#but the 'do not arch*ve' thing is just. the best way for creators to go about this that i've seen personally
asterdeer · 11 months
i can't get excited about welcome home anymore because we've spent years (decades???) spitting at the mention of anne rice and her litigious ass trying to dictate what fans can do with canon but now the welcome home creator is out here saying they may not "allow" explicit fanworks, and fans on the reddit are agreeing and calling people who make the explicit fanworks freaks, degenerates, and perverts. i just am not interested in engaging with media like this
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floraljae · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Taeyong x female reader
Themes: Hero x Villain dynamics, enemies to lovers, Hero!Taeyong, Villain! Reader, secret relationship, angst, fluff, Top tier (shitty) anime betrayals you people are going to beat me up for
Warnings: profanity, the villain is dumb, mention if a minor injury, blowing things up for funsies
Wc: 1.1k
Taglist : @jenophilia @sassyong @tenhyuckie @moanwalk @sicluvz @yutaalove @bluejaem @fullsunfluff @a10vely-yutazen @hhyungsuk @mirohtron @cupidtaes @adoreateez @at-the-end-of-your-letter @junglewoos @heephoriia @cofhees
Networks: @/ficscafe @neoturtles @kpopscape @whipped-kpop-creators @nct-writers @czennienet @kokonomi
Summary: Yet another forbidden rendezvous and you are try to figure out what you exactly feel about your lifelong nemesis.
Alternatively, illustrated band-aids from Taeyong make you feel questionable things.
A/N: I just hate how I love and hate this fic so much. @mirohtron is to blame, the reason I am stuck in my eternal hero x villain feels. I love writing this more than anything. It's quite personal as it reflects a lot of things I personally felt about the world around me haha.
This entire series is dedicated to @lebrookestore, a simp I l*ve with all my heart (even after what she does to me with all her fics ;-;)
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The breath you were holding in for what seemed like ages escaped your lips. It was long, exhausted- a little frustrated, even. You hated waiting. And if it were the roof of just one of the thousands of skyscrapers in Seoul, the annoyance was definitely a little more. Waiting alone in those uneventful places was nothing but a mere waste of your time. There was nothing small enough to ruin or blowup for funsies, and you weren't heartless enough to blow up a whole building just out of sheer boredom.
It had been a tiresome day already. You'd attended classes, fed some cats on the way back to your lair and put up yet another power show to let people know they still had something to be afraid of. The air was unnervingly humid today, and your suit had stuck to your torso as if it were a drowning person who didn't know how to swim- holding onto a log of wood for dear life. Weird comparison (or metaphor, you couldn’t be arsed to even get it right), but you weren't the most poetic person.
You wondered how Taeyong would describe it. Sticky? Ew? You didn't know. He was one unpredictable being, well at least when he wasn't in his superhero suit (figuratively, he was just dumb and tended to miss a lot of shots when he puts on the crimson and black piece of clothing). Maybe he would just come up with a random word and try to make you believe it was real. He couldn't possibly lose to a villain! And especially not after what you did today. You could bet that the first thing he was going to do was sulk about you almost burning his perfect eyebrows to ashes during today's face-off.
You loved to see your enemy getting all riled up more than you'd admit. Maybe it was the villain inside you speaking. But his desperate attempts at winning an argument or the pout when he complained about causing the least damage to you were just too serotonin inducing.
When did he become such a big part of my life- you smile to yourself.
Truth to be told, he always had been one of the biggest parts of it. Whether you wanted to admit it or not.
"I'm sorry," a voice trails off right behind you, breathless, "I got-"
"Stuck in a bad traffic," you complete his sentence, your tone mocking and eyes trained on the night sky. The statement was his go-to excuse for when he’d show up late- which was almost every other day.
"Too busy trying to pick out a nice bandaid for you."
He corrects, leaning against the railing. You almost scoff at how cocky the hero sounded. You were supposed to be the cocky one here.
And with that, for what seemed like an entire eternity, the both of you spent the time together in silence. He didn’t dare to mouth a single word- and neither did you. There was no malice behind what any of you wanted to say; but you didn’t even know what was holding you both back. It was becoming a habit, to be honest. Well, not in general because you still were very vocal about your own opinions everywhere else-- but not in the (almost regular) meetings with your arch nemesis.
Ironic how the both of you had so much to say when the cameras were flashing and the world he tried to protect watched. So many curses, insults, edgy slash extremely cocky remarks and frustrated warnings. But at times such as right now, your mind felt like a blank slate that had never been touched. It was comfortable though, no malice, no screaming- just comfort and some sort of warmth you hadn’t felt in ages.
Well, you were always the kind of person who thought, thinking before speaking was highly overrated (that too, was a product of capitalism in your opinion). And thus, you figured staying quiet at the forbidden rendezvous with your arch nemesis would be the best thing. He was a servant of the so-called good, after all. Righteous, sophisticated, well known and way too fragile for your own good.
“Everything’s okay,” you hear him break the silence.
The hero smiles, spinning around on his heels to point at your surroundings.
“Intact, not a scratch!”
And as if the small toothy grin he’d been sporting was infectious, you felt a sudden urge to break into one as well. Anyone would mistake him for just another college student if they saw him like this, in a pair of washed denim and a shirt that he must've been wearing for the past ten days. More so, it would've been terribly difficult to believe that the otherwise calm and composed public charmer Onyxate talked like a kindergartener, always fumbling or just too excited to even properly finish his sentences at times.
“What is that supposed to mean, mr. onyxate?” you ask, biting back a smile.
Disappointed, the hero clicks his tongue. He grabs hold of your wrist, spinning your frame around as well. The brunet scans the surroundings again, “You actually didn’t blow out a single thing! That is some progress, I say.”
You scoff at his remark, “I am not that heartless, mr. hero.” But deep inside, you did know it was some kind of a progress, and of course, you wouldn't tell him that.
He chuckles, but doesn’t remind you of the time you did, as a matter of fact, had blown up a nearby water tank while waiting. He was like that, Taeyong loved believing in a better present- rather than an awful past.
The comfortable arms of silence yet again engulfs you into a warm hug. Taeyong silently studies the cuts on your hand, his slender fingers carefully caressing them. You almost let out a sound of sheer amusement as he finally takes out a few strips of band-aids he took so long to buy, the infamous printed medigrip ones for kids (that too the ones with spongebob on them), rips the adhesive, and focuses on nursing the now dry cuts.
You then look up to catch a glimpse of Taeyong’s face, just to find the moonlight washing his features in all its grace. Faint neon lights from the buildings surrounding blending with the moonlight to create hues across his profiles.You stop to admire his countenance and insides alike, thinking how someone could be so kind even to their enemy.
He was so pure, so charming. He had those beautiful brown eyes. The ones that were like a mirror which knew nothing but to reflect his innermost emotions, the ones that knew to see the best in everyone- including you, a villain who had spent more than half of her life cursing all things good. His trained hands were still gentle and soft unlike any other hero you had ever known. Tears well up in your eyes. And for once what seemed like a lifetime- you decided to let yourself get overcome with emotions.
He was the kind of person anyone, including you, couldn’t help but fall for, the kind of person you’d want to hold close to yourself, no matter what.
And it was at that moment that you realised that it wasn’t hate that you felt towards him, but admiration.
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Teen Titans Go To The Movies REVIEW:
 "I'm with her!"
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**  **Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt, and it's time to finally put this to rest. I've already gave my very...very...very extensive thoughts on Teen Titans Go! in my last two reviews.
 Oh my gosh, why didn't I call those reviews "Teen Titans Go! is Garbage and Here's Why?!" It was probably long enough and would of gotten way more views!
 But back on topic. To summarize my thoughts though I think Teen Titans Go!, while I do think that there are some good elements and even good episodes of the series, I didn't end up finding it to be a very good series on the whole. However, it is a series that I do enjoy watching in a weird, ironic kinda way. It's a very love hate relationship. It's a bad show, but I will be sad when it ends, cause it has impacted my life that much. So when word of a movie came to be, it immediately grabbed my interest as well as my curiosity. What could a show like Teen Titans Go! possibly do with a movie? Teen Titans Go's! whole "thing" is that it DOESN'T do big superhero stories. Wouldn't making a film kinda go against what the whole show was about? And the show typically had trouble stretching there plots out for eleven minutes, let alone ninety. But as more trailers came out, I started seeing a lot of people genuinely getting excited for the film. Even I had to admit I was kinda getting a little bit hyped by the trailers. And when the film finally did get released it actually succeeded in getting over a ninety percent on rotten tomatoes! Yes, you heard right, CRITICS WERE LIKING TEEN TITANS GO! Could this movie actually be....good? Or would it end up being as obnoxious as the series that it was based on? Well, it's time to find out. Consider this your  **SPOILER WARNING, **as we dive right to Teen Titans Go To The Movies.
 I both love and hate that title.
 The film begins with a giant balloon monster attack Jump City. And right off the back, I wanna praise the animation of this film. I admit, compared to other tv to film adaptations, it's nothing that _fantastic. However, there is a definite improvement from the series. The backgrounds are very fleshed out and detailed, chock full of little references and Easter eggs here and there. And the animation on the actions scenes (Yes, this film has those) is actually really good and surprisingly fluid. I admit though, this may just be slight bias because I'd pretty much praise any form of theatrical 2D animation now of days because COME ON, HOLLYWOOD! WHY WON'T YOU MAKE MORE 2D FILMS ALREADY!!!
_  We get a scene that manages to, in a very quick and effective manor, establish the films tone as well as show off all five of our main characters and establish there powers. Really impressive stuff. Is what I would say, If it didn't also includes an overly long fart joke, and a rap. Wow, six minutes. Is that a record for "kids film?" Guinness..can we verify?
 When the Titans, in typical Titans fashion, fail to stop the villain. This results in the Justice League to show up and stop the villain for them. And NICHOLAS CAGE plays Superman! YES! Okay movie, you get points for that. I'm fair here. That's also another thing this movie has over the series. Not all the side characters are played by Scott Menville or Tara Strong! They have like, MORE than five voice actors to pull from. Amazing, I know. The Justice League chastise the Titans for there general incompetents at everything, and bring up the fact that if they were real heroes they would have there on movie by now.
 As I mentioned in my previous reviews, Teen Titans Go! is at it's best when it's meta. And with so many superhero movies now of days, the Teen Titans Go! movie not only acknowledging this trend, and incorporating it in it's plot feels like a natural progression from the type of plots featured in the show. So I think this was a good direction for the film to take. There are a ton of jokes bashing not just DC films, but Marvel and Fox movies as well. And these jokes tend to be the highlights. When I first saw the trailer I was worried that these jokes would quickly get old, seeing how many of them are in the trailer. But in the film proper, they mix it up and spread them out enough to keep them enjoyable. So kudos on that.
 The Justice League fly off to go to the world premiere of Batman's newest film and the Titans decide to sneak into the red carpet premiere themselves. As they show up the films director, Jade Wilson (played by Kristen Bell), get's up on stage and starts revealing the slate for the next several DC movies. And just like in real life, there all Batman spin-off properties! Robin sits there in anticipation, hoping that a movie will be announced. But we get this, instead.
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See, the thing about this that is funny is that THERE ACTUALLY DOING THIS. I doubt the people making this movie knew that at the time. But neither the less, it's happening, and I have proof.
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 After a few more trailers Robin ends up jumping on stage thinking that his movie is going to be next only to discover that there is no plans for a Robin movie. All the other heroes laugh him off stage until all the Titans run out of the theater. The other Titans try to consul Robin, but Robin is adamant that if he doesn't get his own superhero movie he'll never be seen as a real hero. Raven suggest that if he wants a movie, first he'll need an arch nemesis. And just as she says that a crime occurs and the Titans go to investigate.
 The crime is being committed by none other than Slade, now voiced by Will Arrnet instead of Ron Perlman. And he is there to steal some kind of "mind gem." I like Slade in this movie. Sure, he's absolutely NOTHING like Slade from the original series, but that's okay cause he is his own unique take that fits the tone that the movie is going for. Also Will Arrnet is great casting for a more comedic take on Slade. I mean the creators of the original Teen Titans show said in interviews that they wrote Slade to be an evil Batman. So who'd be better to voice him than Lego Batman himself. My only gripe, and it is a minor one, is that while the film makes a big deal about Slade being a "serious villain" that only a "serious superhero" would have as an arch enemy. But he's only _slightly _less silly than the Titans. And while this isn't that big of a deal since Slade is funny here, it does seem to kinda go against the narrative that Slade is suppose to representing.
 Also, when Slade and the Titans meet, and neither seem to know who each other are, with the Titans believing that he is Deadpool. Even though in the series the Titans have acknowledged Slade in the series before, and even battled him before. (off screen, but still.) How does this all fit-
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 Slade easily defeats the Titans, and mocks them for there incompetence. The Titans go back to there tower where Robin begins to feel sorry for himself, believing that he will never be a real hero. What? _Character conflict?! _The next morning the Titans get Robin and bring him to a "world premiere" of a Robin movie they made for him, complete with a cardboard limo and everything. _What? Something touching...no, that's not right. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE REAL TITANS!?
_  I do wanna touch on this. In this movie the Titans act very out of character from how they do in the show. But that is actually a good thing, cause the Titans in the series...are awful. In my previous Teen Titans Go! review I talk about how the original series Titans felt like a family, while it felt like the Go! versions just hated each other. But in this movie all the characters are way more likable. (Mostly, we'll get to that later.) And there feels like a real sense of connection between the characters. Sure there still goofy, and they make fun of each other, but they really do feel like a family. And this goes a LONG way with making me feel invested and actually rooting for our heroes to succeed in there goals.
 Robin watches the film, but turns it off when the movie makes fun of his "baby hands" (A running "joke" from the series.) The other Titans try to get him to finish the film but he's uninterested. _Man, I'm sure that won't be brought up again. In the films climax when the characters are at their lowest point! _Robin is hard set on believing that he'll never be seen seriously as a hero, but the other Titans encourage him to buck up and head down to Warner Bros. and DEMAND that they make a movie about him. And they do so in song.
 This seems like a good of a time as any to bring up that this movie is a musical. Possibly the first superhero musical? The song themselves, while nothing THAT amazing, are a step up from most of the songs in the series. i.e) They actually seem like they were written. (And that's not me being hyperbolic. A lot of the songs in Teen Titans Go! are made up on the spot! Look it up!) But what I really appreciate is how for several of the songs there is an art style shift, and that's really neat to see. Especially with a theatrical budget.
 The Titans go down to Warner Bros and go up to Jade Wilson and demand for a film. But she turns them down, saying that she would only make a movie about them if they were the last heroes on Earth. And that's exactly what the Titans decide to do! They decide to use time travel to go back in time and undo all the other superheroes origin stories so they'll be the only superheros.
 Yeah, this is the direction we're going. It's Spongebob: Sponge Out of Water all over again.
 And they can't use there time machine from the series cause it's "broken." So Raven just magic ups some time tricycles. WHATS THE POINT OF THE TIME MACHINE EVEN BEING BROKEN THEN IF RAVEN CAN GET MAKE NEW ONES NO PROBLEM? They could of made some joke where they like, steal Booster Gold's time machine at least. You just wanted a dumb "Back to the Future" reference didn't you? DIDN'T YOU! And while playing "Take on Me" makes me forgive you A LITTLE BIT, this whole situation is still stupid.
 In fact this whole "bit" is still stupid. And I say "bit" cause this whole time traveling section contributes nothing to the plot, and is only like, ten minutes long. The Titans go back in time to undo all the superhero's origins. (And end up murdering Aquaman as a child.) They come back to the present to see that villains have taken over the world. And then they go back and undo everything they already undid. (Including blowing up Krypton and frickin shoving Bruce Wayne's parents into Crime Alley as young Bruce watches!)
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_That's his adoptive grandma he's watching get shot down... _  And I know you can say "Oh, it's comedy" or whatever, but this movie was actually doing a good job making me like the Titans. And maybe it's just because I've always had issues with the "main characters nonchalantly murder people" trope. But considering that this whole time travel thing literally adds nothing outside of stretching the film up _just _enough to reach ninety minuets, I can say it does nothing but hurt the film.
 Also, Baby Superman gyrate his infant crotch while pointing at it, in this film aimed at children.
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 As someone who's defended the Powerpuff Girl reboot's twerking scene numerous time I suppose it be hypocritical to complain. So instead, I'm just going to list movies that have a lower rotten tomato score than Teen Titans Go to the Movies. For...unrelated reasons. Ahem
 _Lilo and Stitch. The Kung-Fu Panda Trilogy. Princess and the Frog. Tangled. Frozen. Coraline. The Lego Batman Movie.... _
 Anyway after all that, the Titans go off to try to stop Slade from committing another robbery. And this time the Titans are sure they'll beat him. We get an actually good fight scene and some Raven-Beast Boy ship tease that comes out of nowhere and contributes nothing. I know it's a thing from the show, but nothing in this movie setting it up. And it doesn't lead to anything. The Titans are able to get the "Mind Gem" that Slade stole earlier away from him and they put it in the Titans tower vault, but Slade still escapes.
 But the next day, the Titans are suddenly seen as real heroes for stopping Slade's plan. They head back to the film set and are greeted with a much warmer welcome. Jade decides that she does want to make a Teen Titans movie after all, and Robin is ecstatic. However, the other Titans don't take the gig as seriously and all go goof off, getting Robin into hot water with Jade.
 It all comes to a head when the other Titans see the Justice League building some kind of doomsday device, and assume that Jade is up to no good. Which is dumb because they have no reason to assume that it isn't just a prop for the film. But whatever. However, Jade reveals that this doomsday device is actually just a machine to launch there new streaming service. The device would broadcast DC films across all screens all over the word, with the Teen Titans movie being the first film they would release for the service.
 You're telling me that Jades launching a DC superhero based streaming service, and the only thing it will have at launch is Teen Titans? Pfft! _That's totally ridiculous, and completely unrealistic..._DC Universe didn't have Titans at launch!
 Jade gets angry and decides to fire the Titans. But says that she would be willing to make a solo Robin movie, since he didn't do anything wrong. Robin chooses to go with Jade and leave his friends behind. I admit, this is where the movie does start to become a bit predictable. You've seen this story arc before, the friends vs fame thing, and it goes exactly where you think it's gonna go. But I do like how there isn't a huge fight like you'd see in other movies. Both sides are upset that it's come to this, but clearly don't wanna hurt the other. Again, outside the earlier genocide of an entire planet, the Titans are pretty likable in this film.
 Robin and Jade begin working on the film, and it ends up being everything Robin wanted. But he's still beginning to feel some regret. However, Jade convinces him to buckle through it and film the last scene. A reenactment of Robin putting Slade's mind gem in the Titans vault. But right as he's about to enter the code a stage light knocks him out. He awakens and decides to finish the scene anyway. Jade telling him to make the scene look authentic. And again, it's pretty obvious where this is going.
 Robin puts in the code and the safe opens. Jade took Robin to the real tower while he was knocked out and reveals herself to be Slade in a Lupin III style latex mask! Okay, maybe that last part wasn't too predictable. But even ignoring the name JADE WILSON, It was telegraphed pretty obviously that Jade was evil since the scene where she made Robin chose fame over his friends.
 But hey, it's still a better twist villain than Frozen.
 Slade steals the mind gem and plans on using it in tandem with Robins film and the streaming service to mind control the entire planet to do his bidding. He handcuffs Robin to the tower walls and activates a series of bombs, leaves him to die. But Robin escapes thanks to his baby hands. A twist that is just as unexpected as it is stupid. The tower is destroyed but Robin survives, and realizes the error of his ways. He calls the other Titans and all is forgiven because they are a team.
 The Titans now head to the film studio to stops Slade's plan, but they are unable to stop him before he uses Robin's movie to mind control the entire Justice League. Robin goes after Slade while the rest of the Titans have to face down the Justice League. There's a short action scene that could of been longer in my personal opinion. Then Raven just uses her OP magic powers to trap the entire Justice League in a portal.
 **NOW YOUR THINKING WITH PORTALS! **That's..that's the meme, right? I-I haven't ever played_ Portal._
 Robin confronts Slade, but Slade surrounds Robin with monitors all playing his movie. Robin becomes tempted to view his movie and gets mind controlled. In a nice (though juries still out of if it was intentional) callback to the original series, Slade commands Robin to attack his friends and he complies. But wait, remember that obvious Chekhov's gun from earlier in the film? It's time to pull the trigger! The Titans play the movie they made for Robin, but this time they get to the end where they all talk about how much Robin means to them as a leader. The power of friendship frees Robin from Slade's mind control.
 But Slade has a mech now! This was not set up at all, but who cares at this point. _Mechs are cool damn it! _Slade once again mocks the Titans, asking how a team as goofy as them could possibly stop him now. But Robin and the rest of the team realize that they don't need to be "legitimized" or seen as "real heroes." They just need to stop the bad guy in there own way. We get a reprise of the rap song from the beginning as the Titans defeat Slade in their own silly way. They destroy the mind control device and the Justice League go back to normal. The movie ends with the Titans realizing that they truly are heroes and...wait a minute...something is off here. It's 2018...and this movie doesn't end with a dance party! Teen Titans Go!, the show that is known for random dance sequences, is actually one of the few modern films not to end with a dance party ending?! What the hell?
 But we do get our post credits scene!
 Is this it? Is this the preview for Teen Titans Season 6?!
 Not quite! Rather it's just setting up an upcoming "Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans" crossover, that's rumored to be heading direct to DVD with a new crew working behind it. You what that means right? It isn't over. My job isn't done yet. There's still more to talk about! THE RIDE NEVER ENDS, BABY! I'M GONNA KEEP TALKING ABOUT TEEN TITANS GO! UNTIL THE DAY I DIE! 
 While Teen Titans Go To The Movies didn't do that great at the box office, the film had a low enough budget to end up making a pretty substantial profit. Which is more than most DCEU films can say. I doubt we'll see the Titans on the big screen anytime soon, but it wasn't a bomb critically or financial. But what is my final verdict here?
 The film in a lot of ways solves a lot of problems I had with the series. For one, the Titans are all a lot more likable, which goes a long way in helping me get invested. And while the show seems to conflate "conflict" with "serious" this film manages to have a plot and story while still keeping it's comedic tone the entire way through. More technical issues the show had like animation and reusing voice actors are near non-existent here. And the film manages to do what I think episodes like "The Return of Slade" tried and failed to do. It celebrates it's own silliness and imperfections, but does it in a way that isn't just "attacking the haters." Like I said, Teen Titans Go! is best when it's meta.    But the film has it's problems too. The plot points at times can be kinda predictable. There are a lot of scenes that really don't add anything to the story beyond stalling for time. And there are a lot of points where the humor falls back into the same loud, juvenile, mean spirited jokes that the series is known for. Also, while Robin is my favorite of the Titans, I would of liked the other characters to have a larger role. For a film that's whole climax is hinged on the idea of a Robin solo film being a bad idea, but that's what the film can kinda feel like at time.
 Overall, the film is about what I thought it would be. It's okay. It's up there with the best of the episodes of the show, but not really going that far beyond it. (In fact, I'd say their are a few episodes from the main series that are better than this film.) It's good, but I wouldn't call it 91% on rotten tomatoes good. If you like Teen Titans Go! you'll like this movie if you're willing to put up with a little more drama. If you hate Teen Titans Go! you'll like the movie if you are able to just turn your brain off and put up with some more childish jokes here and there. And if you can't do either of those things...watch Lego Batman. It's better than this film anyway, regardless of what rotten tomato says, and has a similar vibe about it.
 And with that, I can finally put Teen Titans Go! to rest**. For now! **What did you think of the movie? Was it "You're new favorite film?" or was it just as bad as the many people said it would be? I'd love to hear your thought in the comments down bellow. Fav, follow, or comment if you liked my review or have a suggestion on what I should talk about next. And tune in next week as deviantcember continues! Have a great day.
(I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.) 
  https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Teen-Titans-Go-To-The-Movies-REVIEW-774742614 DA Link
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Egotober Day 2-Experiment
Happy day two of Egotober! Days prompt is Experiment and it's that boy Anti, Schneep, and Doctor Iplier! This is based around the creepy pasta Gateway to the mind and if you haven’t read it then I highly suggest you do it is really really good. I wanted to play around with Doctor Iplier a bit and I figured this would be a good time so here we go!!! 
Anti was never one for wondering how or why humans did what they did. They were all selfish and cruel at heart no matter how they tried to hide it; even at a young age. It was easier for him to accept it and ignore their pleas for mercy and bargains to cheat death rather than play the moral police. That wasn’t his job.  
So, he was surprised when he had received word that a doctor wanted to speak with them, two doctors in fact. He had thought that his reputation would have spread enough that people would know that he takes lives, not save them.
Still, he had nothing better to do, and if things didn't go his way then he could always just kill them. He had never killed a doctor before; maybe he'd do it anyway after he'd seen what they wanted. Maybe steal some of their tools and supplies to add a bit of spice to his killings...
They had asked him to meet them at their "office" on the south side of town, but anything on the south side of town was run down or run by crack heads, and sure enough, their "office" was really an old abandoned warehouse by the river, but that wasn't the interesting part for him.
"Ah! Velcome velcome!" A voice greeted as Anti walked through the crudely made front door, "I Vill be Reich there!" Anti took a seat in what he guessed was supposed to be the waiting room as the sound of a power drill kicked on. The sound of bone breaking and cracking was muffled by the closed door and walls, but Anti knew that sound anywhere. He eyed the somewhat sadistic poster of a kitten hanging from a branch with the words "Hang in there!" written below him as a door creaked open.
"I didn't think you'd get our message so soon." Another voice said. Anti looked and saw a dark-haired man in a bloodstained lab coat, "Please, come. We have much to discuss."
Anti stood and followed. He should have known that it would have been someone like Doctor Iplier that would have requested someone like him, and if Iplier was here, then odds are the other Doctor was Doctor Schneeplstein, the mystery German doctor that had been kicked out of more medical schools and hospitals than one could count.  
“Thank you for coming,” he said as they walked into Iplier’s office, “this is of the utmost importance, and we want only the best to help us get what we need.”
I̡̛͠'̢͢m̛͡͡ ̢n̡̡ơ͞t̨ ̶҉a̴̧ ͡d͘e̴͜ĺ̢̨į͘v́͡è̵͠r̵y͝ ̵̨͢b҉ơỳ͟ ͜Anti said coldly as he crossed his leg and stared down the other man.  
“And…and I understand that,” the doctor stuttered, “but we’ve run out of options here.”
T̵́͠ḩ͏ęn̛̕̕ ͟҉g͜e̸̡t̴̕҉ ́t̷͝h̷a͏͘͝t͝ ͜p̨͝o͢͞m͏p҉̨o̵̧͝u̶s̀͠͝ ̀b̡̧̛ąs̨̛t̵a҉r̢̛d̶͡ ͏͠҉D̨a̷ŕ̶̛ḱ̡ ̛t͏͡o͟ ͟҉d̶͝o̸ ̴̧͜y͜͠ǫ̸ų̶҉r͜ ̡̕d͞͏͠i̕r̡̢͞t̨̢͘ỳ̶̴ ͡w̶͡͞o̧͡ŗk̛ Anti spat once more, and Doctor Iplier sighed deeply and rubbed his face.  
“We’ve tried, but you know how he is,” the doctor said with a deep sigh. Anti stayed silent, but at the mere thought of Dark's face Anti couldn't keep himself from glitching; ripping at his hair to try and pull his head off and clawing at the bandaging protecting his neck. It was only for a moment, a blink and you'd miss it moment, but Doctor Iplier still saw it. The other man watched him wide-eyed for a moment like he had just seen a ghost.
Wh͘a҉͏t̛ ̶͘d҉̴͝o̡̡҉ ͏y̸o̶̡u̕͜ ̨̨̕ne͏̴͞ȩ̨̛d̀͜͜? He asked after a few tense moments, and the Doctor sank slightly with relief.
"A willing test subject," the Doctor answered eagerly, "I would go out and find one myself, but I've been so tied up here that I just haven't had the time." From somewhere else in the building, another machine kicked on, some type of saw by Anti's guess, and then there was a massive pop that echoed even in the Doctor's office.
A̴̕ǹyt̶̕hi҉̕ń̸̡g̢҉̸ ̴e҉͞l̸s̀͞e̵͞?̴҉
"That's as much as I can tell you at the moment," the Doctor apologized, but was afraid to meet his gaze, but Anti didn't really care. He'd do this for them, and then leave them to whatever fucked up experiments they decided to perform.  
F͢͡i͘͜͏n͘e͟҉ Anti said as he leaned back and crossed his arms. He glitched slightly, a controlled one this time. He had his knife in his hand and was lunging towards the Doctor with a twisted grin. Doctor Iplier startled back slightly at the illusion, and Anti felt fear roll off him in waves.
"T...Thank you..." He stuttered out. Anti stood and left as the Doctor shook slightly in his chair. The coppery scent of blood filled the waiting room as he walked out the front door, and he thought briefly what sort of fucked up mess he had agreed to.
It was easy enough to find a "willing" test subject. An older man, maybe in his late 50s, practically threw himself at his feet when Anti was out on his nightly hunt. The feeble man said he had nothing left to live for, and Anti could tell. Ripped clothes and was nothing but skin and bones, homeless by his guess. Anti would've just killed him on the spot, gauged out his eyes and made him an example for the rest of them, but he said he'd bring them someone, and the old bastard would have to do.
They must have cleaned the place up since he had last been there because the air smelled as much like a true hospital as one can in an abandoned warehouse. The floors had been scrubbed and flowers had even been set up in a little vase. Doctor Iplier was waiting for them as they walked in alongside a tall, green hair man, Doctor Schneeplestein he presumed.
"Velcome! Velcome!" Doctor Schneep greeted the man with his arms out wide, "You vust be  Carter!"
"That's me..." The man said hoarsely. Anti stepped out away from them as the two men walked off through another door into the main theater.
"Don't vook so gloom!" The German man shouted, "You vill be a part of history today!" Anti was about to turn and walk out of the warehouse before he felt a hand claps him on the shoulder. He involuntarily sent a bolt of electricity up Doctor Iplier's hand as the man yelped and pulled back.
"Schneep asked that you stayed and watched," he said as he shook his hand. Anti arched an eyebrow, "We aren't very...creditable people to quote from and..."
A̷͘n͏d ͡yo͝u̶͘ ̨͞t͏h͞͞i̶n̷҉͟k̀͟ ̀͟͡I ̴a̡̛m̷?҉̷ Anti hissed and Iplier ducked his head. I͢ ̛̀͢d̴́i̴̴͟d̸̕͟ ̴w͜h͘a͝͏͢t͢͢ y̕͟͠o҉̀u͠ ҉͝a̷s͝k̡̛͠ę̸d̡́͢
"Of course," he said softly, and Anti turned to go.
"Mr. Anti!" Doctor Schneep shouted from the doorway, "Von't you ve staying?"
I̡ h͘a̷͡vę mòr͞e҉͏̕ ͢i͏͜m̕p̧̨͟o͏̀r̵̸̡t̡̡͡án͡t t̷̕͝h̷̡͡i̸̢͟n͜g̡͡ş͘ ̷̨͠t̸̛͜o̡ ̢d̢́̕o̷̷ Anti replied with a small glitch of his hand. He had hoped the small movement would have scared the German doctor like it did Iplier, but it did the opposite.
"You seem to have a very vad twich, Mr. Anti," he said, and Anti turned to look at the Doctor, "And zhe bandaging on your neck could be changed..." Now it was Anti's turn to be surprised; No one had extended a hand to him like this, not in a hundred years. He hadn't considered the possibility of befriending the German doctor...
"Vut only if you see vhat we have planned!" He said with a cheeky grin and Anti scoffed. There always was a catch, but he'd be lying if he didn't say he wasn't the least bit curious.
L̸͜e̸͏t's̛ ̷̷͏ś̡e̴̴e̢͞ ̶i̧͜t͏͘ ͞t̵͢he̶ǹ͝ Schneep whipped back into the theater and Iplier quickly followed with Anti not far behind.
Carter was topless sitting on the bloody operating table. Schneep shuffled through some papers as Iplier began preparing different medical tools. Anti stood back near some deadly looking equipment as Schneep explained what the experiment was.
"Have you every vondered if zhere was a God, Carter?" Schneep asked as Carter signed different papers, "Zhe all vighty creator?"
"I guess..." He mumbled, "I stopped believing in God a long time ago…”
“Vut you did believe in them, yes?”
“Years ago, yeah…” he answered as Schneep took the papers from his hand, and twirled around in a grand fashion as he grabbed an alcohol swab, and cleaned a section of his back.  
"Zhere was an experiment done years ago to zee if humans could speak vith our creator, vut zhe results vere lost!" He said enthusiastically flicking a hand in the air, "Vut, if ve can recreate zhe experiment and publish zhe results..."
"We can we famous?" Carter suggested, and Schneep slapped him on the back with a loud clap.
"Zat's my boy!" He cried with a broad grin, but Anti could feel that something wasn't right. Someone wasn't telling the whole truth, "Now, you vill feel a slight pinch, and vour eyes and hearing vill go out vor a bit, vut I need you to tell us vhat you hear and see!"
"Ok..." Carter replied, suddenly energetic and excited at the thought of becoming the first human to speak with God. Doctor Iplier handed Schneep a syringe filled with a sickly black liquid, and he positioned it just above his lower back, above his spine. Carter looked up at Anti, and he watched as Schneep stuck the needle in; Carter seized up, and Anti watched the color completely drain from the irises of his eyes turning them from a soft caramel brown to a ghostly white. His skin began to pale as Schneep pulled the needle out, and looked around to Carter's face.
"How is zit, Carter?" He asked and waved in front of his face, "Carter?" He snapped his fingers by his ears a few times but got no response. Carter just sat as still as stone on the operating table as Iplier took a few notes.
"That took less time than I expected," Iplier commented as Schneep whipped down the needle, and set it back with the rest of the tools, "Let's hope it'll keep him out until this is all done."
"Zhe odds are zhat he won't be around long enough for him to get it back," Schneep said grimly with a shrug, "Vut, zat is zhe price we pay for knowledge." So that was what they were hiding; Carter most likely wouldn't make it out of the experiment alive, and Anti guessed that whatever they injected him with completely knocked out his senses, at least hearing and sight anyway.
"Shall ve, Mr. Anti?" Schneep asked as he quickly slid on a pair of latex gloves, and grabbed a "clean" stitching kit from the table, "Doctor Iplier vill be vatching our patient vhile I clean you up." Anti didn't expect the Doctor to keep true to his promise, but he looked ready to go. Still, it could be a trap to use Anti in an experiment of his own, but he felt that the good doctor was smart than that.
The pair crossed back out of the theater and into Doctor Schneeplestein's office, which was the opposite of Doctor Iplier's office; Messy and unorganized with books and paper scattered everywhere as well as empty bottles of scotch whiskey. Anti sat in the cleanest seat available, and Schneep began unwrapping the dirty, blood caked bandages from around his neck.
Y͏̛ǫ̴u̡ kne͝͏w̷ t̕͟͜h̵̢͞at̷͘̕ ̨̕h҉̸̶e͏̡ ̴̷͝wou͞l͏d́͏̛ ͢d̸͢i̧ȩ̨͝ Anti stated as he felt his homemade stitchings stick and rip at the bandage. It smelled like rotting flesh, and there was a good chance it was already infected given how poor of a job he had done.
"Ve cut off every sense in zhe human body," he said as he finished unwrapping the bandage and tossed it to the side. He took out a pair of medical scissors and started cutting away at the stitch work, and Anti felt the first drops of fresh blood roll from his neck, "Even if he did survive, he vould not truly live."
H͟ȩ́ ̷w̧͘a̡̛s̛͘͠ ̴͘a̶͡ ̷҉͟h̀͠o͞m̢͏e͝l͢͝e̕͠ś̢҉s͢ ͡͠b҉e̵͢͟g̸͞g̨a͜r̷  Anti added H͏e̵͠͞ ̴̢ẃ͡͏o̡u̴l͘dń͝'͜t̷ ͘h͟av̕͝ȩ̛ ̡͢l̴̕͠i͏̡͝v͞e҉d͟ ͏͘m̵͘u͠͠c͢͝͞h̛͠ ̀҉l͟͞o̡ņge̷͡r͟ ̵́ha̸d̵̨ ̸͠Í̸ ̶̛͠fo҉u͏n͢d̸ ́͟͝h̛̕͞im͡ ̧͏a̧͝ń̶̷o̷̡th̷e͜͝r͏͠ ͞t͜i͜m̶e
"Yes, I have seen your vork before," Schneep said as he placed a gloved hand under Anti chin and lifted his head to check his bleeding slit, "Ocular trauma and slit throats seem to ve your specialty and zhat strange ability you have..." Schneep waved it off, and moved to the other side of his neck and started cut away the stitching.
"You kept me in vork for quite some time," he said as he cut away the last of the homemade stitches and handed Anti a rag to clean the blood pouring from his now open slit, "You vere very messy at virst." Anti didn't answer and simply held the cloth tight to his neck before Schneep pulled it away with a needle ready in his hand. Anti barely felt the small pinprick pierce his skin or the strange feeling of his skin being pulled together on its own; he only hoped that Schneeplestein would do it right the first time.
"Vall done," he said as he knotted the thread and cut it. Anti carefully rubbed the stitching as he dug out a fresh roll of bandages, and noticed how clean and smooth it was; it was so much better than the butched job he had done. Schneep quickly wrapped fresh bandage wrapped the stitching, and both men were back outside the theater where Anti could faintly hear Carter speaking, but it was too muffled and slurred for him to understand.
"Zhank you for your help, Anti." Schneep said with a slight bow, "Anytime vou need to be restitched or a place to hide, vou are alvays velcome here." Schneep didn't wait for a reply as he turned and walked back into the theater leaving Anti alone, once more, in the waiting room. He tugged slightly at the tightness of his bandaging before walking out into the growing night.
Anti ended up back there a week later; a nasty fight between him and a former friend of his left him with nasty gashes and wounds all over his body. Normally, he would have stitched himself up, but Doctor Schneeplestein had helped him once, surely he'd do it again.
Both doctors were in the wide open theater when Anti walked in. Carter was strapped down to the operating table with multiple gashes and chunks taken out of his arms and legs; his unblinking eyes poured slightly red tears and an IV was hooked to his arm.
"It just...doesn't make any sense!" Iplier cried as he threw a wad of paper across the room in frustration, "Why have all his vitals suddenly dropped?" Anti just stood off the side as Schneep stood and looked at Carter from the other side of the theater.
"Maybe he did hear something?" He suggested, "He said a vew days ago zhat he could hear the dead, and ve vrote it off as zhe start of psychosis."
"You think he was telling the truth?" Iplier asked, and Schneep sighed deeply and rubbed his face with his hands.
"Zhe zhings he said..." He said quietly, "Oh, Zoey my sweet..." Suddenly, Schneep whipped his head towards the door where Anti stood, and his eyes brightened with a smile beneath his doctors mask.
"Anti! Vhat brings vou back?" He asked cheerfully as if what he had just said never happened. Anti limped over into the light, but Schneep met him halfway.
"Goodness me!" He cried as he carefully prodded on of the gashes in Anti’s arms, "Ve need to get you stitched up vight away!" Anti was about to speak, but the sound of a sped up heart monitor cut both of them off. All heads turned towards Carter whos own head had rolled towards Schneep; his ghostly white eyes had focused in on the doctor as more tears flowed from his eyes.
"I have spoken with God," he spoke clearly and cleanly, "And they have abandoned us..." His eyes rolled back, and the heart monitor flatlined as Iplier and Schneep sprang into action to try and revive him...but it was too late. It was as if the man had become nothing more than a lifelike doll, so stiff and lifeless. Neither Schneep nor Iplier could find a cause of death, and after Carter's last words, neither wanted to know what had taken him so fast.
And there we go! day two is done! I didn’t think this would be as much fun as it is, but holy shit its great and its only day two! Tomorrows prompt is Abandonment and I've got two as a little teaser of sorts.
Red. Room.
@thedarkenedkeeper @fear-is-nameless @haveaverynicetime @steffid101
@therealjacksepticeye @markiplier
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kawaiianimeredhead · 6 years
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@ijustcantwaittobeme hi!
Thanks for the reply and encouragement!
I actually have a lot of ideas for the narrative kinds! Theres several channels I follow that do really neat (and extremely relaxing) ones that honestly make me feel really inspired (and relaxed and sleepy). They are very very well thought out and creative in ways that give me all kinds of ideas for my own take on things and my own original stuff.
One person in particular that I watch does almoat exclusively narrative videos that are all connected. Hes created his own kind of world with like a dozen or so characters and lore. Different videos will have refrences to previous ones in that kinda cheeky way of like a joke or a subtle (or not) easter egg. As far as I can tell there isnt a specific over arching plot to the whole, but I think it works with this medium since it is ment to be relaxing and most if not all have goal of putting the viewer to sleep which could make plots a but difficult, but theres themes and jokes that carry over enough to make it fun. For example, he had a video that took place in a lost and found which set up for lost of items from other videos to appear and chances to reference other characters.
A lot of the ideas ive had so far are heavily based in stories I thought of when I was younger, some I attempted to write down and other I juat kept in my head but all ones I had trouble expressing? Especially the ones I actually attempted to write. Its possible if I kept at it I could get them down in written form or maybe a different style of video? But at the sams time this feels Right. The close personalness of it, just seems like a fun place to play around with. Maybe its because I always had trouble writing in third person and also constantly would create characters that were very obviously self inserted lol
I also have some ideas for some of the non narrative things, although thats a little more broad because it can just be like "tapping" and boom thats like its own video. But every now and then ill be doing something and thing about how nice it sounds and how id think other people in to ASMR might like it. I think I had another thought about this but forgot it oops
For as long as I can remember ive been a pretty quiet person. Maybe not always in voice, I get very excited sometimes, but in action. I constantly scare my parents and sometimes friends because I dont walk loudly and never know how to announce my presence (after a while id start purposely shuffling my feet of sniffleing as I walked up vut sometimes I forget or they still dont hear ) so theres this kind of Fit I feel in the ASMR genre. And I feel like if I just had microphones attached to me for a day id have a pretty decent video once all the obviously loud sounds were edited out all by accident tbh
And youre absolutely right about equipment, I know theres plenty and cheap starting points that I probably will go for once I start. The biggest hurdle right now is motivation and premptive overwhelming-ness/anxiety about findinf a starting point. I am very bad at starting things... And some times continuing them, but especially the starting point.
Another factor is just my environment. I plan to move in November which is when I really do want to Start something with this, but right now my house feels really Tired and just kinda meh which is doesn't help the motivation problem and really doesnr seem like a good setting for relaxing based videos...
And lastly, its silly in a way, but I already have a specific microphone in mind. i don't know if its exactly the "best" and I think a decent amount of the channels I watch have changed to different microphones, but its a microphone that all the channels I watched have had at one time or another so thered a weird like Thing with it in me lol. Its not what these channels started with, I know I could start with something else, but im weirdly atrached to this one. Its a binaural Mic that has silocone (or something like that) ears. I think theyre neat. The cheapest one they have isnt actually that bad, a bit up there but doable for me, but because I havent read around on whereever ASMR video making advice would ve (probably reddit) I'm not sure what else I might need? And then since I plan to ve moving I have a hesitence about buying anything. Moving shouldnt really ve that expensive, I'm not going far, but since id be on my own theres a part of me that keeps screaming and reminding me about money and like respisible things or whatever (theres also a dad giving bi-weekly lectures about spending habits) and so that also kinda stops me?
I think I got all my thoughts lol, my dog abd my stomach distracted me a couple times and I typed all this on my phone so I may have more I forgot about but eh
It all really has been on my mind a lot lately which has been fun ans exciting. And so i get kind lost in it all. Its kinda a weird thing and I know its not for everyone, but the parts of the youtube ive been around in have been really fun and lovely. Theres so many wonderful creators that, imo, are doing so many wonderful things and idk I just wanna join it? Join them. And its fun and exciting!
And its always ok to comment! I'm just super bad at responding abd replying 😖 I get distracted and forgetful...
0 notes
Egotober Day 2-Experiment (Reposting cause tumblr is stupid)
Happy day two of Egotober! Todays prompt is Experiment and it’s that boy Anti, Schneep, and Doctor Iplier! This is based around the creepy pasta Gateway to the mind and if you haven’t read it then I highly suggest you do it is really really good. I wanted to play around with Doctor Iplier a bit and I figured this would be a good time so here we go!!!
Anti was never one for wondering how or why humans did what they did. They were all selfish and cruel at heart no matter how they tried to hide it; even at a young age. It was easier for him to accept it and ignore their pleas for mercy and bargains to cheat death rather than play the moral police. That wasn’t his job.
So, he was surprised when he had received word that a doctor wanted to speak with them, two doctors in fact. He had thought that his reputation would have spread enough that people would know that he takes lives, not save them.
Still, he had nothing better to do, and if things didn’t go his way then he could always just kill them. He had never killed a doctor before; maybe he’d do it anyway after he’d seen what they wanted. Maybe steal some of their tools and supplies to add a bit of spice to his killings…
They had asked him to meet them at their “office” on the south side of town, but anything on the south side of town was run down or run by crack heads, and sure enough, their “office” was really an old abandoned warehouse by the river, but that wasn’t the interesting part for him.
“Ah! Velcome velcome!” A voice greeted as Anti walked through the crudely made front door, “I Vill be Reich there!” Anti took a seat in what he guessed was supposed to be the waiting room as the sound of a power drill kicked on. The sound of bone breaking and cracking was muffled by the closed door and walls, but Anti knew that sound anywhere. He eyed the somewhat sadistic poster of a kitten hanging from a branch with the words “Hang in there!” written below him as a door creaked open.
“I didn’t think you’d get our message so soon.” Another voice said. Anti looked and saw a dark-haired man in a bloodstained lab coat, “Please, come. We have much to discuss.”
Anti stood and followed. He should have known that it would have been someone like Doctor Iplier that would have requested someone like him, and if Iplier was here, then odds are the other Doctor was Doctor Schneeplstein, the mystery German doctor that had been kicked out of more medical schools and hospitals than one could count.
“Thank you for coming,” he said as they walked into Iplier’s office, “this is of the utmost importance, and we want only the best to help us get what we need.”
I̡̛͠'̢͢m̛͡͡ ̢n̡̡ơ͞t̨ ̶҉a̴̧ ͡d͘e̴͜ĺ̢̨į͘v́͡è̵͠r̵y͝ ̵̨͢b҉ơỳ͟ ͜Anti said coldly as he crossed his leg and stared down the other man.
“And…and I understand that,” the doctor stuttered, “but we’ve run out of options here.”
T̵́͠ḩ͏ęn̛̕̕ ͟҉g͜e̸̡t̴̕҉ ́t̷͝h̷a͏͘͝t͝ ͜p̨͝o͢͞m͏p҉̨o̵̧͝u̶s̀͠͝ ̀b̡̧̛ąs̨̛t̵a҉r̢̛d̶͡ ͏͠҉D̨a̷ŕ̶̛ḱ̡ ̛t͏͡o͟ ͟҉d̶͝o̸ ̴̧͜y͜͠ǫ̸ų̶҉r͜ ̡̕d͞͏͠i̕r̡̢͞t̨̢͘ỳ̶̴ ͡w̶͡͞o̧͡ŗk̛ Anti spat once more, and Doctor Iplier sighed deeply and rubbed his face.
“We’ve tried, but you know how he is,” the doctor said with a deep sigh. Anti stayed silent, but at the mere thought of Dark’s face Anti couldn’t keep himself from glitching; ripping at his hair to try and pull his head off and clawing at the bandaging protecting his neck. It was only for a moment, a blink and you’d miss it moment, but Doctor Iplier still saw it. The other man watched him wide-eyed for a moment like he had just seen a ghost.
Wh͘a҉͏t̛ ̶͘d҉̴͝o̡̡҉ ͏y̸o̶̡u̕͜ ̨̨̕ne͏̴͞ȩ̨̛d̀͜͜? He asked after a few tense moments, and the Doctor sank slightly with relief.
“A willing test subject,” the Doctor answered eagerly, “I would go out and find one myself, but I’ve been so tied up here that I just haven’t had the time.” From somewhere else in the building, another machine kicked on, some type of saw by Anti’s guess, and then there was a massive pop that echoed even in the Doctor’s office.
A̴̕ǹyt̶̕hi҉̕ń̸̡g̢҉̸ ̴e҉͞l̸s̀͞e̵͞?̴҉
“That’s as much as I can tell you at the moment,” the Doctor apologized, but was afraid to meet his gaze, but Anti didn’t really care. He’d do this for them, and then leave them to whatever fucked up experiments they decided to perform.
F͢͡i͘͜͏n͘e͟҉ Anti said as he leaned back and crossed his arms. He glitched slightly, a controlled one this time. He had his knife in his hand and was lunging towards the Doctor with a twisted grin. Doctor Iplier startled back slightly at the illusion, and Anti felt fear roll off him in waves.
“T…Thank you…” He stuttered out. Anti stood and left as the Doctor shook slightly in his chair. The coppery scent of blood filled the waiting room as he walked out the front door, and he thought briefly what sort of fucked up mess he had agreed to.
It was easy enough to find a “willing” test subject. An older man, maybe in his late 50s, practically threw himself at his feet when Anti was out on his nightly hunt. The feeble man said he had nothing left to live for, and Anti could tell. Ripped clothes and was nothing but skin and bones, homeless by his guess. Anti would’ve just killed him on the spot, gauged out his eyes and made him an example for the rest of them, but he said he’d bring them someone, and the old bastard would have to do.
They must have cleaned the place up since he had last been there because the air smelled as much like a true hospital as one can in an abandoned warehouse. The floors had been scrubbed and flowers had even been set up in a little vase. Doctor Iplier was waiting for them as they walked in alongside a tall, green hair man, Doctor Schneeplestein he presumed.
“Velcome! Velcome!” Doctor Schneep greeted the man with his arms out wide, “You vust be Carter!”
“That’s me…” The man said hoarsely. Anti stepped out away from them as the two men walked off through another door into the main theater.
“Don’t vook so gloom!” The German man shouted, “You vill be a part of history today!” Anti was about to turn and walk out of the warehouse before he felt a hand claps him on the shoulder. He involuntarily sent a bolt of electricity up Doctor Iplier’s hand as the man yelped and pulled back.
“Schneep asked that you stayed and watched,” he said as he shook his hand. Anti arched an eyebrow, “We aren’t very…creditable people to quote from and…”
A̷͘n͏d ͡yo͝u̶͘ ̨͞t͏h͞͞i̶n̷҉͟k̀͟ ̀͟͡I ̴a̡̛m̷?҉̷ Anti hissed and Iplier ducked his head. I͢ ̛̀͢d̴́i̴̴͟d̸̕͟ ̴w͜h͘a͝͏͢t͢͢ y̕͟͠o҉̀u͠ ҉͝a̷s͝k̡̛͠ę̸d̡́͢
“Of course,” he said softly, and Anti turned to go.
“Mr. Anti!” Doctor Schneep shouted from the doorway, “Von’t you ve staying?”
I̡ h͘a̷͡vę mòr͞e҉͏̕ ͢i͏͜m̕p̧̨͟o͏̀r̵̸̡t̡̡͡án͡t t̷̕͝h̷̡͡i̸̢͟n͜g̡͡ş͘ ̷̨͠t̸̛͜o̡ ̢d̢́̕o̷̷ Anti replied with a small glitch of his hand. He had hoped the small movement would have scared the German doctor like it did Iplier, but it did the opposite.
“You seem to have a very vad twich, Mr. Anti,” he said, and Anti turned to look at the Doctor, “And zhe bandaging on your neck could be changed…” Now it was Anti’s turn to be surprised; No one had extended a hand to him like this, not in a hundred years. He hadn’t considered the possibility of befriending the German doctor…
“Vut only if you see vhat we have planned!” He said with a cheeky grin and Anti scoffed. There always was a catch, but he’d be lying if he didn’t say he wasn’t the least bit curious.
L̸͜e̸͏t's̛ ̷̷͏ś̡e̴̴e̢͞ ̶i̧͜t͏͘ ͞t̵͢he̶ǹ͝ Schneep whipped back into the theater and Iplier quickly followed with Anti not far behind.
Carter was topless sitting on the bloody operating table. Schneep shuffled through some papers as Iplier began preparing different medical tools. Anti stood back near some deadly looking equipment as Schneep explained what the experiment was.
“Have you every vondered if zhere was a God, Carter?” Schneep asked as Carter signed different papers, “Zhe all vighty creator?”
“I guess…” He mumbled, “I stopped believing in God a long time ago…”
“Vut you did believe in them, yes?”
“Years ago, yeah…” he answered as Schneep took the papers from his hand, and twirled around in a grand fashion as he grabbed an alcohol swab, and cleaned a section of his back.
“Zhere was an experiment done years ago to zee if humans could speak vith our creator, vut zhe results vere lost!” He said enthusiastically flicking a hand in the air, “Vut, if ve can recreate zhe experiment and publish zhe results…”
“We can we famous?” Carter suggested, and Schneep slapped him on the back with a loud clap.
“Zat’s my boy!” He cried with a broad grin, but Anti could feel that something wasn’t right. Someone wasn’t telling the whole truth, “Now, you vill feel a slight pinch, and vour eyes and hearing vill go out vor a bit, vut I need you to tell us vhat you hear and see!”
“Ok…” Carter replied, suddenly energetic and excited at the thought of becoming the first human to speak with God. Doctor Iplier handed Schneep a syringe filled with a sickly black liquid, and he positioned it just above his lower back, above his spine. Carter looked up at Anti, and he watched as Schneep stuck the needle in; Carter seized up, and Anti watched the color completely drain from the irises of his eyes turning them from a soft caramel brown to a ghostly white. His skin began to pale as Schneep pulled the needle out, and looked around to Carter’s face.
“How is zit, Carter?” He asked and waved in front of his face, “Carter?” He snapped his fingers by his ears a few times but got no response. Carter just sat as still as stone on the operating table as Iplier took a few notes.
“That took less time than I expected,” Iplier commented as Schneep whipped down the needle, and set it back with the rest of the tools, “Let’s hope it’ll keep him out until this is all done.”
“Zhe odds are zhat he won’t be around long enough for him to get it back,” Schneep said grimly with a shrug, “Vut, zat is zhe price we pay for knowledge.” So that was what they were hiding; Carter most likely wouldn’t make it out of the experiment alive, and Anti guessed that whatever they injected him with completely knocked out his senses, at least hearing and sight anyway.
“Shall ve, Mr. Anti?” Schneep asked as he quickly slid on a pair of latex gloves, and grabbed a “clean” stitching kit from the table, “Doctor Iplier vill be vatching our patient vhile I clean you up.” Anti didn’t expect the Doctor to keep true to his promise, but he looked ready to go. Still, it could be a trap to use Anti in an experiment of his own, but he felt that the good doctor was smart than that.
The pair crossed back out of the theater and into Doctor Schneeplestein’s office, which was the opposite of Doctor Iplier’s office; Messy and unorganized with books and paper scattered everywhere as well as empty bottles of scotch whiskey. Anti sat in the cleanest seat available, and Schneep began unwrapping the dirty, blood caked bandages from around his neck.
Y͏̛ǫ̴u̡ kne͝͏w̷ t̕͟͜h̵̢͞at̷͘̕ ̨̕h҉̸̶e͏̡ ̴̷͝wou͞l͏d́͏̛ ͢d̸͢i̧ȩ̨͝ Anti stated as he felt his homemade stitchings stick and rip at the bandage. It smelled like rotting flesh, and there was a good chance it was already infected given how poor of a job he had done.
“Ve cut off every sense in zhe human body,” he said as he finished unwrapping the bandage and tossed it to the side. He took out a pair of medical scissors and started cutting away at the stitch work, and Anti felt the first drops of fresh blood roll from his neck, “Even if he did survive, he vould not truly live.”
H͟ȩ́ ̷w̧͘a̡̛s̛͘͠ ̴͘a̶͡ ̷҉͟h̀͠o͞m̢͏e͝l͢͝e̕͠ś̢҉s͢ ͡͠b҉e̵͢͟g̸͞g̨a͜r̷ Anti added H͏e̵͠͞ ̴̢ẃ͡͏o̡u̴l͘dń͝'͜t̷ ͘h͟av̕͝ȩ̛ ̡͢l̴̕͠i͏̡͝v͞e҉d͟ ͏͘m̵͘u͠��c͢͝͞h̛͠ ̀҉l͟͞o̡ņge̷͡r͟ ̵́ha̸d̵̨ ̸͠Í̸ ̶̛͠fo҉u͏n͢d̸ ́͟͝h̛̕͞im͡ ̧͏a̧͝ń̶̷o̷̡th̷e͜͝r͏͠ ͞t͜i͜m̶e
“Yes, I have seen your vork before,” Schneep said as he placed a gloved hand under Anti chin and lifted his head to check his bleeding slit, “Ocular trauma and slit throats seem to ve your specialty and zhat strange ability you have…” Schneep waved it off, and moved to the other side of his neck and started cut away the stitching.
“You kept me in vork for quite some time,” he said as he cut away the last of the homemade stitches and handed Anti a rag to clean the blood pouring from his now open slit, “You vere very messy at virst.” Anti didn’t answer and simply held the cloth tight to his neck before Schneep pulled it away with a needle ready in his hand. Anti barely felt the small pinprick pierce his skin or the strange feeling of his skin being pulled together on its own; he only hoped that Schneeplestein would do it right the first time.
“Vall done,” he said as he knotted the thread and cut it. Anti carefully rubbed the stitching as he dug out a fresh roll of bandages, and noticed how clean and smooth it was; it was so much better than the butched job he had done. Schneep quickly wrapped fresh bandage wrapped the stitching, and both men were back outside the theater where Anti could faintly hear Carter speaking, but it was too muffled and slurred for him to understand.
“Zhank you for your help, Anti.” Schneep said with a slight bow, “Anytime vou need to be restitched or a place to hide, vou are alvays velcome here.” Schneep didn’t wait for a reply as he turned and walked back into the theater leaving Anti alone, once more, in the waiting room. He tugged slightly at the tightness of his bandaging before walking out into the growing night.
Anti ended up back there a week later; a nasty fight between him and a former friend of his left him with nasty gashes and wounds all over his body. Normally, he would have stitched himself up, but Doctor Schneeplestein had helped him once, surely he’d do it again.
Both doctors were in the wide open theater when Anti walked in. Carter was strapped down to the operating table with multiple gashes and chunks taken out of his arms and legs; his unblinking eyes poured slightly red tears and an IV was hooked to his arm.
“It just…doesn’t make any sense!” Iplier cried as he threw a wad of paper across the room in frustration, “Why have all his vitals suddenly dropped?” Anti just stood off the side as Schneep stood and looked at Carter from the other side of the theater.
“Maybe he did hear something?” He suggested, “He said a vew days ago zhat he could hear the dead, and ve vrote it off as zhe start of psychosis.”
“You think he was telling the truth?” Iplier asked, and Schneep sighed deeply and rubbed his face with his hands.
“Zhe zhings he said…” He said quietly, “Oh, Zoey my sweet…” Suddenly, Schneep whipped his head towards the door where Anti stood, and his eyes brightened with a smile beneath his doctors mask.
“Anti! Vhat brings vou back?” He asked cheerfully as if what he had just said never happened. Anti limped over into the light, but Schneep met him halfway.
“Goodness me!” He cried as he carefully prodded on of the gashes in Anti’s arms, “Ve need to get you stitched up vight away!” Anti was about to speak, but the sound of a sped up heart monitor cut both of them off. All heads turned towards Carter whos own head had rolled towards Schneep; his ghostly white eyes had focused in on the doctor as more tears flowed from his eyes.
“I have spoken with God,” he spoke clearly and cleanly, “And they have abandoned us…” His eyes rolled back, and the heart monitor flatlined as Iplier and Schneep sprang into action to try and revive him…but it was too late. It was as if the man had become nothing more than a lifelike doll, so stiff and lifeless. Neither Schneep nor Iplier could find a cause of death, and after Carter’s last words, neither wanted to know what had taken him so fast.
And there we go! day two is done! I didn’t think this would be as much fun as it is, but holy shit its great and its only day two! Tomorrows prompt is Abandonment and I’ve got two as a little teaser of sorts.
Red. Room.
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