle school and high school. Her relationship with her parents is tight, and was verbally/emotionally abused until she left for college. 
Despite leaving her self harm habits behind, Asa still had a hard time fitting in and finding her place. When she had the opportunity to travel to Japan, she jumped at the offer to see new things. 
In Japan, Asa met Jiwoo and made friends at the laboratory she interned in – she fell in love with the country and her work there, so after college, she accepted an internship with the company. 
Education: Completed college at Princeton, now working in Japan to further explore her love for chemical physics
Things that haunt her
~ Death/dying – is prone to overthinking about the world (string theory, subatomic particles, big bang, existence itself, etc) and results in panic attacks 
~ Her ex-girlfriend – was in a bad state of mind when they got together and let herself get walked on. Only recently left the relationship and is worried that her ex will stalk her
~ Not being good enough – Asa is a people pleaser and will try to show off a bit to look good/appreciated. Simply a conditioned response to living with her parents, but is easily influenced by what other people think of her. 
Things she’d never tell a soul
~ Continues to beat herself up mentally and only lets up after going to Sengoku (has other things to focus on)
~ Stole a toy from a girl in daycare one time and felt so guilty about it that she got the girl a new set 
~ Likes to fantasize about being skinny / beautiful like a model 
~ Outwardly shy to new people, easily trusting, opens up to friends and can be very bubbly, likes to make jokes, is easy to talk to, not good at comforting / would rather give advice, hates lying
~ Can be very stubborn, lingers on things more than she should, hates being wrong, puts off things / procrastinates
Likes and dislikes
Favourite colour: anything pastel
Favourite food: donuts, dumplings
Least favourite: brussel sprouts, raw fish, yogurt
Spicy food: No she is weak
Favourite smell: Citrus, cinnamon
Hopes for the future
Pre-Sengoku, Asa wants to accomplish something major – write a book or find a major discovery in the science field – anything that would solidify her name so that she is remembered. It is a silly thing, but she wants to be celebrated or to at least get back at her parents with her accomplishments. 
Post-Sengoku, Asa still wants to write and discover more, but she also wants to have a family (husband(s) and children). She loves the idea of having good friends and family, but is shy to suggest it. 
Parents: Crina Vermillion (mother), Mihai Vermillion (father)
Siblings: None
Children: Etsuko Vermillion*, Ruxandra (Roxie) Tokugawa, Kokuro (Koku) Tokugawa, Luca Vermillion*
Current Partner(s): Kennyo, Ieyasu Tokugawa
Friends: Jiwoo Shin, Sonya Tsvetayeva ( @caitea-ward​‘s oc), Kaida Gates ( @mexicancarolina​‘s oc), Ieyasu, Shingen, Mitsunari 
Pet: cat named Michi
Unrequited love: well it was ieyasu but then i made it a poly :)
Enemies: none (at the moment)
*Asa x Kennyo children take Asa’s last name
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Birth name: Jiwoo Shin
Goes by: Jiwoo Shin
Meaning of name: jiwoo has a lot of meanings will/purpose + universe 
Star sign: Gemeni
Age (when blipped back): 24
Height: 5ft 5
Body shape: Ectomorph (hourglass, skinny, doesnt have much assets-wise)
Eye color: Amber
Skin tone: In between pale and tan
Hair: long black hair, usually wears it down
Scars: one on her foot from stepping on coral as a child, (post Sengoku) is sliced across the collarbone 
Jiwoo is born to a rich Korean family – basically think Crazy Rich Asians. She is thrown into the spotlight at a young age and her parents use her to gain public attention because she is a very cute toddler. Because of the age gap between her brothers and her, they pay little attention to Jiwoo. However, she receives a good education. Jiwoo starts to slip in high school though, and claims that she can do whatever she wants with her parents’ help. 
They do not approve of her love for fashion, makeup, and filming, so they send her to Japan to try an internship (where she meets Asa. She also falls in love with the country and culture, drawing inspiration from the sights to influence what she wants to do with her life. Jiwoo decides to do fashion and modeling on the side and to pursue a hotel license. 
Education: Completed highschool and is planning on returning to college
Things that haunt her
~ Her brothers’ girlfriends would comment rude things about her, hurting her image and making her question how she looks
~ Post Sengoku: teasing Sonya too much – she realizes that she is just as catty as the rest of her extended family and hates that
Things she’d never tell a soul
~ Isn’t a virgin anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~ Secretly is jealous of Asa because of how smart she is. Jiwoo will never understand science or math the way Asa does
~ Splurges on clothes and has maxed out her cards before 
~ Quite extroverted, likes to overshare (but has good intentions), will protect her friends fiercely, sexual innuendos queen
~ Is quick to judge people, can be catty, has the tendency to over-tease and upset people, might give unwanted advice
Likes and dislikes
Favourite colour: any shade of pink
Favourite food: alcoholic things
Least favourite: kale 
Spicy food: YES
Favourite smell: Blossom
Hopes for the future
Pre-Sengoku, Jiwoo is still a bit unsure what she wants. She wishes to help her cousin in running a upscale hotel chain in Korea, but also wants to pursue fashion and film.
Post-Sengoku, ... well she comes back pregnant so.... She wants to raise her children right and give them the best life possible. Deep down, she’d do anything for them, even if it means sacrificing her own dreams. 
Parents: Mi-Cha Shin (mother), Jiae Vermillion (father)
Siblings: Jihyun Shin (32), Jinsol Shin (29)
Children: Jihwan Mori, Jihun Mori
Current Partner(s): Motonari Mori
Friends: Asa Vermillsion, Sonya Tsvetayeva ( @caitea-ward​‘s oc), Kaida Gates ( @mexicancarolina​‘s oc), Kenshin, Shingen, Mitsuhide
Pet: (gifted by Motonari) two drawf Japanese flying squirrels named Bomi and Hae
Unrequited love: Kenshin
Enemies: hopefully not you
*Jiwoo keeps her maiden name after marrying Motonari
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gigglesnorts · 5 years
As I was tagged, so shall it be done.
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- one / NAME / ALIAS. I’ve gone by many over the years, but the three that have stuck the longest and I more or less answer to are Shae, Kiy (pronounced like ‘key’), and Sam. I’ve never changed my tumblr url so that works pretty well too. My Twitch handle, Ao3, and a few other sites incorporate ‘gigglesnorts’ or a variation.
- two / BIRTHDAY. August 20
- three / ZODIAC SIGN. Leo / Scorbunny Fire Rabbit
- four / HEIGHT. 5′7″, 5′8″ maybe? I’m a bit on the tall side.
- five / HOBBIES. Linguistics, anthropology, cooking, food in general, music, drawing, writing, going down wiki rabbit holes about things I never knew I wanted to know about until just that moment,  webcomics, gardening, houseplants, uhhhhh I have a weakness for dollmaker and dressup games. I’ve spent a lot of time on Picrew.
- six / FAVORITE COLORS. I like to light my eyes on fire, and I like to wear a lot of red and burgundy/maroon/wine-red/whatever you call that last one.
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- seven / FAVORITE BOOKS. Maaaaan I have like a small library behind me, I can’t really name specifics... I collect a lot of manga, linguistics, anthropology, high fantasy, modern fantasy, historical fiction, sci fi ... I’ve got something like 25 square feet of packed bookshelves. In-progress reads on my desk are Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, and Metaphors We Live By by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.
- eight / LAST SONG LISTENED TO. Uh. I don’t know. I was bingeing several Homestuck albums last night and have no idea what I cut off on. 
- nine / LAST FILM WATCHED. I ... don’t even know. I don’t watch many films. Last theater go was months back, and last home watch was probably some animated one on Netflix. I have trouble remembering two days ago, sorry lmao.
- ten / INSPIRATION FOR MUSE. This is a weird one for me. I have many ... many OCs, but calling them ‘muses’ seems to be a thing for generations younger than mine, or perhaps a term that evolved from WoW RP communities, which I’m only on the fringe of and have never properly participated in. Classically speaking the muses are what gave inspiration, not the other way around. 
So, if the question is rather, ‘Where did the inspiration for your original characters come from?’ then the answers are widely variable. My eldest OC came from me being a huge weeaboo in my formative years.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She’s evolved a lot since then. My second-eldest is a .. well, not a self-insert but AN inserted character into the Belgariad series, daughter of Silk/Prince Kheldar and Velvet the spy. Because fuck the haters, if you want to make a character related to lore/canon, do it.
- eleven / DREAM JOB. Can you get paid to be a hermit/local cryptid? Can I get paid to feed my brain new interests and sometimes produce art and writing for others to consume? .. .. I mean yeah I can, technically, but not where I’m currently at in life. Oh well.
- twelve / MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL. @giggles was taken, damnit. (ง '̀-'́)ง
Tagging @nyyght so she sees this, and NO ONE ELSE because I’m lame. But if you do it hmu so I can see because it’s fun.
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charm-in-spades · 5 years
ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?
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This was almost hard but then I decided on [@tranquil-warrior].
I think to date, Niten is likely my more favored of characters just in concept alone. He is the ultimate zen martial artist, solely inspired by real life master swordsman and ronin, Miyomoto Musashi, who is widely regarded as possibly the best swordsman to ever exist. I’ve read a few books involving his character, the book of five rings which is /his/ personal book, and his personal history is just fucking bad ass. Niten came to me during the middle of my enlistment, just as Au Ra were being announced and Raen had been discussed as being inspired by Edo era Japan. (Bruce Lee is in here pretty hard core, but I don’t have to explain him too much lol.) 
I served in the Marine Corps, and we in particular are taught to have pride and adhere to the martial lifestyle encompassing the Warrior Ethos, a code of conduct which entails the building honor, integrity, and personal discovery. This is not unlike codes such as Bushido, the Way of the Warrior, which also deals heavily in self-reflection, honor, and duty. In both these concepts, it is important to understand yourself in all situations, and hold yourself accountable and honorably to any difficult or ethical situation you may find yourself in. Honor. Courage. Commitment, is  our creed, and this is the basis for which Niten was created. 
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Because these things have such a strong value to me, I was looking to create a character at the time that helped me channel those mentalities as I was in need of strength to overcome the medical situation I was in. Playing a character with such extreme discipline at the time, really helped me to get through that. He was always a samurai, from start to finish though at the time, I was unable to have the class. Go figure, it came out with Stormblood a few years later. It was even kind of funny, on his original introduction, it ran near similar to the introductory quests of SAM, as he started his first adventures in Eorzea seeking to test his mettle against that of Eorzean Gladiators. When Stormblood dropped and SAM came out, though I’d shelved Niten at this point, I eagerly brought him back. 
His aesthetic over all is one I’m proud of. His constant sense of peace and self is great. He’s one of my only lawful good characters, and has evolved with time. I’ve taken him down the route of the Oni / Kami in bringing him back, which has honestly been more fun to me and a means to learn more about these subjects. Just about everything with this character has made me feel good with him. 
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These days he’s an old ghost of a man, following the nature of more reveled oni to provide protection and boons to those most deserving, and punishment to  dishonorable warriors. His eternally calm and thoughtful nature make him hard for me to play during bouts of anxiety which has been something of an ongoing the past couple weeks/months and while he may see a temporary shelving, the literal origin, meaning, and concept of this character are not ones I will ever sacrifice and he’ll more than likely remain a character I return to and keep on my rotation for years to come. 
As a side, more fun inspirations are characters like Samurai Jack, Overwatch’s Hanzo and his story, Toshiro Mifune, The Raid 1&2, Seven Samurai, and a lot of other big martial artists like Jackie Chan served to help create this guy over the years, and again, these are elements or people that fascinate or inspire me so. Yeah. Niten is definitely a character I’m proud of just because of how much of my own personal values were funneled into this and his pure beginnings make me very fond of him. 
@thegildedgun - This is super late but thank you dude!  
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toboldlywrite · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
Tagged by @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables- thank you!
1. Do you prefer writing first pages or last pages?
I definitely like the thrill of starting a new story and the anticipation of where it will take you, but I prefer last pages. Just the relief and sense of accomplishment that you finished something. Then do it all over again.
2. What kinds of scene are your favourites to write?
Oh gosh I don't know? I think any kind of scene can be enjoyable.... as long as I don't lose my flow. So I guess the ones that I already have planned out pretty well.
3. Descriptions. Are they the bane of your existence or the ace up your sleeve? 
Look, when they're good, everything is great. When they're bad... well you could probably hear the screaming.
4. Is there any recurring theme in your writing?
I've mentioned before that a lot of my villains are people who just became so disheartened by all the bad in the world/universe they stopped being able to see the good, and that's a big part of their motivation/backstory. Meanwhile, my heroes have also seen all the bad and decided it was worth it anyway.
5. Would you say there’s a specific event in your life that has led you to writing?
I don't think there was a specific one, one. I just always told myself stories and it naturally evolved into writing them down.
6. What do you like most in a book?
Good characters and an interesting world.
7. How do you feel about the Classics? Are they to be looked upon for guidance or forgotten? Or maybe read just out of curiosity?
Classics are obviously important because of their impact on their genres and literary world, and also their commentary on their times. But it annoys me when people act like they're the pinnacle of all great writing (and non-classics are somehow less). If you don't like them, you aren't any less of a reader or intelligent/cultured person. Read what you like, and if that happens to include classics, great! Enjoy them! But don't tell me that I just "have" to read these books because often they're just not my thing.
8. Name the one thing you will absolutely have in your writing.
Female characters. And positive relationships with other female characters. Always.
9. Do you have any writing ritual? Or just write whenever, wherever?
10. Background music, ambient noises or complete silence?
It depends on how I'm feeling, honestly. I write well in my office (with mild ambient noise), and at home I either have the tv on or music, but unless I'm sitting up at a table it's hard for me to write there.
11. Name two authors you adore and one you can’t stand.
Carolyn Ives Gilman is the author of my current favorite book, but I've never read anything else by her. I love her style though. And Diane Duane is the author of my favorite series.
As for can't stand... (stop reading here if you're a Stephen King fan k). I've only read one SK book but I could only get halfway through (and that was hard, believe me). So I don't want to throw all his books under the bus (and no judgement to those who do like him because to each their own) but I definitely won't be reading anything else by him.
Tagging @queerloveandspaceships @catmaree @create-and-procrastinate @dragonscanbeplantstoo @kittensartsbooks and whoever made it down this far to answer (stealing a few because they're good):
1. Is there any recurring theme in your writing?
2. Name two authors you adore and one you can’t stand.
3. Name the one thing you will absolutely have in your writing.
4. What are your favorite types of characters to write?
5. Large casts or small casts?
6. What was your "type" of book as a kid? What about now?
7. What was the one book you read in school that you absolutely hated?
8. Are there any writing "rules" that you tend to blatantly ignore?
9. What would your characters’ patronuses be?
10. Which of your ocs are cat people and which are dog people?
11. Do you like world-building, character development, or plotting the best?
(This is just a general PSA that I tend to just tag the first few mutuals in my notes, and if you’ve made a post about not wanting to be tagged, I might not have seen it. So if you aren’t comfortable being in tagged in stuff, please let me know and I will take you off and not tag you again, no questions asked.)
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tigerdragon1001 · 7 years
Double Tag Meme
1. Always post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3. Write 11 questions on your own.
4. Tag 11 people.
Tagged by @tradramblings
1) Who was your most irritating teacher?  This woman called Ms Priti I had in Year 7. She was supposed to just be a literature teacher, but also had to teach this odd mandatory life and health class. She clearly never read the syllabus but acted like she knew it all. I remember this one time in particular we were learning about nutrition, and whenever she asked for an example of a food containing a particular thing, I’d try to give lesser known answers. She said I was stupid and “shouldn’t believe everything I read on the Internet” when I told her that nuts had protein in them and that leafy green vegetables contained iron... seriously. Cuffed me on the head for saying so too.
2) What language do you want to learn the most?  Cantonese. It feels shitty to not be able to speak it around my relatives.
3) Where would you want to live for the rest of your life?  At home. Yeah, I’m boring.
4) If you’re dumped into your favorite piece of fiction, what role would you adopt and how would your life turn out?  Uhhh I’d probably just die lmao
5) Favourite Pokemon?  Hoo boy... That’s a tough one. I love Luxray; it looks and sounds kickass, and I remember being so proud of mine when I played Pokemon Diamond. In terms of nostalgia though, Torchic and Crobat are my faves, because Torchic was my first starter and Crobat was the first Pokemon I evolved via Happiness, which made me very attached to it haha. Dunsparce is also ridiculously cute.
6) Which are worse, spiders or mosquitoes?  Mosquitoes. Not even a question.
7) If you do draw, what’s your favourite subject matter? If you don’t, what would you try to draw anyway?  Critters and OCs. I usually can’t draw the OCs though.
8) Favourite historical period?  Permian, because gorgonopsids and Dimetrodon, and Cretaceous, because dromaeosaurs.
9) Is there anything you want to do right now?  Stop my mind from obsessing over a situation I probably can’t salvage.
10) One dark fear?  Dying when I’m at university
11) Sea or sky? Sky
My questions:
1) Favourite song(s) to sing along to? 2) What are your prized possessions? 3) Favourite music genre(s)? 4) Which part of your day do you look forward to the most? 5) Favourite type of bird? 6) What topic do you want to learn more about? 7) Best memory of college/high school? 8) Favourite card game? 9) How long have you known your best friend/partner? 10) Do you believe in ghosts? 11) If you could wake up with new, fully formed skills, what would they be?
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @tradramblings
Name: Cy  Nickname: Tiger, Pidge, Ed, geodude, bird boy, BUBLE Zodiac sign: Earth Tiger, Sagittarius Height: 163 cm Orientation: Demiromantic, pansexual Ethnicity: Mixed (English/Chinese) Favourite fruit: Black cherry Favourite season: I’ve never lived in a seasonal country so idk  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Favourite book series: Tough... I used to love Harry Potter and I still like it, but my interest has faded a lot so... hm... I’d say either the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, or the Curse Workers series. I’ve only read 1 and a half of the latter series, but I relate to Cassel so heavily and absolutely loved White Cat (the first book), so I’m pretty sure I’ll like the rest of them. Favourite flower: Hibiscus for aesthetic, lily and franjipani for scent Favourite scent: Too many food smells to list so I’m gonna go with plants after rain. Yes I know, they smell like mildew, but I like it. Favourite colour: Red Coffee, tea, or cocoa: If hot chocolate and cocoa are the same, then cocoa Average sleep hours: 6-7  Cat or dog person: Cat (even though I’m allergic haha) Favourite fictional characters: Beastboy, Gaara, Zuko, Zim (I may have moved on from IZ but I’ll never forget my first obsessive fave), Wirt, Edward Elric (mY BOY), Peridot (pre-redemption to slightly after the redemption arc), Viago (WWDitS), Gregg (NitW), there’s probably more but I can’t remember atm Dream trip: I don’t really wanna go anywhere tbh Number of followers: 297
Extended version:
ANIMAL: Pigeon
FAV BAND: Depends on my mood haha. Glass Animals is my happy dreamy fave, MSI is my guilty pleasure aggressive confidence-boosting fave, and IAMX is my relatable and beautiful fave (that I tend to listen to a lot when going through a depressive episode as well for some reason?)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1, but I also pile cushions and toys on myself
LAST THING I GOOGLED: Peach magazine (my uni’s art zine)
WHAT I USUALLY POST: Animals (cute photos as well as cool facts), politics, art, and complaints about my parents.
I’m just tagging for both, but you can choose just one or none if you like. I don’t think I can even make 11 tbh haha:
@mazeofthewirecat @heavenbat @blastiax @leviathx @outsider-noot @cymorg @zontarzon @silversongmonster @themadcapmathematician @ult-13 @powerthepeaceful @prettiestskitty @vicfluentes @poeticallymorbid @michii-pyon @toxicspeka @seadoot
...well hey, I actually managed 17. Thanks regular mutuals :’)
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